module SearchMethods module Sfx3 protected #returns pair of 1) array of context object results for current page, 2) hit count def find_by_title (object_ids, hit_count) = object_ids_az_v3(title_query_param, search_type_param, batch_size, page ) # Now fetch objects with publication information # Sometimes SFX db lacks referential integrity, so we don't count # on these object_ids actually being there, doing a find all instead # of just a 'find'. sfx_objects = SfxDb::Object.find( :all, :conditions => {:OBJECT_ID => object_ids}, :include => [:publishers, :main_titles, :primary_issns, :primary_isbns]) # We got the right set of @batch_size objects, but they're not sorted # by title. # Too hard to include the sort in the SQL, let's re-sort in memory sfx_objects.sort! do |a,b| if (a.main_titles.first && b.main_titles.first) a.main_titles.first.TITLE_DISPLAY <=> b.main_titles.first.TITLE_DISPLAY else 0 end end # Now we need to convert to ContextObjects. context_objects = sfx_objects.collect do |sfx_obj| ctx = # Start out with everything in the search, to preserve date/vol info ctx.import_context_object( context_object_from_params ) # Put SFX object id in rft.object_id, that's what SFX does. ctx.referent.set_metadata('object_id', publisher_obj = sfx_obj.publishers.first if ( publisher_obj ) ctx.referent.set_metadata('pub', publisher_obj.PUBLISHER_DISPLAY) ctx.referent.set_metadata('place', publisher_obj.PLACE_OF_PUBLICATION_DISPLAY) end title_obj = sfx_obj.main_titles.first title = title_obj ? title_obj.TITLE_DISPLAY : "Unknown Title" ctx.referent.set_metadata('jtitle', title) issn_obj = sfx_obj.primary_issns.first ctx.referent.set_metadata('issn', issn_obj.ISSN_ID) if issn_obj isbn_obj = sfx_obj.primary_isbns.first ctx.referent.set_metadata('isbn', isbn_obj.ISBN_ID) if isbn_obj ctx end return [context_objects, hit_count] end # Object Ids from SFX A-Z list 'version 3'. The A-Z v3 title list # is cranky, so we have a v2 version too. # input title query, search_type # Returns an array [ batch_obj_id_array, count ]. def object_ids_az_v3(title_q, search_type, batch_size, page) # MySQL 'like' is case-insensitive, fortunately, don't need to worry # about that. But to deal with non-filing chars, need to search against # TITLE_DISPLAY and TITLE_SORT for begins with. We're going to join # to AZ_TITLE_SEARCH_VER3 for alternate titles too. conditions = case search_type when 'contains' ['ts.AZ_PROFILE = ? AND TITLE_DISPLAY like ? OR ts.TITLE_SEARCH like ?', sfx_az_profile, "%" + title_q.upcase + "%", "%" + title_q.upcase + "%"] when 'begins' ['ts.AZ_PROFILE = ? AND TITLE_DISPLAY like ? OR TITLE_SORT like ? OR ts.TITLE_SEARCH like ?', sfx_az_profile, title_q + '%', title_q + '%', title_q + "%"] else # exact ['ts.AZ_PROFILE = ? AND TITLE_DISPLAY = ? OR TITLE_SORT = ? OR ts.TITLE_SEARCH = ?', sfx_az_profile, title_q, title_q, title_q] end # First get object_ids we're interested in, then # we'll bulk fetch with all their data. # Tricky-ass query for efficiency and power, sorry. joins = "left outer join AZ_TITLE_SEARCH_VER3 as ts on `AZ_TITLE_VER3`.AZ_TITLE_VER3_ID = ts.AZ_TITLE_VER3_ID" # Actually, _first_ we'll do a total count. total_hits = SfxDb::AzTitle.count(:OBJECT_ID, :distinct=>true, :conditions=>conditions, :joins=>joins, :order=>'TITLE_SORT ASC') # Now fetch object_ids for just the display batch object_ids = SfxDb::AzTitle.find(:all, :select=>"distinct (OBJECT_ID)", :conditions => conditions, :joins => joins, :limit => batch_size, :offset => batch_size * (page - 1), :order=>'TITLE_SORT ASC').collect { |title_obj| title_obj.OBJECT_ID} return [ object_ids, total_hits] end # params[:id] will have a capital letter, or "0-9" or "Other" def find_by_group joins = " inner join AZ_LETTER_GROUP_VER3 as lg on AZ_TITLE_VER3.AZ_TITLE_VER3_ID = lg.AZ_TITLE_VER3_ID" # Need a special condition for 0-9 if ( params[:id] == '0-9') conditions = ["AZ_PROFILE=? AND lg.AZ_LETTER_GROUP_VER3_NAME IN ('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9')", sfx_az_profile] else conditions = ["AZ_PROFILE=? AND lg.AZ_LETTER_GROUP_VER3_NAME = ?", sfx_az_profile, params[:id].upcase] end hits = SfxDb::AzTitle.count(:joins => joins, :conditions => conditions) # Sorry this find is so crazy, trying to manage to do it # efficiently and get what we need in large SFX db. # For crazy nested include below, see: # az_titles = SfxDb::AzTitle.find(:all, :joins => joins, :conditions => conditions, :limit => batch_size, :offset=> batch_size * (page - 1), :order=>'TITLE_SORT', :include=>[{:object => [:publishers, :titles] }]) # Convert to context objects display_results = az_titles.collect do | azt | co = azt.to_context_object co.referrer.add_identifier('info:sid/') co end return [display_results, hits] end end end