require "numru/units" require "rational" # for UNumeric#sqrt require "date" # for DateTime ## require "numru/gphys/gphys" # --> in the test program =begin =class NumRu::UNumeric Class of Numeric with Units. Dependent on ((<NumRu::Units|URL:>)) and Rational, a standard library. ==Class Methods ---new(val, uni) Constractor. ARGUMENTS * ((|val|)) (Numeric) * ((|units|)) (NumRu::Units or String): if string, internally converted to a NumRu::Units ---[val, uni] Same as new ---from_date(date, units) Convert a DateTime (or Date) to a UNUmeric ARGUMENTS * date (Date or DateTime) * units (Units or String) : units of the UNumeric to be created ==Methods ---val RETURN VALUE * the value (Numeric) ---units RETURN VALUE * the units (NumRu::Units) ---inspect RETURN VALUE * a String (e.g., '1 m') ---to_s aliasesed to ((<inspect>)). ---to_f RETURN VALUE * val.to_f ---to_i RETURN VALUE * val.to_i ---convert(to_units) Convert to ((|to_units|)). RETURN VALUE * a UNumeric EXCEPTION * when the current units is incompatible with to_units. ---convert2 Same as ((<convert>)), but returns ((|self|)) if the units are incompatible (Warned). EXCEPTION * none WARING MADE Warning is made to $stderr if the following condition is satisfied. * the units of ((|self|)) and ((|to_units|)) are incompatible. ---coerce(other) As you know. Can handle Numeric, Array, NArray. NOTE: VArray and GPhys know UNumeric. --- *(other) Multiplication. Knows Numeric, UNumeric, VArray, and GPhys. The units are multipled too. (if other is Numeric, it is assumed to be non-dimension) RETURN VALUE * a UNumeric, VArray, or GPhys --- /(other) Division. See ((<*>)). --- +(other) Addition. Knows Numeric, UNumeric, VArray, and GPhys. The return value will have the units of ((|self|)). SPECIAL REMARK! If ((|other|)) has units within a factor and/or offset of difference, It is CONVERTED before addition (by using ((<convert2>)))! RETURN VALUE * a UNumeric, VArray, or GPhys WARING MADE Warning is made to $stderr if the following condition is satisfied. * the units of ((|self|)) and ((|to_units|)) are incompatible. * ((|other|)) is Numeric. --- -(other) Subtraction. See ((<+>)). --- **(num) Power. --- abs Absolute value. Other math functions are also avialable as instance methods. ---to_datetime(eps_sec=0.0) Convert a time UNumeric into a DateTime ARGUMENTS * eps_sec (Float) : Magic epsilon to prevent the round-off of DateTime [seconds]. Recommended value is 0.1. RETURN VALUE * a DateTime EXCEPTION * raised if self does not have a time unit with a since field ---strftime(fmt) Text expression of the date and time of a time UNumeric. Implemented as self.to_datetime(0.1).strftime(fmt) ARGUMENTS * fmt (Sting) : the format. Try % man 3 strftime to find how to write it. RETURN VALUE * a String =end module NumRu class UNumeric def initialize(val, uni) raise TypeError unless Numeric === val uni = if String === uni raise TypeError unless Units === uni @val, @uni = val, uni end def self::[](val, uni) new(val, uni) end # * date (Date or DateTime) # * units (Units or String) : units of the UNumeric to be created def self::from_date(date, units) sunits = units.to_s /(.*) *since *(.*)/ =~ sunits if (!$1 or !$2) raise("Units mismatch. Requires time units that includes 'since'") end tun = Units[$1] since = DateTime.parse($2) if( tun =~ Units['months since 0001-01-01'] ) year0,mon0 = since.year,since.mon year,mon = date.year,date.mon time = Units['months'].convert((year*12+mon)-(year0*12+mon0), tun) elsif( tun =~ Units['days since 0001-01-01'] ) time = Units['days'].convert( date-since, tun ) else raise("Unrecognized time units #{tun.to_s} -- may be a BUG?") end time = time.to_f UNumeric[time, units] end def val; @val; end def units; @uni; end def inspect val.to_s + ' ' +units.to_s end alias to_s inspect def to_f; @val.to_f; end def to_i; @val.to_i; end def convert(to_units) if ( units == to_units ) self else UNumeric[ units.convert(val, to_units), to_units ] end end def convert2(to_units) # returns self if the units are incompatible begin convert(to_units) rescue #if $VERBOSE $stderr.print( "WARNING: incompatible units: #{units.to_s} - #{to_units.to_s}\n") #end # warn in Ruby 1.8 self end end def strftime(fmt) self.to_datetime(0.1).strftime(fmt) end # * eps_sec : Magic epsilon to prevent the round-off of DateTime [seconds]. # Recommended value is 0.1. def to_datetime(eps_sec=0.0) time = self.val sunits = self.units.to_s /(.*) *since *(.*)/ =~ sunits if (!$1 or !$2) raise("Units mismatch. Requires time units that includes 'since'") end tun = Units[$1] since = DateTime.parse($2) if( tun =~ Units['months since 0001-01-01'] ) datetime = since >> tun.convert( time, Units['months'] ) elsif( tun =~ Units['days since 0001-01-01'] ) datetime = since + tun.convert( time, Units['days'] ) else raise("Unrecognized time units #{tun.to_s} -- may be a BUG?") end if eps_sec != 0.0 datetime = datetime + eps_sec/8.64e4 end datetime end def coerce(other) case when Numeric c_other = other,"1") ) when Array c_other = NArray.to_na(other) ) when NArray c_other = other ) else raise "#{self.class}: cannot coerce #{other.class}" end [ c_other, self ] end def *(other) case other when UNumeric val * other.val , units * other.units ) when Numeric # assumed to be non-dimensional val * other, units ) when VArray, GPhys result = other * val result.units = units * other.units result else s, o = other.coerce( self ) s * o end end def +(other) case other when UNumeric v = val + other.convert2( units ).val v , units ) when Numeric v = val + other $stderr.print("WARNING: raw Numeric added to #{inspect}\n") #if $VERBOSE v, units ) when VArray, GPhys ans = other.units.convert2(other, units) + val ans.units = units # units are taken from the lhs ans else s, o = other.coerce( self ) s + o end end def **(other) val**other, units**other ) end def abs val.abs, units ) end def -@ -val, units ) end def +@ self end def -(other) self + (-other) # not efficient --> Rewrite later! end def /(other) self * (other**(-1)) # not efficient --> Rewrite later! end LogicalOps = [">",">=","<","<=","==","==="] LogicalOps.each { |op| eval <<-EOS, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 def #{op}(other) case other when UNumeric val #{op} other.convert2( units ).val when Numeric $stderr.print("WARNING: raw Numeric added to #{inspect}\n") #\ # if $VERBOSE # warn in Ruby 1.8 val #{op} other when VArray, GPhys val #{op} other.units.convert2(other, units) else s, o = other.coerce( self ) s #{op} o end end EOS } Math_funcs_nondim = ["exp","log","log10","log2","sin","cos","tan", "sinh","cosh","tanh","asinh","acosh", "atanh","csc","sec","cot","csch","sech","coth", "acsch","asech","acoth"] Math_funcs_nondim.each{ |f| eval <<-EOS, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 def #{f} Math.#{f}(val),'1') ) end EOS } Math_funcs_radian = ["asin","acos","atan","acsc","asec","acot"] Math_funcs_radian.each{ |f| eval <<-EOS, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 def #{f} Math.#{f}(val),'rad') ) end EOS } def atan2(other) case other when Numeric Math.atan2(val, other),'rad') ) when UNumeric Math.atan2(val, other.val),'rad') ) else c_me, c_other = other.coerce(self) c_me.atan2(c_other) end end def sqrt Math.sqrt(val), units**Rational(1,2) ) end end # class UNumeric end # module NumRu ###################################### if $0 == __FILE__ require "narray" include NumRu a = UNumeric[ 10.0, Units['m/s'] ] b = UNumeric[ 2.0, Units['m/s'] ] c = UNumeric[ 5.0, Units['m'] ] print "\n** Section 1 **\n" p a p a*b p a+b p a+c p a+7 p a*7 p -a p a-b, a-1000, a/100 p a.log, a.sin p UNumeric[1.0,Units['1']].atan2( UNumeric[1.0,Units['1']] ) print "\n** Section 2 **\n" p a > 1 p 1 > a print "\n** Section 3 **\n" require "numru/gphys/varray" na = NArray.float(4).indgen va = na ) vb = a + va p vb, vb.units, vb.att_names a = UNumeric[ 3721.0, Units['seconds since 2008-01-01'] ] p a.to_datetime.to_s, a.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') b = UNumeric[ 3.0, Units['months since 2008-01-01'] ] p b.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') p (UNumeric::from_date(DateTime.parse('2008-01-01 00:00-0200'), 'seconds since 2008-01-01')).to_s p (UNumeric::from_date(DateTime.parse('2008-6-01'), 'months since 2008-01-01')).to_s end