#= require joosy/core/joosy # # Rails JST template precompilation binding # class Joosy.Templaters.RailsJST constructor: (@applicationName) -> # # Gets template lambda by its full name # # @param [String] name Template name 'foo/bar' # buildView: (name) -> template = JST[location = "#{@applicationName}/templates/#{name}"] unless template throw new Error "Template '#{name}' not found. Checked at: #{location}" template # # Gets full name of template by several params # # @param [String] section Section of templates like pages/layouts/... # @param [String] template Internal template path # @param [String] entity Entity to lookup template path by its namespace # resolveTemplate: (section, template, entity) -> if template.startsWith '/' return template.substr 1 path = entity.constructor?.__namespace__?.map('underscore') || [] path.unshift section "#{path.join '/'}/#{template}"