require "spec_helper" describe FileProcessor::Tempfile do subject(:temp_file) { } let(:generated_path) { File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'some-path') } it "creates the file" do File.exists?(temp_file.path).should be_true end it "opens file ready to be written" do expect { temp_file << "some content" }.to_not raise_error end describe "#path" do it "is generated using 'file-processor' basename" do temp_file.path.start_with?(File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'file-processor')).should be_true end end describe "#reopen" do let!(:old_file) { temp_file.__getobj__ } it "closes the old file" do old_file.should_receive(:close) temp_file.reopen('r') end it "updates the delegated object" do temp_file.reopen('r') temp_file.__getobj__.should_not eq(old_file) temp_file.__getobj__.should be_a(File) end it "reopens the path with the given mode" do temp_file.stub(:path).and_return(generated_path) File.should_receive(:open).with(generated_path, 'r:utf-8', 384) temp_file.reopen('r:utf-8') end context "when the old file is already closed" do it "does not closes the old file" do old_file.close old_file.should_not_receive(:close) temp_file.reopen('r') end end end end