# # Copyright 2013-2015 Chef Software, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # name "python" default_version "3.11.1" license "Python-2.0" license_file "LICENSE" skip_transitive_dependency_licensing true dependency "ncurses" dependency "zlib" dependency "openssl" dependency "bzip2" if version >= "3.9.0" dependency "libffi" end # version_list: url=https://www.python.org/ftp/python/#{version}/ filter=*.tgz version("3.11.1") { source sha256: "baed518e26b337d4d8105679caf68c5c32630d702614fc174e98cb95c46bdfa4" } version("3.11.0") { source sha256: "64424e96e2457abbac899b90f9530985b51eef2905951febd935f0e73414caeb" } version("3.10.5") { source sha256: "18f57182a2de3b0be76dfc39fdcfd28156bb6dd23e5f08696f7492e9e3d0bf2d" } version("3.10.4") { source sha256: "f3bcc65b1d5f1dc78675c746c98fcee823c038168fc629c5935b044d0911ad28" } version("3.10.2") { source sha256: "3c0ede893011319f9b0a56b44953a3d52c7abf9657c23fb4bc9ced93b86e9c97" } version("3.9.9") { source sha256: "2cc7b67c1f3f66c571acc42479cdf691d8ed6b47bee12c9b68430413a17a44ea" } version("2.7.18") { source sha256: "da3080e3b488f648a3d7a4560ddee895284c3380b11d6de75edb986526b9a814" } version("2.7.14") { source sha256: "304c9b202ea6fbd0a4a8e0ad3733715fbd4749f2204a9173a58ec53c32ea73e8" } version("2.7.9") { source sha256: "c8bba33e66ac3201dabdc556f0ea7cfe6ac11946ec32d357c4c6f9b018c12c5b" } source url: "https://python.org/ftp/python/#{version}/Python-#{version}.tgz" relative_path "Python-#{version}" major_version, minor_version = version.split(".") build do env = with_standard_compiler_flags(with_embedded_path) if mac_os_x? os_x_release = ohai["platform_version"].match(/([0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*/).captures[0] env["MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"] = os_x_release end command "./configure" \ " --prefix=#{install_dir}/embedded" \ " --enable-shared" \ " --with-dbmliborder=", env: env make env: env make "install", env: env # There exists no configure flag to tell Python to not compile readline delete "#{install_dir}/embedded/lib/python#{major_version}.#{minor_version}/lib-dynload/readline.*" # Ditto for sqlite3 delete "#{install_dir}/embedded/lib/python#{major_version}.#{minor_version}/lib-dynload/_sqlite3.*" delete "#{install_dir}/embedded/lib/python#{major_version}.#{minor_version}/sqlite3/" # Remove unused extension which is known to make healthchecks fail on CentOS 6 delete "#{install_dir}/embedded/lib/python#{major_version}.#{minor_version}/lib-dynload/_bsddb.*" # Remove sqlite3 libraries, if you want to include sqlite, create a new def # in your software project and build it explicitly. This removes the adapter # library from python, which links incorrectly to a system library. Adding # your own sqlite definition will fix this. delete "#{install_dir}/embedded/lib/python#{major_version}.#{minor_version}/lib-dynload/_sqlite3.*" end