require 'active_support' require 'active_support/string_inquirer' module ApiResource module Associations #TODO: many of these methods should also force loading of the resource definition extend ActiveSupport::Concern extend ActiveSupport::Autoload include ActiveModel::Dirty autoload :AssociationProxy autoload :BelongsToRemoteObjectProxy autoload :HasManyRemoteObjectProxy autoload :HasManyThroughRemoteObjectProxy autoload :HasOneRemoteObjectProxy autoload :MultiObjectProxy autoload :RelatedObjectHash autoload :SingleObjectProxy included do unless self.ancestors.include?(ApiResource::AssociationActivation) raise "Can't include Associations without AssociationActivation" ) end class_attribute :related_objects attr_accessor :assoc_attributes define_method(:assoc_attributes) do @assoc_attributes ||= end self.clear_related_objects # we need to add an inherited method here, but it can't happen # until after this module in included/extended, so it's in its own # little mini module extend InheritedMethod self.define_association_methods end # module methods to include the proper associations in various libraries - this is usually loaded in Railties def self.activate_active_record ActiveRecord::Base.class_eval do include ApiResource::AssociationActivation self.activate_associations( :has_many_remote => :has_many_remote, :belongs_to_remote => :belongs_to_remote, :has_one_remote => :has_one_remote, ) end end module InheritedMethod # define a method to reset our related objects def inherited(descendant) # we only want to do this in direct descendants of ApiResoruce::Base if self == ApiResource::Base descendant.clear_related_objects else descendant.clone_related_objects end super(descendant) end end module ClassMethods # Define the methods for creating and testing for associations, unfortunately # scopes are different enough to require different methods :( def define_association_methods self.association_types.each_key do |assoc| self.instance_eval <<-EOE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{assoc}(*args) options = args.extract_options! options = options.with_indifferent_access # Raise an error if we have multiple args and options raise "Invalid arguments to #{assoc}" unless options.blank? || args.length == 1 args.each do |arg| klass_name = (options[:class_name] ? options[:class_name].to_s.classify : arg.to_s.classify) # add this to any descendants - the other methods etc are handled by inheritance ([self] + self.descendants).each do |klass| #We need to merge upon itself to generate a new object since the children all share their related objects with each other klass.related_objects = klass.related_objects.merge(:#{assoc} => klass.related_objects[:#{assoc}].merge(arg.to_sym => klass_name)) end # We need to define reader and writer methods here define_association_as_attribute(:#{assoc}, arg) end end def #{assoc}?(name) return self.related_objects[:#{assoc}][name.to_s.pluralize.to_sym].present? || self.related_objects[:#{assoc}][name.to_s.singularize.to_sym].present? end def #{assoc}_class_name(name) raise "No such" + :#{assoc}.to_s + " association on #{name}" unless self.#{assoc}?(name) return self.find_namespaced_class_name(self.related_objects[:#{assoc}][name.to_sym]) end EOE # For convenience we will define the methods for testing for the existence of an association # and getting the class for an association as instance methods too to avoid tons of self.class calls self.class_eval <<-EOE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{assoc}?(name) return self.class.#{assoc}?(name) end def #{assoc}_class_name(name) return self.class.#{assoc}_class_name(name) end EOE end end def association?(assoc) self.related_objects.any? do |key, value| next if key.to_s == "scopes" value.detect { |k,v| k.to_sym == assoc.to_sym } end end def association_names # structure is {:has_many => {"myname" => "ClassName"}} self.related_objects.clone.delete_if{|k,v| k.to_s == "scopes"}.collect{|k,v| v.keys.collect(&:to_sym)}.flatten end def association_class(assoc) self.association_class_name(assoc).constantize end def association_class_name(assoc) raise ArgumentError, "#{assoc} is not a valid association of #{self}" unless self.association?(assoc) result = self.related_objects.detect do |key,value| ret = value.detect{|k,v| k.to_sym == assoc.to_sym } return self.find_namespaced_class_name(ret[1]) if ret end end # TODO: add a special foreign_key option to associations def association_foreign_key_field(assoc, type = nil) if type.nil? && has_many?(assoc) type = :has_many else type = type.to_s.to_sym end # for now just use the association name str = assoc.to_s.singularize.foreign_key if type.to_s =~ /^has_many/ str = str.pluralize end str.to_sym end protected def clear_related_objects # Hash to hold onto the definitions of the related objects self.related_objects = self.association_types.keys.each do |type| self.related_objects[type] ={}) end # TODO :Remove scopes from related_objects. self.related_objects[:scopes] ={}) end def clone_related_objects # Hash to hold onto the definitions of the related objects self.related_objects = self.related_objects.clone self.association_types.keys.each do |type| self.related_objects[type] = self.related_objects[type].clone end # TODO :Remove scopes from related_objects. self.related_objects[:scopes] = self.related_objects[:scopes].clone end def define_association_as_attribute(assoc_type, assoc_name) id_method_name = association_foreign_key_field(assoc_name, assoc_type) # set up dirty tracking for associations, but only for ApiResource # these methods are also used for ActiveRecord # TODO: change this if self.ancestors.include?(ApiResource::Base) define_attribute_method(assoc_name) define_attribute_method(id_method_name) end # TODO: Come up with a better implementation for the foreign key thing # implement the rest of the active record methods, refactor this into something # a little bit more sensible # TODO: This should support saving the ids when they are modified and saving anything # that is not created, associations need to be their own object self.class_eval <<-EOE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{assoc_name} @attributes_cache[:#{assoc_name}] ||= begin klass = Associations::#{self.association_types[assoc_type.to_sym].to_s.classify}ObjectProxy instance = self.association_class('#{assoc_name}'), self ) if @attributes[:#{assoc_name}].present? instance.internal_object = @attributes[:#{assoc_name}] end instance end end def #{assoc_name}=(val, force = true) if !force #{assoc_name}_will_change! elsif self.#{assoc_name}.internal_object != val #{assoc_name}_will_change! end # This should not force a load self.#{assoc_name}.internal_object = val end def #{assoc_name}? self.#{assoc_name}.internal_object.present? end def #{id_method_name} @attributes_cache[:#{id_method_name}] ||= begin if @attributes.has_key?("#{id_method_name}") @attributes["#{id_method_name}"] elsif self.#{assoc_name}.collection? self.#{assoc_name}.collect(&:id) else self.#{assoc_name}? ? self.#{assoc_name}.id : nil end end end def #{id_method_name}=(val, force = false) unless @attributes_cache[:#{id_method_name}] == val #{id_method_name}_will_change! end @attributes_cache[:#{id_method_name}] = val write_attribute(:#{id_method_name}, val) end EOE end def find_namespaced_class_name(klass) # return the name if it is itself namespaced return klass if klass =~ /::/ ancestors ="::") if ancestors.size > 1 receiver = Object namespaces = ancestors[0..-2].collect do |mod| receiver = receiver.const_get(mod) end if namespace = namespaces.reverse.detect{|ns| ns.const_defined?(klass, false)} return namespace.const_get(klass).name end end return klass end end def association?(assoc) self.class.association?(assoc) end def association_class(assoc) self.class.association_class(assoc) end def association_class_name(assoc) self.class.association_class_name(assoc) end # list of all association names def association_names self.class.association_names end end end