require 'open3' module Sunzi class Cli < Thor include Thor::Actions desc "create", "Create sunzi project" def create(project = 'sunzi') do_create(project) end desc "deploy [user@host:port] [role]", "Deploy sunzi project" def deploy(target, role = nil) do_deploy(target, role) end desc "compile", "Compile sunzi project" def compile(role = nil) do_compile(role) end desc "setup [linode|ec2]", "Setup a new VM" def setup(target) Cloud::Base.choose(self, target).setup end desc "teardown [linode|ec2] [name]", "Teardown an existing VM" def teardown(target, name) Cloud::Base.choose(self, target).teardown(name) end no_tasks do include Sunzi::Utility def self.source_root File.expand_path('../../',__FILE__) end def do_create(project) template "templates/create/.gitignore", "#{project}/.gitignore" template "templates/create/sunzi.yml", "#{project}/sunzi.yml" template "templates/create/", "#{project}/" template "templates/create/recipes/", "#{project}/recipes/" template "templates/create/recipes/", "#{project}/recipes/" template "templates/create/roles/", "#{project}/roles/" template "templates/create/roles/", "#{project}/roles/" template "templates/create/roles/", "#{project}/roles/" end def do_deploy(target, role) user, host, port = parse_target(target) endpoint = "#{user}@#{host}" # compile attributes and recipes compile(role) # The host key might change when we instantiate a new VM, so # we remove (-R) the old host key from known_hosts. `ssh-keygen -R #{host} 2> /dev/null` remote_commands = <<-EOS rm -rf ~/sunzi && mkdir ~/sunzi && cd ~/sunzi && tar xz && bash EOS local_commands = <<-EOS cd compiled tar cz . | ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' #{endpoint} -p #{port} '#{remote_commands}' EOS Open3.popen3(local_commands) do |stdin, stdout, stderr| stdin.close t = do while (line = stderr.gets) print line.color(:red) end end while (line = stdout.gets) print line.color(:green) end t.join end end def do_compile(role) # Check if you're in the sunzi directory abort_with "You must be in the sunzi folder" unless File.exists?('sunzi.yml') # Check if role exists abort_with "#{role} doesn't exist!" if role and !File.exists?("roles/#{role}.sh") # Load sunzi.yml hash = YAML.load('sunzi.yml')) # Break down attributes into individual files hash['attributes'].each {|key, value| create_file "compiled/attributes/#{key}", value } # Retrieve remote recipes via HTTP hash['recipes'].each {|key, value| get value, "compiled/recipes/#{key}.sh" } # Copy local files Dir['recipes/*'].each {|file| copy_file File.expand_path(file), "compiled/recipes/#{File.basename(file)}" } Dir['roles/*'].each {|file| copy_file File.expand_path(file), "compiled/roles/#{File.basename(file)}" } hash['files'].each {|file| copy_file File.expand_path(file), "compiled/files/#{File.basename(file)}" } # Build if role create_file 'compiled/', File.binread("") << "\n" << File.binread("roles/#{role}.sh") else copy_file File.expand_path(''), 'compiled/' end end def parse_target(target) target.match(/(.*@)?(.*?)(:.*)?$/) [ ($1 && $1.delete('@') || 'root'), $2, ($3 && $3.delete(':') || '22') ] end end end end