require 'addressable/uri' require 'oembed_providable' # set OembedProvider.provide_name, etc. in your config/initializers or somewhere class OembedProvider class << self def provider_url @@provider_url ||= end def provider_url=(url) @@provider_url = url end def provider_name @@provider_name ||= end def provider_name=(name) @@provider_name = name end def cache_age @@cache_age ||= nil end def cache_age=(age) @@cache_age = age end def version "1.0" end # every request has these, mostly required # mostly site wide # version is special case def base_attributes [:provider_url, :provider_name, :cache_age, :version] end # optional attributes # that are specific to an instance of the providable model def optional_attributes [:title, :author_name, :author_url, :thumbnail_url, :thumbnail_width, :thumbnail_height] end # these may be required depending on type # see - of spec # type specific attributes # all attributes listed for these types are required # the empty link array shows that nothing is required def required_attributes { :photo => [:url, :width, :height], :video => [:html, :width, :height], :link => [], :rich => [:html, :width, :height] } end def controller_model_maps @@controller_model_maps ||= end def controller_model_maps=(hash_map) @@controller_model_maps = hash_map end def find_provided_from(url) url = Addressable::URI.parse(url) submitted_url_params = ActionController::Routing::Routes.recognize_path(url.path, :method=>:get) controller = submitted_url_params[:controller] id = submitted_url_params[:id] # handle special cases where controllers are directly configured to point at a specific model model = OembedProvider.controller_model_maps[controller] # otherwise we use convention over configuration to determine model model = controller.singularize.camelize unless model model.constantize.find(id) end end end