/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - UPDATE FROM LIBXML-RUBY ONLY */ /* Generated: Thu Mar 09 23:18:22 GMT 2006 */ /* Release : 0.3.6 */ /* $Id: ruby_xml_node_set.h,v 1.1 2006/02/21 20:40:16 roscopeco Exp $ */ /* Please see the LICENSE file for copyright and distribution information */ #ifndef __RUBY_XML_NODE_SET__ #define __RUBY_XML_NODE_SET__ extern VALUE cXMLNodeSet; typedef struct ruby_xml_node_set { xmlNodeSetPtr node_set; VALUE xd; VALUE xpath; int data_type; void *data; } ruby_xml_node_set; void ruby_xml_node_set_free(ruby_xml_node_set *rxnset); void ruby_init_xml_node_set(void); VALUE ruby_xml_node_set_new(VALUE class, VALUE xd, VALUE xpath, xmlNodeSetPtr node_set); VALUE ruby_xml_node_set_new2(VALUE xd, VALUE xpath, xmlNodeSetPtr node_set); VALUE ruby_xml_node_set_each(VALUE self); #endif