# Fusion # Is a javascript bundling plugin designed to work like sass. Configure it at startup. Re-bundle when you see a new request. ## How? ## ### Configuration ### - You can specify multiple bundles in one yaml file. - Per bundle, specify + The output file name + An input file list (whose order is preserved) + An input directory The unique set of files specified this way will be combined into one file. ### Modes ### The quick mode just does a dumb concatentation. This is very fast. Its recommended that you use this mode when using the 'reloading' feature. The optimized mode uses Google Closure Compiler's SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS flag -- which means comments and whitespace are stripped, and basic (non-obfuscating) optimizations are performed (such as inlining a function thats only called once). ### Example ### See the example [bundle.yaml](fusion/blob/master/doc/example-bundles.yaml) file. This example config will create 3 bundles: main.js / checkout.js / bottom.js