h1. Rails OPTIONSful Provide dynamic information about resources via the OPTIONS' HTTP method on a RESTful design over the Ruby on Rails framework. * Note for the impatient: installation instructions below. * Note for the dummies: change host names and paths properly. * Note for the unfaithful: run @rake routes@ to validate the results. h2. "-No! No! No! *-Show me the code!*"
$ telnet kayaman.baurets.net 3000 
OPTIONS /notes HTTP/1.1
Host: kayaman.baurets.net

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 
Allow: GET, POST
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 23:46:00 GMT
Link: ; type=text/html; rel=help

OPTIONS /notes/1 HTTP/1.1
Host: kayaman.baurets.net

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 23:47:47 GMT
Link: ; type=text/html; rel=help

~Note the empty line which is part of the HTTP protocol.~ h2. INSTALLATION: # Change directory to your Ruby on Rails web application, # Add gem dependency to @config/environment.rb@:
  config.gem "optionsful"
# To install it, run:
  $ gem install optionsful
# Have fun! h2. TODO & WHISH-LIST * -Make the installation easier.- * Create tests! (Oh no! Psst! Don't tell anyone!) * Research if there are means to know whether formats (types) each one of available methods can accept and serve - WHY NOT make use of BRUTE FORCE? 8-D - We Will Rock You approach - IT WILL BE ANOTHER PROJECT? * Provide on demand human readable documentation (maybe attribute oriented programming) hopefully supporting the _about to be given_ @Link@ HTTP header * -Implement instrumentation, logging - (really needed?)- * -Research if there are means to test authorization, if Authorization header provided in the request- OUT_OF_SCOPE h2. KNOWN ISSUES * -Rails route recognition need hard work- * Platform: ruby 1.8.7, rails 2.3.8, rack 1.2.1 h2. CONTRIBUTORS * Me, myself and I, so far. * You are welcome, do it. ;-) Copyright (c) 2010 Marco Antonio Gonzalez Junior, kayaman@baurets.net, released under the MIT license.