class Marty::ImportView < Marty::Form include Marty::Extras::Layout action :apply do |a| a.text = I18n.t('data_import_view.import') a.tooltip = I18n.t('data_import_view.import') a.icon_cls = 'fa fa-database glyph' end def parent_model; end def import_model; end def model_view; end def initialize args, kwargs super(args, kwargs) @model_view = model_view.camelize.constantize if model_view @parent_model = parent_model.camelize.constantize if parent_model @import_model = import_model.camelize.constantize if import_model @record = nil end client_class do |c| c.include :import_view end ###################################################################### def validate return client.netzke_notify('Must provide import data.') if @import_data.empty? end def process_additional_fields nil end def process_import_data, headers: true, col_sep: "\t") end def post_import nil end def import data Marty::DataImporter. do_import_summary(@import_model, data, 'infinity', nil, nil) end def format_message k, v case k when :clean then "#{v} record(s) cleaned." when :same then "#{v} record(s) unchanged." when :create then "#{v} record(s) created." when :update then "#{v} record(s) updated." when :blank then "#{v} empty lines." end end endpoint :submit do |params| return client.netzke_notify 'No Model View defined' unless @model_view return client.netzke_notify 'Permission denied' unless @model_view.can_perform_action?(:update) return client.netzke_notify "Can't import when time-warped" if Marty::Util.warped? @data = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(params[:data]) @import_data = @data['import_data'] || '' @record = @parent_model.try(:find_by_id, client_config['parent_id']) validate and return process_additional_fields and return begin processed = process_import_data res = import(processed) result = { |k, v| format_message(k, v) } messages = post_import result << messages if messages client.set_result result.join('<br/>') rescue Marty::DataImporter::Error => e result = [ "Import failed on line(s): #{e.lines.join(', ')}", "Error: #{e.to_s}", ] client.set_result '<font color="red">' + result.join('<br/>') + '</font>' rescue StandardError => e client.set_result e.message end end def configure(c) super c.title = nil c.items = [ textarea_field(:import_data, height: 300, hide_label: true, min_width: 10000, ), :result, ] end component :result do |c| c.klass = Marty::Panel c.title = I18n.t('data_import_view.results') c.html = '' c.flex = 1 c.min_height = 150 c.scrollable = true end end