module HealthyHungerApi class CLI #class that runs the CLI. It outputs options to the screen and receives input from a user to help access othe classes def initialize @input = "" #initializes all input instances to an empty string @all = [] end def start #instance method that starts the program and calls other instance methods used to access info for the app puts "What is your name?" @input = gets.strip puts "" puts "\tWelcome to our Healthy Hunger CLI app, #{@input}!" puts "" puts "We are here to help you create a healthy meal plan for yourself. Let's get started!" puts "" meal_plan_time_frame meal_calories diet allergies set_meals if @menu_input == 'day' #conditional statements used to call a method that displays the meals by day or by week list_meals_by_day elsif @menu_input == 'week' list_meals_by_week end ask_for_choice while @input != 'exit' #conditionals based on the validity of the choice returned by the ask_for_choice method if valid?(@input) #if @menu_input == 'day' @meal_info = Meals.find_by_number(@input) #calls the instance method that displays the meals by using the class method #elsif @menu_input == 'week' #that is used to find the number that references the particular meal from the Meal class # Meals.find_by_number(@input).display_meals_by_week #end set_recipes puts "" print_recipe @meal_info.meals_summary puts "" puts "To see the description of another meal, type 'next'" puts "otherwise type 'exit' to exit the app!" @input = gets.strip if @input == 'next' #conditional that is used to either exit the program or get more descriptions of meals if @menu_input == 'day' #conditional statements used to call a method that displays the meals by day or by week list_meals_by_day elsif @menu_input == 'week' list_meals_by_week end ask_for_choice elsif @input != 'next' && @input != 'exit' puts "Didn't recognize input. Please try again" puts "" end elsif !valid?(@input) #conditional that is checking input validation and displays error if not valid puts "Please make a valid selection." puts "" ask_for_choice elsif @input == 'exit' return 'exit' end end puts "" puts "Thank you for using our Healthy Hunger CLI app!" end def meal_plan_time_frame #instance method that takes the input of whether the user wants a daily meal plan or weekly one puts "Please choose from one of the following options to" puts "create a meal plan designed especially for you: " puts "" puts "\t1 - Daily Meal Plan" puts "\t2 - Weekly Meal Plan" puts "" @input = gets.strip puts "" if @input == '1'#conditional used to set the return value of the method based on the user input so that the method returns @menu_input = "day"# the proper string to pass to the api call elsif @input == '2' @menu_input = "week" else puts "Please enter proper input, choose either '1' or '2'" puts "" meal_plan_time_frame#recursively calls the method if input is invalid and gives the user the option again end end def meal_calories #instance method that is getting a calorie input from user also making sure the #value is within the parameters given puts "What is your target daily Calorie intake? (400 - 3200)" @meal_cal = gets.strip puts "" if @meal_cal.to_i == 0 #checking to make sure the user doesn't accidentally input a string puts "Please enter a number" puts "" meal_calories end if @meal_cal.to_i < 400 || @meal_cal.to_i > 3200 #checking that the input from the user is within parameters giben puts "Please enter a number between 400 and 3200"#and displaying an error message if it is not puts "" meal_calories end end def diet #instance method that takes in a numbered menu choice and sets that menu choice #to the proper string that needs to be passed to the api as a parameter puts "Choose your diet:" puts " 1. Vegetarian" puts " 2. Vegan" puts " 3. Paleo" puts " 4. Keto" puts " 5. None" @input = gets.strip puts "" if @input == "1" #conditionals setting the return values of the method equal to the string that the input @diet_input = "vegetarian"#from the user refers to elsif @input == '2' @diet_input = "vegan" elsif @input == '3' @diet_input = "paleo" elsif @input == '4' @diet_input = "keto" elsif @input == '5' @diet_input = 'null' else puts "Please make a valid selection (1 - 5)." puts "" diet end end def allergies #instance method that takes in possible allergies as input and returns those #strings as values of the method puts "List any allergies you may have. If you enter more than one, seperate them with a comma." @allergy = gets.strip if @allergy.to_i != 0 #checks to make sure that the value entered is not an integer puts "Please enter an allergy, not a number." puts "" allergies end end def set_meals #instance method that passes each input value for the previous #methods into the class Meals class method load_by_day when menu input Meals.load_meals(@menu_input, @meal_cal, @diet_input, @allergy) end def set_recipes @meal_id = @meal_info.get_meal_id Recipes.load_recipes(@meal_id) end def print_recipe Recipes.recipe_ingredients puts "" Recipes.recipe_instructions end def list_meals_by_day #instance method that searches through all of the meal objects that have been #created for a daily meal plan, iterates over the objects and prints out the name of the meal with its #index number next to it puts "" puts "Here are your meals for the day:" puts "" Meals.all.each.with_index(1) do |meal, index| puts "Meal ##{index}: #{meal.title}" end end def list_meals_by_week #instance method that searches through all of the meal objects that have been #created for a weekly meal plan, iterates over the objects and prints out the name of the meal with its #index number next to it. It also prints the meal number and which day of the week it is refering to puts "" puts "Here are your meals for the week:" puts "" daily_index = 0 Meals.all.each.with_index(1) do |meal, index| if daily_index % 3 == 0 puts "Day ##{}:" end puts " Meal ##{meal.slot} (#{index}): #{meal.title}" daily_index += 1 end end def ask_for_choice #instance method that is asking the user to input the meal number in order to see #which meal that the user wants a description of puts "" puts "Choose a meal number to see a description" @input = gets.strip end def valid?(input) #instance method that returns as truthy or falsey based on whether the input that #the user has chosen is a valid meal number in the list of meal objects Meals.all[input.to_i - 1] != nil end end end