=begin Copyright 2010-2022 Ecsypno This file is part of the Arachni Framework project and is subject to redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Arachni Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. =end # @author Tasos Laskos # @version 0.1 class Arachni::Checks::InsecureClientAccessPolicy < Arachni::Check::Base INSECURE_WILDCARDS = [ '*', 'http://*', 'https://*' ] def run url = "#{page.parsed_url.up_to_path}clientaccesspolicy.xml" return if audited?( url ) audited( url ) http.get( url, performer: self, &method(:check_and_log) ) end def check_and_log( response ) return if response.code != 200 policy = Nokogiri::XML( response.body ) return if !policy INSECURE_WILDCARDS.each do |wildcard| permissive_access = policy.search( "domain[uri='#{wildcard}']" ) next if permissive_access.empty? log( proof: permissive_access.to_xml, vector: Element::Server.new( response.url ), response: response ) return end end def self.info { name: 'Insecure client-access policy', description: %q{ Checks `clientaccesspolicy.xml` files for wildcard domain policies. }, author: 'Tasos Laskos ', version: '0.1', elements: [ Element::Server ], issue: { name: %q{Insecure client-access policy}, description: %q{ The browser security model normally prevents web content from one domain from accessing data from another domain. This is commonly known as the "same origin policy". URL policy files grant cross-domain permissions for reading data. They permit operations that are not permitted by default. The URL policy file for Silverlight is located, by default, in the root directory of the target server, with the name `ClientAccessPolicy.xml` (for example, at `www.example.com/ClientAccessPolicy.xml`). When a domain is specified in `ClientAccessPolicy.xml`, the site declares that it is willing to allow the operators of any servers in that domain to obtain any document on the server where the policy file resides. The `ClientAccessPolicy.xml` file deployed on this website opens the server to all domains (use of a single asterisk "*" as a pure wildcard is supported). }, references: { 'MSDN' => 'https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc197955%28v=vs.95%29.aspx', 'OWASP' => 'https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Test_Cross_Origin_Resource_Sharing_%28OTG-CLIENT-007%29' }, cwe: 16, severity: Severity::LOW, remedy_guidance: %q{ Carefully evaluate which sites will be allowed to make cross-domain calls. Consider network topology and any authentication mechanisms that will be affected by the configuration or implementation of the cross-domain policy. } } } end end