class TodaysTopDesserts::CLI def call create_recipes add_attributes_to_recipes list_desserts menu goodbye end def create_recipes #scrapes name and url of recipes recipes_array = TodaysTopDesserts::Scraper.scrape_desserts #creates recipes using the array from the scrape_desserts method TodaysTopDesserts::Recipe.create_from_collection(recipes_array) end def add_attributes_to_recipes #scrapes additional attributes from the individual recipe's page and adds the attributes to the Recipe do |recipe| attributes = TodaysTopDesserts::Scraper.scrape_recipe(recipe.url) recipe.add_recipe_attributes(attributes) end end def list_desserts puts "" puts "Here are today's most made desserts:" puts "" @recipes = @recipes.each.with_index(1) do |recipe, i| puts "#{i}.".colorize(:light_black) + " #{}" end end def menu input = nil while input != "exit" puts "" puts "Please enter either the number of the recipe you'd like to view, 'list' to see the list of recipes again, or 'exit' to close the program:" input = gets.strip.downcase if input.to_i > 0 && input.to_i < 11 @the_recipe = @recipes[input.to_i-1] puts_recipe elsif input == "list" list_desserts elsif input == "exit" else puts "" puts "Not sure what you meant by that." end end end def puts_recipe puts "" puts "#{}".colorize(:cyan).bold puts "by #{}" if != "" puts "" puts "#{@the_recipe.description}".italic if @the_recipe.description != "" puts "" puts "Ready in: ".colorize(:light_black) + "#{@the_recipe.ready_time}" if @the_recipe.ready_time != "" puts "Prep time: ".colorize(:light_black) + "#{@the_recipe.prep_time}" if @the_recipe.prep_time != "" puts "Cook time: ".colorize(:light_black) + "#{@the_recipe.cook_time}" if @the_recipe.cook_time != "" puts "Serving size: ".colorize(:light_black) + "#{@the_recipe.serving_size}" if @the_recipe.serving_size != "" puts "Calorie count: ".colorize(:light_black) + "#{@the_recipe.calorie_count}" if @the_recipe.calorie_count != "" puts "" puts "INGREDIENTS:".colorize(:light_red).underline @the_recipe.ingredients.each do |ingredient| puts "#{ingredient}" end puts "" puts "INSTRUCTIONS:".colorize(:light_red).underline @the_recipe.instructions.each.with_index(1) do |instruction, i| puts "#{i}.".colorize(:light_black) + " #{instruction}" end end def goodbye puts "" puts "Hope you bake something delicious today! See you later!" end end