// ============================================= // Custom Settings // Last Updated:2013-9-12 // ============================================= // ============================================= // File Paths // ============================================= // file paths $root_path: "./"; // path to HTML document root (relative from $css_path) $images_path: asset-path("images/"); // path to images (relative from $root_path) $fonts_path: "groundworkcss/"; // path to fonts (relative from $root_path) $boxsizing_path: asset-path("groundworkcss/libs/boxsizing.htc"); // path to box sizing polyfill (change to absolute path from HTML document root) $PIE_path: asset-path("groundworkcss/libs/PIE.htc"); // path to IE CSS3 polyfill (change to absolute path from HTML document root) // ============================================= // Web Fonts // ============================================= // $web-font-classes: true; // $web-font-names: "source-sans-pro" // "museo-slab" // "quicksand"; // $web-font-files: "sourcesanspro-regular-webfont" // "museo-slab-500-webfont" // "quicksand-regular-webfont"; 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// $blue: #3498db; // $turquoise: #1abc9c; // $green: #2ecc71; // $modifier-name: "green" "blue" "purple" "yellow" "orange" "red" "pink" "turquoise" "asphalt" "charcoal" "white" "black"; // $modifier-code: $green $blue $purple $yellow $orange $red $pink $turquoise $asphalt $charcoal $white $black; // $modifier-text: $white $white $white $white $white $white $white $white $white $white $black $white; // ============================================= // Grid System // ============================================= // grid // $numerators: "one" "two" "three" "four" "five" "six" "seven" "eight" "nine" "ten" "eleven" "twelve"; // $denominators: "whole" "half" "third" "fourth" "fifth" "sixth" "seventh" "eighth" "ninth" "tenth" "eleventh" "twelfth"; // $denominators-plural: "wholes" "halves" "thirds" "fourths" "fifths" "sixths" "sevenths" "eighths" "ninths" "tenths" "elevenths" "twelfths"; // $grid-classes: true; // $grid-adapter-classes: true; // $grid-adapters: $one-whole $one-half $one-third $one-fourth $one-fifth; // $grid-adapters-clearfix: 15; // $container-width: 1200px; // $gutter: 10px; // $responsive: true; // ============================================= // Breakpoints // ============================================= // breakpoints // $small-mobile: "(max-width: 319px)"; // $iphone: "(min-device-width: 320px) and (max-device-width: 480px)"; // $iphone5: "(min-device-width: 320px) and (max-device-width: 568px)"; // $mobile: "(max-width: 480px)"; // $not-mobile: "(min-width: 481px)"; // $small-tablet: "(max-width: 767px)"; // $tablet: "(min-width: 768px)"; // $ipad: "(min-width: 768px) and (max-width:1024px)"; // $retina-ipad: "(min-device-width: 768px) and (max-device-width: 1024px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2)"; // $not-desktop: "(max-width: 1024px)"; // $desktop: "(min-width: 1025px)"; // $retina: "(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2)"; // ============================================= // Flexbox // ============================================= // flexible box layout // $flexbox-classes: true; 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