module Lita # Base class for objects that add new behavior to Lita. class Handler extend Forwardable # A Redis::Namespace scoped to the handler. # @return [Redis::Namespace] attr_reader :redis # The running {Lita::Robot} instance. # @return [Lita::Robot] attr_reader :robot # A Struct representing a chat route defined by a handler. class Route < :pattern, :method_name, :command, :required_groups, :help ) alias_method :command?, :command end class << self # Creates a chat route. # @param pattern [Regexp] A regular expression to match incoming messages # against. # @param method [Symbol, String] The name of the method to trigger. # @param command [Boolean] Whether or not the message must be directed at # the robot. # @param restrict_to [Array, nil] A list of authorization # groups the user must be in to trigger the route. # @param help [Hash] A map of example invocations to descriptions. # @return [void] def route(pattern, method, command: false, restrict_to: nil, help: {}) groups = restrict_to.nil? ? nil : Array(restrict_to) routes <<, method, command, groups, help) end # A list of chat routes defined by the handler. # @return [Array] def routes @routes ||= [] end # The main entry point for the handler at runtime. Checks if the message # matches any of the routes and invokes the route's method if it does. # Called by {Lita::Robot#receive}. # @param robot [Lita::Robot] The currently running robot. # @param message [Lita::Message] The incoming message. # @return [void] def dispatch(robot, message) routes.each do |route| next unless route_applies?(route, message, robot) log_dispatch(route) begin new(robot).public_send( route.method_name,, route.pattern) ) rescue Exception => e log_dispatch_error(e) raise e if rspec_loaded? end end end # Creates a new {Lita::HTTPRoute} which is used to define an HTTP route # for the built-in web server. # @see Lita::HTTPRoute # @return [Lita::HTTPRoute] The new {Lita::HTTPRoute}. def http end # An array of all HTTP routes defined for the handler. # @return [Array] The array of routes. def http_routes @http_routes ||= [] end # The namespace for the handler, used for its configuration object and # Redis store. If the handler is an anonymous class, it must explicitly # define # @return [String] The handler's namespace. # @raise [RuntimeError] If is not defined. def namespace if name Util.underscore(name.split("::").last) else raise I18n.t("lita.handler.name_required") end end # Registers an event subscription. When an event is triggered with # {trigger}, a new instance of the handler will be created and the # instance method name supplied to {on} will be invoked with a payload # (a hash of arbitrary keys and values). # @param event_name [String, Symbol] The name of the event to subscribe # to. # @param method_name [String, Symbol] The name of the instance method on # the handler that should be invoked when the event is triggered. # @return [void] def on(event_name, method_name) event_subscriptions[normalize_event(event_name)] << method_name end # Returns the translation for a key, automatically namespaced to the handler. # @param key [String] The key of the translation. # @param hash [Hash] An optional hash of values to be interpolated in the string. # @return [String] The translated string. # @since 3.0.0 def translate(key, hash = {}) I18n.translate("lita.handlers.#{namespace}.#{key}", hash) end alias_method :t, :translate # Triggers an event, invoking methods previously registered with {on} and # passing them a payload hash with any arbitrary data. # @param robot [Lita::Robot] The currently running robot instance. # @param event_name [String, Symbol], The name of the event to trigger. # @param payload [Hash] An optional hash of arbitrary data. # @return [void] def trigger(robot, event_name, payload = {}) event_subscriptions[normalize_event(event_name)].each do |method_name| new(robot).public_send(method_name, payload) end end private # A hash of arrays used to store event subscriptions registered with {on}. def event_subscriptions @event_subscriptions ||= { |h, k| h[k] = [] } end # Determines whether or not an incoming messages should trigger a route. def route_applies?(route, message, robot) # Message must be a command if the route requires a command return if route.command? && !message.command? # Messages from self should be ignored to prevent infinite loops return if == # Message must match the pattern return unless route.pattern === message.body # User must be in auth group if route is restricted return unless authorized?(message.user, route.required_groups) true end # Checks if RSpec is loaded. If so, assume we are testing and let handler # exceptions bubble up. def rspec_loaded? defined?(::RSpec) end # Checks if the user is authorized to at least one of the given groups. def authorized?(user, required_groups) required_groups.nil? || required_groups.any? do |group| Authorization.user_in_group?(user, group) end end # Logs the dispatch of message. def log_dispatch(route) Lita.logger.debug I18n.t( "lita.handler.dispatch", handler: name, method: route.method_name ) end def log_dispatch_error(e) Lita.logger.error I18n.t( "lita.handler.exception", handler: name, message: e.message, backtrace: e.backtrace.join("\n") ) end def normalize_event(event_name) event_name.to_s.downcase.strip.to_sym end end # @param robot [Lita::Robot] The currently running robot. def initialize(robot) @robot = robot @redis =, redis: Lita.redis) end # Invokes the given block after the given number of seconds. # @param interval [Integer] The number of seconds to wait before invoking the block. # @yieldparam timer [Lita::Timer] The current {Lita::Timer} instance. # @since 3.0.0 def after(interval, &block) interval, &block).start end # Invokes the given block repeatedly, waiting the given number of seconds between each # invocation. # @param interval [Integer] The number of seconds to wait before each invocation of the block. # @yieldparam timer [Lita::Timer] The current {Lita::Timer} instance. # @note The block should call {Lita::Timer#stop} at a terminating condition to avoid infinite # recursion. # @since 3.0.0 def every(interval, &block) interval, recurring: true, &block).start end # Creates a new +Faraday::Connection+ for making HTTP requests. # @param options [Hash] A set of options passed on to Faraday. # @yield [builder] A Faraday builder object for adding middleware. # @return [Faraday::Connection] The new connection object. def http(options = {}, &block) options = default_faraday_options.merge(options), options, &block) end # @see .translate def translate(*args) self.class.translate(*args) end alias_method :t, :translate private # Default options for new Faraday connections. Sets the user agent to the # current version of Lita. def default_faraday_options { headers: { "User-Agent" => "Lita v#{VERSION}" } } end # The handler's namespace for Redis. def redis_namespace "handlers:#{self.class.namespace}" end end end