require 'spec_helper' describe ROM::Relation do include_context 'users and tasks' let(:users) { container.relations.users } let(:tasks) { container.relations.tasks } context 'with schema', adapter: :sqlite do let(:uri) { SQLITE_DB_URI } before do conf.relation(:users) do schema do attribute :id, ROM::SQL::Types::Serial attribute :name, ROM::SQL::Types::String end def sorted order(:id) end end conf.relation(:tasks) end describe '#dataset' do it 'uses schema to infer default dataset' do expect(container.relations[:users].dataset).to eql( container.gateways[:default].dataset(:users).select(:id, :name).order(:users__id) ) end end end with_adapters do context 'without schema' do before do conf.relation(:users) do def sorted order(:id) end end conf.relation(:tasks) end describe '#associations' do it 'returns an empty association set' do expect(users.associations.elements).to be_empty end end describe '#dataset' do it 'selects all qualified columns and sorts by pk' do expect(users.dataset).to eql(*users.columns).order(:users__id).dataset ) end end describe '#primary_key' do it 'returns :id by default' do expect(users.primary_key).to be(:id) end it 'returns configured primary key from the schema' do conf.relation(:other_users) do schema(:users) do attribute :name, ROM::SQL::Types::String.meta(primary_key: true) end end expect(container.relations[:other_users].primary_key).to be(:name) end end describe '#sum' do it 'returns a sum' do expect(users.sum(:id)).to eql(3) end end describe '#min' do it 'returns a min' do expect(users.min(:id)).to eql(1) end end describe '#max' do it 'delegates to dataset and return value' do expect(users.max(:id)).to eql(2) end end describe '#avg' do it 'delegates to dataset and return value' do expect(users.avg(:id)).to eql(1.5) end end describe '#distinct' do it 'delegates to dataset and returns a new relation' do expect(users.dataset).to receive(:distinct).with(:name).and_call_original expect(users.distinct(:name)).to_not eq(users) end end describe '#exclude' do it 'delegates to dataset and returns a new relation' do expect(users.dataset) .to receive(:exclude).with(name: 'Jane').and_call_original expect(users.exclude(name: 'Jane')).to_not eq(users) end end describe '#invert' do it 'delegates to dataset and returns a new relation' do expect(users.dataset).to receive(:invert).and_call_original expect(users.invert).to_not eq(users) end end describe '#map' do it 'yields tuples' do result = { |tuple| tuple[:name] } expect(result).to eql(%w(Jane Joe)) end it 'plucks value' do expect( eql(%w(Jane Joe)) end end describe '#inner_join' do it 'joins relations using inner join' do result = users.inner_join(:tasks, user_id: :id).select(:name, :title) expect(result.to_a).to eql([ { name: 'Jane', title: "Jane's task" }, { name: 'Joe', title: "Joe's task" } ]) end it 'raises error when column names are ambiguous' do expect { users.inner_join(:tasks, user_id: :id).to_a }.to raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseError, /is ambiguous/) end end describe '#left_join' do it 'joins relations using left outer join' do result = users.left_join(:tasks, user_id: :id).select(:name, :title) expect(result.to_a).to match_array([ { name: 'Joe', title: "Joe's task" }, { name: 'Jane', title: "Jane's task" } ]) end end describe '#project' do it 'projects the dataset using new column names' do projected = users.sorted.project(:name) expect(projected.header).to match_array([:name]) expect(projected.first).to eql(name: 'Jane') end end describe '#rename' do it 'projects the dataset using new column names' do renamed = users.sorted.rename(id: :user_id, name: :user_name) expect(renamed.first).to eql(user_id: 1, user_name: 'Jane') end end describe '#prefix' do it 'projects the dataset using new column names' do prefixed = users.sorted.prefix(:user) expect(prefixed.first).to eql(user_id: 1, user_name: 'Jane') end it 'uses singularized table name as the default prefix' do prefixed = users.sorted.prefix expect(prefixed.first).to eql(user_id: 1, user_name: 'Jane') end end describe '#qualified_columns' do it 'returns qualified column names' do columns = users.sorted.prefix(:user).qualified_columns expect(columns).to eql([:users__id___user_id, :users__name___user_name]) end it 'returns projected qualified column names' do columns = users.sorted.project(:id).prefix(:user).qualified_columns expect(columns).to eql([:users__id___user_id]) end end describe '#inspect' do it 'includes dataset' do expect(users.inspect).to include('dataset') end end describe '#unique?' do before { tasks.delete } it 'returns true when there is only one tuple matching criteria' do expect(tasks.unique?(title: 'Task One')).to be(true) end it 'returns true when there are more than one tuple matching criteria' do tasks.insert(title: 'Task One') expect(tasks.unique?(title: 'Task One')).to be(false) end end describe '#union' do let(:relation1) { users.where(id: 1).select(:id, :name) } let(:relation2) { users.where(id: 2).select(:id, :name) } it 'unions two relations and returns a new relation' do result = relation1.union(relation2) expect(result.to_a).to match_array([ { id: 1, name: 'Jane' }, { id: 2, name: 'Joe' } ]) end end describe '#pluck' do it 'returns a list of values from a specific column' do expect(users.pluck(:id)).to eql([1, 2]) end end describe '#by_pk' do it 'restricts a relation by its PK' do expect(users.by_pk(1).to_a).to eql([id: 1, name: 'Jane']) end it 'is available as a view' do expect(users.by_pk).to be_curried end end describe '#fetch' do it 'returns a single tuple identified by the pk' do expect(users.fetch(1)).to eql(id: 1, name: 'Jane') end it 'raises when tuple was not found' do expect { users.fetch(535315412) }.to raise_error(ROM::TupleCountMismatchError) end it 'raises when more tuples were returned' do expect { users.fetch([1, 2]) }.to raise_error(ROM::TupleCountMismatchError) end end end end end