Feature: shared examples Shared examples let you describe behaviour of types or modules. When declared, a shared group's content is stored. It is only realized in the context of another example group, which provides any context the shared group needs to run. A shared group is included in another group using any of: include_examples "name" # include the examples in the current context it_behaves_like "name" # include the examples in a nested context it_should_behave_like "name" # include the examples in a nested context matching metadata # include the examples in the current context WARNING: Files containing shared groups must be loaded before the files that use them. While there are conventions to handle this, RSpec does _not_ do anything special (like autoload). Doing so would require a strict naming convention for files that would break existing suites. CONVENTIONS: 1. The simplest approach is to require files with shared examples explicitly from the files that use them. Keep in mind that RSpec adds the `spec` directory to the `LOAD_PATH`, so you can say `require 'shared_examples_for_widgets'` to require a file at `#{PROJECT_ROOT}/spec/shared_examples_for_widgets.rb`. 2. Put files containing shared examples in `spec/support/` and require files in that directory from `spec/spec_helper.rb`: Dir["./spec/support/**/*.rb"].sort.each {|f| require f} This is included in the generated `spec/spec_helper.rb` file in `rspec-rails` 3. When all of the groups that include the shared group, just declare the shared group in the same file. Scenario: shared examples group included in two groups in one file Given a file named "collection_spec.rb" with: """ruby require "set" shared_examples "a collection" do let(:collection) { described_class.new([7, 2, 4]) } context "initialized with 3 items" do it "says it has three items" do collection.size.should eq(3) end end describe "#include?" do context "with an an item that is in the collection" do it "returns true" do collection.include?(7).should be_truthy end end context "with an an item that is not in the collection" do it "returns false" do collection.include?(9).should be_falsey end end end end describe Array do it_behaves_like "a collection" end describe Set do it_behaves_like "a collection" end """ When I run `rspec collection_spec.rb --format documentation` Then the examples should all pass And the output should contain: """ Array behaves like a collection initialized with 3 items says it has three items #include? with an an item that is in the collection returns true with an an item that is not in the collection returns false Set behaves like a collection initialized with 3 items says it has three items #include? with an an item that is in the collection returns true with an an item that is not in the collection returns false """ Scenario: Providing context to a shared group using a block Given a file named "shared_example_group_spec.rb" with: """ruby require "set" shared_examples "a collection object" do describe "<<" do it "adds objects to the end of the collection" do collection << 1 collection << 2 expect(collection.to_a).to match_array([1, 2]) end end end describe Array do it_behaves_like "a collection object" do let(:collection) { Array.new } end end describe Set do it_behaves_like "a collection object" do let(:collection) { Set.new } end end """ When I run `rspec shared_example_group_spec.rb --format documentation` Then the examples should all pass And the output should contain: """ Array behaves like a collection object << adds objects to the end of the collection Set behaves like a collection object << adds objects to the end of the collection """ Scenario: Passing parameters to a shared example group Given a file named "shared_example_group_params_spec.rb" with: """ruby shared_examples "a measurable object" do |measurement, measurement_methods| measurement_methods.each do |measurement_method| it "should return #{measurement} from ##{measurement_method}" do subject.send(measurement_method).should == measurement end end end describe Array, "with 3 items" do subject { [1, 2, 3] } it_should_behave_like "a measurable object", 3, [:size, :length] end describe String, "of 6 characters" do subject { "FooBar" } it_should_behave_like "a measurable object", 6, [:size, :length] end """ When I run `rspec shared_example_group_params_spec.rb --format documentation` Then the examples should all pass And the output should contain: """ Array with 3 items it should behave like a measurable object should return 3 from #size should return 3 from #length String of 6 characters it should behave like a measurable object should return 6 from #size should return 6 from #length """ Scenario: Aliasing "it_should_behave_like" to "it_has_behavior" Given a file named "shared_example_group_spec.rb" with: """ruby RSpec.configure do |c| c.alias_it_should_behave_like_to :it_has_behavior, 'has behavior:' end shared_examples 'sortability' do it 'responds to <=>' do sortable.should respond_to(:<=>) end end describe String do it_has_behavior 'sortability' do let(:sortable) { 'sample string' } end end """ When I run `rspec shared_example_group_spec.rb --format documentation` Then the examples should all pass And the output should contain: """ String has behavior: sortability responds to <=> """ Scenario: Sharing metadata automatically includes shared example groups Given a file named "shared_example_metadata_spec.rb" with: """ruby shared_examples "shared stuff", :a => :b do it 'runs wherever the metadata is shared' do end end describe String, :a => :b do end """ When I run `rspec shared_example_metadata_spec.rb` Then the output should contain: """ 1 example, 0 failures """ Scenario: Shared examples are nestable by context Given a file named "context_specific_examples_spec.rb" with: """Ruby describe "shared examples" do context "per context" do shared_examples "shared examples are nestable" do specify { expect(true).to eq true } end it_behaves_like "shared examples are nestable" end end """ When I run `rspec context_specific_examples_spec.rb` Then the output should contain: """ 1 example, 0 failures """ Scenario: Shared examples are accessible from offspring contexts Given a file named "context_specific_examples_spec.rb" with: """Ruby describe "shared examples" do shared_examples "shared examples are nestable" do specify { expect(true).to eq true } end context "per context" do it_behaves_like "shared examples are nestable" end end """ When I run `rspec context_specific_examples_spec.rb` Then the output should contain: """ 1 example, 0 failures """ And the output should not contain: """ Accessing shared_examples defined across contexts is deprecated """ Scenario: Shared examples are isolated per context Given a file named "isolated_shared_examples_spec.rb" with: """Ruby describe "shared examples" do context do shared_examples "shared examples are isolated" do specify { expect(true).to eq true } end end context do it_behaves_like "shared examples are isolated" end end """ When I run `rspec isolated_shared_examples_spec.rb` Then the output should contain: """ 1 example, 0 failures """ But the output should contain: """ Accessing shared_examples defined across contexts is deprecated """ And the output should contain: """ isolated_shared_examples_spec.rb:9 """