# YoPass - Share Secrets Securely [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/JHaals/yopass.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/JHaals/yopass) YoPass is a website for sharing secrets in a quick and secure manner. This project is created to minimize the amount of passwords floating around in ticket management systems, IRC logs and emails. YoPass generates a one-time URL with an expiration date so you don't have to worry about passwords being visible forever * AES-256 encryption * Secrets can only be viewed once * No secrets are written to disk * No account or user management required * Secrets self destruct after X hours * Decryption key can be sent over SMS #### Workflow * Generate secret/password * Paste into the yopass website * Receive URL with or without the decryption key(can be transfered over other channel such as SMS) * Share with the intended person * Secret is automatically removed once viewed * Feel safe ### Installation / Configuration YoPass Docker container available [here](https://hub.docker.com/u/jhaals/yopass) Otherwise: gem install yopass * install and start memcached * edit `conf/yopass.yaml` and move it to desired location (don't forge to specify that path in the YOPASS_CONFIG environment variable) * done! Most settings can be configured with environment variables. YOPASS_CONFIG='/path/to/yopass.yaml' YOPASS_BASE_URL='https://yopass.mydomain.com' YOPASS_MEMCACHED_URL='memcached_address' ### SMS providers Lacking your SMS provider? Just fork the repo and submit a pull request. Use the bulksms provider in ```lib/sms_provider/bulksms.rb``` as example ##### Supported Providers Bulksms ### Screenshot ![YoPass website](http://f.cl.ly/items/2F2T1L3a3R162K2G383q/yopass.png)