# The Sieve of Eratosthenes prime number finder # Note, uses the Command design pattern class SieveOfEratosthenes attr_reader :primes_elapse_time # Use the Sieve of Eratosthenes to find prime numbers # # @param [Integer] maximum find all primes lower than this maximum value # @option choices [Array] :dirs array of local directories to copy to the host machines. REQUIRED # @option choices [String] :run the name of the file to run on the host machine. REQUIRED # This file should start the drb server. Note, this file will be daemonized before running. # @option choices [Array] :hosts array of host machine descriptions "{user{:password}@}machine{:port}" # This defaults to ['localhost'] # @option choices [Integer] :port default port number used to assign to hosts without a port number. # The port number is incremented for each host. This defaults to 9000 # @option choices [Array] :gems array of gem names to verify are installed on the host machine. # Note, 'daemons' is always added to this array. # @param [Logger] logger the logger to use def initialize(maximum, choices, logger) @maximum = maximum.to_i @choices = choices @logger = logger # we need at least one host that has a drb server running @choices[:hosts] = ['localhost'] if @choices[:hosts].blank? # specify the directories to copy to the host machine @choices[:dirs] = [File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../drb_server')] # set the file to be ran that contains the drb server @choices[:run] = 'drb_server/prime_helper.rb' if @choices[:run].blank? # specify gems required by the drb server object # each host will be checked to make sure these gems are installed @choices[:gems] = ['log4r'] end # Calculate the primes # @return [Array] the array of primes def primes(maximum, drbman) indices = [] if maximum > 2 composites = calc_composites(maximum, drbman) flat_comps = composites.flatten.uniq indices = calc_indices(flat_comps, maximum) end indices end # find the composites array # @param maximum (see #initialize) # @param drbman (see #primes) # @return [Array] the composites array def calc_composites(maximum, drbman) # when n = 20 # sqr_primes = [2,3] # composites = [[2*2, 2*3, 2*4,...,2*9], [3*2, 3*3, 3*4,...,3*6]] sqr_primes = primes(Math.sqrt(maximum).to_i, drbman) composites = [] threads = [] mutex = Mutex.new sqr_primes.each do |ip| # parallelize via threads # then use the drb object within the thread threads << Thread.new(ip, maximum) do |prime, max| drbman.get_object do |prime_helper| prime_multiples = prime_helper.multiples_of(prime, max) mutex.synchronize do composites << prime_multiples end end end end threads.each {|thrd| thrd.join} composites end # sift the indices to find the primes # @param [Array] flat_comps the flattened composites array # @param maximum (see #initialize) def calc_indices(flat_comps, maximum) indices = [] flags = Array.new(maximum, true) flat_comps.each {|i| flags[i] = false} flags.each_index {|i| indices << i if flags[i] } indices.shift(2) indices end end