module Gluttonberg module AssetLibrary # nice and clean public url of assets def asset_url(asset , opts = {}) url = "" if Rails.env=="development" url = "http://#{}:#{request.port}/user_asset/#{asset.asset_hash[0..3]}/#{}" else url = "http://#{}/user_asset/#{asset.asset_hash[0..3]}/#{}" end if opts[:thumb_name] url << "/#{opts[:thumb_name]}" end url end # Returns a link for sorting assets in the library def sorter_link(name, param, url) opts = {} route_opts = { :order => param , :order_type => "asc" } if param == params[:order] || (!params[:order] && param == 'date-added') opts[:class] = "current" unless params[:order_type].blank? route_opts[:order_type] = (params[:order_type] == "asc" ? "desc" : "asc" ) else route_opts[:order_type] = "desc" end opts[:class] << (route_opts[:order_type] == "asc" ? " desc" : " asc" ) end link_to(name, url + "?" + route_opts.to_param , opts) end # Generates a link which launches the asset browser # This method operates in bound or unbound mode. # # # In unbound mode this method accepts name of the tag and an options hash. # # The options hash accepts the following parameters: # # The following are required in unbound mode, not used in bound mode: # :id = This is the id to use for the generated hidden field to store the selected assets id. # :asset_id = The id of the currently selected asset. # :filter = Its optional. If valid filter is provided then it only brings assets of belonging to select filter type. (image,audio video) # :button_class => Html class for button # :button_text => Its a label for button. If its not provided then "Browse" # The following are optional in either mode: # < any option accepted by hidden_field() method > # # # For Finding image assets # asset_browser_tag( name_of_tag , opts = { :button_class => "" , :button_text => "Select" , :filter => "" , :id => "html_id", :asset_id => content.asset_id } ) def asset_browser_tag( field_id , opts = {} ) _asset_browser_tag( field_id , opts ) end def _asset_browser_tag( field_id , opts = {} ) asset_id = nil asset_id = opts[:asset_id] filter = opts[:filter].blank? ? "all" : opts[:filter] if opts[:id].blank? rel = field_id.to_s + "_" + id.to_s opts[:id] = rel end html_id = opts[:id] asset_info = "" asset_name = "Nothing selected" unless asset_id.blank? asset = Gluttonberg::Asset.find(:first , :conditions => {:id => asset_id}) asset_name = if asset if asset if asset.category && asset.category.to_s.downcase == "image" asset_info = asset_tag(asset , :small_thumb).html_safe end else asset_name = "Asset missing!" end end asset_name = content_tag(:h5, asset_name) if asset_name # Output it all thumbnail_contents = "" thumbnail_contents << asset_info thumbnail_caption = "" thumbnail_caption << asset_name unless asset_name.blank? thumbnail_caption << hidden_field_tag("filter_" + field_id.to_s , value=filter , :id => "filter_#{opts[:id]}" ) thumbnail_caption << hidden_field_tag(field_id , asset_id , { :id => opts[:id] , :class => "choose_asset_hidden_field" } ) thumbnail_p = "" thumbnail_p << link_to("Select", admin_asset_browser_url + "?filter=#{filter}" , { :class =>"btn button choose_button #{opts[:button_class]}" , :rel => html_id, :style => "margin-right:5px;" , :data_url => opts[:data_url] }) if opts[:remove_button] != false thumbnail_p << clear_asset_tag( field_id , opts ) end thumbnail_caption << content_tag(:p, thumbnail_p.html_safe) thumbnail_contents << content_tag(:div, thumbnail_caption.html_safe, :class => "caption") thumbnail = content_tag(:div, thumbnail_contents.html_safe, :class => "thumbnail asset_selector_wrapper") li_content = content_tag(:li, thumbnail, :class => "span4") content_tag(:ul , li_content , :id => "title_thumb_#{opts[:id]}", :class => "thumbnails") end def add_image_to_gallery_tag( button_text , add_url, gallery_id , opts = {}) opts[:class] = "" if opts[:class].blank? opts[:class] << " add_image_to_gallery choose_button btn button #{opts[:button_class]}" link_contents = link_to(button_text, admin_asset_browser_url + "?filter=image" , opts.merge( :data_url => add_url )) content_tag(:span , link_contents , { :class => "assetBrowserLink" } ) end def clear_asset_tag( field_id , opts = {} ) asset_id = nil asset_id = opts[:asset_id] if opts[:id].blank? rel = field_id.to_s + "_" + id.to_s opts[:id] = rel end html_id = opts[:id] link_to("Remove", "Javascript:;" , { :class => "btn btn-danger button remove #{opts[:button_class]}" , :onclick => "$('##{html_id}').val('');$('#title_thumb_#{opts[:id]} h5').html('');$('#title_thumb_#{opts[:id]} img').remove();" }) end def asset_panel(assets, name_or_id , type ) render :partial => "gluttonberg/admin/shared/asset_panel.html" , :locals => {:assets => assets , :name_or_id => name_or_id , :type => type} end def asset_tag(asset , thumbnail_type = nil, options = {} ) unless asset.blank? path = thumbnail_type.blank? ? asset.url : asset.url_for(thumbnail_type) unless options.has_key?(:alt) options[:alt] = asset.alt.blank? ? : asset.alt end options[:src] = path tag("img" , options) end end def asset_tag_v2(asset , options = {} , thumbnail_type = nil) unless asset.blank? options[:class] = "" if options[:class].blank? options[:class] << " #{}" options[:alt] = options[:title] = options[:src] = thumbnail_type.blank? ? asset.url : asset.url_for(thumbnail_type) tag("img" , options) end end def gallery_images_ul(id , gallery_thumb_image , gallery_large_image ,html_opts_for_ul = {}) gallery = Gluttonberg::Gallery.find(id) unless gallery.blank? || gallery.gallery_images.blank? options = "" gallery.gallery_images.each do |g_image| li_html = link_to(asset_tag(g_image.image , gallery_thumb_image).html_safe , asset_url(g_image.image , :thumb_name => gallery_large_image) , :class => "thumb") unless g_image.image.alt.blank? image_desc_html = content_tag(:div , g_image.image.alt , :class => "image-desc") li_html << content_tag(:div , image_desc_html , :class => "caption") end options << content_tag(:li , li_html , :id => "image_#{}").html_safe end content_tag(:ul , options.html_safe , html_opts_for_ul) end end end # Assets end # Gluttonberg # Luke I need your help to improve this method. # Ideally i should be able to call asset_browser_tag( field_id , opts = {} ) method from here. module ActionView module Helpers class FormBuilder include ActionView::Helpers def asset_browser( field_id , opts = {} ) asset_id = self.object.send(field_id.to_s) filter = opts[:filter].blank? ? "all" : opts[:filter] opts[:id] = "#{field_id}_#{asset_id}" if opts[:id].blank? html_id = opts[:id] # Find the asset so we can get the name asset_info = "" asset_name = "Nothing selected" unless asset_id.blank? asset = Gluttonberg::Asset.find(:first , :conditions => {:id => asset_id}) asset_name = if asset if asset if asset.category && asset.category.to_s.downcase == "image" asset_info = asset_tag(asset , :small_thumb).html_safe end else asset_name = "Asset missing!" end end asset_name = content_tag(:h5, asset_name) if asset_name #hack for url admin_asset_browser_url = "/admin/browser" thumbnail_contents = "" thumbnail_contents << asset_info thumbnail_caption = "" thumbnail_caption << asset_name unless asset_name.blank? thumbnail_caption << hidden_field_tag("filter_#{html_id}" , value=filter ) thumbnail_caption << self.hidden_field(field_id , { :id => html_id , :class => "choose_asset_hidden_field" } ) thumbnail_p = "" thumbnail_p << link_to("Select", admin_asset_browser_url + "?filter=#{filter}" , { :class =>"btn button choose_button #{opts[:button_class]}" , :rel => html_id, :style => "margin-right:5px;" }) if opts[:remove_button] != false thumbnail_p << self.clear_asset( field_id , opts ) end thumbnail_caption << content_tag(:p, thumbnail_p.html_safe) thumbnail_contents << content_tag(:div, thumbnail_caption.html_safe, :class => "caption") thumbnail = content_tag(:div, thumbnail_contents.html_safe, :class => "thumbnail asset_selector_wrapper") li_content = content_tag(:li, thumbnail, :class => "span4") content_tag(:ul , li_content , :id => "title_thumb_#{opts[:id]}", :class => "thumbnails") end def asset_tag(asset , thumbnail_type = nil) unless asset.blank? path = thumbnail_type.blank? ? asset.url : asset.url_for(thumbnail_type) tag(:img , :class => , :alt => , :src => path) end end def clear_asset( field_id , opts = {} ) asset_id = self.object.send(field_id.to_s) opts[:id] = "#{field_id}_#{asset_id}" if opts[:id].blank? html_id = opts[:id] button_text = opts[:button_text].blank? ? "Browse" : opts[:button_text] opts[:button_class] = "" if opts[:button_class].blank? link_to("Remove", "Javascript:;" , { :class => "btn btn-danger button remove #{opts[:button_class]}" , :onclick => "$('##{html_id}').val('');$('#title_thumb_#{opts[:id]} h5').html('');$('#title_thumb_#{opts[:id]} img').remove();" }) end end end end