require 'helper' class TestPost < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup_post(file), source_dir, '', file) end def do_render(post) layouts = { "default" =>, source_dir('_layouts'), "simple.html")} post.render(layouts, {"site" => {"posts" => []}}) end context "A Post" do setup do clear_dest stub(Monad).configuration { Monad::Configuration::DEFAULTS } @site = end should "ensure valid posts are valid" do assert Post.valid?("2008-09-09-foo-bar.textile") assert Post.valid?("foo/bar/2008-09-09-foo-bar.textile") assert !Post.valid?("lol2008-09-09-foo-bar.textile") assert !Post.valid?("blah") end context "processing posts" do setup do @post = Post.allocate = @site @real_file = "2008-10-18-foo-bar.textile" @fake_file = "2008-09-09-foo-bar.textile" @source = source_dir('_posts') end should "keep date, title, and markup type" do @post.categories = [] @post.process(@fake_file) assert_equal Time.parse("2008-09-09"), assert_equal "foo-bar", @post.slug assert_equal ".textile", @post.ext assert_equal "/2008/09/09", @post.dir assert_equal "/2008/09/09/foo-bar", end should "create url based on date and title" do @post.categories = [] @post.process(@fake_file) assert_equal "/2008/09/09/foo-bar.html", @post.url end should "raise a good error on invalid post date" do assert_raise Monad::FatalException do @post.process("2009-27-03-foo-bar.textile") end end should "CGI escape urls" do @post.categories = [] @post.process("2009-03-12-hash-#1.markdown") assert_equal "/2009/03/12/hash-%231.html", @post.url assert_equal "/2009/03/12/hash-#1", end should "respect permalink in yaml front matter" do file = "2008-12-03-permalinked-post.textile" @post.process(file) @post.read_yaml(@source, file) assert_equal "my_category/permalinked-post", @post.permalink assert_equal "/my_category", @post.dir assert_equal "/my_category/permalinked-post", @post.url end context "with CRLF linebreaks" do setup do @real_file = "2009-05-24-yaml-linebreak.markdown" @source = source_dir('win/_posts') end should "read yaml front-matter" do @post.read_yaml(@source, @real_file) assert_equal({"title" => "Test title", "layout" => "post", "tag" => "Ruby"}, assert_equal "This is the content", @post.content end end context "with embedded triple dash" do setup do @real_file = "2010-01-08-triple-dash.markdown" end should "consume the embedded dashes" do @post.read_yaml(@source, @real_file) assert_equal({"title" => "Foo --- Bar"}, assert_equal "Triple the fun!", @post.content end end context "with site wide permalink" do setup do @post.categories = [] end context "with unspecified (date) style" do setup do @post.process(@fake_file) end should "process the url correctly" do assert_equal "/:categories/:year/:month/:day/:title.html", @post.template assert_equal "/2008/09/09/foo-bar.html", @post.url end end context "with unspecified (date) style and a category" do setup do @post.categories << "beer" @post.process(@fake_file) end should "process the url correctly" do assert_equal "/:categories/:year/:month/:day/:title.html", @post.template assert_equal "/beer/2008/09/09/foo-bar.html", @post.url end end context "with unspecified (date) style and a numeric category" do setup do @post.categories << 2013 @post.process(@fake_file) end should "process the url correctly" do assert_equal "/:categories/:year/:month/:day/:title.html", @post.template assert_equal "/2013/2008/09/09/foo-bar.html", @post.url end end context "with specified layout of nil" do setup do file = '2013-01-12-nil-layout.textile' @post = setup_post(file) @post.process(file) end should "layout of nil is respected" do assert_equal "nil",["layout"] end end context "with unspecified (date) style and categories" do setup do @post.categories << "food" @post.categories << "beer" @post.process(@fake_file) end should "process the url correctly" do assert_equal "/:categories/:year/:month/:day/:title.html", @post.template assert_equal "/food/beer/2008/09/09/foo-bar.html", @post.url end end context "with space (categories)" do setup do @post.categories << "French cuisine" @post.categories << "Belgian beer" @post.process(@fake_file) end should "process the url correctly" do assert_equal "/:categories/:year/:month/:day/:title.html", @post.template assert_equal "/French%20cuisine/Belgian%20beer/2008/09/09/foo-bar.html", @post.url end end context "with none style" do setup do = :none @post.process(@fake_file) end should "process the url correctly" do assert_equal "/:categories/:title.html", @post.template assert_equal "/foo-bar.html", @post.url end end context "with pretty style" do setup do = :pretty @post.process(@fake_file) end should "process the url correctly" do assert_equal "/:categories/:year/:month/:day/:title/", @post.template assert_equal "/2008/09/09/foo-bar/", @post.url end end context "with ordinal style" do setup do = :ordinal @post.process(@fake_file) end should "process the url correctly" do assert_equal "/:categories/:year/:y_day/:title.html", @post.template assert_equal "/2008/253/foo-bar.html", @post.url end end context "with custom date permalink" do setup do = '/:categories/:year/:i_month/:i_day/:title/' @post.process(@fake_file) end should "process the url correctly" do assert_equal "/2008/9/9/foo-bar/", @post.url end end context "with custom abbreviated month date permalink" do setup do = '/:categories/:year/:short_month/:day/:title/' @post.process(@fake_file) end should "process the url correctly" do assert_equal "/2008/Sep/09/foo-bar/", @post.url end end context "with prefix style and no extension" do setup do = "/prefix/:title" @post.process(@fake_file) end should "process the url correctly" do assert_equal "/prefix/:title", @post.template assert_equal "/prefix/foo-bar", @post.url end end end should "read yaml front-matter" do @post.read_yaml(@source, @real_file) assert_equal({"title" => "Foo Bar", "layout" => "default"}, assert_equal "h1. {{ page.title }}\n\nBest *post* ever", @post.content end should "transform textile" do @post.process(@real_file) @post.read_yaml(@source, @real_file) @post.transform assert_equal "
Best post ever
", @post.content end context "#excerpt" do setup do file = "2013-01-02-post-excerpt.markdown" @post.process(file) @post.read_yaml(@source, file) @post.transform end should "return first paragraph by default" do assert @post.excerpt.include?("First paragraph"), "contains first paragraph" assert !@post.excerpt.include?("Second paragraph"), "does not contains second paragraph" assert !@post.excerpt.include?("Third paragraph"), "does not contains third paragraph" end should "correctly resolve link references" do assert @post.excerpt.include?(""), "contains referenced link URL" end should "return rendered HTML" do assert_equal "First paragraph with link ref.
", @post.excerpt end context "with excerpt_separator setting" do setup do file = "2013-01-02-post-excerpt.markdown"['excerpt_separator'] = "\n---\n" @post.process(file) @post.read_yaml(@source, file) @post.transform end should "respect given separator" do assert @post.excerpt.include?("First paragraph"), "contains first paragraph" assert @post.excerpt.include?("Second paragraph"), "contains second paragraph" assert !@post.excerpt.include?("Third paragraph"), "does not contains third paragraph" end should "replace separator with new-lines" do assert !@post.excerpt.include?("---"), "does not contains separator" end end context "with custom excerpt" do setup do file = "2013-04-11-custom-excerpt.markdown" @post = setup_post(file) do_render(@post) end should "use custom excerpt" do assert_equal("I can set a custom excerpt", @post.excerpt) end should "expose custom excerpt to liquid" do assert @post.content.include?("I can use the excerpt:I can set a custom excerpt"), "Exposes incorrect excerpt to liquid." end end end end context "when in a site" do setup do clear_dest stub(Monad).configuration { Monad::Configuration::DEFAULTS } @site = @site.posts = [setup_post('2008-02-02-published.textile'), setup_post('2009-01-27-categories.textile')] end should "have next post" do assert_equal(@site.posts.last, end should "have previous post" do assert_equal(@site.posts.first, @site.posts.last.previous) end should "not have previous post if first" do assert_equal(nil, @site.posts.first.previous) end should "not have next post if last" do assert_equal(nil, end end context "initializing posts" do should "publish when published yaml is no specified" do post = setup_post("2008-02-02-published.textile") assert_equal true, post.published end should "not published when published yaml is false" do post = setup_post("2008-02-02-not-published.textile") assert_equal false, post.published end should "recognize date in yaml" do post = setup_post("2010-01-09-date-override.textile") do_render(post) assert_equal Time, assert_equal Time, post.to_liquid["date"].class assert_equal "/2010/01/10/date-override.html", post.url assert_equal "
Post with a front matter date
\n10 Jan 2010
", post.output end should "recognize time in yaml" do post = setup_post("2010-01-09-time-override.textile") do_render(post) assert_equal Time, assert_equal Time, post.to_liquid["date"].class assert_equal "/2010/01/10/time-override.html", post.url assert_equal "Post with a front matter time
\n10 Jan 2010
", post.output end should "recognize time with timezone in yaml" do post = setup_post("2010-01-09-timezone-override.textile") do_render(post) assert_equal Time, assert_equal Time, post.to_liquid["date"].class assert_equal "/2010/01/10/timezone-override.html", post.url assert_equal "Post with a front matter time with timezone
\n10 Jan 2010
", post.output end should "to_liquid prioritizes post attributes over data" do post = setup_post("2010-01-16-override-data.textile") assert_equal Array, post.tags.class assert_equal Array, post.to_liquid["tags"].class assert_equal Time, assert_equal Time, post.to_liquid["date"].class end should "recognize category in yaml" do post = setup_post("2009-01-27-category.textile") assert post.categories.include?('foo') end should "recognize several categories in yaml" do post = setup_post("2009-01-27-categories.textile") assert post.categories.include?('foo') assert post.categories.include?('bar') assert post.categories.include?('baz') end should "recognize empty category in yaml" do post = setup_post("2009-01-27-empty-category.textile") assert_equal [], post.categories end should "recognize empty categories in yaml" do post = setup_post("2009-01-27-empty-categories.textile") assert_equal [], post.categories end should "recognize number category in yaml" do post = setup_post("2013-05-10-number-category.textile") assert post.categories.include?('2013') assert !post.categories.include?(2013) end should "recognize tag in yaml" do post = setup_post("2009-05-18-tag.textile") assert post.tags.include?('code') end should "recognize tags in yaml" do post = setup_post("2009-05-18-tags.textile") assert post.tags.include?('food') assert post.tags.include?('cooking') assert post.tags.include?('pizza') end should "recognize empty tag in yaml" do post = setup_post("2009-05-18-empty-tag.textile") assert_equal [], post.tags end should "recognize empty tags in yaml" do post = setup_post("2009-05-18-empty-tags.textile") assert_equal [], post.tags end should "allow no yaml" do post = setup_post("2009-06-22-no-yaml.textile") assert_equal "No YAML.", post.content end should "allow empty yaml" do post = setup_post("2009-06-22-empty-yaml.textile") assert_equal "Empty YAML.", post.content end context "rendering" do setup do clear_dest end should "render properly" do post = setup_post("2008-10-18-foo-bar.textile") do_render(post) assert_equal "<<<Best post ever
>>>", post.output end should "write properly" do post = setup_post("2008-10-18-foo-bar.textile") do_render(post) post.write(dest_dir) assert assert File.exists?(File.join(dest_dir, '2008', '10', '18', 'foo-bar.html')) end should "write properly without html extension" do post = setup_post("2008-10-18-foo-bar.textile") = ":title" do_render(post) post.write(dest_dir) assert assert File.exists?(File.join(dest_dir, 'foo-bar', 'index.html')) end should "insert data" do post = setup_post("2008-11-21-complex.textile") do_render(post) assert_equal "<<<url: /2008/11/21/complex.html
\ndate: #{Time.parse("2008-11-21")}
\nid: /2008/11/21/complex
Tom Preston-Werner
\n\nThis is cool
>>>", post.output end should "render date specified in front matter properly" do post = setup_post("2010-01-09-date-override.textile") do_render(post) assert_equal "Post with a front matter date
\n10 Jan 2010
", post.output end should "render time specified in front matter properly" do post = setup_post("2010-01-09-time-override.textile") do_render(post) assert_equal "Post with a front matter time
\n10 Jan 2010
", post.output end end end should "generate categories and topics" do post =, File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), *%w[source]), 'foo', 'bar/2008-12-12-topical-post.textile') assert_equal ['foo'], post.categories end end context "converter file extension settings" do setup do stub(Monad).configuration { Monad::Configuration::DEFAULTS } @site = end should "process .md as markdown under default configuration" do post = setup_post '' conv = post.converter assert conv.kind_of? Monad::Converters::Markdown end should "process .text as identity under default configuration" do post = setup_post '2011-04-12-text-extension.text' conv = post.converter assert conv.kind_of? Monad::Converters::Identity end should "process .text as markdown under alternate configuration" do @site.config['markdown_ext'] = 'markdown,mdw,mdwn,md,text' post = setup_post '2011-04-12-text-extension.text' conv = post.converter assert conv.kind_of? Monad::Converters::Markdown end should "process .md as markdown under alternate configuration" do @site.config['markdown_ext'] = 'markdown,mkd,mkdn,md,text' post = setup_post '2011-04-12-text-extension.text' conv = post.converter assert conv.kind_of? Monad::Converters::Markdown end should "process .text as textile under alternate configuration" do @site.config['textile_ext'] = 'textile,text' post = setup_post '2011-04-12-text-extension.text' conv = post.converter assert conv.kind_of? Monad::Converters::Textile end end end