require 'spec_helper' describe "LogFile" do before(:each) do @user_SN = "gabebw" @user_alias = "Gabe B-W" @partner_SN = "matz" @partner_alias = "Yukihiro Matsumoto" @start_time = "2010-08-10T22:55:07-0500" times = [@start_time, "2010-08-10T22:55:12-0500", "2010-08-10T22:55:17-0500", "2010-08-10T22:55:22-0500"] message_1 =, @start_time, @user_alias, "Hello!") message_2 =, times[1], @partner_alias, "Matz has gone away") message_3 =, times[2], @user_alias, "gabebw logged in.", 'online') message_4 =, times[3], @partner_alias, "This is an away message") @messages = [message_1, message_2, message_3, message_4] @logfile =, 'aim', @user_SN, @partner_SN, @start_time) end describe "attributes" do it "should have chat_lines readable" do @logfile.should respond_to(:chat_lines) end it "should have service readable" do @logfile.should respond_to(:service) end it "should have user_SN readable" do @logfile.should respond_to(:user_SN) end it "should have partner_SN readable" do @logfile.should respond_to(:partner_SN) end it "should have adium_chat_time_start readable" do @logfile.should respond_to(:adium_chat_time_start) end end describe "#to_s" do it "should return the correct string" do output = @logfile.to_s output.should =={|m| m.to_s}.join end end describe "enumerable methods" do it "should include Enumerable" do Pidgin2Adium::LogFile.included_modules.include?(Enumerable).should be_true end describe "#each_with_index" do it "should yield the correct messages" do @logfile.each_with_index do |msg, n| msg.should == @messages[n] end end end describe "#max" do it "should return the most recent message" do @logfile.max.should == @messages.last end end describe "#min" do it "should return the oldest message" do @logfile.min.should == @messages.first end end end describe "#write_out" do before(:each) do @output_file_path = File.join(@output_dir, 'AIM.gabebw', 'matz', "matz (#{@start_time}).chatlog", "matz (#{@start_time}).xml") end describe "when file does not exist" do before(:each) do FileUtils.rm_r(File.join(@output_dir, 'AIM.gabebw'), :force => true) @output_file = @logfile.write_out(false, @output_dir) end it "should write out the correct content" do be_true end it "should write out the correct header" do header = sprintf(''+"\n"+ ''+"\n") =~ /^#{Regexp.escape(header)}/ end it "should write out the closing tag" do =~ %r{$} end it "should write to the correct path" do @output_file.should == @output_file_path end end describe "when file exists" do before(:each) do FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(@output_file_path)), 'w').close end it "should return FILE_EXISTS" do output_file = @logfile.write_out(false, @output_dir) output_file.should == Pidgin2Adium::FILE_EXISTS end it "should return output file path if overwrite is true" do output_file = @logfile.write_out(true, @output_dir) output_file.should == @output_file_path end end describe "permissions problems" do describe "with output dir" do before(:each) do FileUtils.rm_r(@output_dir, :force => true) `chmod -w #{File.dirname(@output_dir)}` end after(:each) do `chmod +w #{File.dirname(@output_dir)}` end it "should return false if it can't create the output dir" do @logfile.write_out(false, @output_dir).should be_false end end describe "with output file" do before(:each) do # Make parent dir unwriteable because creating the # file itself and making it unwriteable returns # FILE_EXISTS @output_file_parent_dir = File.dirname(@output_file_path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(@output_file_parent_dir) `chmod -w '#{@output_file_parent_dir}'` end after(:each) do `chmod +w '#{@output_file_parent_dir}'` end it "should return false if it can't open the output file for writing" do @logfile.write_out(false, @output_dir).should be_false end end end end end