require 'active_support/core_ext/module/delegation' module Buckaroo module Ideal # # A class to help with the generation of payment forms for the Buckaroo # Payment Gateway. # # A form has a number of required parameters that are retreived from the # +Buckaroo::Idea::Order+: # * +currency+ -- required; but set by default to 'EUR' # * +invoice_number+ -- required; not set by default # * +amount+ -- required; this is the whole amount, it is automatically # converted to cents # * +bank+ -- optional # * +description+ -- optional # # It is possible to set the following options for this form: # * +language+ -- required, defaults to 'NL' # * +return_method+ -- required, defaults to +Buckaroo::Ideal::Config.return_method+ # * +style+ -- required, defaults to # * +autoclose_popup+ -- required, defaults to +Buckaroo::Ideal::Config.autoclose_popup+ # * +reference+ -- optional # * +success_url+ -- optional according to documentation # * +reject_url+ -- optional # * +error_url+ -- optional # # The +test_mode+, +gateway_url+ and +merchant_key+ are read from # +Buckaroo::Ideal::Config+. # # To access the information required to create a form, instantiate a new # +Buckaroo::Ideal::Request+ with an +Buckaroo::Ideal::Order+ instance: # # order = 100, invoice_number: 'EETNU-123') # request = # # You can then use the information to create a form. An example in Rails: # # <%= form_tag request.gateway_url do %> # <% request.parameters.each do |name, value| %> # <%= hidden_field_tag name, value %> # <% end %> # <%= submit_tag 'Proceed to payment' %> # <% end %> class Request def self.defaults { :language => 'NL', :success_url => Config.success_url, :reject_url => Config.reject_url, :error_url => Config.error_url, :return_method => Config.return_method, :style =>, :autoclose_popup => Config.autoclose_popup } end # @return [String] The configured gateway_url in +Buckaroo::Ideal::Config+ delegate :gateway_url, :to => Config # @return [Boolean] The configured test_mode in +Buckaroo::Ideal::Config+ delegate :test_mode, :to => Config # @return [String] The configured merchant_key in +Buckaroo::Ideal::Config+ delegate :merchant_key, :to => Config # @return [Buckaroo::Ideal::Order] The order for which the payment request # is being made attr_reader :order # @return [String] The language in wich Buckaroo's user interface is # presented. attr_accessor :language # Defaults to the configured +Buckaroo::Ideal::Config.success_url+, but # can be overwritten in the +Order+ instance. # # @return [String] The URL the user will be redirected to after a # successful transaction attr_accessor :success_url # Defaults to the configured +Buckaroo::Ideal::Config.reject_url+, but can # be overwritten in the +Order+ instance. # # @return [String] The URL the user will be redirected to after a failed # transaction attr_accessor :reject_url # Defaults to the configured +Buckaroo::Ideal::Config.error_url+, but can # be overwritten in the +Order+ instance. # # @return [String] The URL the user will be redirected to after an error # occured during the transaction attr_accessor :error_url # Defaults to the configured +Buckaroo::Ideal::Config.return_method+, but # can be overwritten in the +Order+ instance. # # @return [String] The HTTP method that will be used to return the user # back to the application after a transaction attr_accessor :return_method # Defaults to the configured, but can be # overwritten in the +Order+ instance. # # @return [String] The style that is being used attr_accessor :style # Defaults to the configured +Buckaroo::Ideal::Config.autoclose_popup+, # but can be overwritten in the +Order+ instance. # # @return [Boolean] Autoclose the popup after a transaction attr_accessor :autoclose_popup # Initialize a new +Buckaroo::Ideal::Request+ instance for the given # order. # # @param [Buckaroo::Ideal::Order] The order that needs to be signed. # @param [Hash] The settings for this form. # @return [Buckaroo::Ideal::Request] The form for the order instance. def initialize(order, settings = {}) @order = order settings = self.class.defaults.merge(settings) settings.each do |key, value| set key, value end end def parameters { 'BPE_Currency' => order.currency, 'BPE_Invoice' => order.invoice_number, 'BPE_Amount' => to_cents(order.amount), 'BPE_Merchant' => merchant_key, 'BPE_Language' => language, 'BPE_Mode' => to_numeric_boolean(test_mode), 'BPE_Return_Method' => return_method, 'BPE_Style' => style, 'BPE_Autoclose_Popup' => to_numeric_boolean(autoclose_popup), 'BPE_Signature2' => signature }.merge compact({ 'BPE_Issuer' =>, 'BPE_Description' => order.description, 'BPE_Reference' => order.reference, 'BPE_Return_Success' => success_url, 'BPE_Return_Reject' => reject_url, 'BPE_Return_Error' => error_url }) end private def signature end def set(key, value) instance_variable_set(:"@#{key}", value) end include Util end end end