# Nlpir_win A rubygem wrapper of chinese segment tools ICTCLAS2013 Nlpir version 0.0.4 , gem nlpir-0.0.4-x86-mingw32 support '>=ruby2.0.0' on win7. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'nlpir' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install nlpir ## Usage some DEFINE you may use : ```ruby NLPIR_FALSE = 0 NLPIR_TRUE = 1 POS_MAP_NUMBER = 4 ICT_POS_MAP_FIRST = 1 #计算所一级标注集 ICT_POS_MAP_SECOND = 0 #计算所二级标注集 PKU_POS_MAP_SECOND = 2 #北大二级标注集 PKU_POS_MAP_FIRST = 3 #北大一级标注集 POS_SIZE = 40 #词条结构体 term struct Result_t = struct ['int start','int length',"char sPOS[#{POS_SIZE}]",'int iPOS', 'int word_ID','int word_type','double weight'] GBK_CODE = 0 #GBK编码 UTF8_CODE = GBK_CODE + 1 #UTF8编码 BIG5_CODE = GBK_CODE + 2 #BIG5编码 GBK_FANTI_CODE = GBK_CODE + 3 #GBK编码,包含繁体字 ``` after you gem install it: also can see some examples from test cases [here](https://github.com/JoeWoo/nlpir_win/blob/master/test/test_nlpir.rb) ```ruby require 'nlpir' include Nlpir s = "坚定不移沿着中国特色社会主义道路前进 为全面建成小康社会而奋斗" #first of all : Call the NLPIR API NLPIR_Init NLPIR_Init(nil, UTF8_CODE , File.expand_path("../", __FILE__)) #example1: Process a paragraph, and return the result text with POS or not puts NLPIR_ParagraphProcess(s, NLPIR_TRUE) puts NLPIR_ParagraphProcess(s, NLPIR_FALSE) #example2: Process a paragraph, and return an array filled elements are POSed words. #tips: NLPIR_ParagraphProcessA() return the array, and its memory is malloced by NLPIR, it will be freed by NLPIR_Exit() (memory in server) words_list = NLPIR_ParagraphProcessA(s) i=1 words_list.each do |a| sWhichDic="" case a.word_type when 0 sWhichDic = "核心词典" when 1 sWhichDic = "用户词典" when 2 sWhichDic = "专业词典" end puts "No.#{i}:start:#{a.start}, length:#{a.length}, POS_ID:#{a.sPOS},word_ID:#{a.word_ID},word_type:#{a.word_type} , UserDefine:#{sWhichDic}, Word:#{s.byteslice(a.start,a.length)}, Weight:#{a.weight}\n" i += 1 end #example3: Process a paragraph, and return an array filled elements are POSed words. #tips: NLPIR_ParagraphProcessAW() return the array, and its memory is malloced by ruby::fiddle,and be collect by GC (memory in agent) words_list = NLPIR_ParagraphProcessAW(s) i=1 words_list.each do |a| sWhichDic="" case a.word_type when 0 sWhichDic = "核心词典" when 1 sWhichDic = "用户词典" when 2 sWhichDic = "专业词典" end puts "No.#{i}:start:#{a.start}, length:#{a.length}, POS_ID:#{a.sPOS},word_ID:#{a.word_ID},word_type:#{a.word_type} , UserDefine:#{sWhichDic}, Word:#{s.byteslice(a.start,a.length)}, Weight:#{a.weight}\n" i += 1 end #example4: Process a text file, and wirte the result text to file puts NLPIR_FileProcess("./test.txt", "./test_result.txt", NULL) #example5: Get ProcessAWordCount, it returns the count of the words puts count = NLPIR_GetParagraphProcessAWordCount(s) #example6: Add/Delete a word to the user dictionary (the path of user dictionary is ./data/userdict.dpat) puts NLPIR_ParagraphProcess("我们都是爱思客") #add a user word NLPIR_AddUserWord("都是爱思客 n") puts NLPIR_ParagraphProcess("我们都是爱思客") #save the user word to disk NLPIR_SaveTheUsrDic() puts NLPIR_ParagraphProcess("我们都是爱思客") #delete a user word NLPIR_DelUsrWord("都是爱思课") #save the change to disk NLPIR_SaveTheUsrDic() #example7: Import user-defined dictionary from a text file. and puts NLPIR result puts NLPIR_ParagraphProcess("1989年春夏之交的政治风波1989年政治风波24小时降雪量24小时降雨量863计划ABC防护训练APEC会议BB机BP机C2系统C3I系统C3系统C4ISR系统C4I系统CCITT建议") puts NLPIR_ImportUserDict("./userdict.txt") NLPIR_AddUserWord("1989年春夏之交的政治风波 n") #you can see the example file: ./test/userdict.txt to know the userdict`s format requirements puts NLPIR_ParagraphProcess("1989年春夏之交的政治风波1989年政治风波24小时降雪量24小时降雨量863计划ABC防护训练APEC会议BB机BP机C2系统C3I系统C3系统C4ISR系统C4I系统CCITT建议") NLPIR_DelUsrWord("1989年春夏之交的政治风波") puts NLPIR_ParagraphProcess("1989年春夏之交的政治风波1989年政治风波24小时降雪量24小时降雨量863计划ABC防护训练APEC会议BB机BP机C2系统C3I系统C3系统C4ISR系统C4I系统CCITT建议") #example8: Get keywords of text #2nd parameter is the MaxNumber of keywords #3rd parameter is a swith to show the WeightOut or not puts NLPIR_GetKeyWords(s, 50,NLPIR_TRUE) #example9: Get keywords from file puts NLPIR_GetFileKeyWords("./test.txt",50, NLPIR_TRUE) #example10: Find new words from text puts NLPIR_GetNewWords(s, 50, NLPIR_TRUE) #example11: Find new words from file puts NLPIR_GetFileNewWords("./test.txt") #example12: Extract a finger print from the paragraph puts NLPIR_FingerPrint(s) #example13: select which pos map will use #ICT_POS_MAP_FIRST #//计算所一级标注集 #ICT_POS_MAP_SECOND #//计算所二级标注集 #PKU_POS_MAP_SECOND #//北大二级标注集 #PKU_POS_MAP_FIRST #//北大一级标注集 NLPIR_SetPOSmap(ICT_POS_MAP_FIRST) puts NLPIR_ParagraphProcess(s) NLPIR_SetPOSmap(PKU_POS_MAP_FIRST) puts NLPIR_ParagraphProcess(s) # 新词发现批量处理功能 #以下函数为2013版本专门针对新词发现的过程,一般建议脱机实现,不宜在线处理 # 新词识别完成后,再自动导入到分词系统中,即可完成 NLPIR_NWI_Start() #启动新词发现功能 f=File.new("test.txt", "r") text=f.read NLPIR_NWI_AddFile(text)#添加新词训练的文件,可反复添加 NLPIR_NWI_Complete()#添加文件或者训练内容结束 f.close() puts NLPIR_NWI_GetResult()#输出新词识别结果 #puts NLPIR_FileProcess("a.txt","b.txt") NLPIR_NWI_Result2UserDict()#新词识别结果导入到用户词典 #at the end call NLPIR_Exit() to free system materials NLPIR_Exit() ``` ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request