# Ahnnotate Ahnnotate comments on your ActiveRecord models with their respective schemas! Ahnnotate performs static analysis on your files to determine which files should be annotated. The primary goals of ahnnotate are ease of configuration and correctness. It's very similar to [annotate][annotate] and was inspired heavily by it. Annotate has more features than ahnnotate does; it may fit your needs much better. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem "ahnnotate" ``` And then execute: ``` bundle ``` ## Usage Please use source control management software like git, mercurial, etc! The purpose of this software is to overwrite your source files. Although I'm pretty comfortable running this in my own projects, I've definitely made a couple bugs in my lifetime! ### In a Rails app To run it manually, run: ```bash bundle exec ahnnotate --fix # OR bundle exec rake ahnnotate ``` (Leaving out the `--fix` argument runs the command but doesn't make any changes to your filesystem. The rake task assumes that you do want to fix by default.) Ahnnotate automatically runs after running migrations. This can be disabled, though by creating a `.ahnnotate.yml` configuration file and setting `rake_db_autorun: false`. See `bundle exec ahnnotate --help` for some more help. ### In apps using ActiveRecord but not Rails You'll need some initial configuration to get things working. But I'm sure you're used to that since you aren't using Rails! 😝 You'll need a `.ahnnotate.yml` file at the root of your project with one key, `boot:`. Ahnnotate will `eval` the contents, and it really just needs it to connect to your database. It might look something like the following, I tested it with one of my Rails apps: ```yaml --- boot: | require "dotenv/load" # If you use something like dotenv to load ENV variables require "yaml" require "erb" require "active_record" config_file = File.read("config/database.yml") config_file = ERB.new(config_file).result(binding) config = YAML.load(config_file) environment = ENV.fetch("RAILS_ENV", "development") database_config = config[environment] ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(database_config) ``` You may also need to configure the location of your models. ```yaml annotate: models: path: path/to/your/models # also accepts an array of paths ``` It doesn't officially support automatically running after migrations on non-Rails apps. See `bundle exec ahnnotate --help` for some more help. ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake test` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on its [project page][github]. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License][mit]. [annotate]: https://github.com/ctran/annotate_models [github]: https://github.com/zachahn/ahnnotate [mit]: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT