# This file is distributed under the same license as the foreman_ansible package.
# Translators:
# Flamarion Jorge <jorge.flamarion@gmail.com>, 2018
# Valeria S Silva <valeriassilva@live.com>, 2019
# Felipe Nogaroto Gonzalez <felipeng84@gmail.com>, 2019
# Dominic Cleal <dominic@cleal.org>, 2019
# Bryan Kearney <bryan.kearney@gmail.com>, 2019
# Luiz Henrique Vasconcelos <luizvasconceloss@yahoo.com.br>, 2019
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: foreman_ansible 3.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-06-27 17:00+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-11-14 21:36+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Luiz Henrique Vasconcelos <luizvasconceloss@yahoo.com.br>, 2019\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (https://www.transifex.com/foreman/teams/114/pt_BR/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: pt_BR\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"

#: ../app/controllers/ansible_roles_controller.rb:35
msgid "Import of roles successfully finished."
msgstr "A importação de funções foi concluída com êxito."

#: ../app/controllers/ansible_roles_controller.rb:50
msgid "No changes in roles detected."
msgstr "Nenhuma alteração detectada em funções."

#: ../app/controllers/ansible_roles_controller.rb:51
msgid "No changes in roles detected on %s."
msgstr "Nenhum alteração detectada em funções em %s."

#: ../app/controllers/ansible_variables_controller.rb:39
msgid "No changes in variables detected on %s."
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/ansible_variables_controller.rb:49
msgid ""
"Import of variables successfully finished.\n"
"Added: #{results[:added].count} \n"
" Removed: #{results[:obsolete].count} \n"
"Updated: #{results[:updated].count}"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/ansible_variables_controller.rb:102
msgid ""
"No proxy found to import variables from, ensure that the smart proxy has the"
" Ansible feature enabled."
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_inventories_controller.rb:7
#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_inventories_controller.rb:12
msgid "Show Ansible inventory for hosts"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_inventories_controller.rb:8
#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_inventories_controller.rb:13
msgid "IDs of hosts included in inventory"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_inventories_controller.rb:17
#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_inventories_controller.rb:22
msgid "Show Ansible inventory for hostgroups"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_inventories_controller.rb:18
#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_inventories_controller.rb:23
msgid "IDs of hostgroups included in inventory"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_override_values_controller.rb:17
msgid "Override match"
msgstr "perfeita substituição"

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_override_values_controller.rb:18
msgid "Override value, required if omit is false"
msgstr "Valor de substituição, necessário se omitir for falso"

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_override_values_controller.rb:22
msgid "Create an override value for a specific ansible variable"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_override_values_controller.rb:34
msgid "Destroy an override value"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_roles_controller.rb:18
msgid "Show role"
msgstr "Mostrar função"

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_roles_controller.rb:22
msgid "List Ansible roles"
msgstr "Listar regras do Ansible"

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_roles_controller.rb:29
msgid "Deletes Ansible role"
msgstr "Excluir função do Ansible"

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_roles_controller.rb:35
msgid "Import Ansible roles"
msgstr "Importar funções do Ansible"

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_roles_controller.rb:36
#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_roles_controller.rb:43
#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_variables_controller.rb:75
#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_variables_controller.rb:85
msgid "Smart Proxy to import from"
msgstr "Proxy inteligente a partir do qual importar"

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_roles_controller.rb:37
msgid "Ansible role names to import"
msgstr "Nomes das funções do Ansible a serem importadas"

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_roles_controller.rb:42
msgid "Obsolete Ansible roles"
msgstr "Funções do Ansible obsoletas"

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_roles_controller.rb:49
msgid "Fetch Ansible roles available to be imported"
msgstr "Buscar funções do Ansible disponíveis a serem importadas"

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_roles_controller.rb:50
msgid "Smart Proxy to fetch from"
msgstr "Proxy inteligente a partir do qual buscar"

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_roles_controller.rb:73
msgid "Smart proxy id is required"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_variables_controller.rb:20
msgid "Show variable"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_variables_controller.rb:24
msgid "List Ansible variables"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_variables_controller.rb:31
msgid "Deletes Ansible variable"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_variables_controller.rb:40
msgid "Name of variable"
msgstr "Nome da variável"

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_variables_controller.rb:41
msgid "Role ID"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_variables_controller.rb:42
msgid "Default value of variable"
msgstr "Valor padrão da variável"

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_variables_controller.rb:43
msgid "When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI"
msgstr "Quando habilitado, o parâmetro fica oculto na IU "

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_variables_controller.rb:44
msgid "The order in which values are resolved"
msgstr "A ordem na qual os valores são resolvidos"

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_variables_controller.rb:45
msgid "Description of variable"
msgstr "Descrição da variável"

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_variables_controller.rb:46
msgid "Types of validation values"
msgstr "Tipos de valores de validação"

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_variables_controller.rb:47
msgid "Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values"
msgstr "Usado para impor certos valores aos valores do parâmetro "

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_variables_controller.rb:48
msgid "Types of variable values"
msgstr "Tipos de valores de validação"

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_variables_controller.rb:49
msgid "Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)"
msgstr ""
"Mesclar todos os valores correspondentes (somente tipo de hash/ matriz)"

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_variables_controller.rb:50
msgid "Include default value when merging all matching values"
msgstr ""
"Incluir valor padrão quando mesclando todos os valores correspondentes "

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_variables_controller.rb:51
msgid "Remove duplicate values (only array type)"
msgstr "Remover valores duplicados (somente tipo de matriz)"

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_variables_controller.rb:52
msgid "Whether to override variable or not"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_variables_controller.rb:56
msgid "Create Ansible variable"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_variables_controller.rb:63
msgid "Updates Ansible variable"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_variables_controller.rb:73
msgid ""
"Import Ansible variables. This will only import variables for already "
"existing roles, it will not import any new roles"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/ansible_variables_controller.rb:83
msgid ""
"Obsolete Ansible variables. This will only obsolete variables for already "
"existing roles, it will not delete any old roles"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/foreman_ansible/api/v2/hostgroups_controller_extensions.rb:20
msgid "Plays Ansible roles on a hostgroup"
msgstr "Executa as funções do Ansible em um grupo de hosts"

#: ../app/controllers/foreman_ansible/api/v2/hostgroups_controller_extensions.rb:30
msgid "Plays Ansible roles on hostgroups"
msgstr "Executa as funções do Ansible em grupos de hosts"

#: ../app/controllers/foreman_ansible/api/v2/hostgroups_controller_extensions.rb:31
msgid "IDs of hostgroups to play roles on"
msgstr "IDs de grupos de hosts nas quais executar funções"

#: ../app/controllers/foreman_ansible/api/v2/hostgroups_controller_extensions.rb:42
msgid "List all Ansible roles for a hostgroup"
msgstr "Lista de todas as funções do Ansible para um grupo de hosts"

#: ../app/controllers/foreman_ansible/api/v2/hostgroups_controller_extensions.rb:53
msgid "Assigns Ansible roles to a hostgroup"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/foreman_ansible/api/v2/hostgroups_controller_extensions.rb:56
msgid "Ansible roles to assign to a hostgroup"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/foreman_ansible/api/v2/hostgroups_param_group_extensions.rb:13
#: ../app/controllers/foreman_ansible/api/v2/hosts_param_group_extensions.rb:13
msgid "IDs of associated ansible roles"
msgstr "IDs das funções do Ansible associadas"

#: ../app/controllers/foreman_ansible/api/v2/hosts_controller_extensions.rb:26
msgid "Plays Ansible roles on a host"
msgstr "Executa as funções do Ansible em um host"

#: ../app/controllers/foreman_ansible/api/v2/hosts_controller_extensions.rb:35
msgid "Plays Ansible roles on hosts"
msgstr "Executa as funções do Ansible em hosts"

#: ../app/controllers/foreman_ansible/api/v2/hosts_controller_extensions.rb:36
msgid "IDs of hosts to play roles on"
msgstr "IDs dos hosts nos quais executar funções"

#: ../app/controllers/foreman_ansible/api/v2/hosts_controller_extensions.rb:46
msgid "List all Ansible roles for a host"
msgstr "Lista de todas as funções do Ansible para um host"

#: ../app/controllers/foreman_ansible/api/v2/hosts_controller_extensions.rb:56
msgid "Assigns Ansible roles to a host"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/foreman_ansible/api/v2/hosts_controller_extensions.rb:59
msgid "Ansible roles to assign to a host"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/foreman_ansible/concerns/hostgroups_controller_extensions.rb:27
msgid "Host group has no associated hosts"
msgstr "O grupo de hosts não tem hosts associados a ele"

#: ../app/controllers/foreman_ansible/concerns/job_invocation_helper.rb:13
msgid "There are no Ansible roles to play"
msgstr "Não há funções do Ansible a serem executadas"

#: ../app/controllers/foreman_ansible/concerns/job_invocation_helper.rb:15
msgid "Could not run Ansible roles for %{host}"
msgstr "Não foi possível executar as funções do Ansible para %{host}"

#: ../app/helpers/foreman_ansible/ansible_roles_helper.rb:8
msgid "Import from %s"
msgstr "Importar de %s"

#: ../app/helpers/foreman_ansible/ansible_roles_helper.rb:23
msgid "Ansible Role"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/foreman_ansible/ansible_roles_helper.rb:29
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importar"

#: ../app/helpers/foreman_ansible/ansible_roles_helper.rb:35
msgid "%s ago"
msgstr "%s atrás"

#: ../app/helpers/foreman_ansible/hosts_helper_extensions.rb:13
#: ../app/lib/actions/foreman_ansible/helpers/host_common.rb:18
msgid "Play Ansible roles"
msgstr "Executar funções do Ansible"

#: ../app/lib/actions/foreman_ansible/helpers/host_common.rb:10
msgid "Playbook execution failed"
msgstr "Falha na execução do playbook"

#: ../app/lib/actions/foreman_ansible/helpers/host_common.rb:30
#: ../lib/foreman_ansible_core/remote_execution_core/ansible_runner.rb:36
msgid "Error loading data from proxy"
msgstr "Erro ao carregar dados do proxy"

#: ../app/lib/actions/foreman_ansible/helpers/play_roles_description.rb:13
msgid "Foreman"
msgstr "Foreman"

#: ../app/lib/proxy_api/ansible.rb:27
msgid "Unable to get roles from Ansible"
msgstr "Não foi possível obter funções do Ansible"

#: ../app/lib/proxy_api/ansible.rb:34 ../app/lib/proxy_api/ansible.rb:41
msgid "Unable to get roles/variables from Ansible"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/models/setting/ansible.rb:20
msgid ""
"Use this to supply a path to an SSH Private Key that Ansible will use in "
"lieu of a password Override with \"ansible_ssh_private_key_file\" host "
msgstr ""
"Use isso para fornecer um caminho para uma chave privada de SSH que o "
"Ansible usará no lugar de uma senha de substituição com o parâmetro de host "

#: ../app/models/setting/ansible.rb:25
msgid "Private Key Path"
msgstr "Caminho da chave privada"

#: ../app/models/setting/ansible.rb:29
msgid ""
"Use this connection type by default when running Ansible playbooks. You can "
"override this on hosts by adding a parameter \"ansible_connection\""
msgstr ""
"Use esse tipo de conexão por padrão ao executar playbooks do Ansible. Você "
"pode substituir isso em hosts adicionando um parâmetro "

#: ../app/models/setting/ansible.rb:33
msgid "Connection type"
msgstr "Tipo de conexão"

#: ../app/models/setting/ansible.rb:37
msgid ""
"Enable/disable WinRM server certificate validation when running Ansible "
"playbooks. You can override this on hosts by adding a parameter "
msgstr ""
"Ativar/desativar a validação do certificado do servidor WinRM ao executar "
"playbooks do Ansible. Você pode substituir isso em hosts adicionando um "
"parâmetro \"ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation\"."

#: ../app/models/setting/ansible.rb:42
msgid "WinRM cert Validation"
msgstr "Validação de certificado WinRM"

#: ../app/models/setting/ansible.rb:46
msgid ""
"Foreman will add the this level of verbosity for additional debugging output"
" when running Ansible playbooks."
msgstr ""
"O Foreman adicionará esse nível de detalhamento para uma saída de depuração "
"adicional ao executar os playbooks do Ansible."

#: ../app/models/setting/ansible.rb:49
msgid "Default verbosity level"
msgstr "Nível do padrão de detalhamento"

#: ../app/models/setting/ansible.rb:52
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Desativado"

#: ../app/models/setting/ansible.rb:53
msgid "Level 1 (-v)"
msgstr "Nível 1 (-v)"

#: ../app/models/setting/ansible.rb:54
msgid "Level 2 (-vv)"
msgstr "Nível 2 (-vv)"

#: ../app/models/setting/ansible.rb:55
msgid "Level 3 (-vvv)"
msgstr "Nível 3 (-vvv)"

#: ../app/models/setting/ansible.rb:56
msgid "Level 4 (-vvvv)"
msgstr "Nível 4 (-vvvv)"

#: ../app/models/setting/ansible.rb:62
msgid ""
"Timeout (in seconds) to set when Foreman will trigger a play Ansible roles "
"task after a host is fully provisioned. Set this to the maximum time you "
"expect a host to take until it is ready after a reboot."
msgstr ""
"Tempo limite (em segundos) para definir quando o Foreman acionará a tarefa "
"de funções do Ansible depois que um host é totalmente provisionado. Defina "
"isso para o tempo máximo que você espera que um host leve até estar pronto "
"após uma reinicialização."

#: ../app/models/setting/ansible.rb:67
msgid "Post-provision timeout"
msgstr "Tempo limite pós-provisão"

#: ../app/models/setting/ansible.rb:71
msgid "Timeout (in minutes) when hosts should have reported."
msgstr "Limite de tempo (em minutos) em que os hosts devem ser reportados."

#: ../app/models/setting/ansible.rb:73
msgid "Ansible report timeout"
msgstr "Limite de tempo do relatório do Ansible"

#: ../app/models/setting/ansible.rb:77
msgid ""
"Disable host configuration status turning to out of sync for %{cfgmgmt} "
"after report does not arrive within configured interval"
msgstr ""
"Desabilitar o status de configuração do host para que fique fora de "
"sincronização para %{cfgmgmt} depois que o relatório não chegar no intervalo"
" configurado"

#: ../app/models/setting/ansible.rb:81
msgid "%{cfgmgmt} out of sync disabled"
msgstr "%{cfgmgmt} fora de sincronização desabilitado"

#: ../app/models/setting/ansible.rb:86
msgid "Foreman will run Ansible playbooks using this implementation"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/models/setting/ansible.rb:88
msgid "Implementation for running Ansible"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/models/setting/ansible.rb:104 ../lib/foreman_ansible/register.rb:97
msgid "Ansible"
msgstr "Ansible"

#: ../app/services/foreman_ansible/insights_notification_builder.rb:51
msgid "Remediation Plan"
msgstr "Plano de remediação"

#: ../app/services/foreman_ansible/insights_notification_builder.rb:61
#: ../db/seeds.d/90_notification_blueprints.rb:13
msgid "Job Details"
msgstr "Detalhes do trabalho"

#: ../app/services/foreman_ansible/proxy_api.rb:13
msgid "Proxy not found"
msgstr "Proxy não encontrado"

#: ../app/views/ansible_roles/import.html.erb:1
msgid "Changed Ansible roles"
msgstr "Funções do Ansible alteradas"

#: ../app/views/ansible_roles/import.html.erb:3
#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/import.html.erb:3
msgid "Select the changes you want to realize in Foreman"
msgstr "Selecionar mudanças que você deseja realizar no Foreman"

#: ../app/views/ansible_roles/import.html.erb:5
#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/import.html.erb:5
msgid "Toggle"
msgstr "Alternar"

#: ../app/views/ansible_roles/import.html.erb:6
#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/import.html.erb:6
msgid "New"
msgstr "Novo"

#: ../app/views/ansible_roles/import.html.erb:8
#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/import.html.erb:8
msgid "Check/Uncheck new"
msgstr "Marcar/Desmarcar novo"

#: ../app/views/ansible_roles/import.html.erb:9
#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/import.html.erb:9
msgid "Obsolete"
msgstr "Obsoleto"

#: ../app/views/ansible_roles/import.html.erb:11
#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/import.html.erb:11
msgid "Check/Uncheck obsolete"
msgstr "Marcar/Desmarcar obsoleto"

#: ../app/views/ansible_roles/import.html.erb:19
#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/import.html.erb:22
msgid "Check/Uncheck all"
msgstr "Marcar/Desmarcar tudo"

#: ../app/views/ansible_roles/import.html.erb:21
#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/import.html.erb:24
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nome"

#: ../app/views/ansible_roles/import.html.erb:22
#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/import.html.erb:26
msgid "Hosts count"
msgstr "Contagem de hosts"

#: ../app/views/ansible_roles/import.html.erb:23
#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/import.html.erb:27
msgid "Hostgroups count"
msgstr "Contagem de grupos de hosts"

#: ../app/views/ansible_roles/import.html.erb:24
#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/import.html.erb:28
msgid "Operation"
msgstr "Operação"

#: ../app/views/ansible_roles/import.html.erb:35
#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/import.html.erb:39
msgid "Check/Uncheck all %s changes"
msgstr "Marcar/Desmarcar todas %s mudanças"

#: ../app/views/ansible_roles/import.html.erb:40
#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/import.html.erb:45
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Adicionar"

#: ../app/views/ansible_roles/import.html.erb:40
#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/import.html.erb:45
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Remover"

#: ../app/views/ansible_roles/import.html.erb:48
#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/import.html.erb:53
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancelar"

#: ../app/views/ansible_roles/import.html.erb:49
#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/import.html.erb:12
#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/import.html.erb:45
#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/import.html.erb:54
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Atualizar"

#: ../app/views/ansible_roles/index.html.erb:1
#: ../app/views/ansible_roles/welcome.html.erb:1
#: ../app/views/ansible_roles/welcome.html.erb:6
#: ../app/views/foreman_ansible/ansible_roles/_select_tab_title.html.erb:1
msgid "Ansible Roles"
msgstr "Funções do Ansible"

#: ../app/views/ansible_roles/index.html.erb:9
msgid "Role|Name"
msgstr "Nome"

#: ../app/views/ansible_roles/index.html.erb:10
msgid "Hostgroups"
msgstr "Grupos de hosts"

#: ../app/views/ansible_roles/index.html.erb:11
msgid "Hosts"
msgstr "Hosts"

#: ../app/views/ansible_roles/index.html.erb:12
msgid "Imported at"
msgstr "Importado em"

#: ../app/views/ansible_roles/index.html.erb:13
#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/index.html.erb:16
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Ações"

#: ../app/views/ansible_roles/index.html.erb:27
#: ../lib/foreman_ansible/register.rb:103
msgid "Variables"
msgstr "Variáveis"

#: ../app/views/ansible_roles/index.html.erb:33
#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/index.html.erb:41
msgid "Delete %s?"
msgstr "Remover %s"

#: ../app/views/ansible_roles/welcome.html.erb:7
msgid ""
"No ansible roles were found in Foreman. If you want to assign roles to your hosts,\n"
"             you have to import them first."
msgstr ""
"Nenhuma função do Ansible foi encontrada no Foreman. Se desejar atribuir funções a seus hosts,\n"
"             importe-as primeiro."

#: ../app/views/ansible_roles/welcome.html.erb:10
msgid "Learn more about this in the documentation."
msgstr "Para saber mais sobre isto, acesse a documentação."

#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/_fields.erb:4
msgid "Ansible Variable Details (Imported)"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/_fields.erb:4
msgid "Ansible Variable Details"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/_fields.erb:11
msgid "Default Behavior"
msgstr "Comportamento do parâmetro"

#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/_fields.erb:12
msgid "Override the default value of the Ansible variable."
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/_fields.erb:14
msgid ""
"Mark the variable to be managed by Foreman. When the Ansible role of this "
"variable is assigned to a host, the default value will be added to Ansible "
"inventory as a host variable. Specify matchers to set a different value for "
"such variable."
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/_fields.erb:27
msgid "Value to use when there is no match."
msgstr "Valor a ser usado quando não há correspondências. "

#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/_fields.erb:30
msgid "Hidden Value"
msgstr "Valor oculto"

#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/_fields.erb:33
msgid "Hide all values for this parameter."
msgstr "Ocultar todos os valores para este parâmetro."

#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/_fields.erb:39
msgid "Optional Input Validator"
msgstr "Validador de entrada opcional"

#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/_fields.erb:41
msgid ""
"Before including these variables on your playbooks, Foreman will validate "
"that your variables comply with the validation."
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/_fields.erb:44
msgid ""
"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher "
"provide a value."
msgstr ""
"Se verificado, surgirá um erro caso não haja valor padrão e nenhum "
"coincidente fornecer um valor."

#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/_fields.erb:53
msgid "Prioritize Attribute Order"
msgstr "Priorizar ordem de atributos "

#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/_fields.erb:54
msgid "Set the order in which values are resolved."
msgstr "Definir a ordem em que os valores serão resolvidos. "

#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/_fields.erb:55
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Ordem"

#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/_fields.erb:56
msgid ""
"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You "
"may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of "
"<code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as "
"<code>hostgroup = \"web servers\", environment = production</code>"
msgstr ""
"A ordem em que as chaves de correspondência são processadas​​, a primeira "
"combinação vence. <br> Você pode usar vários atributos como uma chave de "
"correspondência, por exemplo, uma ordem de <code> grupo de host, ambiente "
"</code>  esperaria uma correspondência como <code>hostgroup = \"web "
"servers\", environment = production</code>."

#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/_fields.erb:59
msgid ""
"Continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type)? Note: "
"merging overrides ignores all matchers that are omitted."
msgstr ""
"Continuar a buscar correspondências após o primeiro resultado (somente tipo "
"matriz/hash)? Observação: mesclar substituições ignora todas as "
"correspondências que são omitidas."

#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/_fields.erb:61
msgid "Include default value when merging all matching values."
msgstr ""
"Incluir valor padrão quando mesclando todos os valores correspondentes."

#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/_fields.erb:64
msgid "Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?"
msgstr ""
"Evitar valores duplicados quando mesclando-os (somente tipo de matriz)?"

#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/_fields.erb:68
msgid "Specify Matchers"
msgstr "Especificar correspondências "

#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/edit.html.erb:4
#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/index.html.erb:1
#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/new.html.erb:4
msgid "Ansible Variables"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/edit.html.erb:8
msgid "Edit %s"
msgstr "Editar %s"

#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/edit.html.erb:13
msgid "Edit Ansible Variable"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/import.html.erb:1
msgid "Changed Ansible variables"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/import.html.erb:14
msgid "Check/Uncheck update"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/import.html.erb:25
msgid "Ansible role"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/index.html.erb:5
msgid "New Ansible Variable"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/index.html.erb:12
msgid "Variable|Name"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/index.html.erb:13
msgid "Variable|Role"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/index.html.erb:14
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipo"

#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/index.html.erb:15
msgid "Imported?"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/index.html.erb:23
msgid "Overriden"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/new.html.erb:8
#: ../app/views/ansible_variables/new.html.erb:13
msgid "Create Ansible Variable"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/foreman_ansible/ansible_roles/_hostgroup_ansible_roles_button.erb:5
msgid "Play Roles"
msgstr "Funções de ação"

#: ../app/views/foreman_ansible/ansible_roles/_hostgroup_ansible_roles_button.erb:9
msgid "Nest"
msgstr "Aninhar"

#: ../app/views/foreman_ansible/ansible_roles/_hostgroup_ansible_roles_button.erb:10
msgid "Clone"
msgstr "Clonar"

#: ../app/views/foreman_ansible/config_reports/_ansible.html.erb:7
msgid "Level"
msgstr "Nível"

#: ../app/views/foreman_ansible/config_reports/_ansible.html.erb:8
msgid "Module"
msgstr "Módulo"

#: ../app/views/foreman_ansible/config_reports/_ansible.html.erb:9
msgid "Arguments"
msgstr "Argumentos"

#: ../app/views/foreman_ansible/config_reports/_ansible.html.erb:10
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Mensagem"

#: ../app/views/foreman_ansible/config_reports/_ansible.html.erb:23
msgid "Nothing to show"
msgstr "Nada para exibir"

#: ../db/seeds.d/90_notification_blueprints.rb:5
msgid "Jobs"
msgstr "Trabalhos"

#: ../db/seeds.d/90_notification_blueprints.rb:7
msgid ""
"Insights remediation on %{hosts_count} host(s) has finished successfully"
msgstr ""
"A remediação de insights no(s) host(s) %{hosts_count} foi concluída com "

#: ../lib/foreman_ansible/register.rb:99
msgid "Roles"
msgstr "Funções"

#: ../lib/foreman_ansible/remote_execution.rb:20
msgid "Run Ansible roles"
msgstr "Executar funções do Ansible"

#: ../lib/foreman_ansible/remote_execution.rb:21
msgid ""
"Runs an Ansible playbook which contains all the roles defined for a host"
msgstr ""
"Executa um playbook do Ansible que contém todas as funções definidas por um "

#: ../lib/foreman_ansible/remote_execution.rb:27
msgid "Ansible: Run Insights maintenance plan"
msgstr "Ansible: executar plano de manutenção de insights"

#: ../lib/foreman_ansible/remote_execution.rb:28
msgid ""
"Runs a given maintenance plan from Red Hat Access Insights given an ID."
msgstr ""
"Executa um determinado plano de manutenção a partir do Red Hat Access "
"Insights dada uma ID."

#: action_names.rb:2
msgid "Remote action:"
msgstr "Ação remota:"

#: action_names.rb:3
msgid "Import Puppet classes"
msgstr "Importar classes de Puppet"

#: action_names.rb:4
msgid "Import facts"
msgstr "Importar fatos"

#: action_names.rb:5
msgid "Action with sub plans"
msgstr "Ação com subplanos"

#: gemspec.rb:2
msgid "Ansible support in Foreman"
msgstr "Suporte do Ansible no Foreman"