{: rooto:"YARD::CodeObjects::RootObject:@childrenIC:&YARD::CodeObjects::CodeObjectList[o:$YARD::CodeObjects::ModuleObject;IC;[o; ;IC;[o; ;IC;[o; ;IC;[ o:$YARD::CodeObjects::MethodObject:@module_functionF: @scope: instance:@visibility: public: @pathI"!Auth0::Api::V2::Jobs#get_job:EF:@parameters[[I" job_id;T0: @files[[I"lib/auth0/api/v2/jobs.rb;Ti:@current_file_has_commentsT: @name: get_job:@source_type: ruby: @tags[:@docstrings{:@docstringIC:YARD::Docstring"1Retrieves a job. Useful to check its status.;T;[ o:YARD::Tags::Tag :@tag_nameI"see;F: @text0;I"def import_users(users_file, connection_id, options = {});T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"&Auth0::Api::V2::Jobs#export_users;F;[[I" options;TI"{};T;[[@iG;T;:export_users;;;[;{;IC;"9Export all users to a file using a long running job.;T;[o; ;I"see;F;0;I"T;>T: @aliases{: @groups[;[[@i ;T;: Jobs;;;;;[;{;IC;"&Methods to use the jobs endpoints;T;[;"[;#I"&Methods to use the jobs endpoints;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i ;,@ ;I"Auth0::Api::V2::Jobs;F;0To; ;IC;[ o; ; F; ; ;;;I"#Auth0::Api::V2::Logs#logs_path;F;[;[[I"lib/auth0/api/v2/logs.rb;Ti@[@i ;T;:logs_path;;;[;{;IC;"Logs API path;T;[;"[;#I"Logs API path;T;$0;!@ ;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i?;+i?;,@ ;-T;.I"#def logs_path @logs_path end;T;/I"def logs_path;T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"Auth0::Api::V2::Logs#logs;F;[[I" options;TI"{};T;[[@i;T;: logs;;;[;{;IC;"aRetrieves log entries that match the specified search criteria. Default: 50. Max value: 100.;T;[o; ;I"see;F;0;I"2https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Logs/get_logs;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"* :q [string] Query in Lucene query string syntax. * :page [integer] The page number. Zero based. * :per_page [integer] The amount of entries per page. Default: 50. Max value: 100. * :sort [string] The field to use for sorting. 1 == ascending and -1 == descending. * :fields [string] A comma separated list of fields to include or exclude from the result. * :include_fields [boolean] True if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise. * :include_totals [string] True if a query summary must be included in the result, false otherwise. * :from [string] Log Event Id to start retrieving logs. You can limit the amount of logs using the take parameter. * :take [integer] The total amount of entries to retrieve when using the from parameter.;T;I" options;T; [I" hash;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I".Returns the list of existing log entries.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@;"[;#I"Retrieves log entries that match the specified search criteria. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Logs/get_logs @param options [hash] * :q [string] Query in Lucene query string syntax. * :page [integer] The page number. Zero based. * :per_page [integer] The amount of entries per page. Default: 50. Max value: 100. * :sort [string] The field to use for sorting. 1 == ascending and -1 == descending. * :fields [string] A comma separated list of fields to include or exclude from the result. * :include_fields [boolean] True if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise. * :include_totals [string] True if a query summary must be included in the result, false otherwise. * :from [string] Log Event Id to start retrieving logs. You can limit the amount of logs using the take parameter. * :take [integer] The total amount of entries to retrieve when using the from parameter. Default: 50. Max value: 100. @return [json] Returns the list of existing log entries.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i;+i;,@ ;-T;.I"def logs(options = {}) request_params = { q: options.fetch(:q, nil), page: options.fetch(:page, nil), per_page: options.fetch(:per_page, nil), sort: options.fetch(:sort, nil), fields: options.fetch(:fields, nil), include_fields: options.fetch(:include_fields, nil), include_totals: options.fetch(:include_totals, nil), from: options.fetch(:from, nil), take: options.fetch(:take, nil) } if request_params[:take].to_i > 100 raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'The total amount of entries to retrieve should be less than 100' end if request_params[:per_page].to_i > 100 raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'The total amount of entries per page should be less than 100' end get(logs_path, request_params) end;T;/I"def logs(options = {});T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I""Auth0::Api::V2::Logs#get_logs;F;[;[[@i1;F;: get_logs;;;[;{;IC;"aRetrieves log entries that match the specified search criteria. Default: 50. Max value: 100. ;T;[o; ;I" param;F;I"* :q [string] Query in Lucene query string syntax. * :page [integer] The page number. Zero based. * :per_page [integer] The amount of entries per page. Default: 50. Max value: 100. * :sort [string] The field to use for sorting. 1 == ascending and -1 == descending. * :fields [string] A comma separated list of fields to include or exclude from the result. * :include_fields [boolean] True if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise. * :include_totals [string] True if a query summary must be included in the result, false otherwise. * :from [string] Log Event Id to start retrieving logs. You can limit the amount of logs using the take parameter. * :take [integer] The total amount of entries to retrieve when using the from parameter.;T;I" options;T; [I" hash;T;!@<o; ;I" return;F;I".Returns the list of existing log entries.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@<o; ;I"see;F;0;I"2https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Logs/get_logs;T; 0;!@<;"[;#I"Retrieves log entries that match the specified search criteria. Default: 50. Max value: 100. @param [hash] options * :q [string] Query in Lucene query string syntax. * :page [integer] The page number. Zero based. * :per_page [integer] The amount of entries per page. Default: 50. Max value: 100. * :sort [string] The field to use for sorting. 1 == ascending and -1 == descending. * :fields [string] A comma separated list of fields to include or exclude from the result. * :include_fields [boolean] True if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise. * :include_totals [string] True if a query summary must be included in the result, false otherwise. * :from [string] Log Event Id to start retrieving logs. You can limit the amount of logs using the take parameter. * :take [integer] The total amount of entries to retrieve when using the from parameter. @return [json] Returns the list of existing log entries. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Logs/get_logs ;T;$0;!@<;&F;'0;,@ ;.I"def logs(options = {}) request_params = { q: options.fetch(:q, nil), page: options.fetch(:page, nil), per_page: options.fetch(:per_page, nil), sort: options.fetch(:sort, nil), fields: options.fetch(:fields, nil), include_fields: options.fetch(:include_fields, nil), include_totals: options.fetch(:include_totals, nil), from: options.fetch(:from, nil), take: options.fetch(:take, nil) } if request_params[:take].to_i > 100 raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'The total amount of entries to retrieve should be less than 100' end if request_params[:per_page].to_i > 100 raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'The total amount of entries per page should be less than 100' end get(logs_path, request_params) end;T;/@;;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"Auth0::Api::V2::Logs#log;F;[[I" log_id;T0;[[@i8;T;:log;;;[;{;IC;"DRetrieves log entries that match the specified search criteria.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"8https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Logs/get_logs_by_id;T; 0;!@Vo; ;I" param;F;I"'The log_id of the log to retrieve.;T;I" log_id;T; [I" string;T;!@Vo; ;I" return;F;I"1Returns the log with the given id if exists.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@Vo; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::MissingParameter;T;!@V;"[;#I"Retrieves log entries that match the specified search criteria. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Logs/get_logs_by_id @param log_id [string] The log_id of the log to retrieve. @return [json] Returns the log with the given id if exists.;T;$0;!@V;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i3;+i7;,@ ;-T;.I"def log(log_id) raise Auth0::MissingParameter, 'Must supply a valid log_id' if log_id.to_s.empty? path = "#{logs_path}/#{log_id}" get(path) end;T;/I"def log(log_id);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"(Auth0::Api::V2::Logs#get_logs_by_id;F;[;[[@i=;F;:get_logs_by_id;;;[;{;IC;"DRetrieves log entries that match the specified search criteria. ;T;[ o; ;I" param;F;I"'The log_id of the log to retrieve.;T;I" log_id;T; [I" string;T;!@xo; ;I" raise;F;I";T;0; [I"Auth0::MissingParameter;T;!@xo; ;I" return;F;I"1Returns the log with the given id if exists.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@xo; ;I"see;F;0;I"8https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Logs/get_logs_by_id;T; 0;!@x;"[;#I"Retrieves log entries that match the specified search criteria. @param [string] log_id The log_id of the log to retrieve. @raise [Auth0::MissingParameter] @return [json] Returns the log with the given id if exists. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Logs/get_logs_by_id ;T;$0;!@x;&F;'0;,@ ;.I"def log(log_id) raise Auth0::MissingParameter, 'Must supply a valid log_id' if log_id.to_s.empty? path = "#{logs_path}/#{log_id}" get(path) end;T;/@w;0T;8@ ;9IC;[;8@ ;:IC;[;8@ ;;IC;<{;=IC;<{;>T; IC;<{;BIC;<{: read@ : write0;>T;>T;>T;?{@<;C@x;E;@[;[[@i ;T;: Logs;;;;;[;{;IC;"&Methods to use the logs endpoints;T;[;"[;#I"&Methods to use the logs endpoints;T;$0;!@ ;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i ;,@ ;I"Auth0::Api::V2::Logs;F;0To; ;IC;[o; ; F; ; ;;;I"$Auth0::Api::V2::Roles#get_roles;F;[[I" options;TI"{};T;[[I"lib/auth0/api/v2/roles.rb;Ti;T;:get_roles;;;[;{;IC;"/Get all Roles Required scope: "read:roles";T;[o; ;I"see;F;0;I"?https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Roles/get_roles;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"A hash of options for getting Roles - per_page: Number of Roles to return. - page: Page number to return, zero-based. - include_totals: True to include query summary in the result, false or nil otherwise. - name_filter: Optional filter on name (case-insensitive).;T;I" options;T; [I" hash;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I""All Roles matching the query.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@;"[;#I"Get all Roles Required scope: "read:roles" @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Roles/get_roles @param options [hash] A hash of options for getting Roles - per_page: Number of Roles to return. - page: Page number to return, zero-based. - include_totals: True to include query summary in the result, false or nil otherwise. - name_filter: Optional filter on name (case-insensitive). @return [json] All Roles matching the query.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i;,@;-T;.I"def get_roles(options = {}) request_params = { per_page: options.fetch(:per_page, nil), page: options.fetch(:page, nil), include_totals: options.fetch(:include_totals, nil), name_filter: options.fetch(:name_filter, nil) } get roles_path, request_params end;T;/I" def get_roles(options = {});T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I" Auth0::Api::V2::Roles#roles;F;[;[[@i!;F;: roles;;;[;{;IC;"/Get all Roles Required scope: "read:roles" ;T;[o; ;I" param;F;I"A hash of options for getting Roles - per_page: Number of Roles to return. - page: Page number to return, zero-based. - include_totals: True to include query summary in the result, false or nil otherwise. - name_filter: Optional filter on name (case-insensitive).;T;I" options;T; [I" hash;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I""All Roles matching the query.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@o; ;I"see;F;0;I"?https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Roles/get_roles;T; 0;!@;"[;#I"Get all Roles Required scope: "read:roles" @param [hash] options A hash of options for getting Roles - per_page: Number of Roles to return. - page: Page number to return, zero-based. - include_totals: True to include query summary in the result, false or nil otherwise. - name_filter: Optional filter on name (case-insensitive). @return [json] All Roles matching the query. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Roles/get_roles ;T;$0;!@;&F;'0;,@;.I"def get_roles(options = {}) request_params = { per_page: options.fetch(:per_page, nil), page: options.fetch(:page, nil), include_totals: options.fetch(:include_totals, nil), name_filter: options.fetch(:name_filter, nil) } get roles_path, request_params end;T;/@;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"#Auth0::Api::V2::Roles#get_role;F;[[I" role_id;T0;[[@i*;T;: get_role;;;[;{;IC;":Get a single Role by ID. Required scope: "read:roles";T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Ehttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Roles/get_roles_by_id;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"Role ID to get.;T;I" role_id;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I"Role data.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::MissingParameter;T;!@;"[;#I"Get a single Role by ID. Required scope: "read:roles" @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Roles/get_roles_by_id @param role_id [string] Role ID to get. @return [json] Role data.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i#;+i);,@;-T;.I"def get_role(role_id) raise Auth0::MissingParameter, 'Must supply a valid role_id' if role_id.to_s.empty? get "#{roles_path}/#{role_id}" end;T;/I"def get_role(role_id);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"Auth0::Api::V2::Roles#role;F;[;[[@i/;F;: role;;;[;{;IC;":Get a single Role by ID. Required scope: "read:roles" ;T;[ o; ;I" param;F;I"Role ID to get.;T;I" role_id;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;I";T;0; [I"Auth0::MissingParameter;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I"Role data.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Ehttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Roles/get_roles_by_id;T; 0;!@;"[;#I"Get a single Role by ID. Required scope: "read:roles" @param [string] role_id Role ID to get. @raise [Auth0::MissingParameter] @return [json] Role data. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Roles/get_roles_by_id ;T;$0;!@;&F;'0;,@;.I"def get_role(role_id) raise Auth0::MissingParameter, 'Must supply a valid role_id' if role_id.to_s.empty? get "#{roles_path}/#{role_id}" end;T;/@;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"&Auth0::Api::V2::Roles#create_role;F;[[I"role_name;T0[I" data;TI"{};T;[[@i7;T;:create_role;;;[;{;IC;"6Create a new Role. Required scope: "create:roles";T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"@https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Roles/post_roles;T; 0;!@&o; ;I" param;F;I" Role name for the new Role.;T;I"role_name;T; [I" string;T;!@&o; ;I" param;F;I"Additional Role data.;T;I" data;T; [I" hash;T;!@&o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::MissingParameter;T;!@&;"[;#I"Create a new Role. Required scope: "create:roles" @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Roles/post_roles @param role_name [string] Role name for the new Role. @param data [hash] Additional Role data.;T;$0;!@&;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i1;+i6;,@;-T;.I"def create_role(role_name, data = {}) raise Auth0::MissingParameter, 'Must supply a valid role_name' if role_name.to_s.empty? data[:name] = role_name post roles_path.to_s, data end;T;/I"*def create_role(role_name, data = {});T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"&Auth0::Api::V2::Roles#update_role;F;[[I" role_id;T0[I" data;TI"{};T;[[@iD;T;:update_role;;;[;{;IC;"8Update a Role by ID. Required scope: "update:roles";T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Ghttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Roles/patch_roles_by_id;T; 0;!@Lo; ;I" param;F;I"Role ID to update.;T;I" role_id;T; [I" string;T;!@Lo; ;I" param;F;I"Role data to update.;T;I" data;T; [I" string;T;!@Lo; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::MissingParameter;T;!@L;"[;#I"Update a Role by ID. Required scope: "update:roles" @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Roles/patch_roles_by_id @param role_id [string] Role ID to update. @param data [string] Role data to update.;T;$0;!@L;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i>;+iC;,@;-T;.I"def update_role(role_id, data = {}) raise Auth0::MissingParameter, 'Must supply a valid role_id' if role_id.to_s.empty? patch "#{roles_path}/#{role_id}", data end;T;/I"(def update_role(role_id, data = {});T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"&Auth0::Api::V2::Roles#delete_role;F;[[I" role_id;T0;[[@iO;T;:delete_role;;;[;{;IC;"?Delete a single Role by ID. Required scope: "delete:roles";T;[o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Hhttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Roles/delete_roles_by_id;T; 0;!@ro; ;I" param;F;I"Role ID to delete.;T;I" role_id;T; [I" string;T;!@ro; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::MissingParameter;T;!@r;"[;#I"Delete a single Role by ID. Required scope: "delete:roles" @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Roles/delete_roles_by_id @param role_id [string] Role ID to delete.;T;$0;!@r;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*iJ;+iN;,@;-T;.I"def delete_role(role_id) raise Auth0::MissingParameter, 'Must supply a valid role_id' if role_id.to_s.empty? delete "#{roles_path}/#{role_id}" end;T;/I"def delete_role(role_id);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I")Auth0::Api::V2::Roles#get_role_users;F;[[I" role_id;T0[I" options;TI"{};T;[[@i`;T;:get_role_users;;;[;{;IC;"^Get Users assigned to a specific Role. Required scopes: - "read:roles" - "read:users";T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Chttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Roles/get_role_user;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"*Role ID to which the Users belong to.;T;I" role_id;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"A hash of options for getting Roles - per_page: Number of Roles to return. - page: Page number to return, zero-based. - include_totals: True to include query summary in the result, false or nil otherwise.;T;I" options;T; [I" hash;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::MissingParameter;T;!@;"[;#I"Get Users assigned to a specific Role. Required scopes: - "read:roles" - "read:users" @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Roles/get_role_user @param role_id [string] Role ID to which the Users belong to. @param options [hash] A hash of options for getting Roles - per_page: Number of Roles to return. - page: Page number to return, zero-based. - include_totals: True to include query summary in the result, false or nil otherwise.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*iU;+i_;,@;-T;.I"^def get_role_users(role_id, options = {}) raise Auth0::MissingParameter, 'Must supply a valid role_id' if role_id.to_s.empty? request_params = { per_page: options.fetch(:per_page, nil), page: options.fetch(:page, nil), include_totals: options.fetch(:include_totals, nil) } get "#{roles_path}/#{role_id}/users", request_params end;T;/I".def get_role_users(role_id, options = {});T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I")Auth0::Api::V2::Roles#add_role_users;F;[[I" role_id;T0[I" users;TI"[];T;[[@iq;T;:add_role_users;;;[;{;IC;"EAdd one or more Users to a Role. Required scopes: "update:roles";T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Ehttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Roles/post_role_users;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"Role ID to add Users.;T;I" role_id;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"1Array of string User IDs to add to the Role.;T;I" users;T; [I" array;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::MissingParameter;T;!@;"[;#I"Add one or more Users to a Role. Required scopes: "update:roles" @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Roles/post_role_users @param role_id [string] Role ID to add Users. @param users [array] Array of string User IDs to add to the Role.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*ik;+ip;,@;-T;.I"def add_role_users(role_id, users = []) raise Auth0::MissingParameter, 'Must supply a valid role_id' if role_id.to_s.empty? validate_strings_array(users) post "#{roles_path}/#{role_id}/users", users: users end;T;/I",def add_role_users(role_id, users = []);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"/Auth0::Api::V2::Roles#get_role_permissions;F;[[I" role_id;T0[I" options;TI"{};T;[[@i~;T;:get_role_permissions;;;[;{;IC;"KGet the permissions associated to a Role. Required scope: "read:roles";T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Ihttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Roles/get_role_permission;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I" Role ID to add permissions.;T;I" role_id;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"A hash of options for getting permissions - per_page: Number or permissions to return. - page: Page number to return, zero-based - include_totals: True to include query summary in the result, false or nil otherwise.;T;I" options;T; [I" hash;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I"(All permissions matching the query.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::MissingParameter;T;!@;"[;#I"Get the permissions associated to a Role. Required scope: "read:roles" @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Roles/get_role_permission @param role_id [string] Role ID to add permissions. @param options [hash] A hash of options for getting permissions - per_page: Number or permissions to return. - page: Page number to return, zero-based - include_totals: True to include query summary in the result, false or nil otherwise. @return [json] All permissions matching the query.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*ix;+i};,@;-T;.I"jdef get_role_permissions(role_id, options = {}) raise Auth0::MissingParameter, 'Must supply a valid role_id' if role_id.to_s.empty? request_params = { per_page: options.fetch(:per_page, nil), page: options.fetch(:page, nil), include_totals: options.fetch(:include_totals, nil) } get "#{roles_path}/#{role_id}/permissions", request_params end;T;/I"4def get_role_permissions(role_id, options = {});T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"/Auth0::Api::V2::Roles#add_role_permissions;F;[[I" role_id;T0[I"permissions;T0;[[@i;T;:add_role_permissions;;;[;{;IC;"FAssociate permissions with a Role. Required scope: "update:roles";T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Uhttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Roles/post_role_permission_assignment;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I" Role ID to add permissions.;T;I" role_id;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"(Array of Permission structs to add.;T;I"permissions;T; [I" array;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::MissingParameter;T;!@;"[;#I" Associate permissions with a Role. Required scope: "update:roles" @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Roles/post_role_permission_assignment @param role_id [string] Role ID to add permissions. @param permissions [array] Array of Permission structs to add.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i;+i;,@;-T;.I" def add_role_permissions(role_id, permissions) raise Auth0::MissingParameter, 'Must supply a valid role_id' if role_id.to_s.empty? permissions = validate_permissions_array(permissions) post "#{roles_path}/#{role_id}/permissions", permissions: permissions end;T;/I"3def add_role_permissions(role_id, permissions);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"2Auth0::Api::V2::Roles#remove_role_permissions;F;[[I" role_id;T0[I"permissions;T0;[[@i;T;:remove_role_permissions;;;[;{;IC;"CRemove permissions from a Role. Required scope: "update:roles";T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Whttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Roles/delete_role_permission_assignment;T; 0;!@+o; ;I" param;F;I"#Role ID to remove permissions.;T;I" role_id;T; [I" string;T;!@+o; ;I" param;F;I"+Array of Permission structs to remove.;T;I"permissions;T; [I" array;T;!@+o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::MissingParameter;T;!@+;"[;#I"Remove permissions from a Role. Required scope: "update:roles" @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Roles/delete_role_permission_assignment @param role_id [string] Role ID to remove permissions. @param permissions [array] Array of Permission structs to remove.;T;$0;!@+;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i;+i;,@;-T;.I"def remove_role_permissions(role_id, permissions) raise Auth0::MissingParameter, 'Must supply a valid role_id' if role_id.to_s.empty? permissions = validate_permissions_array(permissions) delete_with_body("#{roles_path}/#{role_id}/permissions", permissions: permissions) end;T;/I"6def remove_role_permissions(role_id, permissions);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;5;I"%Auth0::Api::V2::Roles#roles_path;F;[;[[@i;T;:roles_path;;;[;{;IC;"Roles base API path;T;[;"[;#I"Roles base API path;T;$0;!@P;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i;+i;,@;-T;.I"9def roles_path @roles_path ||= '/api/v2/roles' end;T;/I"def roles_path;T;0T;8@;9IC;[;8@;:IC;[o:YARD::CodeObjects::Proxy :@orignamespace@:@orignameI"Auth0::Mixins::Validation;T: @imethod0;:Validation;,o;W ;X@;YI"Auth0::Mixins;T;Z0;: Mixins;,o;W ;X0;Y0;Z0;: Auth0;,@: @obj@: @type0;^0;_0;^0;_: module;8@;;IC;<{;=IC;<{;>T; IC;<{;>T;>T;?{@;J@;L;@[;[[@i ;T;: Roles;;;;;[;{;IC;"'Methods to use the Roles endpoints;T;[;"[;#I"'Methods to use the Roles endpoints;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i ;,@ ;I"Auth0::Api::V2::Roles;F;0To; ;IC;[ o; ; F; ; ;;5;I"%Auth0::Api::V2::Rules#rules_path;F;[;[[I"lib/auth0/api/v2/rules.rb;Til[@{i ;T;:rules_path;;;[;{;IC;"Rules API path;T;[;"[;#I"Rules API path;T;$0;!@v;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*ik;+ik;,@t;-T;.I"%def rules_path @rules_path end;T;/I"def rules_path;T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I" Auth0::Api::V2::Rules#rules;F;[ [I" enabled:;TI"nil;T[I" fields:;TI"nil;T[I"include_fields:;TI"nil;T[I" stage:;TI"nil;T[I" page:;TI"nil;T[I"per_page:;TI"nil;T;[[@{i;T;: rules;;;[;{;IC;"Retrieves a list of all rules. Accepts a list of fields to include or exclude. The enabled parameter can be specified to get enabled or disabled rules. The rule's stage of executing could be set to the following values login_success, login_failure or pre_authorize;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"4https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Rules/get_rules;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"YIf provided retrieves rules that match the value, otherwise all rules are retrieved.;T;I" enabled;T; [I" boolean;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"LA comma separated list of fields to include or exclude from the result.;T;I" fields;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"TTrue if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise.;T;I"include_fields;T; [I" boolean;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"PRetrieves rules that match the execution stage (defaults to login_success).;T;I" stage;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"!Page number to get, 0-based.;T;I" page;T; [I"int;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"4Results per page if also passing a page number.;T;I" per_page;T; [I"int;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I" Returns the existing rules.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@;"[;#I"}Retrieves a list of all rules. Accepts a list of fields to include or exclude. The enabled parameter can be specified to get enabled or disabled rules. The rule's stage of executing could be set to the following values login_success, login_failure or pre_authorize @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Rules/get_rules @param enabled [boolean] If provided retrieves rules that match the value, otherwise all rules are retrieved. @param fields [string] A comma separated list of fields to include or exclude from the result. @param include_fields [boolean] True if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise. @param stage [string] Retrieves rules that match the execution stage (defaults to login_success). @param page [int] Page number to get, 0-based. @param per_page [int] Results per page if also passing a page number. @return [json] Returns the existing rules.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i;,@t;-T;.I"Ydef rules(enabled: nil, fields: nil, include_fields: nil, stage: nil, page: nil, per_page: nil) request_params = { enabled: enabled, fields: fields, include_fields: include_fields, stage: stage, page: page, per_page: per_page } get(rules_path, request_params) end;T;/I"ddef rules(enabled: nil, fields: nil, include_fields: nil, stage: nil, page: nil, per_page: nil);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"$Auth0::Api::V2::Rules#get_rules;F;[;[[@{i&;F;:get_rules;;;[;{;IC;"Retrieves a list of all rules. Accepts a list of fields to include or exclude. The enabled parameter can be specified to get enabled or disabled rules. The rule's stage of executing could be set to the following values login_success, login_failure or pre_authorize ;T;[ o; ;I" param;F;I"YIf provided retrieves rules that match the value, otherwise all rules are retrieved.;T;I" enabled;T; [I" boolean;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"LA comma separated list of fields to include or exclude from the result.;T;I" fields;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"TTrue if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise.;T;I"include_fields;T; [I" boolean;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"PRetrieves rules that match the execution stage (defaults to login_success).;T;I" stage;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"!Page number to get, 0-based.;T;I" page;T; [I"int;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"4Results per page if also passing a page number.;T;I" per_page;T; [I"int;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I" Returns the existing rules.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@o; ;I"see;F;0;I"4https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Rules/get_rules;T; 0;!@;"[;#I"Retrieves a list of all rules. Accepts a list of fields to include or exclude. The enabled parameter can be specified to get enabled or disabled rules. The rule's stage of executing could be set to the following values login_success, login_failure or pre_authorize @param [boolean] enabled If provided retrieves rules that match the value, otherwise all rules are retrieved. @param [string] fields A comma separated list of fields to include or exclude from the result. @param [boolean] include_fields True if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise. @param [string] stage Retrieves rules that match the execution stage (defaults to login_success). @param [int] page Page number to get, 0-based. @param [int] per_page Results per page if also passing a page number. @return [json] Returns the existing rules. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Rules/get_rules ;T;$0;!@;&F;'0;,@t;.I"Ydef rules(enabled: nil, fields: nil, include_fields: nil, stage: nil, page: nil, per_page: nil) request_params = { enabled: enabled, fields: fields, include_fields: include_fields, stage: stage, page: page, per_page: per_page } get(rules_path, request_params) end;T;/@;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"Auth0::Api::V2::Rules#rule;F;[[I" rule_id;T0[I" fields:;TI"nil;T[I"include_fields:;TI"nil;T;[[@{i/;T;: rule;;;[;{;IC;"^Retrieves a rule by its ID. Accepts a list of fields to include or exclude in the result.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I":https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Rules/get_rules_by_id;T; 0;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"$The id of the rule to retrieve.;T;I" rule_id;T; [I" string;T;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"LA comma separated list of fields to include or exclude from the result.;T;I" fields;T; [I" string;T;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"TTrue if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise.;T;I"include_fields;T; [I" boolean;T;!@ o; ;I" return;F;I"Returns the rule.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@ o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@ ;"[;#I"Retrieves a rule by its ID. Accepts a list of fields to include or exclude in the result. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Rules/get_rules_by_id @param rule_id [string] The id of the rule to retrieve. @param fields [string] A comma separated list of fields to include or exclude from the result. @param include_fields [boolean] True if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise. @return [json] Returns the rule.;T;$0;!@ ;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i(;+i.;,@t;-T;.I"!def rule(rule_id, fields: nil, include_fields: nil) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid rule id' if rule_id.to_s.empty? path = "#{rules_path}/#{rule_id}" request_params = { fields: fields, include_fields: include_fields } get(path, request_params) end;T;/I"8def rule(rule_id, fields: nil, include_fields: nil);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"#Auth0::Api::V2::Rules#get_rule;F;[;[[@{i9;F;: get_rule;;;[;{;IC;"^Retrieves a rule by its ID. Accepts a list of fields to include or exclude in the result. ;T;[ o; ;I" param;F;I"$The id of the rule to retrieve.;T;I" rule_id;T; [I" string;T;!@>o; ;I" param;F;I"LA comma separated list of fields to include or exclude from the result.;T;I" fields;T; [I" string;T;!@>o; ;I" param;F;I"TTrue if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise.;T;I"include_fields;T; [I" boolean;T;!@>o; ;I" raise;F;I";T;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@>o; ;I" return;F;I"Returns the rule.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@>o; ;I"see;F;0;I":https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Rules/get_rules_by_id;T; 0;!@>;"[;#I"Retrieves a rule by its ID. Accepts a list of fields to include or exclude in the result. @param [string] rule_id The id of the rule to retrieve. @param [string] fields A comma separated list of fields to include or exclude from the result. @param [boolean] include_fields True if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise. @raise [Auth0::InvalidParameter] @return [json] Returns the rule. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Rules/get_rules_by_id ;T;$0;!@>;&F;'0;,@t;.I"!def rule(rule_id, fields: nil, include_fields: nil) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid rule id' if rule_id.to_s.empty? path = "#{rules_path}/#{rule_id}" request_params = { fields: fields, include_fields: include_fields } get(path, request_params) end;T;/@=;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"&Auth0::Api::V2::Rules#create_rule;F;[ [I" name;T0[I" script;T0[I" order;TI"nil;T[I" enabled;TI" true;T[I" stage;TI"'login_success';T;[[@{iF;T;:create_rule;;;[;{;IC;"Creates a new rule according to the JSON object received in body. executes first. If no order is provided it will automatically be one greater than the current maximum. 'user_registration' or 'user_blocked'.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"5https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Rules/post_rules;T; 0;!@io; ;I" param;F;I"TThe name of the rule. Can only contain alphanumeric characters, spaces and '-'.;T;I" name;T; [I" string;T;!@io; ;I" param;F;I",A script that contains the rule's code.;T;I" script;T; [I" string;T;!@io; ;I" param;F;I"]The rule's order in relation to other rules. A rule with a lower order than another rule;T;I" order;T; [I" integer;T;!@io; ;I" param;F;I"2True if the rule is enabled, false otherwise.;T;I" enabled;T; [I" string;T;!@io; ;I" param;F;I"XThe rule's execution stage 'login_success' or 'login_failure' or 'pre_authorize' or;T;I" stage;T; [I" string;T;!@io; ;I" return;F;I"Returns the created rule.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@io; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@i;"[;#I"Creates a new rule according to the JSON object received in body. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Rules/post_rules @param name [string] The name of the rule. Can only contain alphanumeric characters, spaces and '-'. @param script [string] A script that contains the rule's code. @param order [integer] The rule's order in relation to other rules. A rule with a lower order than another rule executes first. If no order is provided it will automatically be one greater than the current maximum. @param enabled [string] True if the rule is enabled, false otherwise. @param stage [string] The rule's execution stage 'login_success' or 'login_failure' or 'pre_authorize' or 'user_registration' or 'user_blocked'. @return [json] Returns the created rule.;T;$0;!@i;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i;;+iE;,@t;-T;.I"def create_rule(name, script, order = nil, enabled = true, stage = 'login_success') raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid name' if name.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid script' if script.to_s.empty? request_params = { name: name, enabled: enabled, script: script, order: order, stage: stage } post(rules_path, request_params) end;T;/I"Xdef create_rule(name, script, order = nil, enabled = true, stage = 'login_success');T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"&Auth0::Api::V2::Rules#update_rule;F;[[I" rule_id;T0[I"fields_to_update;TI"{};T;[[@{iY;T;:update_rule;;;[;{;IC;"Updates a rule.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"T; IC;<{;bIC;<{;G@v;H0;>T;>T;>T;?{@;c@>;e;@[;[[@{i ;T;: Rules;;;;;[;{;IC;"'Methods to use the rules endpoints;T;[;"[;#I"'Methods to use the rules endpoints;T;$0;!@t;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i ;,@ ;I"Auth0::Api::V2::Rules;F;0To; ;IC;[o; ; F; ; ;;5;I"%Auth0::Api::V2::Stats#stats_path;F;[;[[I"lib/auth0/api/v2/stats.rb;Ti([@i ;T;:stats_path;;;[;{;IC;"Stats API path;T;[;"[;#I"Stats API path;T;$0;!@ ;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i';+i';,@;-T;.I"%def stats_path @stats_path end;T;/I"def stats_path;T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"'Auth0::Api::V2::Stats#active_users;F;[;[[@i;T;:active_users;;;[;{;IC;"EGets the active users count (logged in during the last 30 days).;T;[o; ;I"see;F;0;I";https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Stats/get_active_users;T; 0;!@o; ;I" return;F;I"$Returns the active users count.;T;0; [I" integer;T;!@;"[;#I"Gets the active users count (logged in during the last 30 days). @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Stats/get_active_users @return [integer] Returns the active users count.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i;,@;-T;.I"Kdef active_users path = "#{stats_path}/active-users" get(path) end;T;/I"def active_users;T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"&Auth0::Api::V2::Stats#daily_stats;F;[[I" from;T0[I"to;T0;[[@i;T;:daily_stats;;;[;{;IC;"2Gets the daily stats for a particular period.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"4https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Stats/get_daily;T; 0;!@0o; ;I" param;F;I"@The first day of the period (inclusive) in YYYYMMDD format.;T;I" from;T; [I" string;T;!@0o; ;I" param;F;I"?The last day of the period (inclusive) in YYYYMMDD format.;T;I"to;T; [I" string;T;!@0o; ;I" return;F;I"Returns the daily stats.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@0;"[;#I"*Gets the daily stats for a particular period. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Stats/get_daily @param from [string] The first day of the period (inclusive) in YYYYMMDD format. @param to [string] The last day of the period (inclusive) in YYYYMMDD format. @return [json] Returns the daily stats.;T;$0;!@0;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i;+i;,@;-T;.I"def daily_stats(from, to) path = "#{stats_path}/daily" request_params = { from: from, to: to } get(path, request_params) end;T;/I"def daily_stats(from, to);T;0T;8@;9IC;[;8@;:IC;[;8@;;IC;<{;=IC;<{;>T; IC;<{;kIC;<{;G@ ;H0;>T;>T;>T;?{;@[;[[@i ;T;: Stats;;;;;[;{;IC;"'Methods to use the stats endpoints;T;[;"[;#I"'Methods to use the stats endpoints;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i ;,@ ;I"Auth0::Api::V2::Stats;F;0To; ;IC;[o; ; F; ; ;;5;I"%Auth0::Api::V2::Users#users_path;F;[;[[I"lib/auth0/api/v2/users.rb;Ti8[@oi ;T;:users_path;;;[;{;IC;"Users API path;T;[;"[;#I"Users API path;T;$0;!@j;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i7;+i7;,@h;-T;.I"%def users_path @users_path end;T;/I"def users_path;T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I" Auth0::Api::V2::Users#users;F;[[I" options;TI"{};T;[[@oi;T;: users;;;[;{;IC;"%Retrieves a list of Auth0 users.;T;[o; ;I"see;F;0;I"?https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Users/get_users;T; 0;!@zo; ;I" param;F;I",The Hash options used to refine the User results. * :per_page [integer] The amount of entries per page. Default: 50. Max value: 100. * :page [integer] The page number. Zero based. * :include_totals [boolean] True if a query summary must be included in the result. * :sort [string] The field to use for sorting. 1 == ascending and -1 == descending. * :connection [string] Connection to filter results by. * :fields [string] A comma separated list of result fields. * :include_fields [boolean] True to include :fields, false to exclude. * :q [string] Query in Lucene query string syntax. * :search_engine [string] User search engine version. - Will default to v2 if no value is passed. - Default will change to v3 on 11/13/2018 - See https://auth0.com/docs/users/search/v3#migrate-from-search-engine-v2-to-v3;T;I" options;T; [I" hash;T;!@zo; ;I" return;F;I"(Returns the list of existing users.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@z;"[;#I"Retrieves a list of Auth0 users. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Users/get_users @param options [hash] The Hash options used to refine the User results. * :per_page [integer] The amount of entries per page. Default: 50. Max value: 100. * :page [integer] The page number. Zero based. * :include_totals [boolean] True if a query summary must be included in the result. * :sort [string] The field to use for sorting. 1 == ascending and -1 == descending. * :connection [string] Connection to filter results by. * :fields [string] A comma separated list of result fields. * :include_fields [boolean] True to include :fields, false to exclude. * :q [string] Query in Lucene query string syntax. * :search_engine [string] User search engine version. - Will default to v2 if no value is passed. - Default will change to v3 on 11/13/2018 - See https://auth0.com/docs/users/search/v3#migrate-from-search-engine-v2-to-v3 @return [json] Returns the list of existing users.;T;$0;!@z;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i;+i;,@h;-T;.I""def users(options = {}) request_params = { per_page: options.fetch(:per_page, nil), page: options.fetch(:page, nil), include_totals: options.fetch(:include_totals, nil), sort: options.fetch(:sort, nil), connection: options.fetch(:connection, nil), fields: options.fetch(:fields, nil), include_fields: options.fetch(:include_fields, nil), q: options.fetch(:q, nil), search_engine: options.fetch(:search_engine, nil) } get(users_path, request_params) end;T;/I"def users(options = {});T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"$Auth0::Api::V2::Users#get_users;F;[;[[@oi-;F;:get_users;;;[;{;IC;"%Retrieves a list of Auth0 users. ;T;[o; ;I" param;F;I",The Hash options used to refine the User results. * :per_page [integer] The amount of entries per page. Default: 50. Max value: 100. * :page [integer] The page number. Zero based. * :include_totals [boolean] True if a query summary must be included in the result. * :sort [string] The field to use for sorting. 1 == ascending and -1 == descending. * :connection [string] Connection to filter results by. * :fields [string] A comma separated list of result fields. * :include_fields [boolean] True to include :fields, false to exclude. * :q [string] Query in Lucene query string syntax. * :search_engine [string] User search engine version. - Will default to v2 if no value is passed. - Default will change to v3 on 11/13/2018 - See https://auth0.com/docs/users/search/v3#migrate-from-search-engine-v2-to-v3;T;I" options;T; [I" hash;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I"(Returns the list of existing users.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@o; ;I"see;F;0;I"?https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Users/get_users;T; 0;!@;"[;#I"Retrieves a list of Auth0 users. @param [hash] options The Hash options used to refine the User results. * :per_page [integer] The amount of entries per page. Default: 50. Max value: 100. * :page [integer] The page number. Zero based. * :include_totals [boolean] True if a query summary must be included in the result. * :sort [string] The field to use for sorting. 1 == ascending and -1 == descending. * :connection [string] Connection to filter results by. * :fields [string] A comma separated list of result fields. * :include_fields [boolean] True to include :fields, false to exclude. * :q [string] Query in Lucene query string syntax. * :search_engine [string] User search engine version. - Will default to v2 if no value is passed. - Default will change to v3 on 11/13/2018 - See https://auth0.com/docs/users/search/v3#migrate-from-search-engine-v2-to-v3 @return [json] Returns the list of existing users. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Users/get_users ;T;$0;!@;&F;'0;,@h;.I""def users(options = {}) request_params = { per_page: options.fetch(:per_page, nil), page: options.fetch(:page, nil), include_totals: options.fetch(:include_totals, nil), sort: options.fetch(:sort, nil), connection: options.fetch(:connection, nil), fields: options.fetch(:fields, nil), include_fields: options.fetch(:include_fields, nil), q: options.fetch(:q, nil), search_engine: options.fetch(:search_engine, nil) } get(users_path, request_params) end;T;/@;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"&Auth0::Api::V2::Users#create_user;F;[[I" name;T0[I" options;TI"{};T;[[@oi7;T;:create_user;;;[;{;IC;"Creates a new user according to optional parameters received. The attribute connection is always mandatory but depending on the type of connection you are using there could be others too. For instance, Auth0 DB Connections require email and password.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"5https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Users/post_users;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"The user name.;T;I" name;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"?* :connection [string] The connection the user belongs to.;T;I" options;T; [I" hash;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I"Returns the created user.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@;"[;#I"Creates a new user according to optional parameters received. The attribute connection is always mandatory but depending on the type of connection you are using there could be others too. For instance, Auth0 DB Connections require email and password. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Users/post_users @param name [string] The user name. @param options [hash] * :connection [string] The connection the user belongs to. @return [json] Returns the created user.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i/;+i6;,@h;-T;.I"def create_user(name, options = {}) request_params = Hash[options.map { |(k, v)| [k.to_sym, v] }] request_params[:name] = name post(users_path, request_params) end;T;/I"(def create_user(name, options = {});T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"'Auth0::Api::V2::Users#delete_users;F;[;[[@oi?;T;:delete_users;;;[;{;IC;"(Delete all users - USE WITH CAUTION;T;[o; ;I"deprecated;F;I"'- 4.8.0, endpoint has been removed;T;0; 0;!@;"[;#I"WDelete all users - USE WITH CAUTION @deprecated - 4.8.0, endpoint has been removed;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i=;+i>;,@h;-T;.I".def delete_users delete(users_path) end;T;/I"def delete_users;T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"Auth0::Api::V2::Users#user;F;[[I" user_id;T0[I" fields:;TI"nil;T[I"include_fields:;TI" true;T;[[@oiJ;T;: user;;;[;{;IC;"%Retrieves a user given a user_id;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I":https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Users/get_users_by_id;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I")The user_id of the user to retrieve.;T;I" user_id;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"LA comma separated list of fields to include or exclude from the result.;T;I" fields;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"TTrue if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise.;T;I"include_fields;T; [I" boolean;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I":Returns the user with the given user_id if it exists.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::MissingUserId;T;!@;"[;#I"Retrieves a user given a user_id @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Users/get_users_by_id @param user_id [string] The user_id of the user to retrieve. @param fields [string] A comma separated list of fields to include or exclude from the result. @param include_fields [boolean] True if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise. @return [json] Returns the user with the given user_id if it exists.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*iC;+iI;,@h;-T;.I"#def user(user_id, fields: nil, include_fields: true) raise Auth0::MissingUserId, 'Must supply a valid user_id' if user_id.to_s.empty? path = "#{users_path}/#{user_id}" request_params = { fields: fields, include_fields: include_fields } get(path, request_params) end;T;/I"9def user(user_id, fields: nil, include_fields: true);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"&Auth0::Api::V2::Users#delete_user;F;[[I" user_id;T0;[[@oiW;T;:delete_user;;;[;{;IC;"'Deletes a single user given its id;T;[o; ;I"see;F;0;I"=https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Users/delete_users_by_id;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"'The user_id of the user to delete.;T;I" user_id;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::MissingUserId;T;!@;"[;#I"Deletes a single user given its id @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Users/delete_users_by_id @param user_id [string] The user_id of the user to delete.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*iT;+iV;,@h;-T;.I"def delete_user(user_id) raise Auth0::MissingUserId, 'Must supply a valid user_id' if user_id.to_s.empty? path = "#{users_path}/#{user_id}" delete(path) end;T;/I"def delete_user(user_id);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"%Auth0::Api::V2::Users#patch_user;F;[[I" user_id;T0[I" body;T0;[[@oim;T;:patch_user;;;[;{;IC;"Updates a user with the object's properties received in the optional parameters. These are the attributes that can be updated at the root level: blocked, email_verified, email, verify_email, password, phone_number, phone_verified, verify_password, user_metadata, app_metadata, username Some considerations: The properties of the new object will replace the old ones. The metadata fields are an exception to this rule (user_metadata and app_metadata). These properties are merged instead of being replaced but be careful, the merge only occurs on the first level. If you are updating email_verified, phone_verified, username or password you need to specify the connection property too. If your are updating email or phone_number you need to specify the connection and the client_id properties.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I" 100 raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'The total amount of entries per page should be less than 100' end sort_pattern = /^(([a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+))\:(1|-1)$/ if !request_params[:sort].nil? && !sort_pattern.match(request_params[:sort]) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Sort does not match pattern ^(([a-zA-Z0-9_\\.]+))\\:(1|-1)$' end get(path, request_params) end;T;/I")def user_logs(user_id, options = {});T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I".Auth0::Api::V2::Users#get_user_log_events;F;[;[[@oi;F;:get_user_log_events;;;[;{;IC;"jRetrieve every log event for a specific user id rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize ;T;[ o; ;I" param;F;I")The user_id of the logs to retrieve.;T;I" user_id;T; [I" string;T;!@bo; ;I" param;F;I"** :per_page [integer] The amount of entries per page. Default: 50. Max value: 100. * :page [integer] The page number. Zero based. * :include_totals [boolean] True if a query summary must be included in the result. * :sort [string] The field to use for sorting. 1 == ascending and -1 == descending.;T;I" options;T; [I" hash;T;!@bo; ;I" raise;F;I";T;0; [I"Auth0::MissingUserId;T;!@bo; ;I" return;F;I"DReturns the list of existing log entries for the given user_id.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@bo; ;I"see;F;0;I"Fhttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Users/get_logs_by_user;T; 0;!@b;"[;#I"Retrieve every log event for a specific user id rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize @param [string] user_id The user_id of the logs to retrieve. @param [hash] options * :per_page [integer] The amount of entries per page. Default: 50. Max value: 100. * :page [integer] The page number. Zero based. * :include_totals [boolean] True if a query summary must be included in the result. * :sort [string] The field to use for sorting. 1 == ascending and -1 == descending. @raise [Auth0::MissingUserId] @return [json] Returns the list of existing log entries for the given user_id. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Users/get_logs_by_user ;T;$0;!@b;&F;'0;,@h;.I"def user_logs(user_id, options = {}) raise Auth0::MissingUserId, 'Must supply a valid user_id' if user_id.to_s.empty? path = "#{users_path}/#{user_id}/logs" request_params = { per_page: options.fetch(:per_page, nil), page: options.fetch(:page, nil), include_totals: options.fetch(:include_totals, nil), sort: options.fetch(:sort, nil) } if request_params[:per_page].to_i > 100 raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'The total amount of entries per page should be less than 100' end sort_pattern = /^(([a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+))\:(1|-1)$/ if !request_params[:sort].nil? && !sort_pattern.match(request_params[:sort]) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Sort does not match pattern ^(([a-zA-Z0-9_\\.]+))\\:(1|-1)$' end get(path, request_params) end;T;/@a;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I")Auth0::Api::V2::Users#get_user_roles;F;[[I" user_id;T0[I" options;TI"{};T;[[@oi;T;:get_user_roles;;;[;{;IC;"/Get all roles assigned to a specific user.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Dhttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Users/get_user_roles;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"*The user_id of the roles to retrieve.;T;I" user_id;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"** :per_page [integer] The amount of entries per page. Default: 50. Max value: 100. * :page [integer] The page number. Zero based. * :include_totals [boolean] True if a query summary must be included in the result. * :sort [string] The field to use for sorting. 1 == ascending and -1 == descending.;T;I" options;T; [I" hash;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I")Returns roles for the given user_id.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::MissingUserId;T;!@;"[;#I",Get all roles assigned to a specific user. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Users/get_user_roles @param user_id [string] The user_id of the roles to retrieve. @param options [hash] * :per_page [integer] The amount of entries per page. Default: 50. Max value: 100. * :page [integer] The page number. Zero based. * :include_totals [boolean] True if a query summary must be included in the result. * :sort [string] The field to use for sorting. 1 == ascending and -1 == descending. @return [json] Returns roles for the given user_id.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i;+i;,@h;-T;.I"ydef get_user_roles(user_id, options = {}) raise Auth0::MissingUserId, 'Must supply a valid user_id' if user_id.to_s.empty? path = "#{users_path}/#{user_id}/roles" request_params = { per_page: options.fetch(:per_page, nil), page: options.fetch(:page, nil), include_totals: options.fetch(:include_totals, nil) } get(path, request_params) end;T;/I".def get_user_roles(user_id, options = {});T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I",Auth0::Api::V2::Users#remove_user_roles;F;[[I" user_id;T0[I" roles;T0;[[@oi;T;:remove_user_roles;;;[;{;IC;"3Remove one or more roles from a specific user.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Ghttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Users/delete_user_roles;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"(The user_id of the roles to remove.;T;I" user_id;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"&An array of role names to remove.;T;I" roles;T; [I" array;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::MissingUserId;T;!@;"[;#I"Remove one or more roles from a specific user. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Users/delete_user_roles @param user_id [string] The user_id of the roles to remove. @param roles [array] An array of role names to remove.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i;+i;,@h;-T;.I"def remove_user_roles(user_id, roles) raise Auth0::MissingUserId, 'Must supply a valid user_id' if user_id.to_s.empty? validate_strings_array roles path = "#{users_path}/#{user_id}/roles" delete_with_body path, roles: roles end;T;/I"*def remove_user_roles(user_id, roles);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I")Auth0::Api::V2::Users#add_user_roles;F;[[I" user_id;T0[I" roles;T0;[[@oi;T;:add_user_roles;;;[;{;IC;".Add one or more roles to a specific user.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Ehttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Users/post_user_roles;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"%The user_id of the roles to add.;T;I" user_id;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"!An array of role ids to add.;T;I" roles;T; [I" array;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::MissingUserId;T;!@;"[;#I"Add one or more roles to a specific user. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Users/post_user_roles @param user_id [string] The user_id of the roles to add. @param roles [array] An array of role ids to add.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i;+i;,@h;-T;.I"def add_user_roles(user_id, roles) raise Auth0::MissingUserId, 'Must supply a valid user_id' if user_id.to_s.empty? validate_strings_array roles path = "#{users_path}/#{user_id}/roles" post(path, roles: roles) end;T;/I"'def add_user_roles(user_id, roles);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"*Auth0::Api::V2::Users#get_enrollments;F;[[I" user_id;T0;[[@oi;T;:get_enrollments;;;[;{;IC;"5Get all Guardian enrollments for a specific user;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Ehttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Users/get_enrollments;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"+The user_id of the enrollments to get.;T;I" user_id;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I"8Returns Guardian enrollments for the given user_id.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::MissingUserId;T;!@;"[;#I"Get all Guardian enrollments for a specific user @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Users/get_enrollments @param user_id [string] The user_id of the enrollments to get. @return [json] Returns Guardian enrollments for the given user_id.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i;+i;,@h;-T;.I"def get_enrollments(user_id) raise Auth0::MissingUserId, 'Must supply a valid user_id' if user_id.to_s.empty? get "#{users_path}/#{user_id}/enrollments" end;T;/I"!def get_enrollments(user_id);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"/Auth0::Api::V2::Users#get_user_permissions;F;[[I" user_id;T0[I" options;TI"{};T;[[@oi;T;:get_user_permissions;;;[;{;IC;"-Get all permissions for a specific user.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Ehttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Users/get_permissions;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"+The user_id of the permissions to get.;T;I" user_id;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"A hash of options for getting permissions * :per_page [integer] The amount of permissions per page. (optional) * :page [integer] The page number. Zero based. (optional) * :include_totals [boolean] True if a query summary must be included in the result. (optional);T;I" options;T; [I" hash;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I"/Returns permissions for the given user_id.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::MissingUserId;T;!@;"[;#I"Get all permissions for a specific user. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Users/get_permissions @param user_id [string] The user_id of the permissions to get. @param options [hash] A hash of options for getting permissions * :per_page [integer] The amount of permissions per page. (optional) * :page [integer] The page number. Zero based. (optional) * :include_totals [boolean] True if a query summary must be included in the result. (optional) @return [json] Returns permissions for the given user_id.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i;+i;,@h;-T;.I"hdef get_user_permissions(user_id, options = {}) raise Auth0::MissingUserId, 'Must supply a valid user_id' if user_id.to_s.empty? request_params = { per_page: options.fetch(:per_page, nil), page: options.fetch(:page, nil), include_totals: options.fetch(:include_totals, nil) } get "#{users_path}/#{user_id}/permissions", request_params end;T;/I"4def get_user_permissions(user_id, options = {});T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"2Auth0::Api::V2::Users#remove_user_permissions;F;[[I" user_id;T0[I"permissions;T0;[[@oi;T;:remove_user_permissions;;;[;{;IC;"9Remove one or more permissions from a specific user.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Hhttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Users/delete_permissions;T; 0;!@Io; ;I" param;F;I".The user_id of the permissions to remove.;T;I" user_id;T; [I" string;T;!@Io; ;I" param;F;I".An array of Permission structs to remove.;T;I"permissions;T; [I" array;T;!@Io; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::MissingUserId;T;!@I;"[;#I"Remove one or more permissions from a specific user. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Users/delete_permissions @param user_id [string] The user_id of the permissions to remove. @param permissions [array] An array of Permission structs to remove.;T;$0;!@I;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i;,@h;-T;.I"def remove_user_permissions(user_id, permissions) raise Auth0::MissingUserId, 'Must supply a valid user_id' if user_id.to_s.empty? permissions = validate_permissions_array permissions delete_with_body "#{users_path}/#{user_id}/permissions", permissions: permissions end;T;/I"6def remove_user_permissions(user_id, permissions);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"/Auth0::Api::V2::Users#add_user_permissions;F;[[I" user_id;T0[I"permissions;T0;[[@oi;T;:add_user_permissions;;;[;{;IC;"6Add one or more permissions from a specific user.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Fhttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Users/post_permissions;T; 0;!@no; ;I" param;F;I"+The user_id of the permissions to add.;T;I" user_id;T; [I" string;T;!@no; ;I" param;F;I"+An array of Permission structs to add.;T;I"permissions;T; [I" array;T;!@no; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::MissingUserId;T;!@n;"[;#I"Add one or more permissions from a specific user. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Users/post_permissions @param user_id [string] The user_id of the permissions to add. @param permissions [array] An array of Permission structs to add.;T;$0;!@n;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i;+i;,@h;-T;.I"def add_user_permissions(user_id, permissions) raise Auth0::MissingUserId, 'Must supply a valid user_id' if user_id.to_s.empty? permissions = validate_permissions_array permissions post "#{users_path}/#{user_id}/permissions", permissions: permissions end;T;/I"3def add_user_permissions(user_id, permissions);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"1Auth0::Api::V2::Users#generate_recovery_code;F;[[I" user_id;T0;[[@oi';T;:generate_recovery_code;;;[;{;IC;"SRemove the current Guardian recovery code and generates and returns a new one.;T;[o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Uhttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Users/post_recovery_code_regeneration;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"5The user_id of the recovery codes to regenerate.;T;I" user_id;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::MissingUserId;T;!@;"[;#I"Remove the current Guardian recovery code and generates and returns a new one. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Users/post_recovery_code_regeneration @param user_id [string] The user_id of the recovery codes to regenerate.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i#;+i&;,@h;-T;.I"def generate_recovery_code(user_id) raise Auth0::MissingUserId, 'Must supply a valid user_id' if user_id.to_s.empty? post "#{users_path}/#{user_id}/recovery-code-generation" end;T;/I"(def generate_recovery_code(user_id);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I".Auth0::Api::V2::Users#invalidate_browsers;F;[[I" user_id;T0;[[@oi0;T;:invalidate_browsers;;;[;{;IC;"[Invalidate all remembered browsers for all authentication factors for a specific user.;T;[o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Vhttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Users/post_invalidate_remember_browser;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"/The user_id of the browsers to invalidate.;T;I" user_id;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::MissingUserId;T;!@;"[;#I"Invalidate all remembered browsers for all authentication factors for a specific user. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Users/post_invalidate_remember_browser @param user_id [string] The user_id of the browsers to invalidate.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i,;+i/;,@h;-T;.I"def invalidate_browsers(user_id) raise Auth0::MissingUserId, 'Must supply a valid user_id' if user_id.to_s.empty? post "#{users_path}/#{user_id}/multifactor/actions/invalidate-remember-browser" end;T;/I"%def invalidate_browsers(user_id);T;0T;8@h;9IC;[;8@h;:IC;[o;W ;X@h;YI"Auth0::Mixins::Validation;T;Z0;;[;,o;W ;X@h;YI"Auth0::Mixins;T;Z0;;\;,o;W ;X0;Y0;Z0;;];,@;^@;_0;^0;_0;^0;_;`;8@h;;IC;<{;=IC;<{;>T; IC;<{;oIC;<{;G@j;H0;>T;>T;>T;?{ @;p@f;v@ ;z@b;|;@[;[[@oi ;T;: Users;;;;;[;{;IC;"'Methods to use the users endpoints;T;[;"[;#I"'Methods to use the users endpoints;T;$0;!@h;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i ;,@ ;I"Auth0::Api::V2::Users;F;0To; ;IC;[ o; ; F; ; ;;5;I"&Auth0::Api::V2::Emails#email_path;F;[;[[I"lib/auth0/api/v2/emails.rb;Ti [@i7;F;:email_path;;;[;{;IC;"/Returns the value of attribute email_path.;T;[;"[;#I"/Returns the value of attribute email_path.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F: @summary0;,@;-T;.I"%def email_path @email_path end;T;/I"def email_path;T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"(Auth0::Api::V2::Emails#get_provider;F;[[I" fields:;TI"nil;T[I"include_fields:;TI"nil;T;[[@i;T;:get_provider;;;[;{;IC;"!Get all the email providers.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"8https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Emails/get_provider;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"LA comma separated list of fields to include or exclude from the result.;T;I" fields;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"TTrue if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise.;T;I"include_fields;T; [I" boolean;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I"*Returns the existing email providers.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@;"[;#I"ZGet all the email providers. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Emails/get_provider @param fields [string] A comma separated list of fields to include or exclude from the result. @param include_fields [boolean] True if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise. @return [json] Returns the existing email providers.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i;,@;-T;.I"def get_provider(fields: nil, include_fields: nil) request_params = { fields: fields, include_fields: include_fields } get(email_path, request_params) end;T;/I"7def get_provider(fields: nil, include_fields: nil);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I".Auth0::Api::V2::Emails#configure_provider;F;[[I" body;T0;[[@i;T;:configure_provider;;;[;{;IC;"$Configure a new email provider.;T;[o; ;I"see;F;0;I"9https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Emails/post_provider;T; 0;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"FThe Hash options used to specify the email provider's properties.;T;I" body;T; [I" hash;T;!@ o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@ ;"[;#I"Configure a new email provider. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Emails/post_provider @param body [hash] The Hash options used to specify the email provider's properties.;T;$0;!@ ;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i;+i;,@;-T;.I"def configure_provider(body) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid body to create an email provider' if body.to_s.empty? post(email_path, body) end;T;/I"!def configure_provider(body);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"+Auth0::Api::V2::Emails#delete_provider;F;[;[[@i';T;:delete_provider;;;[;{;IC;"+Deletes the configured email provider.;T;[o; ;I"see;F;0;I";https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Emails/delete_provider;T; 0;!@: o; ;I" return;F;I"(Returns the created email provider.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@: ;"[;#I"Deletes the configured email provider. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Emails/delete_provider @return [json] Returns the created email provider.;T;$0;!@: ;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i#;+i&;,@;-T;.I"1def delete_provider delete(email_path) end;T;/I"def delete_provider;T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"+Auth0::Api::V2::Emails#update_provider;F;[[I" body;T0;[[@i0;T;:update_provider;;;[;{;IC;"+Updates the configured email provider.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I":https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Emails/patch_provider;T; 0;!@P o; ;I" param;F;I"FThe Hash options used to specify the email provider's properties.;T;I" body;T; [I" hash;T;!@P o; ;I" return;F;I"(Returns the updated email provider.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@P o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@P ;"[;#I"Updates the configured email provider. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Emails/patch_provider @param body [hash] The Hash options used to specify the email provider's properties. @return [json] Returns the updated email provider.;T;$0;!@P ;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i+;+i/;,@;-T;.I"def update_provider(body) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid body to update an email provider' if body.to_s.empty? patch(email_path, body) end;T;/I"def update_provider(body);T;0T;8@;9IC;[;8@;:IC;[;8@;;IC;<{;=IC;<{;>T; IC;<{;IC;<{;G@;H0;>T;>T;>T;?{;@[;[[@i ;T;: Emails;;;;;[;{;IC;"-Methods to use the connections endpoints;T;[;"[;#I"-Methods to use the connections endpoints;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i ;,@ ;I"Auth0::Api::V2::Emails;F;0To; ;IC;[o; ; F; ; ;;;I"3Auth0::Api::V2::Anomaly#check_if_ip_is_blocked;F;[[I"ip;T0;[[I" lib/auth0/api/v2/anomaly.rb;Ti;T;:check_if_ip_is_blocked;;;[;{;IC;"zUse this route to determine if a given IP is currently blocked by the failed login to multiple user accounts trigger.;T;[o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Ehttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Anomaly/get_ips_by_id;T; 0;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"The IP to check.;T;I"ip;T; [I" string;T;!@ o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@ ;"[;#I"Use this route to determine if a given IP is currently blocked by the failed login to multiple user accounts trigger. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Anomaly/get_ips_by_id @param ip [string] The IP to check.;T;$0;!@ ;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i;,@ ;-T;.I"def check_if_ip_is_blocked(ip) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must specify an IP' if ip.to_s.empty? path = "#{anomaly_path}/#{ip}" get(path) end;T;/I"#def check_if_ip_is_blocked(ip);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I",Auth0::Api::V2::Anomaly#remove_ip_block;F;[[I"ip;T0;[[@ i;T;:remove_ip_block;;;[;{;IC;"bResets an IP that is currently blocked by the failed login to multiple user accounts trigger.;T;[o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Hhttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Anomaly/delete_ips_by_id;T; 0;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"The IP to remove block.;T;I"ip;T; [I" string;T;!@ o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@ ;"[;#I"Resets an IP that is currently blocked by the failed login to multiple user accounts trigger. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Anomaly/delete_ips_by_id @param ip [string] The IP to remove block.;T;$0;!@ ;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i;+i;,@ ;-T;.I"def remove_ip_block(ip) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must specify an IP' if ip.to_s.empty? path = "#{anomaly_path}/#{ip}" delete(path) end;T;/I"def remove_ip_block(ip);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;5;I")Auth0::Api::V2::Anomaly#anomaly_path;F;[;[[@ i#;T;:anomaly_path;;;[;{;IC;"Anomaly API path;T;[;"[;#I"Anomaly API path;T;$0;!@ ;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i";+i";,@ ;-T;.I"Jdef anomaly_path @anomaly_path ||= '/api/v2/anomaly/blocks/ips' end;T;/I"def anomaly_path;T;0T;8@ ;9IC;[;8@ ;:IC;[;8@ ;;IC;<{;=IC;<{;>T; IC;<{;>T;>T;?{;@[;[[@ i ;T;: Anomaly;;;;;[;{;IC;")Methods to use the anomaly endpoints;T;[;"[;#I")Methods to use the anomaly endpoints;T;$0;!@ ;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i ;,@ ;I"Auth0::Api::V2::Anomaly;F;0To; ;IC;[ o; ; F; ; ;;5;I")Auth0::Api::V2::Clients#clients_path;F;[;[[I" lib/auth0/api/v2/clients.rb;TiT[@ i ;T;:clients_path;;;[;{;IC;"Clients API path;T;[;"[;#I"Clients API path;T;$0;!@ ;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*iS;+iS;,@ ;-T;.I")def clients_path @clients_path end;T;/I"def clients_path;T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"$Auth0::Api::V2::Clients#clients;F;[ [I" fields:;TI"nil;T[I"include_fields:;TI"nil;T[I" page:;TI"nil;T[I"per_page:;TI"nil;T;[[@ i;T;: clients;;;[;{;IC;"aRetrieves a list of all client applications. Accepts a list of fields to include or exclude.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Chttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Clients/get_clients;T; 0;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"2A comma separated list or an array of fields.;T;I" fields;T; [I"string|Array;T;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"TTrue if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise.;T;I"include_fields;T; [I" boolean;T;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"!Page number to get, 0-based.;T;I" page;T; [I"int;T;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"4Results per page if also passing a page number.;T;I" per_page;T; [I"int;T;!@ o; ;I" return;F;I"&Returns the clients applications.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@ ;"[;#I"Retrieves a list of all client applications. Accepts a list of fields to include or exclude. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Clients/get_clients @param fields [string|Array] A comma separated list or an array of fields. @param include_fields [boolean] True if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise. @param page [int] Page number to get, 0-based. @param per_page [int] Results per page if also passing a page number. @return [json] Returns the clients applications.;T;$0;!@ ;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i;,@ ;-T;.I"def clients(fields: nil, include_fields: nil, page: nil, per_page: nil) include_fields = true if !fields.nil? && include_fields.nil? request_params = { fields: fields.is_a?(Array) ? fields.join(',') : fields, include_fields: include_fields, page: !page.nil? ? page.to_i : nil, per_page: !page.nil? && !per_page.nil? ? per_page.to_i : nil } get(clients_path, request_params) end;T;/I"Ldef clients(fields: nil, include_fields: nil, page: nil, per_page: nil);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"(Auth0::Api::V2::Clients#get_clients;F;[;[[@ i;F;:get_clients;;;[;{;IC;"aRetrieves a list of all client applications. Accepts a list of fields to include or exclude. ;T;[ o; ;I" param;F;I"2A comma separated list or an array of fields.;T;I" fields;T; [I"string|Array;T;!@, o; ;I" param;F;I"TTrue if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise.;T;I"include_fields;T; [I" boolean;T;!@, o; ;I" param;F;I"!Page number to get, 0-based.;T;I" page;T; [I"int;T;!@, o; ;I" param;F;I"4Results per page if also passing a page number.;T;I" per_page;T; [I"int;T;!@, o; ;I" return;F;I"&Returns the clients applications.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@, o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Chttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Clients/get_clients;T; 0;!@, ;"[;#I" Retrieves a list of all client applications. Accepts a list of fields to include or exclude. @param [string|Array] fields A comma separated list or an array of fields. @param [boolean] include_fields True if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise. @param [int] page Page number to get, 0-based. @param [int] per_page Results per page if also passing a page number. @return [json] Returns the clients applications. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Clients/get_clients ;T;$0;!@, ;&F;'0;,@ ;.I"def clients(fields: nil, include_fields: nil, page: nil, per_page: nil) include_fields = true if !fields.nil? && include_fields.nil? request_params = { fields: fields.is_a?(Array) ? fields.join(',') : fields, include_fields: include_fields, page: !page.nil? ? page.to_i : nil, per_page: !page.nil? && !per_page.nil? ? per_page.to_i : nil } get(clients_path, request_params) end;T;/@+ ;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"*Auth0::Api::V2::Clients#create_client;F;[[I" name;T0[I" options;TI"{};T;[[@ i%;T;:create_client;;;[;{;IC;"&Creates a new client application.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"9https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/clients/post_clients;T; 0;!@X o; ;I" param;F;I"\The name of the client. Must contain at least one character. Does not allow '<' or '>'.;T;I" name;T; [I" string;T;!@X o; ;I" param;F;I"=The Hash options used to define the client's properties.;T;I" options;T; [I" hash;T;!@X o; ;I" return;F;I",Returns the created client application.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@X o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::MissingParameter;T;!@X ;"[;#I"NCreates a new client application. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/clients/post_clients @param name [string] The name of the client. Must contain at least one character. Does not allow '<' or '>'. @param options [hash] The Hash options used to define the client's properties. @return [json] Returns the created client application.;T;$0;!@X ;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i$;,@ ;-T;.I"def create_client(name, options = {}) raise Auth0::MissingParameter, 'Must specify a valid client name' if name.to_s.empty? request_params = Hash[options.map { |(k, v)| [k.to_sym, v] }] request_params[:name] = name post(clients_path, request_params) end;T;/I"*def create_client(name, options = {});T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"#Auth0::Api::V2::Clients#client;F;[[I"client_id;T0[I" fields:;TI"nil;T[I"include_fields:;TI"nil;T;[[@ i2;T;: client;;;[;{;IC;""Retrieves a client by its id.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I">https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Clients/get_clients_by_id;T; 0;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"&The id of the client to retrieve.;T;I"client_id;T; [I" string;T;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"LA comma separated list of fields to include or exclude from the result.;T;I" fields;T; [I" string;T;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"TTrue if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise.;T;I"include_fields;T; [I" boolean;T;!@ o; ;I" return;F;I".Returns the requested client application.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@ o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::MissingClientId;T;!@ ;"[;#I"Retrieves a client by its id. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Clients/get_clients_by_id @param client_id [string] The id of the client to retrieve. @param fields [string] A comma separated list of fields to include or exclude from the result. @param include_fields [boolean] True if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise. @return [json] Returns the requested client application.;T;$0;!@ ;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i,;+i1;,@ ;-T;.I"bdef client(client_id, fields: nil, include_fields: nil) raise Auth0::MissingClientId, 'Must specify a client id' if client_id.to_s.empty? include_fields = true if !fields.nil? && include_fields.nil? request_params = { fields: fields, include_fields: include_fields } path = "#{clients_path}/#{client_id}" get(path, request_params) end;T;/I"T; IC;<{;IC;<{;G@ ;H0;>T;>T;>T;?{@, ;;@[;[[@ i ;T;: Clients;;;;;[;{;IC;"(Methods to use the client endpoints;T;[;"[;#I"(Methods to use the client endpoints;T;$0;!@ ;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i ;,@ ;I"Auth0::Api::V2::Clients;F;0To; ;IC;[o; ; F; ; ;;5;I")Auth0::Api::V2::Prompts#prompts_path;F;[;[[I" lib/auth0/api/v2/prompts.rb;Ti [@ iE;F;:prompts_path;;;[;{;IC;"1Returns the value of attribute prompts_path.;T;[;"[;#I"1Returns the value of attribute prompts_path.;T;$0;!@ ;%i;&F;0;,@ ;-T;.I")def prompts_path @prompts_path end;T;/I"def prompts_path;T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"$Auth0::Api::V2::Prompts#prompts;F;[;[[@ i;T;: prompts;;;[;{;IC;"Get prompts settings.;T;[o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Chttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Prompts/get_prompts;T; 0;!@ o; ;I" return;F;I"!Returns the prompts setting.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@ ;"[;#I"Get prompts settings. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Prompts/get_prompts @return [json] Returns the prompts setting.;T;$0;!@ ;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i;,@ ;-T;.I"(def prompts get(prompts_path) end;T;/I"def prompts;T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"(Auth0::Api::V2::Prompts#get_prompts;F;[;[[@ i;F;:get_prompts;;;[;{;IC;"Get prompts settings. ;T;[o; ;I" return;F;I"!Returns the prompts setting.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@2 o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Chttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Prompts/get_prompts;T; 0;!@2 ;"[;#I"Get prompts settings. @return [json] Returns the prompts setting. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Prompts/get_prompts ;T;$0;!@2 ;&F;'0;,@ ;.I"(def prompts get(prompts_path) end;T;/@1 ;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"*Auth0::Api::V2::Prompts#patch_prompts;F;[[I" options;TI"{};T;[[@ i;T;:patch_prompts;;;[;{;IC;"Update prompts settings.;T;[o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Ehttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Prompts/patch_prompts;T; 0;!@F o; ;I" param;F;I"K* :universal_login_experience [string] Should be any of: new, classic.;T;I" options;T; [I" hash;T;!@F o; ;I" return;F;I""Returns the prompts settings.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@F ;"[;#I"Update prompts settings. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Prompts/patch_prompts @param options [hash] * :universal_login_experience [string] Should be any of: new, classic. @return [json] Returns the prompts settings.;T;$0;!@F ;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i;+i;,@ ;-T;.I"def patch_prompts(options = {}) request_params = { universal_login_experience: options.fetch(:universal_login_experience, nil) } patch(prompts_path, request_params) end;T;/I"$def patch_prompts(options = {});T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"+Auth0::Api::V2::Prompts#update_prompts;F;[;[[@ i ;F;:update_prompts;;;[;{;IC;"Update prompts settings. ;T;[o; ;I" param;F;I"K* :universal_login_experience [string] Should be any of: new, classic.;T;I" options;T; [I" hash;T;!@e o; ;I" return;F;I""Returns the prompts settings.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@e o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Ehttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Prompts/patch_prompts;T; 0;!@e ;"[;#I"Update prompts settings. @param [hash] options * :universal_login_experience [string] Should be any of: new, classic. @return [json] Returns the prompts settings. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Prompts/patch_prompts ;T;$0;!@e ;&F;'0;,@ ;.I"def patch_prompts(options = {}) request_params = { universal_login_experience: options.fetch(:universal_login_experience, nil) } patch(prompts_path, request_params) end;T;/@d ;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"(Auth0::Api::V2::Prompts#custom_text;F;[[I" prompt;T0[I" language;T0;[[@ i);T;:custom_text;;;[;{;IC;"ZGet custom text for a prompt Retrieve custom text for a specific prompt and language.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Shttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Prompts/get_custom_text_by_language;T; 0;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"&Prompt of custom texts to update.;T;I" prompt;T; [I" string;T;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"(Language of custom texts to update.;T;I" language;T; [I" string;T;!@ o; ;I" return;F;I"Returns the custom texts.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@ o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@ ;"[;#I"IGet custom text for a prompt Retrieve custom text for a specific prompt and language. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Prompts/get_custom_text_by_language @param prompt [string] Prompt of custom texts to update. @param language [string] Language of custom texts to update. @return [json] Returns the custom texts.;T;$0;!@ ;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i";+i(;,@ ;-T;.I"def custom_text(prompt, language) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid prompt' if prompt.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid language' if language.to_s.empty? path = "#{prompts_path}/#{prompt}/custom-text/#{language}" get(path) end;T;/I"&def custom_text(prompt, language);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I",Auth0::Api::V2::Prompts#get_custom_text;F;[;[[@ i0;F;:get_custom_text;;;[;{;IC;"ZGet custom text for a prompt Retrieve custom text for a specific prompt and language. ;T;[ o; ;I" param;F;I"&Prompt of custom texts to update.;T;I" prompt;T; [I" string;T;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"(Language of custom texts to update.;T;I" language;T; [I" string;T;!@ o; ;I" raise;F;I";T;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@ o; ;I" return;F;I"Returns the custom texts.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Shttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Prompts/get_custom_text_by_language;T; 0;!@ ;"[;#I"oGet custom text for a prompt Retrieve custom text for a specific prompt and language. @param [string] prompt Prompt of custom texts to update. @param [string] language Language of custom texts to update. @raise [Auth0::InvalidParameter] @return [json] Returns the custom texts. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Prompts/get_custom_text_by_language ;T;$0;!@ ;&F;'0;,@ ;.I"def custom_text(prompt, language) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid prompt' if prompt.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid language' if language.to_s.empty? path = "#{prompts_path}/#{prompt}/custom-text/#{language}" get(path) end;T;/@ ;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I",Auth0::Api::V2::Prompts#put_custom_text;F;[[I" prompt;T0[I" language;T0[I" body;T0;[[@ i:;T;:put_custom_text;;;[;{;IC;"NSet custom text for a specific prompt Existing texts will be overwritten.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Shttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Prompts/put_custom_text_by_language;T; 0;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"&Prompt of custom texts to update.;T;I" prompt;T; [I" string;T;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"(Language of custom texts to update.;T;I" language;T; [I" string;T;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"Custom texts.;T;I" body;T; [I" hash;T;!@ o; ;I" return;F;I"Returns the custom texts.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@ o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@ ;"[;#I"^Set custom text for a specific prompt Existing texts will be overwritten. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Prompts/put_custom_text_by_language @param prompt [string] Prompt of custom texts to update. @param language [string] Language of custom texts to update. @param body [hash] Custom texts. @return [json] Returns the custom texts.;T;$0;!@ ;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i2;+i9;,@ ;-T;.I"+def put_custom_text(prompt, language, body) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid prompt' if prompt.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid language' if language.to_s.empty? path = "#{prompts_path}/#{prompt}/custom-text/#{language}" put(path, body) end;T;/I"0def put_custom_text(prompt, language, body);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"/Auth0::Api::V2::Prompts#update_custom_text;F;[;[[@ iA;F;:update_custom_text;;;[;{;IC;"NSet custom text for a specific prompt Existing texts will be overwritten. ;T;[ o; ;I" param;F;I"&Prompt of custom texts to update.;T;I" prompt;T; [I" string;T;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"(Language of custom texts to update.;T;I" language;T; [I" string;T;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"Custom texts.;T;I" body;T; [I" hash;T;!@ o; ;I" raise;F;I";T;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@ o; ;I" return;F;I"Returns the custom texts.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Shttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Prompts/put_custom_text_by_language;T; 0;!@ ;"[;#I"Set custom text for a specific prompt Existing texts will be overwritten. @param [string] prompt Prompt of custom texts to update. @param [string] language Language of custom texts to update. @param [hash] body Custom texts. @raise [Auth0::InvalidParameter] @return [json] Returns the custom texts. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Prompts/put_custom_text_by_language ;T;$0;!@ ;&F;'0;,@ ;.I"+def put_custom_text(prompt, language, body) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid prompt' if prompt.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid language' if language.to_s.empty? path = "#{prompts_path}/#{prompt}/custom-text/#{language}" put(path, body) end;T;/@ ;0T;8@ ;9IC;[;8@ ;:IC;[;8@ ;;IC;<{;=IC;<{;>T; IC;<{;IC;<{;G@ ;H0;>T;>T;>T;?{ @2 ;@e ;@ ;@ ;;@[;[[@ i ;F;: Prompts;;;;;[;{;IC;" ;T;[;"[;#@,;$0;!@ ;%i;,@ ;I"Auth0::Api::V2::Prompts;F;0To; ;IC;[o; ; F; ; ;;5;I"(Auth0::Api::V2::Tenants#tenant_path;F;[;[[I" lib/auth0/api/v2/tenants.rb;Ti([@B i ;T;:tenant_path;;;[;{;IC;"Tenants settings API path;T;[;"[;#I"Tenants settings API path;T;$0;!@= ;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i';+i';,@; ;-T;.I"'def tenant_path @tenant_path end;T;/I"def tenant_path;T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"0Auth0::Api::V2::Tenants#get_tenant_settings;F;[[I" fields:;TI"nil;T[I"include_fields:;TI" true;T;[[@B i;T;:get_tenant_settings;;;[;{;IC;"Gets tenants settings.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"9https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Tenants/get_settings;T; 0;!@M o; ;I" param;F;I"LA comma separated list of fields to include or exclude from the result.;T;I" fields;T; [I" string;T;!@M o; ;I" param;F;I"TTrue if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise.;T;I"include_fields;T; [I" boolean;T;!@M o; ;I" return;F;I"Returns tenants settings.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@M ;"[;#I"IGets tenants settings. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Tenants/get_settings @param fields [string] A comma separated list of fields to include or exclude from the result. @param include_fields [boolean] True if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise. @return [json] Returns tenants settings.;T;$0;!@M ;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i;,@; ;-T;.I"def get_tenant_settings(fields: nil, include_fields: true) request_params = { fields: fields, include_fields: include_fields } get(tenant_path, request_params) end;T;/I"?def get_tenant_settings(fields: nil, include_fields: true);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"3Auth0::Api::V2::Tenants#update_tenant_settings;F;[[I" body;T0;[[@B i ;T;:update_tenant_settings;;;[;{;IC;"Updates tenants settings.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I";https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Tenants/patch_settings;T; 0;!@u o; ;I" param;F;I">The Hash body used to define the tenant settings' values.;T;I" body;T; [I" hash;T;!@u o; ;I" return;F;I")Returns the updated tenant settings.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@u o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@u ;"[;#I"Updates tenants settings. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Tenants/patch_settings @param body [hash] The Hash body used to define the tenant settings' values. @return [json] Returns the updated tenant settings.;T;$0;!@u ;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i;+i;,@; ;-T;.I"def update_tenant_settings(body) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid body to update tenant settings' if body.to_s.empty? patch(tenant_path, body) end;T;/I"%def update_tenant_settings(body);T;0T;8@; ;9IC;[;8@; ;:IC;[;8@; ;;IC;<{;=IC;<{;>T; IC;<{;IC;<{;G@= ;H0;>T;>T;>T;?{;@[;[[@B i ;T;: Tenants;;;;;[;{;IC;")Methods to use the Tenants endpoints;T;[;"[;#I")Methods to use the Tenants endpoints;T;$0;!@; ;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i ;,@ ;I"Auth0::Api::V2::Tenants;F;0To; ;IC;[o; ; F; ; ;;5;I")Auth0::Api::V2::Tickets#tickets_path;F;[;[[I" lib/auth0/api/v2/tickets.rb;Ti[[@ i ;T;:tickets_path;;;[;{;IC;"Tickets API path;T;[;"[;#I"Tickets API path;T;$0;!@ ;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*iZ;+iZ;,@ ;-T;.I")def tickets_path @tickets_path end;T;/I"def tickets_path;T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"4Auth0::Api::V2::Tickets#post_email_verification;F;[ [I" user_id;T0[I"result_url:;TI"nil;T[I" ttl_sec:;TI"nil;T[I"identity:;TI"nil;T;[[@ i;T;:post_email_verification;;;[;{;IC;"Create an email verification ticket After expiration, the ticket cannot be used to verify the user's email. If not specified or if you send 0, the Auth0 default lifetime of five days will be applied;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Dhttps://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Tickets/post_email_verification;T; 0;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I":The user_id of for which the ticket is to be created.;T;I" user_id;T; [I" string;T;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"JThe user will be redirected to this endpoint once the ticket is used.;T;I"result_url;T; [I" string;T;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"KThe ticket's lifetime in seconds starting from the moment of creation.;T;I" ttl_sec;T; [I" integer;T;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"Used to verify secondary, federated, and passwordless-email identities. * :user_id [string] user_id of the identity. * :provider [string] provider of the identity.;T;I" identity;T; [I" hash;T;!@ o; ;I" return;F;I"$Returns the created ticket url.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@ ;"[;#I" Create an email verification ticket @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Tickets/post_email_verification @param user_id [string] The user_id of for which the ticket is to be created. @param result_url [string] The user will be redirected to this endpoint once the ticket is used. @param ttl_sec [integer] The ticket's lifetime in seconds starting from the moment of creation. After expiration, the ticket cannot be used to verify the user's email. If not specified or if you send 0, the Auth0 default lifetime of five days will be applied @param identity [hash] Used to verify secondary, federated, and passwordless-email identities. * :user_id [string] user_id of the identity. * :provider [string] provider of the identity. @return [json] Returns the created ticket url.;T;$0;!@ ;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i;,@ ;-T;.I"adef post_email_verification(user_id, result_url: nil, ttl_sec: nil, identity: nil) if user_id.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid user id to post an email verification' end path = "#{tickets_path}/email-verification" request_params = { user_id: user_id, result_url: result_url, ttl_sec: ttl_sec.is_a?(Integer) ? ttl_sec : nil } if identity unless identity.is_a? Hash raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Identity must be a hash to post an email verification' end request_params[:identity] = identity end post(path, request_params) end;T;/I"Wdef post_email_verification(user_id, result_url: nil, ttl_sec: nil, identity: nil);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"1Auth0::Api::V2::Tickets#post_password_change;F;[ [I"result_url:;TI"nil;T[I" user_id:;TI"nil;T[I"connection_id:;TI"nil;T[I" email:;TI"nil;T[I" ttl_sec:;TI"nil;T[I"mark_email_as_verified:;TI"nil;T[I"includeEmailInRedirect:;TI"nil;T[I"new_password:;TI"nil;T;[[@ i?;T;:post_password_change;;;[;{;IC;"lCreate a password change ticket changed. If sending this parameter, the email is also required and the user_id is invalid. expiration, the ticket cannot be used to change the user's password. If not specified or if you send 0, the Auth0 default lifetime of 5 days will be applied. changed, false if email_verified attribute should not be updated in the reset_email;T;[o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Ahttps://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Tickets/post_password_change;T; 0;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"JThe user will be redirected to this endpoint once the ticket is used.;T;I"result_url;T; [I" string;T;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I":The user_id of for which the ticket is to be created.;T;I" user_id;T; [I" string;T;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"NThe connection that provides the identity for which the password is to be;T;I"connection_id;T; [I" string;T;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"The user's email.;T;I" email;T; [I" string;T;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"QThe ticket's lifetime in seconds starting from the moment of creation. After;T;I" ttl_sec;T; [I" integer;T;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"Jtrue if email_verified attribute must be set to true once password is;T;I"mark_email_as_verified;T; [I" boolean;T;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"AWhether or not we include the email as part of the returnUrl;T;I"includeEmailInRedirect;T; [I" boolean;T;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"AThe password to be set for the user once the ticket is used.;T;I"new_password;T; [I" string;T;!@ o; ;I" return;F;I"$Returns the created ticket url.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@ ;"[;#I"Create a password change ticket @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Tickets/post_password_change @param result_url [string] The user will be redirected to this endpoint once the ticket is used. @param user_id [string] The user_id of for which the ticket is to be created. @param connection_id [string] The connection that provides the identity for which the password is to be changed. If sending this parameter, the email is also required and the user_id is invalid. @param email [string] The user's email. @param ttl_sec [integer] The ticket's lifetime in seconds starting from the moment of creation. After expiration, the ticket cannot be used to change the user's password. If not specified or if you send 0, the Auth0 default lifetime of 5 days will be applied. @param mark_email_as_verified [boolean] true if email_verified attribute must be set to true once password is changed, false if email_verified attribute should not be updated @param includeEmailInRedirect [boolean] Whether or not we include the email as part of the returnUrl in the reset_email @param new_password [string] The password to be set for the user once the ticket is used. @return [json] Returns the created ticket url.;T;$0;!@ ;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i.;+i>;,@ ;-T;.I"def post_password_change( result_url: nil, user_id: nil, connection_id: nil, email: nil, ttl_sec: nil, mark_email_as_verified: nil, includeEmailInRedirect: nil, new_password: nil) booleans = [true, false] path = "#{tickets_path}/password-change" request_params = { result_url: result_url, user_id: user_id, connection_id: connection_id, email: email, ttl_sec: ttl_sec.is_a?(Integer) ? ttl_sec : nil, mark_email_as_verified: booleans.include?(mark_email_as_verified) ? mark_email_as_verified : nil, includeEmailInRedirect: booleans.include?(includeEmailInRedirect) ? includeEmailInRedirect : nil, new_password: new_password } post(path, request_params) end;T;/I"def post_password_change( result_url: nil, user_id: nil, connection_id: nil, email: nil, ttl_sec: nil, mark_email_as_verified: nil, includeEmailInRedirect: nil, new_password: nil);T;0T;8@ ;9IC;[;8@ ;:IC;[;8@ ;;IC;<{;=IC;<{;>T; IC;<{;IC;<{;G@ ;H0;>T;>T;>T;?{;@[;[[@ i ;T;: Tickets;;;;;[;{;IC;")Methods to use the tickets endpoints;T;[;"[;#I")Methods to use the tickets endpoints;T;$0;!@ ;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i ;,@ ;I"Auth0::Api::V2::Tickets;F;0To; ;IC;[o; ; F; ; ;;;I".Auth0::Api::V2::Guardian#guardian_factors;F;[;[[I"!lib/auth0/api/v2/guardian.rb;Ti;T;:guardian_factors;;;[;{;IC;"*Retrieves a list of Guardian factors.;T;[o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Dhttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Guardian/get_factors;T; 0;!@f o; ;I" return;F;I".Returns the list of all Guardian factors.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@f ;"[;#I"Retrieves a list of Guardian factors. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Guardian/get_factors @return [json] Returns the list of all Guardian factors.;T;$0;!@f ;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i;,@d ;-T;.I":def guardian_factors get(guardian_factors_path) end;T;/I"def guardian_factors;T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"2Auth0::Api::V2::Guardian#get_guardian_factors;F;[;[[@k i;F;:get_guardian_factors;;;[;{;IC;"*Retrieves a list of Guardian factors. ;T;[o; ;I" return;F;I".Returns the list of all Guardian factors.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@} o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Dhttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Guardian/get_factors;T; 0;!@} ;"[;#I"Retrieves a list of Guardian factors. @return [json] Returns the list of all Guardian factors. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Guardian/get_factors ;T;$0;!@} ;&F;'0;,@d ;.I":def guardian_factors get(guardian_factors_path) end;T;/@| ;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"1Auth0::Api::V2::Guardian#guardian_enrollment;F;[[I"enrollment_id;T0;[[@k i;T;:guardian_enrollment;;;[;{;IC;",Retrieves a single Guardian enrollment.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Nhttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Guardian/get_enrollments_by_id;T; 0;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"Auth0::Api::V2::Guardian#get_guardian_sns_provider_config;F;[;[[@k iG;F;:%get_guardian_sns_provider_config;;;[;{;IC;"2Retrieves provider configuration for AWS SNS. ;T;[o; ;I" return;F;I"0Returns provider configuration for AWS SNS.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@Qo; ;I"see;F;0;I"@https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Guardian/get_sns;T; 0;!@Q;"[;#I"Retrieves provider configuration for AWS SNS. @return [json] Returns provider configuration for AWS SNS. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Guardian/get_sns ;T;$0;!@Q;&F;'0;,@d ;.I"ydef guardian_sns_provider_config path = "#{guardian_factors_path}/push-notification/providers/sns" get(path) end;T;/@P;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"AAuth0::Api::V2::Guardian#guardian_update_sns_provider_config;F;[[I" body;T0;[[@k iN;T;:(guardian_update_sns_provider_config;;;[;{;IC;"0Updates provider configuration for AWS SNS.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"@https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Guardian/put_sns;T; 0;!@eo; ;I" param;F;I"The parameters to update.;T;I" body;T; [I" hash;T;!@eo; ;I" return;F;I"8Returns updated provider configuration for AWS SNS.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@eo; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@e;"[;#I"Updates provider configuration for AWS SNS. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Guardian/put_sns @param body [hash] The parameters to update. @return [json] Returns updated provider configuration for AWS SNS.;T;$0;!@e;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*iI;+iM;,@d ;-T;.I"def guardian_update_sns_provider_config(body) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid body' if body.to_s.empty? path = "#{guardian_factors_path}/push-notification/providers/sns" put(path, body) end;T;/I"2def guardian_update_sns_provider_config(body);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"=Auth0::Api::V2::Guardian#guardian_twillo_provider_config;F;[;[[@k iX;T;:$guardian_twillo_provider_config;;;[;{;IC;"1Retrieves provider configuration for Twilio.;T;[o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Chttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Guardian/get_twilio;T; 0;!@o; ;I" return;F;I"/Returns provider configuration for Twilio.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@;"[;#I"Retrieves provider configuration for Twilio. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Guardian/get_twilio @return [json] Returns provider configuration for Twilio.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*iU;+iW;,@d ;-T;.I"qdef guardian_twillo_provider_config path = "#{guardian_factors_path}/sms/providers/twilio" get(path) end;T;/I"(def guardian_twillo_provider_config;T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"AAuth0::Api::V2::Guardian#get_guardian_twillo_provider_config;F;[;[[@k i\;F;:(get_guardian_twillo_provider_config;;;[;{;IC;"1Retrieves provider configuration for Twilio. ;T;[o; ;I" return;F;I"/Returns provider configuration for Twilio.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Chttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Guardian/get_twilio;T; 0;!@;"[;#I"Retrieves provider configuration for Twilio. @return [json] Returns provider configuration for Twilio. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Guardian/get_twilio ;T;$0;!@;&F;'0;,@d ;.I"qdef guardian_twillo_provider_config path = "#{guardian_factors_path}/sms/providers/twilio" get(path) end;T;/@;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"DAuth0::Api::V2::Guardian#guardian_update_twillo_provider_config;F;[[I" body;T0;[[@k ic;T;:+guardian_update_twillo_provider_config;;;[;{;IC;"/Updates provider configuration for Twilio.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Chttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Guardian/put_twilio;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"The parameters to update.;T;I" body;T; [I" hash;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I"7Returns updated provider configuration for Twilio.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@;"[;#I"Updates provider configuration for Twilio. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Guardian/put_twilio @param body [hash] The parameters to update. @return [json] Returns updated provider configuration for Twilio.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i^;+ib;,@d ;-T;.I"def guardian_update_twillo_provider_config(body) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid body' if body.to_s.empty? path = "#{guardian_factors_path}/sms/providers/twilio" put(path, body) end;T;/I"5def guardian_update_twillo_provider_config(body);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"?Auth0::Api::V2::Guardian#guardian_create_enrollment_ticket;F;[[I" body;T0;[[@k in;T;:&guardian_create_enrollment_ticket;;;[;{;IC;"*Creates a Guardian enrollment ticket.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Dhttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Guardian/post_ticket;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"2User details to create enrollment ticket for.;T;I" body;T; [I" hash;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I"2Returns details of created enrollment ticket.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@;"[;#I"Creates a Guardian enrollment ticket. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Guardian/post_ticket @param body [hash] User details to create enrollment ticket for. @return [json] Returns details of created enrollment ticket.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*ij;+im;,@d ;-T;.I"def guardian_create_enrollment_ticket(body) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid body' if body.to_s.empty? path = "#{guardian_enrollments_path}/ticket" post(path, body) end;T;/I"0def guardian_create_enrollment_ticket(body);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"4Auth0::Api::V2::Guardian#guardian_update_factor;F;[[I" name;T0[I" body;T0;[[@k iz;T;:guardian_update_factor;;;[;{;IC;"Updates a Guardian factor.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Lhttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Guardian/put_factors_by_name;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"'Name of Guardian factor to update.;T;I" name;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"The parameters to update.;T;I" body;T; [I" hash;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I"0Returns details of updated Guardian factor.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::MissingParameter;T;!@;"[;#I"Updates a Guardian factor. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Guardian/put_factors_by_name @param name [string] Name of Guardian factor to update. @param body [hash] The parameters to update. @return [json] Returns details of updated Guardian factor.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*iu;+iy;,@d ;-T;.I" def guardian_update_factor(name, body) raise Auth0::MissingParameter, 'Must supply a valid name' if name.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid body' if body.to_s.empty? path = "#{guardian_factors_path}/#{name}" put(path, body) end;T;/I"+def guardian_update_factor(name, body);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;5;I"+Auth0::Api::V2::Guardian#guardian_path;F;[;[[@k i;T;:guardian_path;;;[;{;IC;"Guardian API path;T;[;"[;#I"Guardian API path;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i;+i;,@d ;-T;.I"Bdef guardian_path @guardian_path ||= '/api/v2/guardian' end;T;/I"def guardian_path;T;0To; ; F; ; ;;5;I"7Auth0::Api::V2::Guardian#guardian_enrollments_path;F;[;[[@k i;F;:guardian_enrollments_path;;;[;{;IC;" ;T;[;"[;#@,;$0;!@-;%i;,@d ;-T;.I"fdef guardian_enrollments_path @guardian_enrollments_path ||= "#{guardian_path}/enrollments" end;T;/I""def guardian_enrollments_path;T;0To; ; F; ; ;;5;I"3Auth0::Api::V2::Guardian#guardian_factors_path;F;[;[[@k i;F;:guardian_factors_path;;;[;{;IC;" ;T;[;"[;#@,;$0;!@9;%i;,@d ;-T;.I"Zdef guardian_factors_path @guardian_factors_path ||= "#{guardian_path}/factors" end;T;/I"def guardian_factors_path;T;0T;8@d ;9IC;[;8@d ;:IC;[o;W ;X@d ;YI"Auth0::Mixins::Validation;T;Z0;;[;,o;W ;X@d ;YI"Auth0::Mixins;T;Z0;;\;,o;W ;X0;Y0;Z0;;];,@;^@;_0;^0;_0;^0;_;`;8@d ;;IC;<{;=IC;<{;>T; IC;<{;>T;>T;?{ @} ;@ ;@;@Q;@;;@[;[[@k i ;T;: Guardian;;;;;[;{;IC;"*Methods to use the guardian endpoints;T;[;"[;#I"*Methods to use the guardian endpoints;T;$0;!@d ;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i ;,@ ;I"Auth0::Api::V2::Guardian;F;0To; ;IC;[o; ; F; ; ;;5;I"/Auth0::Api::V2::Blacklists#blacklists_path;F;[;[[I"#lib/auth0/api/v2/blacklists.rb;Ti,[@bi ;T;:blacklists_path;;;[;{;IC;"Blacklists API path;T;[;"[;#I"Blacklists API path;T;$0;!@];%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i+;+i+;,@[;-T;.I"/def blacklists_path @blacklists_path end;T;/I"def blacklists_path;T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"2Auth0::Api::V2::Blacklists#blacklisted_tokens;F;[[I"aud;TI"nil;T;[[@bi;T;:blacklisted_tokens;;;[;{;IC;">Retrieves the jti and aud of all tokens in the blacklist.;T;[o; ;I"see;F;0;I":https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Blacklists/get_tokens;T; 0;!@mo; ;I" param;F;I"MThe JWT's aud claim. The client_id of the client for which it was issued;T;I"aud;T; [I" string;T;!@mo; ;I" return;F;I"#Returns the blacklisted tokens;T;0; [I" json;T;!@m;"[;#I"Retrieves the jti and aud of all tokens in the blacklist. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Blacklists/get_tokens @param aud [string] The JWT's aud claim. The client_id of the client for which it was issued @return [json] Returns the blacklisted tokens ;T;$0;!@m;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i;,@[;-T;.I"wdef blacklisted_tokens(aud = nil) request_params = { aud: aud } get(blacklists_path, request_params) end;T;/I"&def blacklisted_tokens(aud = nil);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"6Auth0::Api::V2::Blacklists#add_token_to_blacklist;F;[[I"jti;T0[I"aud;TI"nil;T;[[@bi ;T;:add_token_to_blacklist;;;[;{;IC;"HAdds the token identified by the jti to a blacklist for the tenant.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I";https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/blacklists/post_tokens;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"$The jti of the JWT to blacklist;T;I"jti;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"MThe JWT's aud claim. The client_id of the client for which it was issued;T;I"aud;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I""Returns the blacklisted token;T;0; [I" json;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::MissingParameter;T;!@;"[;#I">Adds the token identified by the jti to a blacklist for the tenant. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/blacklists/post_tokens @param jti [string] The jti of the JWT to blacklist @param aud [string] The JWT's aud claim. The client_id of the client for which it was issued @return [json] Returns the blacklisted token ;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i;+i;,@[;-T;.I"def add_token_to_blacklist(jti, aud = nil) raise Auth0::MissingParameter, 'Must specify a valid JTI' if jti.to_s.empty? request_params = { jti: jti, aud: aud } post(blacklists_path, request_params) end;T;/I"/def add_token_to_blacklist(jti, aud = nil);T;0T;8@[;9IC;[;8@[;:IC;[;8@[;;IC;<{;=IC;<{;>T; IC;<{;IC;<{;G@];H0;>T;>T;>T;?{;@[;[[@bi ;T;:Blacklists;;;;;[;{;IC;"+Methods to use the blacklist endpoints;T;[;"[;#I"+Methods to use the blacklist endpoints;T;$0;!@[;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i ;,@ ;I"Auth0::Api::V2::Blacklists;F;0To; ;IC;[ o; ; F; ; ;;5;I"1Auth0::Api::V2::Connections#connections_path;F;[;[[I"$lib/auth0/api/v2/connections.rb;Tii[@i ;T;:connections_path;;;[;{;IC;"Connections API path;T;[;"[;#I"Connections API path;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*ih;+ih;,@;-T;.I"1def connections_path @connections_path end;T;/I"def connections_path;T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I",Auth0::Api::V2::Connections#connections;F;[ [I"strategy:;TI"nil;T[I" fields:;TI"nil;T[I"include_fields:;TI"nil;T[I" page:;TI"nil;T[I"per_page:;TI"nil;T;[[@i;T;:connections;;;[;{;IC;"Retrieves every connection matching the specified strategy. All connections are retrieved if no strategy is being specified. Accepts a list of fields to include or exclude in the resulting list of connection objects.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Khttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Connections/get_connections;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"+Strategy to filter connection results.;T;I" strategy;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"LA comma separated list of fields to include or exclude from the result.;T;I" fields;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"TTrue if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise.;T;I"include_fields;T; [I" boolean;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"!Page number to get, 0-based.;T;I" page;T; [I"int;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"4Results per page if also passing a page number.;T;I" per_page;T; [I"int;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I"T; IC;<{;IC;<{;G@;H0;>T;>T;>T;?{@;;@[;[[@i ;T;:Connections;;;;;[;{;IC;"-Methods to use the connections endpoints;T;[;"[;#I"-Methods to use the connections endpoints;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i ;,@ ;I" Auth0::Api::V2::Connections;F;0To; ;IC;[ o; ; F; ; ;;5;I"0Auth0::Api::V2::LogStreams#log_streams_path;F;[;[[I"$lib/auth0/api/v2/log_streams.rb;TiM[@+i ;T;:log_streams_path;;;[;{;IC;"Log Streams API path;T;[;"[;#I"Log Streams API path;T;$0;!@&;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*iL;+iL;,@$;-T;.I"1def log_streams_path @log_streams_path end;T;/I"def log_streams_path;T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"+Auth0::Api::V2::LogStreams#log_streams;F;[;[[@+i;T;:log_streams;;;[;{;IC;")Retrieves a list of all log streams.;T;[o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Khttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Log_Streams/get_log_streams;T; 0;!@6o; ;I" return;F;I"Returns the log streams.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@6;"[;#I"Retrieves a list of all log streams. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Log_Streams/get_log_streams @return [json] Returns the log streams.;T;$0;!@6;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i;,@$;-T;.I"2def log_streams() get(log_streams_path) end;T;/I"def log_streams();T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"/Auth0::Api::V2::LogStreams#get_log_streams;F;[;[[@+i;F;:get_log_streams;;;[;{;IC;")Retrieves a list of all log streams. ;T;[o; ;I" return;F;I"Returns the log streams.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@Lo; ;I"see;F;0;I"Khttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Log_Streams/get_log_streams;T; 0;!@L;"[;#I"Retrieves a list of all log streams. @return [json] Returns the log streams. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Log_Streams/get_log_streams ;T;$0;!@L;&F;'0;,@$;.I"2def log_streams() get(log_streams_path) end;T;/@K;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"*Auth0::Api::V2::LogStreams#log_stream;F;[[I"id;T0;[[@+i;T;:log_stream;;;[;{;IC;"&Retrieves a log stream by its ID.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Qhttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Log_Streams/get_log_streams_by_id;T; 0;!@`o; ;I" param;F;I"*The id of the log stream to retrieve.;T;I"id;T; [I" string;T;!@`o; ;I" return;F;I"Returns the log stream.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@`o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@`;"[;#I"Retrieves a log stream by its ID. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Log_Streams/get_log_streams_by_id @param id [string] The id of the log stream to retrieve. @return [json] Returns the log stream.;T;$0;!@`;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i;+i;,@$;-T;.I"def log_stream(id) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid log stream id' if id.to_s.empty? path = "#{log_streams_path}/#{id}" get(path) end;T;/I"def log_stream(id);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I".Auth0::Api::V2::LogStreams#get_log_stream;F;[;[[@+i;F;:get_log_stream;;;[;{;IC;"&Retrieves a log stream by its ID. ;T;[ o; ;I" param;F;I"*The id of the log stream to retrieve.;T;I"id;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;I";T;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I"Returns the log stream.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Qhttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Log_Streams/get_log_streams_by_id;T; 0;!@;"[;#I"Retrieves a log stream by its ID. @param [string] id The id of the log stream to retrieve. @raise [Auth0::InvalidParameter] @return [json] Returns the log stream. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Log_Streams/get_log_streams_by_id ;T;$0;!@;&F;'0;,@$;.I"def log_stream(id) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid log stream id' if id.to_s.empty? path = "#{log_streams_path}/#{id}" get(path) end;T;/@;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"1Auth0::Api::V2::LogStreams#create_log_stream;F;[[I" name;T0[I" type;T0[I" options;T0;[[@+i(;T;:create_log_stream;;;[;{;IC;"LCreates a new log stream according to the JSON object received in body.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Lhttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Log_Streams/post_log_streams;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I" The name of the log stream.;T;I" name;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"The type of log stream;T;I" type;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"BThe Hash options used to define the log streams's properties.;T;I" options;T; [I" hash;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I"Returns the log stream.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@;"[;#I"mCreates a new log stream according to the JSON object received in body. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Log_Streams/post_log_streams @param name [string] The name of the log stream. @param type [string] The type of log stream @param options [hash] The Hash options used to define the log streams's properties. @return [json] Returns the log stream.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i!;+i';,@$;-T;.I"def create_log_stream(name, type, options) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Name must contain at least one character' if name.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must specify a valid type' if type.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid hash for options' unless options.is_a? Hash request_params = {} request_params[:name] = name request_params[:type] = type request_params[:sink] = options post(log_streams_path, request_params) end;T;/I"/def create_log_stream(name, type, options);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"1Auth0::Api::V2::LogStreams#delete_log_stream;F;[[I"id;T0;[[@+i7;T;:delete_log_stream;;;[;{;IC;"$Deletes a log stream by its ID.;T;[o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Thttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Log_Streams/delete_log_streams_by_id;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"(The id of the log stream to delete.;T;I"id;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@;"[;#I"Deletes a log stream by its ID. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Log_Streams/delete_log_streams_by_id @param id [string] The id of the log stream to delete.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i4;+i6;,@$;-T;.I"def delete_log_stream(id) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid log stream id' if id.to_s.empty? path = "#{log_streams_path}/#{id}" delete(path) end;T;/I"def delete_log_stream(id);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"0Auth0::Api::V2::LogStreams#patch_log_stream;F;[[I"id;T0[I" status;T0;[[@+iA;T;:patch_log_stream;;;[;{;IC;"Updates a log stream.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Shttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Log_Streams/patch_log_streams_by_id;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"4The id or audience of the log stream to update.;T;I"id;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"BThe Hash options used to define the log streams's properties.;T;I" status;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@;"[;#I"Updates a log stream. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Log_Streams/patch_log_streams_by_id @param id [string] The id or audience of the log stream to update. @param status [string] The Hash options used to define the log streams's properties.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i=;+i@;,@$;-T;.I"Hdef patch_log_stream(id, status) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must specify a log stream id' if id.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must specify a valid status' if status.to_s.empty? request_params = {} request_params[:status] = status path = "#{log_streams_path}/#{id}" patch(path, request_params) end;T;/I"%def patch_log_stream(id, status);T;0T;8@$;9IC;[;8@$;:IC;[;8@$;;IC;<{;=IC;<{;>T; IC;<{;IC;<{;G@&;H0;>T;>T;>T;?{@L;@;;@[;[[@+i ;T;:LogStreams;;;;;[;{;IC;"-Methods to use the log streams endpoints;T;[;"[;#I"-Methods to use the log streams endpoints;T;$0;!@$;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i ;,@ ;I"Auth0::Api::V2::LogStreams;F;0To; ;IC;[ o; ; F; ; ;;5;I"0Auth0::Api::V2::UserBlocks#user_blocks_path;F;[;[[I"$lib/auth0/api/v2/user_blocks.rb;Ti=[@.i ;T;:user_blocks_path;;;[;{;IC;"User Blocks API path;T;[;"[;#I"User Blocks API path;T;$0;!@);%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i<;+i<;,@';-T;.I"1def user_blocks_path @user_blocks_path end;T;/I"def user_blocks_path;T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"+Auth0::Api::V2::UserBlocks#user_blocks;F;[[I"identifier;T0;[[@.i;T;:user_blocks;;;[;{;IC;"Retrieves the user blocks;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Khttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/User_Blocks/get_user_blocks;T; 0;!@9o; ;I" param;F;I"5Should be any of: username, phone_number, email.;T;I"identifier;T; [I" string;T;!@9o; ;I" return;F;I"the user blocks;T;0; [I" json;T;!@9o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@9;"[;#I"Retrieves the user blocks @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/User_Blocks/get_user_blocks @param identifier [string] Should be any of: username, phone_number, email. @return [json] the user blocks;T;$0;!@9;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i;,@';-T;.I"def user_blocks(identifier) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must specify a valid identifier' if identifier.to_s.empty? request_params = { identifier: identifier } get(user_blocks_path, request_params) end;T;/I" def user_blocks(identifier);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"2Auth0::Api::V2::UserBlocks#delete_user_blocks;F;[[I"identifier;T0;[[@.i;T;:delete_user_blocks;;;[;{;IC;"Deletes the user blocks;T;[o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Nhttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/User_Blocks/delete_user_blocks;T; 0;!@[o; ;I" param;F;I"5Should be any of: username, phone_number, email.;T;I"identifier;T; [I" string;T;!@[o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@[;"[;#I"Deletes the user blocks @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/User_Blocks/delete_user_blocks @param identifier [string] Should be any of: username, phone_number, email.;T;$0;!@[;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i;+i;,@';-T;.I"def delete_user_blocks(identifier) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must specify a valid identifier' if identifier.to_s.empty? # path = "#{user_blocks_path}?identifier=#{identifier}" request_params = { identifier: identifier } delete(user_blocks_path, request_params) end;T;/I"'def delete_user_blocks(identifier);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"1Auth0::Api::V2::UserBlocks#user_blocks_by_id;F;[[I" user_id;T0;[[@.i+;T;:user_blocks_by_id;;;[;{;IC;"Retrieves a user's blocks;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Qhttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/User_Blocks/get_user_blocks_by_id;T; 0;!@xo; ;I" param;F;I"(The user_id of the user to retrieve;T;I" user_id;T; [I" string;T;!@xo; ;I" return;F;I"the user blocks;T;0; [I" json;T;!@xo; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@x;"[;#I"Retrieves a user's blocks @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/User_Blocks/get_user_blocks_by_id @param user_id [string] The user_id of the user to retrieve @return [json] the user blocks;T;$0;!@x;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i&;+i*;,@';-T;.I"def user_blocks_by_id(user_id) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must specify a valid identifier' if user_id.to_s.empty? path = "#{user_blocks_path}/#{user_id}" get(path) end;T;/I"#def user_blocks_by_id(user_id);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"8Auth0::Api::V2::UserBlocks#delete_user_blocks_by_id;F;[[I" user_id;T0;[[@.i4;T;:delete_user_blocks_by_id;;;[;{;IC;"Deletes a user's blocks;T;[o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Thttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/User_Blocks/delete_user_blocks_by_id;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"(The user_id of the user to retrieve;T;I" user_id;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@;"[;#I"Deletes a user's blocks @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/User_Blocks/delete_user_blocks_by_id @param user_id [string] The user_id of the user to retrieve;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i1;+i3;,@';-T;.I"def delete_user_blocks_by_id(user_id) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must specify a valid identifier' if user_id.to_s.empty? path = "#{user_blocks_path}/#{user_id}" delete(path) end;T;/I"*def delete_user_blocks_by_id(user_id);T;0T;8@';9IC;[;8@';:IC;[;8@';;IC;<{;=IC;<{;>T; IC;<{;IC;<{;G@);H0;>T;>T;>T;?{;@[;[[@.i ;T;:UserBlocks;;;;;[;{;IC;"-Methods to use the User Blocks endpoints;T;[;"[;#I"-Methods to use the User Blocks endpoints;T;$0;!@';%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i ;,@ ;I"Auth0::Api::V2::UserBlocks;F;0To; ;IC;[ o; ; F; ; ;;5;I"4Auth0::Api::V2::ClientGrants#client_grants_path;F;[;[[I"&lib/auth0/api/v2/client_grants.rb;TiA[@i ;T;:client_grants_path;;;[;{;IC;"Client Grants API path;T;[;"[;#I"Client Grants API path;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i@;+i@;,@;-T;.I"5def client_grants_path @client_grants_path end;T;/I"def client_grants_path;T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"/Auth0::Api::V2::ClientGrants#client_grants;F;[ [I"client_id:;TI"nil;T[I"audience:;TI"nil;T[I" page:;TI"nil;T[I"per_page:;TI"nil;T;[[@i;T;:client_grants;;;[;{;IC;"+Retrieves a list of all client grants.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Ohttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/client_grants/get_client_grants;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"3The client_id of the client grant to retrieve.;T;I"client_id;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"2The audience of the client grant to retrieve.;T;I" audience;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"!Page number to get, 0-based.;T;I" page;T; [I"int;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"4Results per page if also passing a page number.;T;I" per_page;T; [I"int;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I"Returns the client grants.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@;"[;#I"Retrieves a list of all client grants. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/client_grants/get_client_grants @param client_id [string] The client_id of the client grant to retrieve. @param audience [string] The audience of the client grant to retrieve. @param page [int] Page number to get, 0-based. @param per_page [int] Results per page if also passing a page number. @return [json] Returns the client grants.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i;,@;-T;.I"def client_grants (client_id: nil, audience: nil, page: nil, per_page: nil) request_params = { client_id: client_id, audience: audience, page: page, per_page: per_page } get(client_grants_path, request_params) end;T;/I"Odef client_grants(client_id: nil, audience: nil, page: nil, per_page: nil);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"7Auth0::Api::V2::ClientGrants#get_all_client_grants;F;[;[[@i;F;:get_all_client_grants;;;[;{;IC;"+Retrieves a list of all client grants. ;T;[ o; ;I" param;F;I"3The client_id of the client grant to retrieve.;T;I"client_id;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"2The audience of the client grant to retrieve.;T;I" audience;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"!Page number to get, 0-based.;T;I" page;T; [I"int;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"4Results per page if also passing a page number.;T;I" per_page;T; [I"int;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I"Returns the client grants.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Ohttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/client_grants/get_client_grants;T; 0;!@;"[;#I"Retrieves a list of all client grants. @param [string] client_id The client_id of the client grant to retrieve. @param [string] audience The audience of the client grant to retrieve. @param [int] page Page number to get, 0-based. @param [int] per_page Results per page if also passing a page number. @return [json] Returns the client grants. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/client_grants/get_client_grants ;T;$0;!@;&F;'0;,@;.I"def client_grants (client_id: nil, audience: nil, page: nil, per_page: nil) request_params = { client_id: client_id, audience: audience, page: page, per_page: per_page } get(client_grants_path, request_params) end;T;/@;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"5Auth0::Api::V2::ClientGrants#create_client_grant;F;[[I" options;TI"{};T;[[@i$;T;:create_client_grant;;;[;{;IC;" Creates a new client grant.;T;[o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Phttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/client_grants/post_client_grants;T; 0;!@Ao; ;I" param;F;I"CThe Hash options used to define the client grant's properties.;T;I" options;T; [I" hash;T;!@Ao; ;I" return;F;I"&Returns the created client grant.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@A;"[;#I"Creates a new client grant. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/client_grants/post_client_grants @param options [hash] The Hash options used to define the client grant's properties. @return [json] Returns the created client grant.;T;$0;!@A;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i;+i#;,@;-T;.I"def create_client_grant(options = {}) request_params = Hash[options.map { |(k, v)| [k.to_sym, v] }] post(client_grants_path, request_params) end;T;/I"*def create_client_grant(options = {});T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"5Auth0::Api::V2::ClientGrants#delete_client_grant;F;[[I"client_grant_id;T0;[[@i,;T;:delete_client_grant;;;[;{;IC;")Deletes a client grant given its id.;T;[o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Xhttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/client_grants/delete_client_grants_by_id;T; 0;!@`o; ;I" param;F;I"*The id of the client grant to delete.;T;I"client_grant_id;T; [I" string;T;!@`o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@`;"[;#I"Deletes a client grant given its id. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/client_grants/delete_client_grants_by_id @param client_grant_id [string] The id of the client grant to delete.;T;$0;!@`;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i);+i+;,@;-T;.I"def delete_client_grant(client_grant_id) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must specify a client grant id' if client_grant_id.to_s.empty? path = "#{client_grants_path}/#{client_grant_id}" delete(path) end;T;/I"-def delete_client_grant(client_grant_id);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"4Auth0::Api::V2::ClientGrants#patch_client_grant;F;[[I"client_grant_id;T0[I" options;T0;[[@i6;T;:patch_client_grant;;;[;{;IC;"Updates a client grant.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Whttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/client_grants/patch_client_grants_by_id;T; 0;!@}o; ;I" param;F;I"*The id of the client grant to update.;T;I"client_grant_id;T; [I" string;T;!@}o; ;I" param;F;I"CThe Hash options used to define the client grant's properties.;T;I" options;T; [I" hash;T;!@}o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@};"[;#I" Updates a client grant. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/client_grants/patch_client_grants_by_id @param client_grant_id [string] The id of the client grant to update. @param options [hash] The Hash options used to define the client grant's properties.;T;$0;!@};%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i2;+i5;,@;-T;.I"4def patch_client_grant(client_grant_id, options) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must specify a client grant id' if client_grant_id.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must specify a valid body' if options.to_s.empty? path = "#{client_grants_path}/#{client_grant_id}" patch(path, options) end;T;/I"5def patch_client_grant(client_grant_id, options);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"5Auth0::Api::V2::ClientGrants#update_client_grant;F;[;[[@i<;F;:update_client_grant;;;[;{;IC;"Updates a client grant. ;T;[ o; ;I" param;F;I"*The id of the client grant to update.;T;I"client_grant_id;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"CThe Hash options used to define the client grant's properties.;T;I" options;T; [I" hash;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;I";T;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Whttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/client_grants/patch_client_grants_by_id;T; 0;!@;"[;#I"1Updates a client grant. @param [string] client_grant_id The id of the client grant to update. @param [hash] options The Hash options used to define the client grant's properties. @raise [Auth0::InvalidParameter] @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/client_grants/patch_client_grants_by_id ;T;$0;!@;&F;'0;,@;.I"4def patch_client_grant(client_grant_id, options) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must specify a client grant id' if client_grant_id.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must specify a valid body' if options.to_s.empty? path = "#{client_grants_path}/#{client_grant_id}" patch(path, options) end;T;/@;0T;8@;9IC;[;8@;:IC;[;8@;;IC;<{;=IC;<{;>T; IC;<{;IC;<{;G@;H0;>T;>T;>T;?{@;@;;@[;[[@i ;T;:ClientGrants;;;;;[;{;IC;"/Methods to use the client grants endpoints;T;[;"[;#I"/Methods to use the client grants endpoints;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i ;,@ ;I"!Auth0::Api::V2::ClientGrants;F;0To; ;IC;[o; ; F; ; ;;5;I"5Auth0::Api::V2::UsersByEmail#users_by_email_path;F;[;[[I"'lib/auth0/api/v2/users_by_email.rb;Ti#[@i ;T;:users_by_email_path;;;[;{;IC;"Users By Emails API path;T;[;"[;#I"Users By Emails API path;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i";+i";,@;-T;.I"7def users_by_email_path @users_by_email_path end;T;/I"def users_by_email_path;T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"0Auth0::Api::V2::UsersByEmail#users_by_email;F;[[I" email;T0[I" options;TI"{};T;[[@i;T;:users_by_email;;;[;{;IC;"7Retrieves a list of existing users by their email.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"4https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Users/get_users;T; 0;!@o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Qhttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Users_By_Email/get_users_by_email;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"E-mail to be searched;T;I" email;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"* :fields [string] A comma separated list of fields to include or exclude from the result. * :include_fields [boolean] True if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise.;T;I" options;T; [I" hash;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I"(Returns the list of existing users.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@;"[;#I"Retrieves a list of existing users by their email. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/Users/get_users @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Users_By_Email/get_users_by_email @param email [string] E-mail to be searched @param options [hash] * :fields [string] A comma separated list of fields to include or exclude from the result. * :include_fields [boolean] True if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise. @return [json] Returns the list of existing users.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i;,@;-T;.I"Kdef users_by_email(email, options = {}) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid email' if email.to_s.empty? request_params = { fields: options.fetch(:fields, nil), include_fields: options.fetch(:include_fields, nil) } request_params[:email] = email get(users_by_email_path, request_params) end;T;/I",def users_by_email(email, options = {});T;0T;8@;9IC;[;8@;:IC;[;8@;;IC;<{;=IC;<{;>T; IC;<{;IC;<{;G@;H0;>T;>T;>T;?{;@[;[[@i ;T;:UsersByEmail;;;;;[;{;IC;"0Methods to use the Users By Email endpoints;T;[;"[;#I"0Methods to use the Users By Email endpoints;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i ;,@ ;I"!Auth0::Api::V2::UsersByEmail;F;0To; ;IC;[ o; ; F; ; ;;5;I":Auth0::Api::V2::ResourceServers#resource_servers_path;F;[;[[I")lib/auth0/api/v2/resource_servers.rb;TiT[@-i ;T;:resource_servers_path;;;[;{;IC;"Resource Servers API path;T;[;"[;#I"Resource Servers API path;T;$0;!@(;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*iS;+iS;,@&;-T;.I";def resource_servers_path @resource_servers_path end;T;/I"def resource_servers_path;T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"5Auth0::Api::V2::ResourceServers#resource_servers;F;[[I" page:;TI"nil;T[I"per_page:;TI"nil;T;[[@-i;T;:resource_servers;;;[;{;IC;".Retrieves a list of all resource servers.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Uhttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Resource_servers/get_resource_servers;T; 0;!@8o; ;I" param;F;I"!Page number to get, 0-based.;T;I" page;T; [I"int;T;!@8o; ;I" param;F;I"4Results per page if also passing a page number.;T;I" per_page;T; [I"int;T;!@8o; ;I" return;F;I""Returns the resource servers.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@8;"[;#I"!Retrieves a list of all resource servers. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Resource_servers/get_resource_servers @param page [int] Page number to get, 0-based. @param per_page [int] Results per page if also passing a page number. @return [json] Returns the resource servers.;T;$0;!@8;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i;,@&;-T;.I"def resource_servers(page: nil, per_page: nil) request_params = { page: !page.nil? ? page.to_i : nil, per_page: !page.nil? && !per_page.nil? ? per_page.to_i : nil } get(resource_servers_path, request_params) end;T;/I"3def resource_servers(page: nil, per_page: nil);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"9Auth0::Api::V2::ResourceServers#get_resource_servers;F;[;[[@-i;F;:get_resource_servers;;;[;{;IC;".Retrieves a list of all resource servers. ;T;[ o; ;I" param;F;I"!Page number to get, 0-based.;T;I" page;T; [I"int;T;!@`o; ;I" param;F;I"4Results per page if also passing a page number.;T;I" per_page;T; [I"int;T;!@`o; ;I" return;F;I""Returns the resource servers.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@`o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Uhttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Resource_servers/get_resource_servers;T; 0;!@`;"[;#I"&Retrieves a list of all resource servers. @param [int] page Page number to get, 0-based. @param [int] per_page Results per page if also passing a page number. @return [json] Returns the resource servers. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Resource_servers/get_resource_servers ;T;$0;!@`;&F;'0;,@&;.I"def resource_servers(page: nil, per_page: nil) request_params = { page: !page.nil? ? page.to_i : nil, per_page: !page.nil? && !per_page.nil? ? per_page.to_i : nil } get(resource_servers_path, request_params) end;T;/@_;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"4Auth0::Api::V2::ResourceServers#resource_server;F;[[I"resource_server_id;T0;[[@-i ;T;:resource_server;;;[;{;IC;"+Retrieves a resource server by its ID.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"[https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Resource_Servers/get_resource_servers_by_id;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"/The id of the resource server to retrieve.;T;I"resource_server_id;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I"!Returns the resource server.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@;"[;#I"Retrieves a resource server by its ID. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Resource_Servers/get_resource_servers_by_id @param resource_server_id [string] The id of the resource server to retrieve. @return [json] Returns the resource server.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i;+i;,@&;-T;.I"def resource_server(resource_server_id) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid resource server id' if resource_server_id.to_s.empty? path = "#{resource_servers_path}/#{resource_server_id}" get(path) end;T;/I",def resource_server(resource_server_id);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"8Auth0::Api::V2::ResourceServers#get_resource_server;F;[;[[@-i&;F;:get_resource_server;;;[;{;IC;"+Retrieves a resource server by its ID. ;T;[ o; ;I" param;F;I"/The id of the resource server to retrieve.;T;I"resource_server_id;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;I";T;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I"!Returns the resource server.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@o; ;I"see;F;0;I"[https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Resource_Servers/get_resource_servers_by_id;T; 0;!@;"[;#I"!Retrieves a resource server by its ID. @param [string] resource_server_id The id of the resource server to retrieve. @raise [Auth0::InvalidParameter] @return [json] Returns the resource server. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Resource_Servers/get_resource_servers_by_id ;T;$0;!@;&F;'0;,@&;.I"def resource_server(resource_server_id) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid resource server id' if resource_server_id.to_s.empty? path = "#{resource_servers_path}/#{resource_server_id}" get(path) end;T;/@;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I";Auth0::Api::V2::ResourceServers#create_resource_server;F;[[I"identifier;T0[I" options;TI"{};T;[[@-i3;T;:create_resource_server;;;[;{;IC;"QCreates a new resource server according to the JSON object received in body.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Vhttps://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Resource_Servers/post_resource_servers;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"+The identifier of the resource server.;T;I"identifier;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"* :name [string] The name of the resource server. Must contain at least one character. Does not allow '<' or '>'. * :signing_alg [string] The algorithm used to sign tokens. * :signing_secret [string] The secret used to sign tokens when using symmetric algorithms. * :token_lifetime [integer] The amount of time (in seconds) that the token will be valid after being issued. * :scopes [array] The scope of the resource server.;T;I" options;T; [I" hash;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I"!Returns the resource server.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@;"[;#I"Creates a new resource server according to the JSON object received in body. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Resource_Servers/post_resource_servers @param identifier [string] The identifier of the resource server. @param options [hash] * :name [string] The name of the resource server. Must contain at least one character. Does not allow '<' or '>'. * :signing_alg [string] The algorithm used to sign tokens. * :signing_secret [string] The secret used to sign tokens when using symmetric algorithms. * :token_lifetime [integer] The amount of time (in seconds) that the token will be valid after being issued. * :scopes [array] The scope of the resource server. @return [json] Returns the resource server.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i(;+i2;,@&;-T;.I"def create_resource_server(identifier, options = {}) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid resource server id' if identifier.to_s.empty? if options.fetch(:name, '').index(/[<>]/) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Name must contain at least one character. Does not allow "<" or ">"' end request_params = Hash[options.map { |(k, v)| [k.to_sym, v] }] request_params[:identifier] = identifier post(resource_servers_path, request_params) end;T;/I"9def create_resource_server(identifier, options = {});T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I";Auth0::Api::V2::ResourceServers#delete_resource_server;F;[[I"resource_server_id;T0;[[@-i@;T;:delete_resource_server;;;[;{;IC;"*Deletes a resource server by its ID.;T;[o; ;I"see;F;0;I"^https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Resource_Servers/delete_resource_servers_by_id;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"-The id of the resource server to delete.;T;I"resource_server_id;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@;"[;#I"Deletes a resource server by its ID. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Resource_Servers/delete_resource_servers_by_id @param resource_server_id [string] The id of the resource server to delete.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i=;+i?;,@&;-T;.I"def delete_resource_server(resource_server_id) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid resource server id' if resource_server_id.to_s.empty? path = "#{resource_servers_path}/#{resource_server_id}" delete(path) end;T;/I"3def delete_resource_server(resource_server_id);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I":Auth0::Api::V2::ResourceServers#patch_resource_server;F;[[I"id;T0[I" body;T0;[[@-iJ;T;:patch_resource_server;;;[;{;IC;"Updates a resource server.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"]https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Resource_Servers/patch_resource_servers_by_id;T; 0;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"9The id or audience of the resource server to update.;T;I"id;T; [I" string;T;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"GThe Hash options used to define the resource servers's properties.;T;I" body;T; [I" hash;T;!@ o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@ ;"[;#I"Updates a resource server. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Resource_Servers/patch_resource_servers_by_id @param id [string] The id or audience of the resource server to update. @param body [hash] The Hash options used to define the resource servers's properties.;T;$0;!@ ;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*iF;+iI;,@&;-T;.I"def patch_resource_server(id, body) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must specify a resource server id or audience' if id.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must specify a valid body' if body.to_s.empty? path = "#{resource_servers_path}/#{id}" patch(path, body) end;T;/I"(def patch_resource_server(id, body);T;0T;8@&;9IC;[;8@&;:IC;[;8@&;;IC;<{;=IC;<{;>T; IC;<{;IC;<{;G@(;H0;>T;>T;>T;?{@`;@;;@[;[[@-i ;T;:ResourceServers;;;;;[;{;IC;"2Methods to use the resource servers endpoints;T;[;"[;#I"2Methods to use the resource servers endpoints;T;$0;!@&;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i ;,@ ;I"$Auth0::Api::V2::ResourceServers;F;0To; ;IC;[ o; ; F; ; ;;5;I">Auth0::Api::V2::DeviceCredentials#device_credentials_path;F;[;[[I"+lib/auth0/api/v2/device_credentials.rb;TiL[@Gi ;T;:device_credentials_path;;;[;{;IC;" Device Credentials API path;T;[;"[;#I" Device Credentials API path;T;$0;!@B;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*iK;+iK;,@@;-T;.I"?def device_credentials_path @device_credentials_path end;T;/I" def device_credentials_path;T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"9Auth0::Api::V2::DeviceCredentials#device_credentials;F;[[I"client_id;T0[I" options;TI"{};T;[[@Gi;T;:device_credentials;;;[;{;IC;"dRetrieves log entries that match the specified search criteria. rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Nhttps://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/device_credentials/get_device_credentials;T; 0;!@Ro; ;I" param;F;I".The client_id of the devices to retrieve.;T;I"client_id;T; [I" string;T;!@Ro; ;I" param;F;I"^* :fields [string] A comma separated list of fields to include or exclude from the result. * :include_fields [boolean] True if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise. * :user_id [string] The user_id of the devices to retrieve. * :type [string] The type of credentials. Possible values: 'public_key' or 'refresh_token'.;T;I" options;T; [I" hash;T;!@Ro; ;I" return;F;I"FReturns the list of existing devices for the specified client_id.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@Ro; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@R;"[;#I"Retrieves log entries that match the specified search criteria. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/device_credentials/get_device_credentials @param client_id [string] The client_id of the devices to retrieve. @param options [hash] * :fields [string] A comma separated list of fields to include or exclude from the result. * :include_fields [boolean] True if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise. * :user_id [string] The user_id of the devices to retrieve. * :type [string] The type of credentials. Possible values: 'public_key' or 'refresh_token'. @return [json] Returns the list of existing devices for the specified client_id. rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize;T;$0;!@R;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i;,@@;-T;.I"cdef device_credentials(client_id, options = {}) request_params = { fields: options.fetch(:fields, nil), include_fields: options.fetch(:include_fields, nil), user_id: options.fetch(:user_id, nil), client_id: client_id, type: options.fetch(:type, nil) } raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid client_id' if client_id.to_s.empty? if !request_params[:type].nil? && !%w(public_key refresh_token).include?(request_params[:type]) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Type must be one of \'public_key\', \'refresh_token\'' end get(device_credentials_path, request_params) end;T;/I"4def device_credentials(client_id, options = {});T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I">Auth0::Api::V2::DeviceCredentials#list_device_credentials;F;[;[[@Gi&;F;:list_device_credentials;;;[;{;IC;"dRetrieves log entries that match the specified search criteria. rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize ;T;[ o; ;I" param;F;I".The client_id of the devices to retrieve.;T;I"client_id;T; [I" string;T;!@}o; ;I" param;F;I"^* :fields [string] A comma separated list of fields to include or exclude from the result. * :include_fields [boolean] True if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise. * :user_id [string] The user_id of the devices to retrieve. * :type [string] The type of credentials. Possible values: 'public_key' or 'refresh_token'.;T;I" options;T; [I" hash;T;!@}o; ;I" raise;F;I";T;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@}o; ;I" return;F;I"FReturns the list of existing devices for the specified client_id.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@}o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Nhttps://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/device_credentials/get_device_credentials;T; 0;!@};"[;#I"Retrieves log entries that match the specified search criteria. rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize @param [string] client_id The client_id of the devices to retrieve. @param [hash] options * :fields [string] A comma separated list of fields to include or exclude from the result. * :include_fields [boolean] True if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise. * :user_id [string] The user_id of the devices to retrieve. * :type [string] The type of credentials. Possible values: 'public_key' or 'refresh_token'. @raise [Auth0::InvalidParameter] @return [json] Returns the list of existing devices for the specified client_id. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/device_credentials/get_device_credentials ;T;$0;!@};&F;'0;,@@;.I"cdef device_credentials(client_id, options = {}) request_params = { fields: options.fetch(:fields, nil), include_fields: options.fetch(:include_fields, nil), user_id: options.fetch(:user_id, nil), client_id: client_id, type: options.fetch(:type, nil) } raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid client_id' if client_id.to_s.empty? if !request_params[:type].nil? && !%w(public_key refresh_token).include?(request_params[:type]) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Type must be one of \'public_key\', \'refresh_token\'' end get(device_credentials_path, request_params) end;T;/@|;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"?Auth0::Api::V2::DeviceCredentials#create_device_credential;F;[ [I"device_name;T0[I" value;T0[I"device_id;T0[I"client_id;T0;[[@Gi0;T;:create_device_credential;;;[;{;IC;"%Creates a new device public key.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Ohttps://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/device_credentials/post_device_credentials;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"UThe device's name, a value that must be easily recognized by the device's owner.;T;I"device_name;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I">A base64 encoded string with the value of the credential.;T;I" value;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"(A unique identifier for the device.;T;I"device_id;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"JThe client_id of the client for which the credential will be created.;T;I"client_id;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I"$Returns the created public key.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@;"[;#I"Creates a new device public key. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/device_credentials/post_device_credentials @param device_name [string] The device's name, a value that must be easily recognized by the device's owner. @param value [string] A base64 encoded string with the value of the credential. @param device_id [string] A unique identifier for the device. @param client_id [string] The client_id of the client for which the credential will be created. @return [json] Returns the created public key.;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i(;+i/;,@@;-T;.I"def create_device_credential(device_name, value, device_id, client_id) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid device_name' if device_name.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid value' if value.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid device_id' if device_id.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid client_id' if client_id.to_s.empty? request_params = { device_name: device_name, type: 'public_key', value: value, device_id: device_id, client_id: client_id } post(device_credentials_path, request_params) end;T;/I"Kdef create_device_credential(device_name, value, device_id, client_id);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"?Auth0::Api::V2::DeviceCredentials#create_device_public_key;F;[;[[@Gi>;F;:create_device_public_key;;;[;{;IC;"%Creates a new device public key. ;T;[ o; ;I" param;F;I"UThe device's name, a value that must be easily recognized by the device's owner.;T;I"device_name;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I">A base64 encoded string with the value of the credential.;T;I" value;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"(A unique identifier for the device.;T;I"device_id;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"JThe client_id of the client for which the credential will be created.;T;I"client_id;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;I";T;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I"$Returns the created public key.;T;0; [I" json;T;!@o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Ohttps://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/device_credentials/post_device_credentials;T; 0;!@;"[;#I"%Creates a new device public key. @param [string] device_name The device's name, a value that must be easily recognized by the device's owner. @param [string] value A base64 encoded string with the value of the credential. @param [string] device_id A unique identifier for the device. @param [string] client_id The client_id of the client for which the credential will be created. @raise [Auth0::InvalidParameter] @return [json] Returns the created public key. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/device_credentials/post_device_credentials ;T;$0;!@;&F;'0;,@@;.I"def create_device_credential(device_name, value, device_id, client_id) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid device_name' if device_name.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid value' if value.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid device_id' if device_id.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid client_id' if client_id.to_s.empty? request_params = { device_name: device_name, type: 'public_key', value: value, device_id: device_id, client_id: client_id } post(device_credentials_path, request_params) end;T;/@;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"?Auth0::Api::V2::DeviceCredentials#delete_device_credential;F;[[I"id;T0;[[@GiC;T;:delete_device_credential;;;[;{;IC;"5Deletes a single device credential given its id.;T;[o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Whttps://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/device_credentials/delete_device_credentials_by_id;T; 0;!@ o; ;I" param;F;I"(The id of the credential to delete.;T;I"id;T; [I" string;T;!@ o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@ ;"[;#I"Deletes a single device credential given its id. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/v2#!/device_credentials/delete_device_credentials_by_id @param id [string] The id of the credential to delete.;T;$0;!@ ;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i@;+iB;,@@;-T;.I"def delete_device_credential(id) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid id' if id.to_s.empty? path = "#{device_credentials_path}/#{id}" delete(path) end;T;/I"%def delete_device_credential(id);T;0T;8@@;9IC;[;8@@;:IC;[;8@@;;IC;<{;=IC;<{;>T; IC;<{;IC;<{;G@B;H0;>T;>T;>T;?{@};@;;@[;[[@Gi ;T;:DeviceCredentials;;;;;[;{;IC;"4Methods to use the device crenditials endpoints;T;[;"[;#I"4Methods to use the device crenditials endpoints;T;$0;!@@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i ;,@ ;I"&Auth0::Api::V2::DeviceCredentials;F;0T;8@ ;9IC;[;8@ ;:IC;[;8@ ;;IC;<{;=IC;<{;>T; IC;<{;>T;>T;?{;@[;[[@i[@i [@i[@{i[@i[@oi[@i[@ i[@ i[@ i[@B i[@ i[@k i[@bi[@i[@+i[@.i[@i[@i[@-i[@Gi;F;:V2;;;;;[;{;IC;" ;T;[;"[;#@,;$0;!@ ;%i;,@ ;I"Auth0::Api::V2;F;0To; ;IC;["o:&YARD::CodeObjects::ConstantObject;[[I".lib/auth0/api/authentication_endpoints.rb;Ti;F;: UP_AUTH;;;;;[;{;IC;" ;T;[;"[;#@,;$0;!@a;,@_;I"1Auth0::Api::AuthenticationEndpoints::UP_AUTH;F;.I"8UP_AUTH = 'Username-Password-Authentication'.freeze;T: @valueI".'Username-Password-Authentication'.freeze;T;0To;;[[@di;F;:JWT_BEARER;;;;;[;{;IC;" ;T;[;"[;#@,;$0;!@m;,@_;I"4Auth0::Api::AuthenticationEndpoints::JWT_BEARER;F;.I"FJWT_BEARER = 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer'.freeze;T;I"9'urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer'.freeze;T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"2Auth0::Api::AuthenticationEndpoints#api_token;F;[[I"client_id:;TI"@client_id;T[I"client_secret:;TI"@client_secret;T[I"audience:;TI"!"https://#{@domain}/api/v2/";T;[[@di;T;:api_token;;;[;{;IC;"ARequest an API access token using a Client Credentials grant;T;[o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Ahttps://auth0.com/docs/api-auth/tutorials/client-credentials;T; 0;!@xo; ;I" param;F;I"API audience to use;T;I" audience;T; [I" string;T;!@xo; ;I" return;F;I"Returns the API token;T;0; [I" json;T;!@x;"[;#I"Request an API access token using a Client Credentials grant @see https://auth0.com/docs/api-auth/tutorials/client-credentials @param audience [string] API audience to use @return [json] Returns the API token;T;$0;!@x;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i;+i;,@_;-T;.I"def api_token( client_id: @client_id, client_secret: @client_secret, audience: "https://#{@domain}/api/v2/" ) request_params = { grant_type: 'client_credentials', client_id: client_id, client_secret: client_secret, audience: audience } response = post('/oauth/token', request_params) ApiToken.new(response['access_token'], response['scope'], response['expires_in']) end;T;/I"qdef api_token( client_id: @client_id, client_secret: @client_secret, audience: "https://#{@domain}/api/v2/");T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"FAuth0::Api::AuthenticationEndpoints#exchange_auth_code_for_tokens;F;[ [I" code;T0[I"redirect_uri:;TI"nil;T[I"client_id:;TI"@client_id;T[I"client_secret:;TI"@client_secret;T;[[@di.;T;:"exchange_auth_code_for_tokens;;;[;{;IC;":Get access and ID tokens using an Authorization Code.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Ahttps://auth0.com/docs/api/authentication#authorization-code;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"5The authentication code obtained from /authorize;T;I" code;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"gURL to redirect to after authorization. Required only if it was set at the GET /authorize endpoint;T;I"redirect_uri;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I""Client ID for the Application;T;I"client_id;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"'Client Secret for the Application.;T;I"client_secret;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I"*Returns the access_token and id_token;T;0; [I"AccessToken;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@;"[;#I"Get access and ID tokens using an Authorization Code. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/authentication#authorization-code @param code [string] The authentication code obtained from /authorize @param redirect_uri [string] URL to redirect to after authorization. Required only if it was set at the GET /authorize endpoint @param client_id [string] Client ID for the Application @param client_secret [string] Client Secret for the Application. @return [AccessToken] Returns the access_token and id_token;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i&;+i-;,@_;-T;.I"def exchange_auth_code_for_tokens( code, redirect_uri: nil, client_id: @client_id, client_secret: @client_secret ) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must provide an authorization code' if code.to_s.empty? request_params = { grant_type: 'authorization_code', client_id: client_id, client_secret: client_secret, code: code, redirect_uri: redirect_uri } AccessToken.from_response post('/oauth/token', request_params) end;T;/I"vdef exchange_auth_code_for_tokens( code, redirect_uri: nil, client_id: @client_id, client_secret: @client_secret);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"?Auth0::Api::AuthenticationEndpoints#exchange_refresh_token;F;[[I"refresh_token;T0[I"client_id:;TI"@client_id;T[I"client_secret:;TI"@client_secret;T;[[@diI;T;:exchange_refresh_token;;;[;{;IC;"4Get access and ID tokens using a refresh token.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"https://auth0.com/docs/api/authentication#change-password;T; 0;!@o; ;I"see;F;0;I"@https://auth0.com/docs/connections/database/password-change;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"User's current email;T;I" email;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"AUser's new password; empty to trigger a password reset email;T;I" password;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"Database connection name;T;I"connection_name;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@;"[;#I"wChange a user's password or trigger a password reset email. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/authentication#change-password @see https://auth0.com/docs/connections/database/password-change @param email [string] User's current email @param password [string] User's new password; empty to trigger a password reset email @param connection_name [string] Database connection name;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i;+i;,@_;-T;.I"Mdef change_password(email, password, connection_name = UP_AUTH) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid email' if email.to_s.empty? request_params = { email: email, password: password, connection: connection_name, client_id: @client_id } post('/dbconnections/change_password', request_params) end;T;/I"Ddef change_password(email, password, connection_name = UP_AUTH);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"FAuth0::Api::AuthenticationEndpoints#start_passwordless_email_flow;F;[[I" email;T0[I" send;TI" 'link';T[I"auth_params;TI"{};T;[[@di;T;:"start_passwordless_email_flow;;;[;{;IC;")Start Passwordless email login flow.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"?https://auth0.com/docs/api/authentication#get-code-or-link;T; 0;!@o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Uhttps://auth0.com/docs/connections/passwordless#passwordless-on-regular-web-apps;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"!Email to send a link or code;T;I" email;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I" "Bearer #{access_token}") end;T;/I"def userinfo(access_token);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I":Auth0::Api::AuthenticationEndpoints#authorization_url;F;[[I"redirect_uri;T0[I" options;TI"{};T;[[@di;T;:authorization_url;;;[;{;IC;"!Return an authorization URL.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"Ghttps://auth0.com/docs/api/authentication#authorization-code-grant;T; 0;!@_o; ;I" param;F;I"(URL to redirect after authorization;T;I"redirect_uri;T; [I" string;T;!@_o; ;I" param;F;I"LCan contain response_type, connection, state and additional_parameters.;T;I" options;T; [I" hash;T;!@_o; ;I" return;F;I"Authorization URL.;T;0; [I"url;T;!@_o; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@_;"[;#I"$Return an authorization URL. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/authentication#authorization-code-grant @param redirect_uri [string] URL to redirect after authorization @param options [hash] Can contain response_type, connection, state and additional_parameters. @return [url] Authorization URL.;T;$0;!@_;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i;+i;,@_;-T;.I"+def authorization_url(redirect_uri, options = {}) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid redirect_uri' if redirect_uri.to_s.empty? request_params = { client_id: @client_id, response_type: options.fetch(:response_type, 'code'), connection: options.fetch(:connection, nil), redirect_uri: redirect_uri, state: options.fetch(:state, nil), scope: options.fetch(:scope, nil) }.merge(options.fetch(:additional_parameters, {})) URI::HTTPS.build(host: @domain, path: '/authorize', query: to_query(request_params)) end;T;/I"6def authorization_url(redirect_uri, options = {});T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"3Auth0::Api::AuthenticationEndpoints#logout_url;F;[[I"return_to;T0[I"include_client:;TI" false;T[I"federated:;TI" false;T;[[@di;T;:logout_url;;;[;{;IC;"3Returns an Auth0 logout URL with a return URL.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"5https://auth0.com/docs/api/authentication#logout;T; 0;!@o; ;I"see;F;0;I""https://auth0.com/docs/logout;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I""URL to redirect after logout.;T;I"return_to;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"-Include the client_id in the logout URL.;T;I"include_client;T; [I" bool;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I" Perform a federated logout.;T;I"federated;T; [I" boolean;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I"Logout URI;T;0; [I"url;T;!@;"[;#I"UReturns an Auth0 logout URL with a return URL. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/authentication#logout @see https://auth0.com/docs/logout @param return_to [string] URL to redirect after logout. @param include_client [bool] Include the client_id in the logout URL. @param federated [boolean] Perform a federated logout. @return [url] Logout URI;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i;+i;,@_;-T;.I"7def logout_url(return_to, include_client: false, federated: false) request_params = { returnTo: return_to, client_id: include_client ? @client_id : nil, federated: federated ? '1' : nil } URI::HTTPS.build( host: @domain, path: '/v2/logout', query: to_query(request_params) ) end;T;/I"Gdef logout_url(return_to, include_client: false, federated: false);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"2Auth0::Api::AuthenticationEndpoints#samlp_url;F;[[I"connection;TI" UP_AUTH;T;[[@di ;T;:samlp_url;;;[;{;IC;"Return a SAMLP URL. The SAML Request AssertionConsumerServiceURL will be used to POST back the assertion and it must match with the application callback URL.;T;[o; ;I"see;F;0;I"=https://auth0.com/docs/api/authentication#accept-request;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I")Connection to use; empty to show all;T;I"connection;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I"SAMLP URL;T;0; [I"url;T;!@;"[;#I"3Return a SAMLP URL. The SAML Request AssertionConsumerServiceURL will be used to POST back the assertion and it must match with the application callback URL. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/authentication#accept-request @param connection [string] Connection to use; empty to show all @return [url] SAMLP URL;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i;+i ;,@_;-T;.I"def samlp_url(connection = UP_AUTH) request_params = { connection: connection } URI::HTTPS.build(host: @domain, path: "/samlp/#{@client_id}", query: to_query(request_params)) end;T;/I"(def samlp_url(connection = UP_AUTH);T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"2Auth0::Api::AuthenticationEndpoints#wsfed_url;F;[[I"connection;TI" UP_AUTH;T[I" options;TI"{};T;[[@di;T;:wsfed_url;;;[;{;IC;" Return a WS-Federation URL.;T;[ o; ;I"see;F;0;I"?https://auth0.com/docs/api/authentication#accept-request35;T; 0;!@o; ;I" param;F;I")Connection to use; empty to show all;T;I"connection;T; [I" string;T;!@o; ;I" param;F;I"2Extra options; supports wtrealm, wctx, wreply;T;I" options;T; [I" hash;T;!@o; ;I" return;F;I"WS-Federation URL;T;0; [I"url;T;!@;"[;#I"Return a WS-Federation URL. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/authentication#accept-request35 @param connection [string] Connection to use; empty to show all @param options [hash] Extra options; supports wtrealm, wctx, wreply @return [url] WS-Federation URL;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i;+i;,@_;-T;.I"ldef wsfed_url(connection = UP_AUTH, options = {}) request_params = { whr: connection, wtrealm: options[:wtrealm], wctx: options[:wctx], wreply: options[:wreply] } url_client_id = @client_id unless request_params[:wtrealm] URI::HTTPS.build( host: @domain, path: "/wsfed/#{url_client_id}", query: to_query(request_params) ) end;T;/I"6def wsfed_url(connection = UP_AUTH, options = {});T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"4.6.0 - Use the login_with_resource_owner method instead.;T;0; 0;!@qo; ;I"see;F;0;I"Fhttps://auth0.com/docs/api/authentication#resource-owner-password;T; 0;!@qo; ;I" param;F;I"Username or email;T;I" username;T; [I" string;T;!@qo; ;I" param;F;I" Password;T;I" password;T; [I" string;T;!@qo; ;I" param;F;I"Token's id;T;I" id_token;T; [I" string;T;!@qo; ;I" param;F;I"lConnection name; use a database or passwordless connection, Active Directory/LDAP, Windows Azure or ADF;T;I"connection_name;T; [I" string;T;!@qo; ;I" param;F;I"6Additional options - :scope, :grant_type, :device;T;I" options;T; [I" hash;T;!@qo; ;I" return;F;I"*Returns the access_token and id_token;T;0; [I" json;T;!@qo; ;I" raise;F;@,;0; [I"Auth0::InvalidParameter;T;!@q;"[;#I"=Get access and ID tokens using Resource Owner Password. @deprecated 4.6.0 - Use the login_with_resource_owner method instead. @see https://auth0.com/docs/api/authentication#resource-owner-password @param username [string] Username or email @param password [string] Password @param id_token [string] Token's id @param connection_name [string] Connection name; use a database or passwordless connection, Active Directory/LDAP, Windows Azure or ADF @param options [hash] Additional options - :scope, :grant_type, :device @return [json] Returns the access_token and id_token;T;$0;!@q;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*iS;+i\;,@_;-T;.I"~def login(username, password, id_token = nil, connection_name = UP_AUTH, options = {}) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid username' if username.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid password' if password.to_s.empty? request_params = { client_id: @client_id, client_secret: @client_secret, username: username, password: password, scope: options.fetch(:scope, 'openid'), connection: connection_name, grant_type: options.fetch(:grant_type, 'password'), id_token: id_token, device: options.fetch(:device, nil) } post('/oauth/token', request_params) end;T;/I"[def login(username, password, id_token = nil, connection_name = UP_AUTH, options = {});T;0To; ; F; ; ;;;I"2Auth0::Api::AuthenticationEndpoints#user_info;F;[;[[@dis;T;:user_info;;;[;{;IC;"AReturn the user information based on the Auth0 access token.;T;[o; ;I"deprecated;F;I"-4.6.0 - Use the userinfo method instead.;T;0; 0;!@o; ;I"see;F;0;I"T; IC;<{;>T;>T;?{;@[;[[@di;T;:AuthenticationEndpoints;;;;;[;{;IC;"V{https://auth0.com/docs/api/authentication} Methods to use the Authentication API;T;[;"[;#I"V{https://auth0.com/docs/api/authentication} Methods to use the Authentication API;T;$0;!@_;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i ;+i;,@ ;I"(Auth0::Api::AuthenticationEndpoints;F;0T;8@ ;9IC;[;8@ ;:IC;[;8@ ;;IC;<{;=IC;<{;>T; IC;<{;>T;>T;?{;@[;[[@i[@i[@i[@{i[@i[@oi[@i[@ i[@ i[@ i[@B i[@ i[@k i[@bi[@i[@+i[@.i[@i[@i[@-i[@Gi[@di ;F;:Api;;;;;[;{;IC;" ;T;[;"[;#@,;$0;!@ ;%i;,@;I"Auth0::Api;F;0T;8@;9IC;[;8@;:IC;[;8@;;IC;<{;=IC;<{;>T; IC;<{;>T;>T;?{;@[;[[@i[@i[@i[@{i[@i[@oi[@i[@ i[@ i[@ i[@B i[@ i[@k i[@bi[@i[@+i[@.i[@i[@i[@-i[@Gi[@di ;T;;];;;;;[;{;IC;":rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize;T;[;"[;#I":rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize;T;$0;!@;%i;&F;'o;(;)F;*i;+i;,@;I" Auth0;F;8@;9IC;[;8@;:IC;[;8@;;IC;<{;=IC;<{;>T; 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