module IronNails module Models module ModelMixin include IronNails::Logging::ClassLogger end module Databinding module ClassMethods # defines a write-only attribute on an object # this would map to a property setter in different languages def attr_writer(*names) names.each do |nm| mn = nm self.send :define_method, "#{nm}=".to_sym do |arg| __vr__ = instance_variable_get :"@#{mn}" return __vr__ if __vr__ == arg instance_variable_set :"@#{mn}", arg raise_property_changed mn end end end # defines a read/write attribute on an object. # this would map to a property with a getter and a setter in different langauages def attr_accessor(*names) attr_reader *names attr_writer *names end end # extend the class with the class methods defined in this module def self.included(base) base.send :include, System::ComponentModel::INotifyPropertyChanged unless base.ancestors.include? System::ComponentModel::INotifyPropertyChanged base.extend ClassMethods end def add_PropertyChanged(handler=nil) @__handlers__ ||= [] @__handlers__ << handler end def remove_PropertyChanged(handler=nil) @__handlers__ ||= [] @__handlers__.delete handler end private def raise_property_changed(name) return unless @__handlers__ @__handlers__.each do |ev| ev.invoke self, if ev.respond_to? :invoke self, if ev.respond_to? :call end end end end end