require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) ) + "/../spec_helper" describe "re_button_submit", :type => :helper do def call_re_button_submit(title, color, options = {}) eval_erb("<%= re_button_submit(\"#{title}\", \"#{color}\", #{options.inspect})%>") end it "should be accessible to rails apps by default" do include("re_button_submit") end it "should set the default class to re-form-field" do call_re_button_submit("Title", "red").should have_tag(' input[type=submit].re-form-button-red') end it "should set the width from the span value" do call_re_button_submit("Title", "red", :span => '20').should have_tag('') end end %w(gray blue green orange red).each do |color| describe "re_button_submit_#{color}", :type => :helper do it "should be accessible to rails apps by default" do include("re_button_submit_#{color}") end it "should call button submit" do @template.should_receive(:re_button_submit).with("title", "#{color}", {}) eval_erb("<% re_button_submit_#{color}('title') %>") end end end describe "re_button_link", :type => :helper do def call_re_button_link(title, url, color, options = {}) eval_erb("<%= re_button_link(\"#{title}\", \"#{url}\", \"#{color}\", #{options.inspect})%>") end it "should be accessible to rails apps by default" do include("re_button_link") end it "should set the default class to re-form-field" do call_re_button_link("Title", "http://wow", "red").should have_tag(" a[href=http://wow].re-form-button-red") end it "should set the width from the span value" do call_re_button_link("Title", "http://wow", "red", :span => '20').should have_tag('') end end %w(gray blue green orange red).each do |color| describe "re_button_link_#{color}", :type => :helper do it "should be accessible to rails apps by default" do include("re_button_link_#{color}") end it "should call button link" do @template.should_receive(:re_button_link).with("title", "url", "#{color}", {}) eval_erb("<%= re_button_link_#{color}('title', 'url') %>") end end end describe "re_add_link", :type => :helper do it "should call link_to with the title" do @template.should_receive(:link_to).with("mock_title", "#", anything()) eval_erb("<%= re_add_link('mock_title', 'mock_id') %>") end it "should call link_to with the id" do @template.should_receive(:link_to).with(anything(), anything(), hash_including({:id => 'mock_id'})) eval_erb("<%= re_add_link('mock_title', 'mock_id') %>") end it "should set the link class to re-add-link" do @template.should_receive(:link_to).with(anything(), anything(), hash_including({:class => 're-add-link'})) eval_erb("<%= re_add_link('mock_title', 'mock_id') %>") end end describe "re_remove_link", :type => :helper do it "shouldbe blank if the id is 0" do eval_erb("<%= re_remove_link('mock_title', 'object[name]', 0) %>").should be_blank end it "should call link_to with the title" do @template.should_receive(:link_to).with("mock_title", anything(), anything()) eval_erb("<%= re_remove_link('mock_title', 'object[name]', 'mock_id') %>") end it "should call link_to with the id" do @template.should_receive(:link_to).with(anything(), anything(), hash_including({:id => 'object_name_remove'})) eval_erb("<%= re_remove_link('mock_title', 'object[name]', 'mock_id') %>") end it "should set the link class to re-remove-link" do @template.should_receive(:link_to).with(anything(), anything(), hash_including({:class => 're-remove-link'})) eval_erb("<%= re_remove_link('mock_title', 'object[name]', 'mock_id') %>") end end describe "re_remove_field", :type => :helper do it "should be blank if the id is 0" do eval_erb("<%= re_remove_field('object[name]', 0) %>").should be_blank end it "should call hidden_field_tag with the _delete field" do @template.should_receive(:hidden_field_tag).with("object[name][_delete]", anything(), anything()) eval_erb("<%= re_remove_field('object[name]', 'mock_id') %>") end it "should call hidden_field_tag with the id" do @template.should_receive(:hidden_field_tag).with(anything(), anything(), hash_including({:id => 'object_name__delete'})) eval_erb("<%= re_remove_field('object[name]', 'mock_id') %>") end end describe "re_button_add", :type => :helper do it "should a link to with the class re-button-add" do eval_erb("<%= re_button_add('http://test') %>").should have_tag('[href=http://test]') end end describe "re_button_remove", :type => :helper do it "should a link to with the class re-button-remove" do eval_erb("<%= re_button_remove('http://test') %>").should have_tag('[href=http://test]') end end describe "re_button_select", :type => :helper do it "should a link to with the class re-button-select" do eval_erb("<%= re_button_select('http://test') %>").should have_tag('[href=http://test]') end end describe "re_button_checked", :type => :helper do it "should a link to with the class re-button-checked" do eval_erb("<%= re_button_checked('http://test') %>").should have_tag('[href=http://test]') end end describe "re_button_unchecked", :type => :helper do it "should a link to with the class re-button-unchecked" do eval_erb("<%= re_button_unchecked('http://test') %>").should have_tag('[href=http://test]') end end