// Copyright (C) 2010  Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net)
// License: Boost Software License   See LICENSE.txt for the full license.

#include <dlib/optimization.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <vector>
#include <dlib/rand.h>
#include <dlib/string.h>
#include <dlib/statistics.h>

#include "tester.h"


    using namespace test;
    using namespace dlib;
    using namespace std;

    logger dlog("test.opt_qp_solver");

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    class test_smo
        double penalty;
        double C;

        double operator() (
            const matrix<double,0,1>& alpha
        ) const

            double obj =  0.5* trans(alpha)*Q*alpha - trans(alpha)*b;
            double c1 = pow(sum(alpha)-C,2);
            double c2 = sum(pow(pointwise_multiply(alpha, alpha<0), 2));

            obj += penalty*(c1 + c2);

            return obj;

        matrix<double> Q, b;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    class test_smo_derivative
        double penalty;
        double C;

        matrix<double,0,1> operator() (
            const matrix<double,0,1>& alpha
        ) const

            matrix<double,0,1> obj =  Q*alpha - b;
            matrix<double,0,1> c1 = uniform_matrix<double>(alpha.size(),1, 2*(sum(alpha)-C));
            matrix<double,0,1> c2 = 2*pointwise_multiply(alpha, alpha<0);
            return obj + penalty*(c1 + c2);

        matrix<double> Q, b;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    double compute_objective_value (
        const matrix<double,0,1>& w,
        const matrix<double>& A,
        const matrix<double,0,1>& b,
        const double C
        return 0.5*dot(w,w) + C*max(trans(A)*w + b);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    void test_qp4_test1()
        matrix<double> A(3,2);
        A = 1,2,

        matrix<double,0,1> b(2);
        b = 1,

        const double C = 2;

        matrix<double,0,1> alpha(2), true_alpha(2), d(3), lambda;
        alpha = C/2, C/2;
        d = 0;

        solve_qp4_using_smo(A, tmp(trans(A)*A), b, d, alpha, lambda, 1e-9, 800);
        matrix<double,0,1> w = lowerbound(-A*alpha, 0);

        dlog << LINFO << "*******************************************************";

        dlog << LINFO << "w:     " << trans(w);

        dlog << LINFO << "computed obj:      "<< compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);
        w = 0;
        dlog << LINFO << "with true w obj:   "<< compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);

        dlog << LINFO << "alpha:      " << trans(alpha);
        true_alpha = 0, 2;
        dlog << LINFO << "true alpha: "<< trans(true_alpha);

        dlog << LINFO << "alpha error: "<< max(abs(alpha-true_alpha));
        DLIB_TEST(max(abs(alpha-true_alpha)) < 1e-9);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    void test_qp4_test2()
        matrix<double> A(3,2);
        A = 1,2,

        matrix<double,0,1> b(2);
        b = 1,

        const double C = 2;

        matrix<double,0,1> alpha(2), true_alpha(2), d(3), lambda;
        alpha = C/2, C/2;
        d = 0;

        solve_qp4_using_smo(A, tmp(trans(A)*A), b, d, alpha, lambda, 1e-9, 800);
        matrix<double,0,1> w = lowerbound(-A*alpha, 0);

        dlog << LINFO << "*******************************************************";

        dlog << LINFO << "w:     " << trans(w);

        dlog << LINFO << "computed obj:      "<< compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);
        w = 0, 0.25, 0;
        dlog << LINFO << "with true w obj:   "<< compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);

        dlog << LINFO << "alpha:      " << trans(alpha);
        true_alpha = 0.43750, 1.56250;
        dlog << LINFO << "true alpha: "<< trans(true_alpha);

        dlog << LINFO << "alpha error: "<< max(abs(alpha-true_alpha));
        DLIB_TEST(max(abs(alpha-true_alpha)) < 1e-9);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    void test_qp4_test3()
        matrix<double> A(3,2);
        A = 1,2,

        matrix<double,0,1> b(2);
        b = 1,

        const double C = 2;

        matrix<double,0,1> alpha(2), true_alpha(2), d(3), lambda;
        alpha = C/2, C/2;
        d = 0;

        solve_qp4_using_smo(A, tmp(trans(A)*A), b, d, alpha, lambda, 1e-9, 800);
        matrix<double,0,1> w = lowerbound(-A*alpha, 0);

        dlog << LINFO << "*******************************************************";

        dlog << LINFO << "w:     " << trans(w);

        dlog << LINFO << "computed obj:      "<< compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);
        w = 0, 2, 0;
        dlog << LINFO << "with true w obj:   "<< compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);

        dlog << LINFO << "alpha:      " << trans(alpha);
        true_alpha = 0, 2;
        dlog << LINFO << "true alpha: "<< trans(true_alpha);

        dlog << LINFO << "alpha error: "<< max(abs(alpha-true_alpha));
        DLIB_TEST(max(abs(alpha-true_alpha)) < 1e-9);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    void test_qp4_test5()
        matrix<double> A(3,3);
        A = 1,2,4,

        matrix<double,0,1> b(3);
        b = 1,

        const double C = 2;

        matrix<double,0,1> alpha(3), true_alpha(3), d(3), lambda;
        alpha = C/2, C/2, 0;
        d = 0;

        solve_qp4_using_smo(A, tmp(trans(A)*A), b, d, alpha, lambda, 1e-9, 800);
        matrix<double,0,1> w = lowerbound(-A*alpha, 0);

        dlog << LINFO << "*******************************************************";

        dlog << LINFO << "w:     " << trans(w);

        dlog << LINFO << "computed obj:      "<< compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);
        w = 0, 0, 0.11111111111111111111;
        dlog << LINFO << "with true w obj:   "<< compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);

        dlog << LINFO << "alpha:      " << trans(alpha);
        true_alpha = 0, 0.432098765432099, 1.567901234567901;
        dlog << LINFO << "true alpha: "<< trans(true_alpha);

        dlog << LINFO << "alpha error: "<< max(abs(alpha-true_alpha));
        DLIB_TEST(max(abs(alpha-true_alpha)) < 1e-9);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    void test_qp4_test4()
        matrix<double> A(3,2);
        A = 1,2,

        matrix<double,0,1> b(2);
        b = 1,

        const double C = 2;

        matrix<double,0,1> alpha(2), d(3), lambda;
        alpha = C/2, C/2;

        solve_qp4_using_smo(A, tmp(trans(A)*A), b, d, alpha, lambda, 1e-9, 800);
        matrix<double,0,1> w = lowerbound(-A*alpha, 0);

        dlog << LINFO << "*******************************************************";

        dlog << LINFO << "w:     " << trans(w);

        const double computed_obj = compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);
        w = 0, 0, 0;
        const double true_obj = compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);
        dlog << LINFO << "computed obj:      "<< computed_obj;
        dlog << LINFO << "with true w obj:   "<< true_obj;

        DLIB_TEST_MSG(abs(computed_obj - true_obj) < 1e-8, abs(computed_obj - true_obj));

    void test_qp4_test6()
        matrix<double> A(3,3);
        A = 1,2,4,

        matrix<double,0,1> b(3);
        b = -1,

        const double C = 2;

        matrix<double,0,1> alpha(3), d(3), lambda;
        alpha = C/2, C/2, 0;

        solve_qp4_using_smo(A, tmp(trans(A)*A), b, d, alpha, lambda, 1e-9, 3000);
        matrix<double,0,1> w = lowerbound(-A*alpha, 0);

        dlog << LINFO << "*******************************************************";

        dlog << LINFO << "w:     " << trans(w);

        const double computed_obj = compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);
        w = 0, 0, 0;
        const double true_obj = compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);
        dlog << LINFO << "computed obj:      "<< computed_obj;
        dlog << LINFO << "with true w obj:   "<< true_obj;

        DLIB_TEST_MSG(abs(computed_obj - true_obj) < 1e-8, abs(computed_obj - true_obj));

    void test_qp4_test7()
        matrix<double> A(3,3);
        A = -1,2,4,

        matrix<double,0,1> b(3);
        b = -1,

        matrix<double> Q(3,3);
        Q = 4,-5,6,
        Q = Q*trans(Q);

        const double C = 2;

        matrix<double,0,1> alpha(3), true_alpha(3), d(3), lambda;
        alpha = C/2, C/2, 0;
        d = 0;

        solve_qp4_using_smo(A, Q, b, d, alpha, lambda, 1e-9, 800);

        dlog << LINFO << "*******************************************************";

        dlog << LINFO << "alpha:      " << trans(alpha);
        true_alpha = 0, 2, 0;
        dlog << LINFO << "true alpha: "<< trans(true_alpha);

        dlog << LINFO << "alpha error: "<< max(abs(alpha-true_alpha));
        DLIB_TEST(max(abs(alpha-true_alpha)) < 1e-9);


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    void test_solve_qp4_using_smo()

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    double max_distance_to(
        const std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>>& a,
        const std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>>& b
        double best_dist = 0;
        for (auto&& aa : a)
            for (auto&& bb : b)
                double dist = length(aa-bb);
                if (dist > best_dist)
                    best_dist = dist;
        return best_dist;

    double min_distance_to(
        const std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>>& a,
        const std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>>& b
        double best_dist = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
        for (auto&& aa : a)
            for (auto&& bb : b)
                double dist = length(aa-bb);
                if (dist < best_dist)
                    best_dist = dist;
        return best_dist;

    double min_distance_to(
        const std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>>& s,
        const matrix<double,0,1>& v
        double best_dist = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
        for (auto& x : s)
            double dist = length(v-x);
            if (dist < best_dist)
                best_dist = dist;
        return best_dist;

    double max_distance_to(
        const std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>>& s,
        const matrix<double,0,1>& v
        double best_dist = 0;
        for (auto& x : s)
            double dist = length(v-x);
            if (dist > best_dist)
                best_dist = dist;
        return best_dist;

    void test_find_gap_between_convex_hulls()
        std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>> set1, set2;

        const double dist_thresh = 5.47723; 

        // generate two groups of points that are pairwise close within each set and
        // pairwise far apart between each set, according to dist_thresh distance threshold.  
        bool which = true;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
            matrix<double,0,1> v = gaussian_randm(15,1,i);
            const auto min_dist1 = min_distance_to(set1,v);
            const auto min_dist2 = min_distance_to(set2,v);
            const auto max_dist1 = max_distance_to(set1,v);
            const auto max_dist2 = max_distance_to(set2,v);
            if (which)
                if ((set1.size()==0 || max_dist1 < dist_thresh) && min_dist2 > dist_thresh )
                    which = !which;
                if ((set2.size()==0 || max_dist2 < dist_thresh) && min_dist1 > dist_thresh)
                    which = !which;

        dlog << LINFO << "set1.size(): "<< set1.size();
        dlog << LINFO << "set2.size(): "<< set2.size();

        // make sure we generated the points correctly.
        dlog << LINFO << "dist_thresh: "<< dist_thresh;
        dlog << LINFO << "max distance between set1 and set1: "<< max_distance_to(set1,set1);
        dlog << LINFO << "max distance between set2 and set2: "<< max_distance_to(set2,set2);
        DLIB_TEST(max_distance_to(set1,set1) < dist_thresh);
        DLIB_TEST(max_distance_to(set2,set2) < dist_thresh);
        dlog << LINFO << "min distance between set2 and set1: "<< min_distance_to(set2,set1);
        DLIB_TEST(min_distance_to(set2,set1) > dist_thresh);

        // It is slightly counterintuitive but true that points picked using the above procedure
        // will have elements of their convex hulls that are much closer together than
        // dist_thresh, even though none of the vertices of the hulls are that close
        // together.  This is especially true in high dimensions.  So let's use this to
        // test find_gap_between_convex_hulls().  It should be able to find a pair of
        // points in the convex hulls of our sets that are a lot closer together than
        // dist_thresh.

        // First we need to convert the vectors to matrices.
        matrix<double> A, B;
        A.set_size(set1[0].size(), set1.size());
        B.set_size(set2[0].size(), set2.size());
        for (long c = 0; c < A.nc(); ++c)
            set_colm(A,c) = set1[c];
        for (long c = 0; c < B.nc(); ++c)
            set_colm(B,c) = set2[c];

        matrix<double,0,1> c1, c2;
        find_gap_between_convex_hulls(A, B, c1, c2, 0.0001);
        // make sure c1 and c2 are convex combinations.
        DLIB_TEST(abs(sum(c1)-1) < 1e-8);
        DLIB_TEST(abs(sum(c2)-1) < 1e-8);
        DLIB_TEST(min(c1) >= 0);
        DLIB_TEST(min(c2) >= 0);

        // now test that the points found are close together.
        dlog << LINFO << "dist: "<< length(A*c1 - B*c2);
        DLIB_TEST(length(A*c1 - B*c2) < 4);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    class opt_qp_solver_tester : public tester
            The idea here is just to solve the same problem with two different
            methods and check that they basically agree.  The SMO solver should be
            very accurate but for this problem the BFGS solver is relatively
            inaccurate.  So this test is really just a sanity check on the SMO
        opt_qp_solver_tester (
        ) :
            tester ("test_opt_qp_solver",
                    "Runs tests on the solve_qp_using_smo component.")
            thetime = time(0);

        time_t thetime;
        dlib::rand rnd;

        void perform_test(

            //dlog << LINFO << "time seed: " << thetime;

            running_stats<double> rs;

            for (int i = 0; i < 40; ++i)
                for (long dims = 1; dims < 6; ++dims)
                    rs.add(do_the_test(dims, 1.0));

            for (int i = 0; i < 40; ++i)
                for (long dims = 1; dims < 6; ++dims)
                    rs.add(do_the_test(dims, 5.0));

            dlog << LINFO << "disagreement mean: " << rs.mean();
            dlog << LINFO << "disagreement stddev: " << rs.stddev();
            DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs.mean() < 0.001, rs.mean());
            DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs.stddev() < 0.001, rs.stddev());


        double do_the_test (
            const long dims,
            double C
            dlog << LINFO << "dims: " << dims;
            dlog << LINFO << "testing with C == " << C;
            test_smo test;

            test.Q = randm(dims, dims, rnd);
            test.Q = trans(test.Q)*test.Q;
            test.b = randm(dims,1, rnd);
            test.C = C;

            test_smo_derivative der;
            der.Q = test.Q;
            der.b = test.b;
            der.C = test.C;

            matrix<double,0,1> x(dims), alpha(dims);

            test.penalty = 20000;
            der.penalty = test.penalty;

            alpha = C/alpha.size();
            x = alpha;

            const unsigned long max_iter = 400000;
            solve_qp_using_smo(test.Q, test.b, alpha, 0.00000001, max_iter);
            DLIB_TEST_MSG(abs(sum(alpha) - C) < 1e-13, abs(sum(alpha) - C) );
            dlog << LTRACE << "alpha: " << alpha;
            dlog << LINFO << "SMO: true objective: "<< 0.5*trans(alpha)*test.Q*alpha - trans(alpha)*test.b;

            double obj = find_min(bfgs_search_strategy(),
                                  objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-13, 5000),

            dlog << LINFO << "BFGS: objective: " << obj;
            dlog << LINFO << "BFGS: true objective: "<< 0.5*trans(x)*test.Q*x - trans(x)*test.b;
            dlog << LINFO << "sum(x): " << sum(x);
            dlog << LINFO << x;

            double disagreement = max(abs(x-alpha));
            dlog << LINFO << "Disagreement: " << disagreement;
            return disagreement;
    } a;
