# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # #-- # Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Thomas Leitner # # This file is part of kramdown which is licensed under the MIT. #++ # require 'prawn' require 'kramdown/utils/entities' require 'open-uri' module Kramdown module Converter # Converts an element tree to a PDF using the prawn PDF library. # # This basic version provides a nice starting point for customizations but can also be used # directly. # # There can be the following two methods for each element type: render_TYPE(el, opts) and # TYPE_options(el, opts) where +el+ is a kramdown element and +opts+ an hash with rendering # options. # # The render_TYPE(el, opts) is used for rendering the specific element. If the element is a span # element, it should return a hash or an array of hashes that can be used by the #formatted_text # method of Prawn::Document. This method can then be used in block elements to actually render # the span elements. # # The rendering options are passed from the parent to its child elements. This allows one to # define general options at the top of the tree (the root element) that can later be changed or # amended. # # # Currently supports the conversion of all elements except those of the following types: # # :html_element, :img, :footnote # # class Pdf < Base include Prawn::Measurements def initialize(root, options) super @stack = [] @dests = {} end # PDF templates are applied before conversion. They should contain code to augment the # converter object (i.e. to override the methods). def apply_template_before? true end # Returns +false+. def apply_template_after? false end DISPATCHER_RENDER = Hash.new {|h,k| h[k] = "render_#{k}"} #:nodoc: DISPATCHER_OPTIONS = Hash.new {|h,k| h[k] = "#{k}_options"} #:nodoc: # Invoke the special rendering method for the given element +el+. # # A PDF destination is also added at the current location if th element has an ID or if the # element is of type :header and the :auto_ids option is set. def convert(el, opts = {}) id = el.attr['id'] id = generate_id(el.options[:raw_text]) if !id && @options[:auto_ids] && el.type == :header if !id.to_s.empty? && !@dests.has_key?(id) @pdf.add_dest(id, @pdf.dest_xyz(0, @pdf.y)) @dests[id] = @pdf.dest_xyz(0, @pdf.y) end send(DISPATCHER_RENDER[el.type], el, opts) end protected # Render the children of this element with the given options and return the results as array. # # Each time a child is rendered, the +TYPE_options+ method is invoked (if it exists) to get # the specific options for the element with which the given options are updated. def inner(el, opts) @stack.push([el, opts]) result = el.children.map do |inner_el| options = opts.dup options.update(send(DISPATCHER_OPTIONS[inner_el.type], inner_el, options)) convert(inner_el, options) end.flatten.compact @stack.pop result end # ---------------------------- # :section: Element rendering methods # ---------------------------- def root_options(root, opts) {:font => 'Times-Roman', :size => 12, :leading => 2} end def render_root(root, opts) @pdf = setup_document(root) inner(root, root_options(root, opts)) create_outline(root) finish_document(root) @pdf.render end def header_options(el, opts) size = opts[:size] * 1.15**(6 - el.options[:level]) { :font => "Helvetica", :styles => (opts[:styles] || []) + [:bold], :size => size, :bottom_padding => opts[:size], :top_padding => opts[:size] } end def render_header(el, opts) render_padded_and_formatted_text(el, opts) end def p_options(el, opts) bpad = (el.options[:transparent] ? opts[:leading] : opts[:size]) {:align => :justify, :bottom_padding => bpad} end def render_p(el, opts) if el.children.size == 1 && el.children.first.type == :img render_standalone_image(el, opts) else render_padded_and_formatted_text(el, opts) end end def render_standalone_image(el, opts) img = el.children.first if img.attr['src'].empty? warning("Rendering an image without a source is not possible") return nil elsif img.attr['src'] !~ /\.jpe?g$|\.png$/ warning("Cannot render images other than JPEG or PNG, got #{img.attr['src']}") return nil end img_dirs = (@options[:image_directories] || ['.']).dup begin img_path = File.join(img_dirs.shift, img.attr['src']) image_obj, image_info = @pdf.build_image_object(open(img_path)) rescue img_dirs.empty? ? raise : retry end options = {:position => :center} if img.attr['height'] && img.attr['height'] =~ /px$/ options[:height] = img.attr['height'].to_i / (@options[:image_dpi] || 150.0) * 72 elsif img.attr['width'] && img.attr['width'] =~ /px$/ options[:width] = img.attr['width'].to_i / (@options[:image_dpi] || 150.0) * 72 else options[:scale] =[(@pdf.bounds.width - mm2pt(20)) / image_info.width.to_f, 1].min end if img.attr['class'] =~ /\bright\b/ options[:position] = :right @pdf.float { @pdf.embed_image(image_obj, image_info, options) } else with_block_padding(el, opts) do @pdf.embed_image(image_obj, image_info, options) end end end def blockquote_options(el, opts) {:styles => [:italic]} end def render_blockquote(el, opts) @pdf.indent(mm2pt(10), mm2pt(10)) { inner(el, opts) } end def ul_options(el, opts) {:bottom_padding => opts[:size]} end def render_ul(el, opts) with_block_padding(el, opts) do el.children.each do |li| @pdf.float { @pdf.formatted_text([text_hash("•", opts)]) } @pdf.indent(mm2pt(6)) { convert(li, opts) } end end end def ol_options(el, opts) {:bottom_padding => opts[:size]} end def render_ol(el, opts) with_block_padding(el, opts) do el.children.each_with_index do |li, index| @pdf.float { @pdf.formatted_text([text_hash("#{index+1}.", opts)]) } @pdf.indent(mm2pt(6)) { convert(li, opts) } end end end def li_options(el, opts) {} end def render_li(el, opts) inner(el, opts) end def dl_options(el, opts) {} end def render_dl(el, opts) inner(el, opts) end def dt_options(el, opts) {:styles => (opts[:styles] || []) + [:bold], :bottom_padding => 0} end def render_dt(el, opts) render_padded_and_formatted_text(el, opts) end def dd_options(el, opts) {} end def render_dd(el, opts) @pdf.indent(mm2pt(10)) { inner(el, opts) } end def math_options(el, opts) {} end def render_math(el, opts) if el.options[:category] == :block @pdf.formatted_text([{:text => el.value}], block_hash(opts)) else {:text => el.value} end end def hr_options(el, opts) {:top_padding => opts[:size], :bottom_padding => opts[:size]} end def render_hr(el, opts) with_block_padding(el, opts) do @pdf.stroke_horizontal_line(@pdf.bounds.left + mm2pt(5), @pdf.bounds.right - mm2pt(5)) end end def codeblock_options(el, opts) { :font => 'Courier', :color => '880000', :bottom_padding => opts[:size] } end def render_codeblock(el, opts) with_block_padding(el, opts) do @pdf.formatted_text([text_hash(el.value, opts, false)], block_hash(opts)) end end def table_options(el, opts) {:bottom_padding => opts[:size]} end def render_table(el, opts) data = [] el.children.each do |container| container.children.each do |row| data << [] row.children.each do |cell| if cell.children.any? {|child| child.options[:category] == :block} warning("Can't render tables with cells containing block elements") return end cell_data = inner(cell, opts) data.last << cell_data.map {|c| c[:text]}.join('') end end end with_block_padding(el, opts) do @pdf.table(data, :width => @pdf.bounds.right) do el.options[:alignment].each_with_index do |alignment, index| columns(index).align = alignment unless alignment == :default end end end end def text_options(el, opts) {} end def render_text(el, opts) text_hash(el.value.to_s, opts) end def em_options(el, opts) if opts[:styles] && opts[:styles].include?(:italic) {:styles => opts[:styles].reject {|i| i == :italic}} else {:styles => (opts[:styles] || []) << :italic} end end def strong_options(el, opts) {:styles => (opts[:styles] || []) + [:bold]} end def a_options(el, opts) hash = {:color => '000088'} if el.attr['href'].start_with?('#') hash[:anchor] = el.attr['href'].sub(/\A#/, '') else hash[:link] = el.attr['href'] end hash end def render_em(el, opts) inner(el, opts) end alias_method :render_strong, :render_em alias_method :render_a, :render_em def codespan_options(el, opts) {:font => 'Courier', :color => '880000'} end def render_codespan(el, opts) text_hash(el.value, opts) end def br_options(el, opts) {} end def render_br(el, opts) text_hash("\n", opts, false) end def smart_quote_options(el, opts) {} end def render_smart_quote(el, opts) text_hash(smart_quote_entity(el).char, opts) end def typographic_sym_options(el, opts) {} end def render_typographic_sym(el, opts) str = if el.value == :laquo_space ::Kramdown::Utils::Entities.entity('laquo').char + ::Kramdown::Utils::Entities.entity('nbsp').char elsif el.value == :raquo_space ::Kramdown::Utils::Entities.entity('raquo').char + ::Kramdown::Utils::Entities.entity('nbsp').char else ::Kramdown::Utils::Entities.entity(el.value.to_s).char end text_hash(str, opts) end def entity_options(el, opts) {} end def render_entity(el, opts) text_hash(el.value.char, opts) end def abbreviation_options(el, opts) {} end def render_abbreviation(el, opts) text_hash(el.value, opts) end def img_options(el, opts) {} end def render_img(el, *args) #:nodoc: warning("Rendering span images is not supported for PDF converter") nil end def xml_comment_options(el, opts) #:nodoc: {} end alias_method :xml_pi_options, :xml_comment_options alias_method :comment_options, :xml_comment_options alias_method :blank_options, :xml_comment_options alias_method :footnote_options, :xml_comment_options alias_method :raw_options, :xml_comment_options alias_method :html_element_options, :xml_comment_options def render_xml_comment(el, opts) #:nodoc: # noop end alias_method :render_xml_pi, :render_xml_comment alias_method :render_comment, :render_xml_comment alias_method :render_blank, :render_xml_comment def render_footnote(el, *args) #:nodoc: warning("Rendering #{el.type} not supported for PDF converter") nil end alias_method :render_raw, :render_footnote alias_method :render_html_element, :render_footnote # ---------------------------- # :section: Organizational methods # # These methods are used, for example, to up the needed Prawn::Document instance or to create # a PDF outline. # ---------------------------- # This module gets mixed into the Prawn::Document instance. module PrawnDocumentExtension # Extension for the formatted box class to recognize images and move text around them. module CustomBox def available_width return super unless @document.respond_to?(:converter) && @document.converter @document.image_floats.each do |pn, x, y, w, h| next if @document.page_number != pn if @at[1] + @baseline_y <= y - @document.bounds.absolute_bottom && (@at[1] + @baseline_y + @arranger.max_line_height + @leading >= y - h - @document.bounds.absolute_bottom) return @width - w end end return super end end Prawn::Text::Formatted::Box.extensions << CustomBox # Access the converter instance from within Prawn attr_accessor :converter def image_floats @image_floats ||= [] end # Override image embedding method for adding image positions to #image_floats. def embed_image(pdf_obj, info, options) # find where the image will be placed and how big it will be w,h = info.calc_image_dimensions(options) if options[:at] x,y = map_to_absolute(options[:at]) else x,y = image_position(w,h,options) move_text_position h end #--> This part is new if options[:position] == :right image_floats << [page_number, x - 15, y, w + 15, h + 15] end # add a reference to the image object to the current page # resource list and give it a label label = "I#{next_image_id}" state.page.xobjects.merge!(label => pdf_obj) # add the image to the current page instruct = "\nq\n%.3f 0 0 %.3f %.3f %.3f cm\n/%s Do\nQ" add_content instruct % [ w, h, x, y - h, label ] end end # Return a hash with options that are suitable for Prawn::Document.new. # # Used in #setup_document. def document_options(root) { :page_size => 'A4', :page_layout => :portrait, :margin => mm2pt(20), :info => { :Creator => 'kramdown PDF converter', :CreationDate => Time.now }, :compress => true, :optimize_objects => true } end # Create a Prawn::Document object and return it. # # Can be used to define repeatable content or register fonts. # # Used in #render_root. def setup_document(root) doc = Prawn::Document.new(document_options(root)) doc.extend(PrawnDocumentExtension) doc.converter = self doc end # # # Used in #render_root. def finish_document(root) # no op end # Create the PDF outline from the header elements in the TOC. def create_outline(root) toc = ::Kramdown::Converter::Toc.convert(root).first text_of_header = lambda do |el| if el.type == :text el.value else el.children.map {|c| text_of_header.call(c)}.join('') end end add_section = lambda do |item, parent| text = text_of_header.call(item.value) destination = @dests[item.attr[:id]] if !parent @pdf.outline.page(:title => text, :destination => destination) else @pdf.outline.add_subsection_to(parent) do @pdf.outline.page(:title => text, :destination => destination) end end item.children.each {|c| add_section.call(c, text)} end toc.children.each do |item| add_section.call(item, nil) end end # ---------------------------- # :section: Helper methods # ---------------------------- # Move the prawn document cursor down before and/or after yielding the given block. # # The :top_padding and :bottom_padding options are used for determinig the padding amount. def with_block_padding(el, opts) @pdf.move_down(opts[:top_padding]) if opts.has_key?(:top_padding) yield @pdf.move_down(opts[:bottom_padding]) if opts.has_key?(:bottom_padding) end # Render the children of the given element as formatted text and respect the top/bottom # padding (see #with_block_padding). def render_padded_and_formatted_text(el, opts) with_block_padding(el, opts) { @pdf.formatted_text(inner(el, opts), block_hash(opts)) } end # Helper function that returns a hash with valid "formatted text" options. # # The +text+ parameter is used as value for the :text key and if +squeeze_whitespace+ is # +true+, all whitespace is converted into spaces. def text_hash(text, opts, squeeze_whitespace = true) text = text.gsub(/\s+/, ' ') if squeeze_whitespace hash = {:text => text} [:styles, :size, :character_spacing, :font, :color, :link, :anchor, :draw_text_callback, :callback].each do |key| hash[key] = opts[key] if opts.has_key?(key) end hash end # Helper function that returns a hash with valid options for the prawn #text_box extracted # from the given options. def block_hash(opts) hash = {} [:align, :valign, :mode, :final_gap, :leading, :fallback_fonts, :direction, :indent_paragraphs].each do |key| hash[key] = opts[key] if opts.has_key?(key) end hash end end end end