# encoding: utf-8 require 'celluloid' require 'ruby_fs' module Punchblock module Translator class Freeswitch include Celluloid include HasGuardedHandlers extend ActiveSupport::Autoload autoload :Call autoload :Component attr_reader :connection, :media_engine, :default_voice, :calls trap_exit :actor_died def initialize(connection, media_engine = nil, default_voice = nil) @connection, @media_engine, @default_voice = connection, media_engine, default_voice @calls, @components = {}, {} setup_handlers end def register_call(call) @calls[call.id] ||= call end def deregister_call(call) @calls.delete call.id end def call_with_id(call_id) @calls[call_id] end def register_component(component) @components[component.id] ||= component end def component_with_id(component_id) @components[component_id] end def setup_handlers register_handler :es, RubyFS::Stream::Connected do handle_pb_event Connection::Connected.new throw :halt end register_handler :es, RubyFS::Stream::Disconnected do throw :halt end register_handler :es, :event_name => 'CHANNEL_PARK' do |event| throw :pass if es_event_known_call? event call = Call.new event[:unique_id], current_actor, event.content.select { |k,v| k.to_s =~ /variable/ }, stream, @media_engine, @default_voice link call register_call call call.send_offer! end register_handler :es, [:has_key?, :other_leg_unique_id] => true do |event| call = call_with_id event[:other_leg_unique_id] call.handle_es_event! event if call end register_handler :es, lambda { |event| es_event_known_call? event } do |event| call = call_with_id event[:unique_id] call.handle_es_event! event end end def stream connection.stream end def finalize @calls.values.each(&:terminate) end def handle_es_event(event) trigger_handler :es, event end exclusive :handle_es_event def handle_pb_event(event) connection.handle_event event end def execute_command(command, options = {}) command.request! command.target_call_id ||= options[:call_id] command.component_id ||= options[:component_id] if command.target_call_id execute_call_command command elsif command.component_id execute_component_command command else execute_global_command command end end def execute_call_command(command) if call = call_with_id(command.target_call_id) call.execute_command! command else command.response = ProtocolError.new.setup :item_not_found, "Could not find a call with ID #{command.target_call_id}", command.target_call_id end end def execute_component_command(command) if (component = component_with_id(command.component_id)) component.execute_command! command else command.response = ProtocolError.new.setup :item_not_found, "Could not find a component with ID #{command.component_id}", command.target_call_id, command.component_id end end def execute_global_command(command) case command when Punchblock::Command::Dial call = Call.new_link Punchblock.new_uuid, current_actor, nil, stream, @media_engine, @default_voice register_call call call.dial! command else command.response = ProtocolError.new.setup 'command-not-acceptable', "Did not understand command" end end def actor_died(actor, reason) return unless reason pb_logger.error "A linked actor (#{actor.inspect}) died due to #{reason.inspect}" if id = @calls.key(actor) @calls.delete id end_event = Punchblock::Event::End.new :target_call_id => id, :reason => :error handle_pb_event end_event end end private def es_event_known_call?(event) event[:unique_id] && call_with_id(event[:unique_id]) end end end end