# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe G5Authenticatable::User do subject { user } let(:user) { G5Authenticatable::User.create(user_attributes) } let(:user_attributes) { FactoryBot.attributes_for(:g5_authenticatable_user) } it { is_expected.to have_and_belong_to_many(:roles) } it 'has an current_client_urn attr_accessor' do subject.current_client_urn = 'foo' expect(subject.current_client_urn).to eq('foo') end it 'should expose the email' do expect(user.email).to eq(user_attributes[:email]) end it 'should expose the user provider' do expect(user.provider).to eq(user_attributes[:provider]) end it 'should expose the user uid' do expect(user.uid).to eq(user_attributes[:uid]) end it 'should expose a g5_access_token' do expect(user.g5_access_token).to eq(user_attributes[:g5_access_token]) end it 'should initialize the sign_in_count' do expect(user.sign_in_count).to eq(0) end it 'should expose a method for updating tracked attributes' do expect(user).to respond_to(:update_tracked_fields!) end it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:email) } it { is_expected.to validate_uniqueness_of(:email).case_insensitive } it { is_expected.to validate_uniqueness_of(:uid).scoped_to(:provider) } it 'should support timeouts' do expect(user.timeout_in).to be > 0 end it 'should expose the first_name' do expect(user.first_name).to eq(user_attributes[:first_name]) end it 'should expose the last_name' do expect(user.last_name).to eq(user_attributes[:last_name]) end it 'should expose the phone number' do expect(user.phone_number).to eq(user_attributes[:phone_number]) end it 'should expose the title' do expect(user.title).to eq(user_attributes[:title]) end it 'should expose the organization name' do expect(user.organization_name).to eq(user_attributes[:organization_name]) end describe '#attributes_from_auth' do subject(:attributes_from_auth) { user.attributes_from_auth(auth_data) } let(:auth_data) do full_name = [new_user_attributes[:first_name], new_user_attributes[:last_name]].join(' ') OmniAuth::AuthHash.new( 'uid' => new_user_attributes[:uid], 'provider' => new_user_attributes[:provider], 'info' => { 'email' => new_user_attributes[:email], 'name' => full_name, 'first_name' => new_user_attributes[:first_name], 'last_name' => new_user_attributes[:last_name], 'phone' => new_user_attributes[:phone_number] }, 'credentials' => { 'token' => new_user_attributes[:g5_access_token], 'expires' => true, 'expires_at' => Time.now + 1000 }, 'extra' => { 'title' => new_user_attributes[:title], 'organization_name' => new_user_attributes[:organization_name], 'roles' => [ { 'name' => new_role_attributes[:name], 'type' => 'GLOBAL', 'urn' => nil } ], 'raw_info' => {} } ) end let(:new_user_attributes) do FactoryBot.attributes_for(:g5_authenticatable_user) end let(:new_role_attributes) do FactoryBot.attributes_for(:g5_authenticatable_role) end it 'has the correct uid' do expect(attributes_from_auth[:uid]).to eq(new_user_attributes[:uid]) end it 'has the correct provider' do expect(attributes_from_auth[:provider]) .to eq(new_user_attributes[:provider]) end it 'has the correct first_name' do expect(attributes_from_auth[:first_name]) .to eq(new_user_attributes[:first_name]) end it 'has the correct last_name' do expect(attributes_from_auth[:last_name]) .to eq(new_user_attributes[:last_name]) end it 'has the correct email' do expect(attributes_from_auth[:email]).to eq(new_user_attributes[:email]) end it 'has the correct phone_number' do expect(attributes_from_auth[:phone_number]) .to eq(new_user_attributes[:phone_number]) end it 'has the correct title' do expect(attributes_from_auth[:title]).to eq(new_user_attributes[:title]) end it 'has the correct organization_name' do expect(attributes_from_auth[:organization_name]) .to eq(new_user_attributes[:organization_name]) end end describe '.new_with_session' do subject(:new_user) do G5Authenticatable::User.new_with_session(params, session) end let(:params) { {} } let(:auth_data) do full_name = [new_user_attributes[:first_name], new_user_attributes[:last_name]].join(' ') OmniAuth::AuthHash.new( 'provider' => new_user_attributes[:provider], 'info' => { 'email' => new_user_attributes[:email], 'name' => full_name, 'first_name' => new_user_attributes[:first_name], 'last_name' => new_user_attributes[:last_name], 'phone' => new_user_attributes[:phone_number] }, 'credentials' => { 'token' => new_user_attributes[:g5_access_token], 'expires' => true, 'expires_at' => Time.now + 1000 }, 'extra' => { 'title' => new_user_attributes[:title], 'organization_name' => new_user_attributes[:organization_name], 'roles' => [ { 'name' => new_role_attributes[:name], 'type' => 'GLOBAL', 'urn' => nil } ], 'raw_info' => {} } ) end let(:new_user_attributes) do FactoryBot.attributes_for(:g5_authenticatable_user) end let(:new_role_attributes) do FactoryBot.attributes_for(:g5_authenticatable_role) end context 'when there is auth data in the session' do let(:session) do { 'omniauth.auth' => auth_data } end context 'with UID' do before do auth_data['uid'] = new_user_attributes[:uid] end it 'should set the uid from the session data' do expect(new_user.uid).to eq(new_user_attributes[:uid]) end end context 'without UID' do it "won't set the uid from the session data" do expect(new_user.uid).to be_nil end end it 'should initialize a new user' do expect(new_user).to be_a_new_record end it 'should not persist the user' do expect { new_user }.to_not change { G5Authenticatable::User.count } end it 'should set the provider from the session data' do expect(new_user.provider).to eq(new_user_attributes[:provider]) end it 'should set the email from the session data' do expect(new_user.email).to eq(new_user_attributes[:email]) end it 'should set the first_name from the session data' do expect(new_user.first_name).to eq(new_user_attributes[:first_name]) end it 'should set the last_name from the session data' do expect(new_user.last_name).to eq(new_user_attributes[:last_name]) end it 'should set the phone_number from the session data' do expect(new_user.phone_number).to eq(new_user_attributes[:phone_number]) end it 'should set the title from the session data' do expect(new_user.title).to eq(new_user_attributes[:title]) end it 'should set the organization_name from the session data' do expect(new_user.organization_name) .to eq(new_user_attributes[:organization_name]) end it 'should assign the role from the session data' do expect(new_user).to have_role(new_role_attributes[:name]) end end context 'when there is no auth data in the session' do let(:session) { {} } it 'should initialize a new user' do expect(new_user).to be_a_new_record end it 'should not persist the user' do expect { new_user }.to_not change { G5Authenticatable::User.count } end it 'should not set the uid' do expect(new_user.uid).to be_nil end it 'should set the provider to the default value' do expect(new_user.provider).to eq('g5') end it 'should not set the email' do expect(new_user.email).to be_blank end it 'should not assign a role to the user' do expect(new_user.roles).to be_empty end end end describe '.find_and_update_for_g5_oauth' do subject(:updated_user) do G5Authenticatable::User.find_and_update_for_g5_oauth(auth_data) end let(:user_attributes) do FactoryBot.attributes_for(:g5_authenticatable_user, first_name: nil, last_name: nil, phone_number: nil, title: nil, organization_name: nil) end let(:role_name) { :my_role } before do user user.add_role(role_name) end let(:auth_data) do OmniAuth::AuthHash.new( 'provider' => user_attributes[:provider], 'uid' => user_attributes[:uid], 'info' => { 'email' => updated_attributes[:email], 'first_name' => updated_attributes[:first_name], 'last_name' => updated_attributes[:last_name], 'phone' => updated_attributes[:phone_number] }, 'credentials' => { 'token' => updated_attributes[:g5_access_token], 'expires' => true, 'expires_at' => Time.now + 1000 }, 'extra' => { 'title' => updated_attributes[:title], 'organization_name' => updated_attributes[:organization_name], 'roles' => [ { name: updated_role_name, type: 'GLOBAL', urn: nil } ], 'raw_info' => {} } ) end context 'when user info is the same' do let(:updated_attributes) do user_attributes.merge(g5_access_token: 'updatedtoken42') end let(:updated_role_name) { role_name } it 'should update the access token' do expect { updated_user }.to change { user.reload.g5_access_token } .to(updated_attributes[:g5_access_token]) end it 'should return the updated user' do expect(updated_user).to eq(user.reload) end it 'should not change the user email' do expect { updated_user }.to_not change { user.reload.email } end it 'should not change the user first_name' do expect { updated_user }.to_not change { user.reload.first_name } end it 'should not change the user last_name' do expect { updated_user }.to_not change { user.reload.last_name } end it 'should not change the user phone_number' do expect { updated_user }.to_not change { user.reload.phone_number } end it 'should not change the user title' do expect { updated_user }.to_not change { user.reload.title } end it 'should not change the user organization_name' do expect { updated_user }.to_not change { user.reload.organization_name } end it 'should not change the user roles' do expect { updated_user }.to_not change { user.roles.reload.to_a } end end context 'when user info has changed' do let(:updated_attributes) do { uid: user.uid, provider: user.provider, email: 'updated.email@test.host', g5_access_token: 'updatedtoken42', first_name: 'Updated First Name', last_name: 'Updated Last Name', phone_number: '555.555.5555 x123', title: 'Recently Promoted', organization_name: 'Updated Department' } end let(:updated_role_name) { 'super_admin' } it 'should update the access token' do expect { updated_user }.to change { user.reload.g5_access_token } .to(updated_attributes[:g5_access_token]) end it 'should return the updated user' do expect(updated_user).to eq(user.reload) end it 'should not change the uid' do expect { updated_user }.to_not change { user.reload.uid } end it 'should not change the provider' do expect { updated_user }.to_not change { user.reload.provider } end it 'should update the email' do expect { updated_user }.to change { user.reload.email } .to(updated_attributes[:email]) end it 'should update the first name' do expect { updated_user }.to change { user.reload.first_name } .to(updated_attributes[:first_name]) end it 'should update the last name' do expect { updated_user }.to change { user.reload.last_name } .to(updated_attributes[:last_name]) end it 'should update the phone number' do expect { updated_user }.to change { user.reload.phone_number } .to(updated_attributes[:phone_number]) end it 'should update the title' do expect { updated_user }.to change { user.reload.title } .to(updated_attributes[:title]) end it 'should update the organization_name' do expect { updated_user }.to change { user.reload.organization_name } .to(updated_attributes[:organization_name]) end it 'should unassign the old role' do expect(updated_user).to_not have_role(role_name) end it 'should assign the new role' do expect(updated_user).to have_role(updated_role_name) end end end describe '#add_role' do subject(:add_role) { user.add_role(role_name) } context 'when role already exists' do let(:role) { FactoryBot.create(:g5_authenticatable_role) } let(:role_name) { role.name } it 'should assign a role to the user' do expect { add_role }.to change { user.roles.count }.by(1) end it 'should assign the existing role' do add_role expect(user.roles).to include(role) end end context 'when role does not exist' do let(:role_name) { :some_new_role } it 'should assign a role to the user' do expect { add_role }.to change { user.roles.count }.by(1) end it 'should create the new role' do add_role expect(G5Authenticatable::Role.exists?(name: role_name)).to be_truthy end end end describe '#has_role?' do subject(:has_role?) { user.has_role?(role_name) } let(:role_name) { :my_role } context 'when user has been assigned the role' do before { user.add_role(role_name) } it 'should return true' do expect(has_role?).to be_truthy end end context 'when user has not been assigned the role' do it 'should return false' do expect(has_role?).to be_falsey end end end describe '#update_roles_from_auth' do before do user.roles = [] user.save! end let(:user2) { G5Authenticatable::User.create(user_attributes) } let(:user_attributes2) do FactoryBot.attributes_for(:g5_authenticatable_user) end let!(:resource) { FactoryBot.create(:g5_updatable_client) } let(:auth_data) do OmniAuth::AuthHash.new( 'provider' => user_attributes[:provider], 'uid' => user_attributes[:uid], 'info' => { 'email' => user_attributes[:email], 'first_name' => user_attributes[:first_name], 'last_name' => user_attributes[:last_name], 'phone' => user_attributes[:phone_number] }, 'credentials' => { 'token' => user_attributes[:g5_access_token], 'expires' => true, 'expires_at' => Time.now + 1000 }, 'extra' => { 'title' => user_attributes[:title], 'organization_name' => user_attributes[:organization_name], 'roles' => roles, 'raw_info' => {} } ) end context 'with global role' do let(:roles) do [{ name: 'admin', type: 'GLOBAL', urn: nil }] end it 'will add a global role' do expect { user.update_roles_from_auth(auth_data) } .to change { user.roles.length }.from(0).to(1) expect(user.roles.first.name).to eq('admin') expect(user.roles.first.resource).to be_nil end end context 'with a scoped role' do let(:roles) do [{ name: 'viewer', type: resource.class.name, urn: resource.urn }] end it 'will add a scoped role' do expect { user.update_roles_from_auth(auth_data) } .to change { user.roles.length }.from(0).to(1) expect(user.roles.first.name).to eq('viewer') expect(user.roles.first.resource_id).to eq(resource.id) expect(user.roles.first.resource_type).to eq(resource.class.name) end end context 'with a more than 1 role' do let(:roles) do [ { name: 'viewer', type: resource.class.name, urn: resource.urn }, { name: 'admin', type: 'GLOBAL', urn: nil } ] end it 'will add a scoped role' do expect { user.update_roles_from_auth(auth_data) } .to change { user.roles.length }.from(0).to(2) end end context 'with an un-existing scoped role URL' do let(:non_existing_urn) { 'some-non-existing-urn' } let(:roles) do [{ name: 'viewer', type: 'G5Updatable::Client', urn: non_existing_urn }] end it 'will add a scoped role' do expect { user.update_roles_from_auth(auth_data) } .to_not change { user.roles.length } end end context 'with 0 roles' do let(:roles) { [] } it 'will add a scoped role' do expect { user.update_roles_from_auth(auth_data) } .to_not change { user.roles.length }.from(0) end end context 'with a bad role type' do let(:roles) do [ { name: 'viewer', type: resource.class.name, urn: resource.urn }, { name: 'viewer', type: 'BadResource', urn: resource.urn } ] end it 'will skip the bad role' do expect { user.update_roles_from_auth(auth_data) } .to change { user.roles.length }.from(0).to(1) expect(user.roles.first.name).to eq('viewer') expect(user.roles.first.resource_id).to eq(resource.id) expect(user.roles.first.resource_type).to eq(resource.class.name) end end end end