module Sinatra # HTTP Authorization helpers for Sinatra. # # In your helpers module, include Sinatra::Authorization and then define # a +authorize(user, password)+ method to handle user provided # credentials. # # Inside your events, call +login_required+ to trigger the HTTP # Authorization window to pop up in the browser. # # Code adapted from Ryan Tomayko and Christopher # Schneid , shared under an MIT License module Authorization # Redefine this method on your helpers block to actually contain # your authorization logic. def authorize(username, password) false end # From you app, call set :authorization_realm, "my app" to set this # or define a `authorization_realm` method in your helpers block. def authorization_realm Sinatra::Default.authorization_realm end # Call in any event that requires authentication def login_required return if authorized? unauthorized! unless auth.provided? bad_request! unless auth.basic? unauthorized! unless authorize(*auth.credentials) request.env['REMOTE_USER'] = auth.username end # Convenience method to determine if a user is logged in def authorized? !!request.env['REMOTE_USER'] end alias :logged_in? :authorized? # Name provided by the current user to log in def current_user request.env['REMOTE_USER'] end private def auth @auth ||= end def unauthorized!(realm=authorization_realm) response["WWW-Authenticate"] = %(Basic realm="#{realm}") throw :halt, [ 401, 'Authorization Required' ] end def bad_request! throw :halt, [ 400, 'Bad Request' ] end end end