=== 0.5.7 * Improve store save. * Improve model dirty. * Support time attribute for model. === 0.5.6 * sending "title" in options is not supported now. use dsl with Proc for that. * ability to open root screen with animation. * refactored screens navigation. === 0.5.5 * improve association fetch speed and login. * "delete" method is not supported for model collection now, use delete_all. === 0.5.4 * ApiClient#authenticate returns full data and status instead of only token. * Made table cell more configuralble. === 0.5.3 * bug fixes. * improve form fields. * memory fixes. * add selected image support for tab bar items. === 0.5.2 * fix bugs. === 0.5.1 * configurations and style definitions runs in correct order. === 0.5.0 * renamed Prime::BaseModel to Prime::Model. * renamed Prime::BaseScreen to Prime::Screen. * renamed Prime::BaseSection to Prime::Section. * Model: sync/sync! separated to update/update! and fetch/fetch! * Model: `fetch_associations` option on fetch renamed to `associations` option. * Model: `update_from_response` option on update renamed to `save_response` option. * Screen: `navigation: true` by default for screen initialization. * Model.new with invalid parameter will not raise exception by default now. * "id" attribute always being added to model by default now. * screen.open_screen do not support root screen opening now. use app_delegate.open_screen for that. * added shorter syntax for opening screens. * fix rendering draw section without table. === 0.4.4 * Added Prime.env support * Added Prime.root support * Fix memory leak issues === 0.4.3 * Speed improvements * Rename dm_ views to mp_ * Upgrade sugarcube * Render screen on appear instead of on load === 0.4.2 * Bug fixes * Added web view element support === 0.4.1 * Bug fixes * Added custom progress view indicator * Tab bar screens support image/title options now === 0.4.0 * Big refactoring and speed improvements. * Use BaseSection both for draw and base elements. === 0.3.3 * Screen tab bar support === 0.3.2 * Refactor screens * Fix paddings for draw sections * Draw label now supports corner radius === 0.3.1 * Added universal AppDelegate#open_screen method for opening screens. * Old AppDelegate#open_screen method renamed to AppDelegate#open_content_screen * Ability to add inherited styles * Update project template * Small refactoring === 0.3.0 * Added iOS 7 support * Added command line tools * Many bug fixes === 0.2.1 * Bug fixes === 0.2.0 * MP::BaseModel improvements * Added ability to observe form field errors * Use MP::Config for style configurations === 0.1.7 * MP::BaseModel#fetch_associations now supports callback option * MP::LabelDrawElement now supports `size_to_fit` option === 0.1.6 * Section container options now support proc values === 0.1.5 * MP::FormSection#on_edit renamed to on_input_edit * MP::FormSection#on_input_change callback added * MP::FormSection#on_input_return callback added, hides keyboard by default * MP::FormSection#keyboard_will_show callback added * MP::FormSection#keyboard_will_hide callback added * MP::TableSection#on_appear callback added === 0.1.4 (Breaking changes) * MotionPrime::BaseModel#sync_with_url renamed to fetch_with_url * MotionPrime::BaseModel#sync_with_attributes renamed to fetch_with_attributes * MotionPrime::BaseModel#sync_association renamed to fetch_association * MotionPrime::BaseModel#sync_attributes renamed to updatable_attributes === 0.1.3 * added google map element support * fixes for tabbed section === 0.1.2 * added tabbed section * draw image element now supports layer. e.g. you can pass layer: {corner_radius: 50} now. * draw label element now supports multiline. * all draw elements now support hidden option