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Works with ruby 1.8.7, ree, 1.9, 2.0, 2.1 (rails 4.0 requires at least ruby 1.9). ## Install Put in Gemfile if you are using bundler: gem 'dump' Install as plugin for rails 3 (not recommended): rails plugin install git://github.com/toy/dump.git Install as plugin for rails 2: script/plugin install git://github.com/toy/dump.git ### Capistrano integration To get capistrano tasks in rails 3, put in `config/deploy.rb`: require 'dump/capistrano' ### Assets config `config/assets` holds paths of dirs you want to dump in file: public/audios public/flash public/images/upload public/videos Generate in rails 3: rails generate assets_config Generate in rails 2: script/generate assets_config ## Capistrano integration When using cap tasks, dump folder should be in persistent place and be linked to application folder, or you will lose all dumps every deploy. Default recipe creates link on after `deploy:update_code`. You can use cap dump:* tasks to control dumps on remote server. Don't forget to deploy application to remote server before using dump:remote tasks. Also you can set custom remote rake binary in your deploy.rb like: set :rake, "/custom/rake" ## Usage # create dump rake dump rake dump:create # list avaliable dumps rake dump:versions # restore dump rake dump:restore # delete old and unfinished dumps (all non tgz files will be deleted if they are not locked) rake dump:cleanup ### Environment variables #### While creating dumps: `DESC`, `DESCRIPTION` — free form description of dump rake dump DESC='uploaded photos' `TAGS`, `TAG` — comma separated list of tags rake dump TAGS='photos,videos' `ASSETS` — comma or colon separated list of paths or globs to dump rake dump ASSETS='public/system:public/images/masks/*' rake dump ASSETS='public/system,public/images/masks/*' `TABLES` — comma separated list of tables to dump or if prefixed by "-" — to skip; by default only sessions table is skipped; schema_info and schema_migrations are always included if they are present dump all tables except sessions: rake dump dump all tables: rake dump TABLES='-' dump only people, pages and photos tables: rake dump TABLES='people,pages,photos' dump all tables except people and pages: rake dump TABLES='-people,pages' #### While restoring dumps: `LIKE`, `VER`, `VERSION` — filter dumps by full dump name rake dump:versions LIKE='2009' rake dump:restore LIKE='2009' # restores last dump matching 2009 `TAGS`, `TAG` — comma separated list of tags without '+' or '-' — dump should have any of such tags prefixed with '+' — dump should have every tag with prefix prefixed with '-' — dump should not have any of tags with prefix select dumps with tags photos or videos: rake dump:restore TAGS='photos,videos' select dumps with tags photos and videos: rake dump:restore TAGS='+photos,+videos' skip dumps with tags mirror and archive: rake dump:restore TAGS='-mirror,-archive' select dumps with tags photos or videos, with tag important and without mirror: rake dump:restore TAGS='photos,videos,+important,-mirror' `MIGRATE_DOWN` — don't run down for migrations not present in dump if you pass "0", "no" or "false"; pass "reset" to recreate (drop and create) db by default all migrations which are not present in dump are ran down don't run down for migrations: rake dump:restore MIGRATE_DOWN=no reset database: rake dump:restore MIGRATE_DOWN=reset `RESTORE_SCHEMA` — don't read/change schema if you pass "0", "no" or "false" (useful to just restore data for table; note that schema info tables are also not restored) don't restore schema: rake dump:restore RESTORE_SCHEMA=no `RESTORE_TABLES` — works as TABLES, but for restoring restores only people, pages and photos tables: rake dump RESTORE_TABLES='people,pages,photos' restores all tables except people and pages: rake dump TABLES='-people,pages' `RESTORE_ASSETS` — works as ASSETS, but for restoring rake dump RESTORE_ASSETS='public/system/a,public/system/b' rake dump RESTORE_ASSETS='public/system/a:public/images/masks/*/new*' #### For listing dumps: `LIKE`, `VER`, `VERSION` and `TAG`, `TAGS` as for restoring `SUMMARY` — output info about dump: "1", "true" or "yes" for basic info, "2" or "schema" to display schema as well rake dump:versions SUMMARY=1 rake dump:versions SUMMARY=full # output schema too #### For cleanup: `LIKE`, `VER`, `VERSION` and `TAG`, `TAGS` as for restoring `LEAVE` — number of dumps to leave rake dump:cleanup LEAVE=10 rake dump:cleanup LEAVE=none ### cap tasks For all cap commands environment variables are same as for rake tasks `TRANSFER_VIA` — transfer method (rsync, sftp or scp) By default transferring task will try to transfer using rsync if it is present, else it will try to use sftp and scp force transfer using scp: cap dump:remote:download TRANSFER_VIA=scp cap dump:mirror:down TRANSFER_VIA=scp `BACKUP`, `AUTOBACKUP`, `AUTO_BACKUP` — no autobackup if you pass "0", "no" or "false" by default backup is created before mirroring don't create backup: cap dump:mirror:down BACKUP=0 cap dump:mirror:down AUTOBACKUP=no cap dump:mirror:down AUTO_BACKUP=false #### Basic cap tasks are same as rake tasks cap dump:local cap dump:local:create cap dump:local:restore cap dump:local:versions cap dump:local:cleanup cap dump:remote cap dump:remote:create cap dump:remote:restore cap dump:remote:versions cap dump:remote:cleanup #### Dump exchanging tasks transfer selected dump to remote server: cap dump:local:upload transfer selected dump to local: cap dump:remote:download #### Mirroring tasks mirror local to remote (create local dump, upload it to remote and restore it there): cap dump:mirror:up mirror remote to local (create remote dump, download it from remote and restore on local): cap dump:mirror:down #### Backuping tasks backup remote on local (create remote dump and download it): cap dump:backup:create restore backup (upload dump and restore on remote): cap dump:backup:restore ## Copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Ivan Kuchin. See LICENSE.txt for details.