#Ruby Zabbix Api Module Simple and lightweight ruby module for work with zabbix api [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/vadv/zabbixapi.png)](https://travis-ci.org/vadv/zabbixapi) #####Now worked with zabbix * 1.8.2 (api version 1.2) * 1.8.9 (api version 1.3) ## Installation ``` gem install zabbixapi ``` ## Get Start ### Connect ```ruby require "zabbixapi" zbx = ZabbixApi.connect( :url => 'http://localhost/zabbix/api_jsonrpc.php', :user => 'Admin', :password => 'zabbix' ) ``` ### Create Hostgroup ```ruby zbx.hostgroups.create(:name => "hostgroup") ``` ### Create Template ```ruby zbx.templates.create( :host => "template", :groups => [:groupid => zbx.hostgroups.get_id(:name => "hostgroup")] ) ``` ### Create Application ```ruby zbx.applications.create( :name => application, :hostid => zbx.templates.get_id(:host => "template") ) ``` ### Create Item ```ruby zbx.items.create( :description => "item", :key_ => "proc.num[aaa]", :hostid => zbx.templates.get_id(:host => "template"), :applications => [zbx.applications.get_id(:name => "application")] ) # or use (lib merge json): zbx.items.create_or_update( :description => "item", :key_ => "proc.num[aaa]", :type => 6, :hostid => zbx.templates.get_id(:host => "template"), :applications => [zbx.applications.get_id(:name => "application")] ) ``` ### Update Item ```ruby zbx.items.update( :itemid => zbx.items.get_id(:description => "item"), :status => 0 ) #You can check item: puts zbx.items.get_full_data(:description => "item") ``` ### Create host ```ruby zbx.hosts.add( :host => "hostname", :usedns => 1, :groups => [ :groupid => zbx.hostgroups.get_id(:name => "hostgroup") ] ) #or use: zbx.hosts.create_or_update( :host => host, :usedns => 0, :ip => "", :groups => [:groupid => zbx.hostgroups.get_id(:name => hostgroup)] ) ``` ### Update host ```ruby zbx.hosts.update( :hostid => zbx.hosts.get_id(:host => "hostname"), :status => 0 ) #You can check host: puts zbx.hosts.get_full_data(:host => "hostname") ``` ### Delete host ```ruby zbx.hosts.delete zbx.hosts.get_id(:host => "hostname") ``` ### Create graph ```ruby gitems = { :itemid => zbx.items.get_id(:description => "item"), :calc_fnc => "2", :type => "0", :periods_cnt => "5" } zbx.graphs.create( :gitems => [gitems], :show_triggers => "0", :name => "graph", :width => "900", :height => "200" ) ``` ### Update graph ```ruby zbx.graphs.update( :graphid => zbx.graphs.get_id( :name => "graph"), :ymax_type => 1 ) #Also you can use: gitems = { :itemid => zbx.items.get_id(:description => item), :calc_fnc => "3", :type => "0", :periods_cnt => "5" } zbx.graphs.create_or_update( :gitems => [gitems], :show_triggers => "1", :name => graph, :width => "900", :height => "200" ) ``` ### Get ids by host ### ```ruby zbx.graphs.get_ids_by_host(:host => "hostname") ``` ### Delete graph ```ruby zbx.graphs.delete(zbx.graphs.get_id(:name => "graph")) ``` ### Get all templates linked with host ```ruby zbx.templates.get_ids_by_host( :hostids => [zbx.hosts.get_id(:host => "hostname")] ) #returned hash: #{ # "Templatename" => "10", # "Templatename" => "1021" #} ``` ### Mass (Un)Link host with templates ```ruby zbx.templates.mass_add( :hosts_id => [zbx.hosts.get_id(:host => "hostname")], :templates_id => [111, 214] ) zbx.templates.mass_remove( :hosts_id => [zbx.hosts.get_id(:host => "hostname")], :templates_id => [111, 214] ) ``` ### Create trigger ```ruby zbx.triggers.create( :description => "trigger", :expression => "{template:proc.num[aaa].last(0)}<1", :comments => "Bla-bla is faulty (disaster)", :priority => 5, :status => 0, :templateid => 0, :type => 0 ) ```` ### Create user ```ruby zbx.users.create( :alias => "Test user", :name => "username", :surname => "usersername", :passwd => "password" ) ``` ### Update user ```ruby zbx.users.update(:userid => zbx.users.get_id(:name => "user"), :name => "user2") ``` ### Delete graph ```ruby zbx.graphs.delete(zbx.graphs.get_id(:name => "graph")) ``` ### Create screen for host ### ```ruby zbx.screens.get_or_create_for_host( :host => "hostname", :graphids => zbx.graphs.get_ids_by_host(:host => "hostname") ) ``` ### Create UserGroup, add user and set permission ### ```ruby zbx.usergroups.get_or_create(:name => "Some user group") zbx.usergroups.add_user( :usrgrpids => [zbx.usergroups.get_id(:name => "Some user group")], :userids => [zbx.users.get_id(:name => "Some user")] ) # set write and read permissions for UserGroup on all hostgroups zbx.usergroups.set_perm( :usrgrpid => zbx.usergroups.get_or_create(:name => "Some user group"), :hostgroupids => zbx.hostgroups.all.values, # kind_of Array :permission => 3 # 2- read (by default) and 3 - write and read ) ``` ### Create MediaType and add it to user ### ```ruby zbx.mediatypes.create_or_update( :description => "mediatype", :type => 0, # 0 - Email, 1 - External script, 2 - SMS, 3 - Jabber, 100 - EzTexting, :smtp_server => "", :smtp_email => "zabbix@test.com" ) zbx.users.add_medias( :userids => [zbx.users.get_id(:name => "user")], :media => [ { :mediatypeid => zbx.mediatypes.get_id(:description => "mediatype"), :sendto => "test@test", :active => 0, :period => "1-7,00:00-24:00", # 1-7 days and 00:00-24:00 hours :severity => "56" } ] ) ``` ### Custom queries ```ruby zbx.query( :method => "apiinfo.version", :params => {} ) ``` ## Dependencies * net/http * net/https * json ## Contributing * Fork the project. * Make your feature addition or bug fix, write tests. * Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version. * Make a pull request. ## Zabbix documentation * [Zabbix Project Homepage](http://zabbix.com/) * [Zabbix Api docs](http://www.zabbix.com/documentation/1.8/api)