#!/usr/bin/env ruby $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), *%w[.. lib]) require 'savon' require 'soaspec' include Soaspec::ExeHelpers puts 'Creating files for soaspec' weather_web_service = <<-EOF require 'soaspec' # This class is not part of the gem. It's an example of a class you can make # to describe your APIs. Usually this would exist in the 'lib' directory # Common configuration for the Savon client should go here class BLZService < Soaspec::SoapHandler # Add to or override default Savon client options def savon_options { # wsdl: 'http://www.thomas-bayer.com/axis2/services/BLZService?wsdl' # External wsdl: File.join('spec', 'test_data', 'wsdl', 'get_bank.wsdl') } end # # Specifying that get_weather_result must be present in the SOAP response mandatory_elements [:plz] # Example of xpath value that must be true for all success scenarios mandatory_xpath_values 'ns1:bezeichnung' => 'Deutsche Bank' # Example of setting an attribute on the root XML element root_attributes 'Version' => '1' # TODO: Create test on request for this end EOF soap_spec_content = <<-EOF require 'spec_helper' Soaspec.strip_namespaces = true # This allows namespace not to be used. Be careful with this id = '70070010' # BLZService.new(template_name: 'soap_template') Use this instead of default_hash to use template approach context 'Test Examples' do context BLZService.new('Get Bank', operation: :get_bank, default_hash: { blz: id }) do describe Exchange.new(:default) do it { is_expected.to contain_value id } it { is_expected.to include_in_body id } it_behaves_like 'success scenario' after(:all) { described_class.store(:title, 'bezeichnung') } end describe Exchange.new(:xpath_eg, blz: 100000) do its(['plz']) { is_expected.to eq '100000' } it { is_expected.to have_xpath_value '//ns1:bezeichnung' => 'Deutsche Bank' } context 'Handle retrieving stored value' do it { is_expected.to have_xpath_value 'bezeichnung' => described_class.retrieve(:title) } end end describe Exchange.new(:yaml_eg, data_for(:small_id)) do it_behaves_like 'success scenario' end # Retry for success more for web services that intermittently fail describe Exchange.new(:short_hand_xpath).retry_for_success do # Be careful. If you call a method that does not use namespaces, calling one that does may not find the element its(['ns1:bezeichnung']) { is_expected.to eq 'Deutsche Bank' } # '//' is not required at the beginning end describe Exchange.new('Check existence of elements') do it { is_expected.to have_element_at_xpath '//ns1:bezeichnung' } it { is_expected.not_to have_element_at_xpath '//ns1:bezeichnung_pretend' } end end end error_example = BLZService.new('Error example') error_example.operation = :get_bank error_example.default_hash = {} context 'Error Examples' do context error_example do describe Exchange.new(:no_blz_error) do it_behaves_like 'error scenario' end end end EOF shared_examples_content = <<-EOF require 'rspec' shared_examples_for 'error scenario' do it 'does not have status code of 200' do expect(described_class.status_code).not_to eq 200 end end EOF soap_template_content = <<-EOF <%= test_values[:blz] || '70070010' %> EOF default_yaml_content = <<-EOF small_id: blz: 100 EOF test_wsdl_content = < BLZService EOF create_file(filename: 'Gemfile', content: gem_content) create_file(filename: 'Rakefile', content: rake_virtual_content) create_file(filename: 'README.md', content: readme_content) create_folder 'lib' create_file(filename: 'lib/blz_service.rb', content: weather_web_service) create_file filename: 'lib/shared_example.rb', content: shared_examples_content create_folder 'config' create_folder 'config/data' create_file(filename: 'config/data/default.yml', content: default_yaml_content) create_folder 'spec' create_folder 'spec/test_data' create_folder 'spec/test_data/wsdl' create_file(filename: 'spec/spec_helper.rb', content: spec_helper_content) create_file(filename: 'spec/soap_spec.rb', content: soap_spec_content) create_file(filename: 'spec/test_server.rb', content: test_server_content) create_file(filename: 'spec/test_data/wsdl/get_bank.wsdl', content: test_wsdl_content) create_folder 'template' create_file(filename: 'template/soap_template.xml', content: soap_template_content) create_folder 'logs' puts "Run 'bundle install' to install necessary gems" puts "Run 'rake spec' to run the tests" puts "Note: Setup runs Sinatra for Test Service on port 4567 by default. Change Rakefile 'start_test_server' task to update this"