$debug("Defining HTMLOptionElement"); /* * HTMLOptionElement - DOM Level 2 */ var HTMLOptionElement = function(ownerDocument) { this.HTMLInputCommon = HTMLInputCommon; this.HTMLInputCommon(ownerDocument); }; HTMLOptionElement.prototype = new HTMLInputCommon; __extend__(HTMLOptionElement.prototype, { setAttributeNS : function(namespaceURI, qualifiedName, value) { if (namespaceURI) { throw new Error("unexpected namespaceURI"); } this.setAttribute(qualifiedName, value); }, setAttribute: function(name, value){ if (name != "selected") { HTMLInputCommon.prototype.setAttribute.apply(this, arguments); } else { if(this.defaultSelected===null && this.selected!==null){ this.defaultSelected = this.selected; } var selectedValue = (value ? 'selected' : ''); if (this.getAttribute('selected') == selectedValue) { // prevent inifinite loops (option's selected modifies // select's value which modifies option's selected) return; } HTMLInputCommon.prototype.setAttribute.call(this, 'selected', selectedValue); var parent = this.parentNode; while (parent.tagName === "OPTGROUP") { parent = parent.parentNode; } if (value) { // set select's value to this option's value (this also // unselects previously selected value) parent && (parent.value = this.value); } else { // if no other option is selected, select the first option in the select var i, anythingSelected; if (parent.options) { for (i=0; i