dojo.provide(""); dojo.require("dojox.rpc.Service"); dojo.require("dojox.rpc.Rest"); //dojo.require(""); dojo.require(""); dojo.require(""); = function(t, d, errData){ // summary: // The error callback function to be used for all of the tests. d.errback(errData); } var testServices = new dojox.rpc.Service(dojo.moduleUrl("dojox.rpc.tests.resources", "test.smd")); var jsonStore = new{service:testServices.jsonRestStore}); doh.register("", [ { name: "Fetch some items", timeout: 10000, //10 seconds. runTest: function(t) { // summary: // Simple test of a basic fetch on ServiceStore of a simple query. var d = new doh.Deferred(); jsonStore.fetch({query:"query", onComplete: function(items, request){, items.length); d.callback(true); }, onError: dojo.partial(, doh, d) }); return d; //Object } }, { name: "fetchItemByIdentity, getValue, getValues, hasAttribute,containsValue, getAttributes, getIdentity", timeout: 10000, //10 seconds. runTest: function(t) { // summary: // Simple test of a basic fetch on ServiceStore of a single item. var d = new doh.Deferred(); jsonStore.fetchItemByIdentity({identity:1, onItem: function(item, request){"Object 1",;"Object 1",jsonStore.getValue(item,"name")); t.t(jsonStore.hasAttribute(item,"name"));,"name").length,1); t.t(jsonStore.isItem(item)); t.t(jsonStore.isItemLoaded(item)); t.t(jsonStore.containsValue(item,"name","Object 1")); t.f(jsonStore.containsValue(item,"name","Something Else"));,1); t.t(dojo.indexOf(jsonStore.getAttributes(item),"name")>-1);"default",jsonStore.getValue(item,"nothing","default")); d.callback(true); }, onError: dojo.partial(, doh, d) }); return d; //Object } }, { name: "createLazyItem", timeout: 10000, //10 seconds. runTest: function(t) { // summary: // Simple test of a basic fetch on ServiceStore of a single item. var d = new doh.Deferred(); var lazyItem = { _loadObject: function(callback){"loaded"; delete this._loadObject; callback(this); } }; t.f(jsonStore.isItemLoaded(lazyItem)); jsonStore.loadItem({item:lazyItem,onItem:function(){ t.t(jsonStore.isItemLoaded(lazyItem));,"loaded"); d.callback(true); }}); return d; //Object } }, { name: "lazyItem With Fetch", timeout: 10000, //10 seconds. runTest: function(t) { var d = new doh.Deferred(); jsonStore.idAttribute = "id"; jsonStore.syncMode = true; jsonStore.fetch({query:"query", onComplete: function(items, request){ items[0]._loadObject = function(callback){ jsonStore.fetch({,onComplete:callback}); } t.t(jsonStore.getValue(items[0],"testArray").length); d.callback(true); }, onError: dojo.partial(, doh, d) }); return d; } }, { name: "ReadAPI: Fetch_20_Streaming", timeout: 10000, //10 seconds. Json can sometimes be slow. runTest: function(t) { // summary: // fetching with paging var d = new doh.Deferred(); var count = 0; function onItem(item, requestObj){ t.assertTrue(typeof item == 'number'); count++; } function onComplete(items, request){, count); d.callback(true); } //Get everything... jsonStore.fetch({ query: "bigQuery", onBegin: null, count: 20, onItem: onItem, onComplete: onComplete, onError: dojo.partial(, t, d) }); return d; //Object } }, function testReadAPI_functionConformance(t){ // summary: // Simple test read API conformance. Checks to see all declared functions are actual functions on the instances. // description: // Simple test read API conformance. Checks to see all declared functions are actual functions on the instances. var readApi = new; var passed = true; for(i in readApi){ if(i.toString().charAt(0) !== '_') { var member = readApi[i]; //Check that all the 'Read' defined functions exist on the test store. if(typeof member === "function"){ var testStoreMember = jsonStore [i]; if(!(typeof testStoreMember === "function")){ passed = false; break; } } } } } ] );