module Workhorse class Daemon::ShellHandler def**options, &block) unless ARGV.count == 1 usage exit 99 end if Workhorse.lock_shell_commands lockfile_path = options.delete(:lockfile) || 'workhorse.lock' lockfile =, 'a') lockfile.flock(File::LOCK_EX || File::LOCK_NB) else lockfile = nil end daemon =**options, &block) begin case ARGV.first when 'start' exit daemon.start when 'stop' exit daemon.stop when 'kill' exit daemon.stop(true) when 'status' exit daemon.status when 'watch' exit when 'restart' exit daemon.restart when 'restart-logging' exit daemon.restart_logging when 'usage' usage exit 99 else usage end exit 0 rescue StandardError => e warn "#{e.message}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" exit 99 ensure lockfile&.flock(File::LOCK_UN) end end def self.usage warn <<~USAGE Usage: #{$PROGRAM_NAME} start|stop|status|watch|restart|usage Options: start Start the daemon stop Stop the daemon kill Kill the daemon status Query the status of the daemon. Exit with status 1 if any worker is not running. watch Checks the status (running or stopped) and whether it is as expected. Starts the daemon if it is expected to run but is not. restart Shortcut for consecutive 'stop' and 'start'. restart-logging Re-opens log files, useful e.g. after the log files have been moved or removed by log rotation. usage Show this message Exit status: 0 if OK, 1 on fatal errors outside of workhorse, 2 if at least one worker has an unexpected status, 99 on all other errors. USAGE end end end