module ActiveZuora module Persistence extend ActiveSupport::Concern MAX_BATCH_SIZE = 50 def new_record? id.blank? end def save new_record? ? create : update end def save! raise "Could Not Save Zuora Object: #{errors.full_messages.join ', '}" unless save end def update_attributes(attributes) self.attributes = attributes save end def update_attributes!(attributes) self.attributes = attributes save! end def delete self.class.delete(id) > 0 end def reload raise"You can't reload a new record") if new_record? self.untracked_attributes = self.class.find(id).attributes self end def xml_field_names # If we're rendering an existing record, always include the id. new_record? ? super : ([:id] + super).uniq end private def create return false unless new_record? && valid? result = self.class.connection.request(:create) do |soap| soap.body do |xml| build_xml(xml, soap, :namespace => soap.namespace, :element_name => :zObjects, :force_type => true) end end[:create_response][:result] if result[:success] = result[:id] clear_changed_attributes true else errors.add(:base, result[:errors][:message]) if result[:errors] false end end def update self.class.update(self) self.errors.blank? end module ClassMethods def create(attributes={}) new(attributes).tap(&:save) end def create!(attributes={}) new(attributes).tap(&:save!) end # Takes an array of zobjects and batch saves new and updated records separately def save(*zobjects) new_records = 0 updated_records = 0 # Get all new objects new_objects = do |zobject| zobject.new_record? && zobject.changed.present? && zobject.valid? end # Get all updated objects updated_objects = do |zobject| !zobject.new_record? && zobject.changed.present? && zobject.valid? end # Make calls in batches of 50 new_objects.each_slice(MAX_BATCH_SIZE) do |batch| new_records += process_save(batch, :create) end updated_objects.each_slice(MAX_BATCH_SIZE) do |batch| updated_records += process_save(batch, :update) end new_records + updated_records end # For backwards compatability def update(*zobjects) save(zobjects) end def process_save(zobjects, action) unless [:create, :update].include? action raise "Invalid action type for saving. Must be create or update." end return 0 if zobjects.empty? results = connection.request(action) do |soap| soap.body do |xml| do |zobject| zobject.build_xml(xml, soap, :namespace => soap.namespace, :element_name => :zObjects, :force_type => true, :nil_strategy => :fields_to_null) end.last end end["#{action.to_s}_response".to_sym][:result] results = [results] unless results.is_a?(Array) do |zobject, result| if result[:success] zobject.clear_changed_attributes else zobject.add_zuora_errors result[:errors] end end # Return the count of updates that succeeded.{ |result| result[:success] }.size end def delete(*ids) ids.flatten! deleted_records = 0 ids.each_slice(MAX_BATCH_SIZE) do |batch| deleted_records += process_delete(batch) end deleted_records end def process_delete(*ids) ids.flatten! results = connection.request(:delete) do |soap| qualifier = soap.namespace_by_uri(soap.namespace) soap.body do |xml| xml.tag!(qualifier, :type, zuora_object_name) { |id| xml.tag!(qualifier, :ids, id) }.last end end[:delete_response][:result] results = [results] unless results.is_a?(Array) # Return the count of deletes that succeeded.{ |result| result[:success] }.size end end end end