require 'marty/scripting' require 'marty/reporting' require 'marty/posting_window' require 'marty/new_posting_window' require 'marty/import_type_view' require 'marty/user_view' require 'marty/event_view' require 'marty/promise_view' require 'marty/api_auth_view' require 'marty/api_config_view' require 'marty/api_log_view' require 'marty/config_view' require 'marty/data_grid_view' class Marty::MainAuthApp < Marty::AuthApp extend ::Marty::Permissions include Marty::Extras::Misc # set of posting types user is allowed to post with def self.has_posting_perm? Marty::NewPostingForm.has_any_perm? end def self.has_scripting_perm? self.has_admin_perm? end def posting_menu { text: warped ? "#{}" : I18n.t("postings"), name: "posting", tooltip: "Postings", icon_cls: "fa fa-clock glyph", style: (warped ? "background-color: lightGrey;" : ""), menu: [ :new_posting, :select_posting, :select_now, ], } end def log_menu [ { text: 'Log Maintenance', icon_cls: "fa fa-wrench glyph", disabled: !self.class.has_admin_perm?, menu: [ :log_view, :log_cleanup, ] } ] end def api_menu [ { text: 'API Management', icon_cls: "fa fa-wrench glyph", disabled: !self.class.has_admin_perm?, menu: [ :api_auth_view, :api_config_view, :api_log_view, ] } ] end def system_menu { text: I18n.t("system"), icon_cls: "fa fa-wrench glyph", style: "", menu: [ :import_type_view, :user_view, :config_view, :event_view, :reload_scripts, :load_seed, ] + background_jobs_menu + log_menu + api_menu } end def applications_menu { text: I18n.t("applications"), icon_cls: "fa fa-window-restore glyph", menu: [ :data_grid_view, :reporting, :scripting, :promise_view, ], } end def background_jobs_menu [ { text: 'Background Jobs', icon_cls: "fa fa-user-clock glyph", disabled: !self.class.has_admin_perm?, menu: [ :bg_status, :bg_stop, :bg_restart, ] }, ] end def warped Marty::Util.warped? end def app_moniker warped ? 0x231B.chr('utf-8') : 0x03FB.chr('utf-8') end def app_title e = ENV['RAILS_ENV'] title = "#{app_moniker} #{Rails.application.class.parent_name.titleize}" title += " - #{e.capitalize}" unless e == 'production' title += ' [TIME WARPED]' if warped title end def ident_menu "#{app_title}" end def data_menus [] end def menu return super unless self.class.has_any_perm? [ident_menu, sep] + (self.class.has_admin_perm? || self.class.has_user_manager_perm? ? [system_menu, sep] : []) + data_menus + [ applications_menu, sep, posting_menu, sep, ] + super end ###################################################################### action :import_type_view do |a| a.text = I18n.t("import_type") a.handler = :netzke_load_component_by_action a.disabled = !self.class.has_admin_perm? a.icon_cls = "fa fa-file-import glyph" end action :scripting do |a| a.text = I18n.t("scripting") a.handler = :netzke_load_component_by_action a.icon_cls = "fa fa-code glyph" a.disabled = !self.class.has_any_perm? end action :reporting do |a| a.text = I18n.t("reports") a.handler = :netzke_load_component_by_action a.icon_cls = "fa fa-file-alt glyph" a.disabled = !self.class.has_any_perm? end action :promise_view do |a| a.text = I18n.t("jobs.promise_view") a.handler = :netzke_load_component_by_action a.icon_cls = "fa fa-search glyph" a.disabled = !self.class.has_any_perm? end action :user_view do |a| a.text = I18n.t("user_view") a.handler = :netzke_load_component_by_action a.icon_cls = "fa fa-users glyph" a.disabled = !self.class.has_admin_perm? && !self.class.has_user_manager_perm? end action :event_view do |a| a.text = I18n.t("event_view") a.handler = :netzke_load_component_by_action a.icon_cls = "fa fa-bolt glyph" a.disabled = !self.class.has_admin_perm? end action :config_view do |a| a.text = I18n.t("config_view") a.handler = :netzke_load_component_by_action a.icon_cls = "fa fa-cog glyph" a.disabled = !self.class.has_admin_perm? && !self.class.has_user_manager_perm? end action :api_auth_view do |a| a.text = 'API Auth Management' a.handler = :netzke_load_component_by_action a.icon_cls = "fa fa-key glyph" a.disabled = !self.class.has_admin_perm? end action :api_config_view do |a| a.text = 'API Config Management' a.handler = :netzke_load_component_by_action a.icon_cls = "fa fa-cogs glyph" a.disabled = !self.class.has_admin_perm? end action :api_log_view do |a| a.text = 'API Log View' a.handler = :netzke_load_component_by_action a.icon_cls = "fa fa-cogs glyph" a.disabled = !self.class.has_admin_perm? end action :data_grid_view do |a| a.text = I18n.t("data_grid_view", default: "Data Grids") a.handler = :netzke_load_component_by_action a.icon_cls = "fa fa-table glyph" a.disabled = !self.class.has_any_perm? end action :reload_scripts do |a| a.text = 'Reload Scripts' a.tooltip = 'Reload and tag Delorean scripts' a.icon_cls = "fa fa-sync-alt glyph" a.disabled = !self.class.has_admin_perm? end action :load_seed do |a| a.text = 'Load Seeds' a.tooltip = 'Load Seeds' a.icon_cls = "fa fa-retweet glyph" a.disabled = !self.class.has_admin_perm? end action :bg_status do |a| a.text = 'Show Delayed Jobs Status' a.tooltip = 'Run delayed_job status script' a.icon_cls = "fa fa-desktop glyph" a.disabled = !self.class.has_admin_perm? end action :bg_stop do |a| a.text = 'Stop Delayed Jobs' a.tooltip = 'Run delayed_job stop script' a.icon_cls = "fa fa-skull glyph" a.disabled = !self.class.has_admin_perm? end action :bg_restart do |a| a.text = 'Restart Delayed Jobs' a.tooltip = 'Run delayed_job restart script using DELAYED_JOB_PARAMS' a.icon_cls = "fa fa-power-off glyph" a.disabled = !self.class.has_admin_perm? end action :log_view do |a| a.text = 'View Log' a.tooltip = 'View Log' a.handler = :netzke_load_component_by_action a.icon_cls = "fa fa-cog glyph" a.disabled = !self.class.has_admin_perm? end action :log_cleanup do |a| a.text = 'Cleanup Log Table' a.tooltip = 'Delete old log records' a.icon_cls = "fa fa-cog glyph" a.disabled = !self.class.has_admin_perm? end ###################################################################### def bg_command(param) e, root, p = ENV['RAILS_ENV'], Rails.root, Marty::Config["RUBY_PATH"] dj_path = Marty::Config["DELAYED_JOB_PATH"] || 'bin/delayed_job' cmd = "export RAILS_ENV=#{e};" # FIXME: Environment looks to be setup incorrectly - this is a hack cmd += "export PATH=#{p}:$PATH;" if p # 2>&1 redirects STDERR to STDOUT since backticks only captures STDOUT cmd += "#{root}/#{dj_path} #{param} 2>&1" cmd end endpoint :bg_status do |params| cmd = bg_command('status') res = `#{cmd}` client.show_detail res.html_safe.gsub("\n","
"), 'Delayed Job Status' end endpoint :bg_stop do |params| cmd = bg_command("stop") res = `#{cmd}` res = "delayed_job: no instances running. Nothing to stop." if res.length==0 client.show_detail res.html_safe.gsub("\n","
"), 'Delayed Job Stop' end endpoint :bg_restart do |params| params = Marty::Config["DELAYED_JOB_PARAMS"] || "" cmd = bg_command("restart #{params}") res = `#{cmd}` client.show_detail res.html_safe.gsub("\n","
"), 'Delayed Job Restart' end endpoint :log_cleanup do |params| begin Marty::Log.cleanup(params) rescue => e res = e.message client.show_detail res.html_safe.gsub("\n","
"), 'Log Cleanup' end end ###################################################################### # Postings action :new_posting do |a| a.text = I18n.t('new_posting') a.tooltip = I18n.t('new_posting') a.icon_cls = "fa fa-plus glyph" a.disabled = Marty::Util.warped? || !self.class.has_posting_perm? end client_class do |c| c.show_detail = l(<<-JS) function(details, title) { this.hideLoadmask(); Ext.create('Ext.Window', { height: 400, minWidth: 400, maxWidth: 1200, autoWidth: true, modal: true, autoScroll: true, html: details, title: title || "Details" }).show(); } JS c.show_loadmask = l(<<-JS) function(msg) { this.maskCmp = new Ext.LoadMask( { msg: msg || 'Loading...', target: this, });; } JS c.hide_loadmask = l(<<-JS) function() { if (this.maskCmp) { this.maskCmp.hide(); }; } JS c.netzke_on_new_posting = l(<<-JS) function(params) { this.netzkeLoadComponent("new_posting_window", { callback: function(w) {; }, }); } JS c.netzke_on_select_posting = l(<<-JS) function(params) { this.netzkeLoadComponent("posting_window", { callback: function(w) {; }, }); } JS c.netzke_on_reload = l(<<-JS) function(params) { window.location.reload(); } JS c.netzke_on_load_seed = l(<<-JS) function(params) { this.server.loadSeed({}); } JS c.netzke_on_select_now = l(<<-JS) function(params) { this.server.selectPosting({}); } JS c.netzke_on_reload_scripts = l(<<-JS) function(params) { var me = this;{ title: 'Reload Scripts', msg: 'Enter RELOAD and press OK to force a reload of all scripts', width: 375, buttons: Ext.Msg.OKCANCEL, prompt: true, fn: function (btn, value) { btn == "ok" && value == "RELOAD" && me.server.reloadScripts({}); } }); } JS c.netzke_on_bg_stop = l(<<-JS) function(params) { var me = this;{ title: 'Stop Delayed Jobs', msg: 'Enter STOP and press OK to force a stop of delayed_job', width: 375, buttons: Ext.Msg.OKCANCEL, prompt: true, fn: function (btn, value) { if (btn == "ok" && value == "STOP") { me.showLoadmask('Stopping delayed job...'); me.server.bgStop({}); } } }); } JS c.netzke_on_bg_restart = l(<<-JS) function(params) { var me = this;{ title: 'Restart Delayed Jobs', msg: 'Enter RESTART and press OK to force a restart of delayed_job', width: 375, buttons: Ext.Msg.OKCANCEL, prompt: true, fn: function (btn, value) { if (btn == "ok" && value == "RESTART") { me.showLoadmask('Restarting delayed job...'); me.server.bgRestart({}); } } }); } JS c.netzke_on_bg_status = l(<<-JS) function() { this.showLoadmask('Checking delayed job status...'); this.server.bgStatus({}); } JS c.netzke_on_log_cleanup = l(<<-JS) function(params) { var me = this;{ title: 'Log Cleanup', msg: 'Enter number of days to keep', width: 375, buttons: Ext.Msg.OKCANCEL, prompt: true, fn: function (btn, value) { btn == "ok" && me.server.logCleanup(value); } }); } JS end action :select_posting do |a| a.text = I18n.t('select_posting') a.tooltip = I18n.t('select_posting') a.icon_cls = "fa fa-history glyph" end endpoint :select_posting do |params| sid = params && params[0] Marty::Util.set_posting_id(sid) posting = sid && Marty::Posting.find(sid) client.netzke_notify "Selected '#{posting ? : 'NOW'}'" client.netzke_on_reload 1 end action :select_now do |a| a.text = I18n.t('go_to_now') a.icon_cls = "fa fa-globe glyph" a.disabled = Marty::Util.get_posting_time == Float::INFINITY end ###################################################################### component :scripting do |c| c.allow_edit = self.class.has_scripting_perm? end component :reporting component :promise_view component :posting_window component :new_posting_window do |c| c.disabled = Marty::Util.warped? || !self.class.has_posting_perm? end component :import_type_view component :user_view component :event_view component :config_view component :data_grid_view component :api_auth_view do |c| c.disabled = Marty::Util.warped? end component :api_log_view component :api_config_view component :log_view do |c| c.klass = Marty::LogView end endpoint :reload_scripts do |params| Marty::Script.load_scripts client.netzke_notify 'Scripts have been reloaded' end endpoint :load_seed do |params| Rails.application.load_seed client.netzke_notify 'Seeds have been loaded' end end MainAuthApp = Marty::MainAuthApp