$LOAD_PATH << "./lib" major, minor = RUBY_VERSION.split(".").values_at(0,1) ver = major.to_i*10 + minor.to_i abort "Need Ruby 2.4 or greater" unless ver >= 24 # Home = Dir.pwd require 'date' require 'global' require 'runeblog' require 'repl' def bold(str) "\e[1m#{str}\e[0m" end def getch # sleep 5 end def debug(str = "") t = Time.now time = t.to_f.to_s n = time.index(".") msec = time[n..(n+2)] time = t.strftime("%H:%M:%S") + msec STDERR.puts "#{'%-11s' % time} #{str}" end @fake_date = Date.today - 20 def make_post(x, title, teaser, body, views=[]) debug " make_post #{bold(title)}" pubdate = @fake_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") @fake_date += (rand(2) + 1) x.create_new_post(title, true, teaser: teaser, body: body, views: views, pubdate: pubdate) end def show_lines(text) lines = text.split("\n") str = "#{lines.size} lines\n" lines.each {|line| str << " #{line.inspect}\n" } str end # "Main"... t0 = Time.now puts debug bold("Generating test blog...") system("rm -rf .blogs") RuneBlog.create_new_blog_repo(".blogs") x = RuneBlog.new(".blogs") debug("create_view: #{bold('around_austin')}") x.create_view("around_austin") # FIXME remember view title! #### FIXME later!! vars = <<-VARS .variables blog Around Austin blog.desc The view from downtown... .end VARS File.open(".blogs/views/around_austin/themes/standard/global.lt3", "a") do |f| f.puts vars end #### debug("** generate_view: #{bold('around_austin')}") x.generate_view("around_austin") debug("-- change_view: #{bold('around_austin')}") x.change_view("around_austin") # 1 2 7 8 9 make_post(x, "What's at Stubbs...", <<-EXCERPT, <<-BODY) Stubbs has been around for longer than civilization. EXCERPT That's a good thing. But their music isn't always the greatest. BODY make_post(x, "The new amphitheatre is overrated", <<-EXCERPT, <<-BODY) It used to be that all major concerts played the Erwin Center. EXCERPT .pin around_austin Now, depending on what you consider "major," blah blah blah... BODY make_post(x, "The graffiti wall", <<-EXCERPT, <<-BODY) RIP, Hope Gallery EXCERPT .dropcap It's been a while since I was there. They say it was torn down while I wasn't looking. Never tagged anything there, of course, nor anywhere else. Spraypainting public places isn't my thing, but in this case I condoned it because it was sort of there for that purpose. This fake entry is a long one so as to demonstrate both drop-caps (above) and an inset quote. Blah blah blah. Lorem ipsum dolor and a partridge in a pear tree. .inset left 20 Wherever you go, there you are. Last night I saw upon the stair a little man who was not there. He wasn't there again today; I wish, I wish he'd go away. As far as we know, our computer has never had an undetected error. |On a clean disk, you can seek forever. And never let it be denied that pobbles are happier without their toes. And may your snark never be a boojum. How do you know you aren't dreaming right now? When you see a butterfly, think of Chuang Tzu. .end Contact light. Houston, this is Tranquility Base. The Eagle has landed. That's one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind. Here's the PDF of $$link["Ruby for the Old-Time C Programmer"|http://rubyhacker.com/blog2/rubydino.pdf] Pity this busy monster, manunkind, not. Pity rather... Listen: There's a hell of a universe next door; let's go. BODY make_post(x, "The Waller Creek project", <<-EXCERPT, <<-BODY) Will it ever be finished? EXCERPT Blah blah Waller Creek blah blah... BODY make_post(x, "Life on Sabine Street", <<-EXCERPT, <<-BODY) It's like Pooh Corner, except not. EXCERPT This is about Sabine St, blah blah lorem ipsum dolor... BODY make_post(x, "Remember Modest Mouse?", <<-EXCERPT, <<-BODY) They date to the 90s or before. EXCERPT But I first heard of them in 2005. BODY debug debug "** generate_index #{bold("around_austin")}" x.generate_index("around_austin") debug x.change_view("around_austin") debug bold("...finished.\n") t1 = Time.now elapsed = t1 - t0 puts "Elapsed: #{'%3.2f' % elapsed} secs\n "