require 'test_helper' module Elasticsearch module Model class ActiveRecordPaginationTest < Elasticsearch::Test::IntegrationTestCase class ::ArticleForPagination < ActiveRecord::Base include Elasticsearch::Model scope :published, -> { where(published: true) } settings index: { number_of_shards: 1, number_of_replicas: 0 } do mapping do indexes :title, type: 'string', analyzer: 'snowball' indexes :created_at, type: 'date' end end end Kaminari::Hooks.init context "ActiveRecord pagination" do setup do ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 1) do create_table ::ArticleForPagination.table_name do |t| t.string :title t.datetime :created_at, :default => 'NOW()' t.boolean :published end end ArticleForPagination.delete_all ArticleForPagination.__elasticsearch__.create_index! force: true 68.times do |i| ::ArticleForPagination.create! title: "Test #{i}", published: (i % 2 == 0) end ArticleForPagination.import ArticleForPagination.__elasticsearch__.refresh_index! end should "be on the first page by default" do records ='title:test').page(1).records assert_equal 25, records.size assert_equal 1, records.current_page assert_equal nil, records.prev_page assert_equal 2, records.next_page assert_equal 3, records.total_pages assert records.first_page?, "Should be the first page" assert ! records.last_page?, "Should NOT be the last page" assert ! records.out_of_range?, "Should NOT be out of range" end should "load next page" do records ='title:test').page(2).records assert_equal 25, records.size assert_equal 2, records.current_page assert_equal 1, records.prev_page assert_equal 3, records.next_page assert_equal 3, records.total_pages assert ! records.first_page?, "Should NOT be the first page" assert ! records.last_page?, "Should NOT be the last page" assert ! records.out_of_range?, "Should NOT be out of range" end should "load last page" do records ='title:test').page(3).records assert_equal 18, records.size assert_equal 3, records.current_page assert_equal 2, records.prev_page assert_equal nil, records.next_page assert_equal 3, records.total_pages assert ! records.first_page?, "Should NOT be the first page" assert records.last_page?, "Should be the last page" assert ! records.out_of_range?, "Should NOT be out of range" end should "not load invalid page" do records ='title:test').page(6).records assert_equal 0, records.size assert_equal 6, records.current_page assert_equal 5, records.prev_page assert_equal nil, records.next_page assert_equal 3, records.total_pages assert ! records.first_page?, "Should NOT be the first page" assert records.last_page?, "Should be the last page" assert records.out_of_range?, "Should be out of range" end should "be combined with scopes" do records ='title:test').page(2).records.published assert records.all? { |r| r.published? } assert_equal 12, records.size end should "set the limit per request" do records ='title:test').limit(50).page(2).records assert_equal 18, records.size assert_equal 2, records.current_page assert_equal 1, records.prev_page assert_equal nil, records.next_page assert_equal 2, records.total_pages assert records.last_page?, "Should be the last page" end context "with specific model settings" do teardown do ArticleForPagination.instance_variable_set(:@_default_per_page, nil) end should "respect paginates_per" do ArticleForPagination.paginates_per 50 assert_equal 50,'*').page(1).records.size end end end end end end