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extra space for the childAllocate extra space for the child in horizontal axisAllocate extra space for the child in vertical axisAllocationAlphaAlpha Object to drive the behaviourAlpha valueAlpha value as computed by the alphaAnchor GravityAnchor XAnchor YAngle BeginAngle EndAngle x tiltAngle y tiltAngle z tiltAnimatableAttributesAudio VolumeAuto ResizeAuto ReverseAuto sync size of actor to underlying pixbuf dimensionsAutomatic UpdatesAxisAxis of rotationBack MaterialBackendBackground Color SetBackground colorBorder ColorBorder WidthBrightnessBufferBuffer FillCan SeekCenterCenter XCenter YCenter ZCenter of ellipseCenter point for rotation around the Z axisChild TransformChild Transform SetChildren transformation matrixClipClip RectangleClip to AllocationClutter OptionsClutter debugging flags to setClutter debugging flags to unsetCogl MaterialCogl TextureColorColor SetColor of the font used by the textColumn HomogeneousColumn NumberColumn SpacingColumn SpanColumn spacingCompiledConstrains the dragging to a rectangleConstraintsConstraints the dragging to an axisConstraints the panning to an axisConstraints the zoom to an axisContainerContentContent BoxContent GravityContent RepeatContrastControl how line-wrapping is doneCoordinateCould not find a suitable CoglWinsys for a GdkDisplay of type %sCould not initialize GdkCurrent progress of the playbackCurrently set state, (transition to this state might not be complete)Cursor ColorCursor Color SetCursor PositionCursor SizeCursor VisibleDecelerationDecode image data files inside a thread to reduce blocking when loading images from diskDefault frame rateDefault horizontal alignment for the actors inside the layout managerDefault transition durationDefault vertical alignment for the actors inside the layout managerDelayDelay before startDelegate object for painting the actor's contentDepthDestroyedDetach the transition when completedDevice ManagerDevice ModeDevice TypeDirectionDirection for the textDirection of rotationDirection of the textDirection of the timelineDisable SlicingDisable XInput supportDisable mipmapping on textDouble Click DistanceDouble Click TimeDrag AreaDrag Area SetDrag AxisDrag HandleDrag ThresholdDurationDuration of the animation, in millisecondsDuration of the timeline in millisecondsEasing DurationEasing ModeEditableEffectEllipsizeEnable accessibilityEnabledEnd AngleEnd DepthExpandExtra space at the bottomExtra space at the leftExtra space at the rightExtra space at the topFactorFactor applied to the momentum when starting the interpolated phaseFailed to load the image dataFilenameFilename SetFilter QualityFinal ValueFinal angleFinal depth to applyFinal opacity levelFinal scale on the X axisFinal scale on the Y axisFinal value of the intervalFirst ChildFixed XFixed YFixed position setFlags controlling when to flatten the actor into a single imageFogFont AntialiasFont ColorFont DPIFont DescriptionFont Hint StyleFont HintingFont NameFont Subpixel OrderFontconfig configuration timestampForced X position of the actorForced Y position of the actorForced minimum height request for the actorForced minimum width request for the actorForced natural height request for the actorForced natural width request for the actorForces the underlying texture to be singular and not made of smaller space saving individual texturesFragment SourceFragment shaderFrom EdgeFullscreen SetHas BorderHas ClipHas CursorHas PointerHeightHeight of ellipseHeight of the actorHeldHomogeneousHorizontal AlignmentHorizontal Drag ThresholdHorizontal ExpandHorizontal FillHorizontal TilesHorizontal alignment for the actor inside the layout managerHorizontal alignment of the actor within the cellHorizontal repeatHorizontal scale centerHow long to show the last input character in hidden entriesHow many times the timeline should repeatHow the timeline should compute the progressIdIf TRUE, the columns are all the same widthIf TRUE, the rows are all the same heightIf composite window redirects are set to Automatic (or Manual if false)If non-zero, use this character to display the actor's contentsIf set, wrap the lines if the text becomes too wideIf the texture should be kept in sync with any pixmap changes.If this is an override-redirect windowIf window has been destroyedIf window is mappedInitial ValueInitial acceleration factorInitial angleInitial depth to applyInitial opacity levelInitial scale on the X axisInitial scale on the Y axisInitial value of the intervalInterpolateIntervalJustifyKeep Aspect RatioKeep the aspect ratio of the texture when requesting the preferred width or heightKey FocusLast ChildLayout ManagerLeft attachmentLength of the text currently in the bufferLine AlignmentLine wrapLine wrap modeLoad asynchronouslyLoad data asynchronouslyLoad files inside a thread to avoid blocking when loading images from diskLong Press DurationLong Press ThresholdLoopMagnification FilterMake X calls synchronousMake all warnings fatalManagerMappedMargin BottomMargin LeftMargin RightMargin TopMax LengthMaximum Column WidthMaximum Row HeightMaximum height for each rowMaximum lengthMaximum length of the text inside the actorMaximum number of characters for this entry. Zero if no maximumMaximum waste area of a sliced textureMaximum width for each columnMin HeightMin WidthMinification FilterMinimum Column WidthMinimum Row HeightMinimum height for each rowMinimum height setMinimum width for each columnMinimum width setModeNameName of the actorNatural HeightNatural WidthNatural height setNatural width setNo Clear HintNumber of AxesNumber of touch pointsNumber touch pointsObjectObject to which the animation appliesOffscreenOffscreen redirectOffsetOpacityOpacity EndOpacity StartOpacity of an actorOrientationPack StartPan AxisPassword CharacterPassword Hint TimePathPerspectivePerspective projection parametersPick With AlphaPivot PointPivot Point ZPixel FormatPixmapPixmap DepthPixmap heightPixmap widthPlayingPositionPosition on the Z axisPressedProduct IDProgressProgress ModeProgress modeProperty NameRate at which the interpolated panning will decelerate inReactiveRealizedRemove on CompleteRendering quality used when drawing the textureRepeat CountRepeat the contents rather than scaling them horizontallyRepeat the contents rather than scaling them verticallyRequest ModeRotation Angle XRotation Angle YRotation Angle ZRotation Center XRotation Center YRotation Center ZRotation Center Z GravityRow HomogeneousRow NumberRow SpacingRow SpanRow spacingScale Center XScale Center YScale FactorScale Factor SetScale GravityScale XScale YScale ZScale factor on the X axisScale factor on the Y axisScale factor on the Z axisScroll ModeSelectableSelected Text ColorSelected Text Color SetSelection ColorSelection Color SetSelection-boundSets the clip region to track the actor's allocationSettings for the depth cueingShader TypeShape actor with alpha channel when pickingShould the timeline automatically restartShow Clutter OptionsShow frames per secondShow on set parentSingle Line ModeSizeSnap to gridSourceSource of fragment shaderSource of vertex shaderSpacingSpacing between childrenSpacing between columnsSpacing between rowsSpecifies the actor to be clonedStage TitleStart AngleStart DepthStateSubtitle Font NameSubtitle URISurfaceSurface HeightSurface WidthSurface heightSurface widthSync size of actorTextText DirectionText lengthThe Clutter backendThe ClutterBackend of the device managerThe ClutterPath object representing the path to animate alongThe Cogl pixel format to useThe X11 Pixmap to be boundThe X11 Window to be boundThe actor attached to the metaThe actor that is being draggedThe actor wrapped by this dataThe actor's allocationThe actor's background colorThe actor's first childThe actor's last childThe actor's position on the Z axisThe actor's request modeThe alignment factor, between 0.0 and 1.0The alignment of the actor on the X axis within its allocationThe alignment of the actor on the Y axis within its allocationThe alpha used by the animationThe amount of space between two consecutive columnsThe amount of space between two consecutive rowsThe anchor point as a ClutterGravityThe animatable objectThe axis to align the position toThe backend instanceThe backend of type '%s' does not support creating multiple stagesThe background color of the boxThe bounding box of the actor's contentThe brightness change to applyThe buffer for the textThe center of scalingThe clip region for the actorThe color of the border of the rectangleThe color of the rectangleThe color of the stageThe column number to attach the left side of the child toThe column the widget resides inThe container that created this dataThe contents of the bufferThe contrast change to applyThe coordinate to bindThe currently key focused actorThe cursor positionThe cursor position of the other end of the selectionThe depth (in number of bits) of the pixmap bound to this textureThe desaturation factorThe description of the default font, as one that could be parsed by PangoThe device manager instanceThe distance between clicks necessary to detect a multiple clickThe distance the cursor should travel before starting to dragThe duration of the animationThe duration of the animationsThe duration of the stream, in secondsThe easing mode of the animationsThe edge of the actor that should be snappedThe edge of the source that should be snappedThe fill level of the bufferThe filter used when increasing the size of the contentThe filter used when reducing the size of the contentThe font description to be usedThe font to be used by the textThe font used to display subtitlesThe height of the Cairo surfaceThe height of the canvasThe height of the pixmap bound to this textureThe height of the underlying wayland surfaceThe horizontal amount of pixels required to start draggingThe horizontal trigger distance used by the actionThe interval of values to transitionThe manager that created this dataThe material to be used when painting the back of the actorThe maximum threshold before a long press is cancelledThe minimum duration for a long press gesture to be recognizedThe minimum duration of a long press to recognize the gestureThe mode of the animationThe mode of the deviceThe name of the deviceThe name of the metaThe name of the property to animateThe number of axes on the deviceThe number of columns that a child spansThe number of columns the widget should spanThe number of horizontal tilesThe number of rows that a child spansThe number of rows the widget should spanThe number of vertical tilesThe object controlling the layout of an actor's childrenThe offset along the path, between -1.0 and 2.0The offset in pixels to apply to the bindingThe offset in pixels to apply to the constraintThe orientation of the layoutThe path of the currently parsed fileThe path of the file containing the image dataThe path used to constrain an actorThe point around which the scaling and rotation occurThe position of the origin of the actorThe preferred alignment for the string, for multi-line textThe preferred place to ellipsize the stringThe repeat policy for the actor's contentThe resolution of the font, in 1024 * dots/inch, or -1 to use the defaultThe rotation angle on the X axisThe rotation angle on the Y axisThe rotation angle on the Z axisThe rotation center on the X axisThe rotation center on the Y axisThe rotation center on the Z axisThe row number to attach the top side of a child widget toThe row the widget resides inThe scaling factor for the surfaceThe scaling factor to be applied to windowsThe scrolling directionThe size of the actorThe source of the alignmentThe source of the bindingThe source of the constraintThe spacing between columnsThe spacing between rowsThe style of hinting (hintnone, hintslight, hintmedium, hintfull)The text to renderThe time between clicks necessary to detect a multiple clickThe timeline of the animationThe timeline used by the animationThe tint to applyThe translation domain used to localize stringThe trigger edge used by the actionThe type of shader usedThe type of subpixel antialiasing (none, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr)The type of the deviceThe type of the values in the intervalThe underlying Cogl material handle used to draw this actorThe underlying Cogl texture handle used to draw this actorThe underlying wayland surfaceThe unique name of the binding poolThe vertical amount of pixels required to start draggingThe vertical trigger distance used by the actionThe visible region of the actorThe volume of the audioThe width of the Cairo surfaceThe width of the border of the rectangleThe width of the canvasThe width of the cursor, in pixelsThe width of the pixmap bound to this textureThe width of the underlying wayland surfaceThreshold Trigger EdgeThreshold Trigger Horizontal DistanceThreshold Trigger Vertical DistanceTile WasteTilt of the ellipse around x axisTilt of the ellipse around y axisTilt of the ellipse around z axisTimelineTimeline used by the alphaTimestamp of the current fontconfig configurationTintTitleTo EdgeTop attachmentTransformTransform SetTransformation matrixTranslation DomainTranslation XTranslation YTranslation ZTranslation along the X axisTranslation along the Y axisTranslation along the Z axisURIURI of a media fileURI of a subtitle fileUnable to initialize the Clutter backend: no available drivers found.Unable to load image dataUnique identifier of the deviceUse 'fuzzy' pickingUse AlphaUse AnimationsUse FogUse markupUser ResizableValue TypeVendor IDVertex SourceVertex shaderVerticalVertical AlignmentVertical Drag ThresholdVertical ExpandVertical FillVertical TilesVertical alignment for the actor inside the layout managerVertical alignment of the actor within the cellVertical repeatVertical scale centerVisibleWhether each item should receive the same allocationWhether extra horizontal space should be assigned to the actorWhether extra vertical space should be assigned to the actorWhether interpolated events emission is enabled.Whether layout changes should be animatedWhether or not the text includes Pango markupWhether pressing return causes the activate signal to be emittedWhether the :filename property is setWhether the actor contains the pointer of an input deviceWhether the actor has a clip setWhether the actor has been realizedWhether the actor is playingWhether the actor is reactive to eventsWhether the actor is shown when parentedWhether the actor is visible or notWhether the actor will be paintedWhether the animation should loopWhether the background color is setWhether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating spare space on the horizontal axisWhether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating spare space on the vertical axisWhether the child-transform property is setWhether the clickable has a grabWhether the clickable should be in pressed stateWhether the current stream is seekableWhether the cursor color has been setWhether the device has a cursorWhether the device is enabledWhether the direction should be reversed when reaching the endWhether the drag area is setWhether the input cursor is visibleWhether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all children get the same sizeWhether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontalWhether the main stage is fullscreenWhether the main stage should be rendered offscreenWhether the meta is enabledWhether the mouse pointer is visible on the main stageWhether the rectangle should have a borderWhether the scale-factor property is setWhether the selected text color has been setWhether the selection color has been setWhether the shader is compiled and linkedWhether the shader is enabledWhether the stage is able to be resized via user interactionWhether the stage should accept focus on showWhether the stage should clear its contentsWhether the surface should match the allocationWhether the text is editableWhether the text is selectableWhether the text should be a single lineWhether the text should be justifiedWhether the transform property is setWhether to enable depth cueingWhether to honour the alpha component of the stage colorWhether to pack items at the start of the boxWhether to use antialiasing (1 to enable, 0 to disable, and -1 to use the default)Whether to use fixed positioning for the actorWhether to use hinting (1 to enable, 0 to disable and -1 to use the default)Whether to use the min-height propertyWhether to use the min-width propertyWhether to use the natural-height propertyWhether to use the natural-width propertyWidthWidth of the actorWidth of the ellipseWindowWindow MappedWindow Override RedirectWindow Redirect AutomaticWindow Scaling FactorWindow XWindow YX AlignmentX End ScaleX ExpandX Start ScaleX coordinateX coordinate of the actorX coordinate of the anchor pointX coordinate of the center of rotationX display to useX position of window on screen according to X11X screen to useY AlignmentY End ScaleY ExpandY Start ScaleY coordinateY coordinate of the actorY coordinate of the anchor pointY coordinate of the center of rotationY position of window on screen according to X11YUV textures are not supportedYUV2 textures are not supportedZ PositionZ component of the pivot pointZ coordinate of the center of rotationZoom Axisdefault:LTRProject-Id-Version: clutter Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=clutter&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-12 11:29+0100 PO-Revision-Date: 2016-09-18 12:33+0200 Last-Translator: David King Language-Team: British English Language: en_GB MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1); X-Generator: Virtaal 0.7.1 X-Project-Style: gnome %s compilation failed: %sA list of style attributes to apply to the contents of the actorAccept FocusActionsActivatableActorAdd an effect to be applied on the actorAdds a constraint to the actorAdds an action to the actorAlign AxisAlignment of the actor's contentAllocate extra space for the childAllocate extra space for the child in horizontal axisAllocate extra space for the child in vertical axisAllocationAlphaAlpha Object to drive the behaviourAlpha valueAlpha value as computed by the alphaAnchor GravityAnchor XAnchor YAngle BeginAngle EndAngle x tiltAngle y tiltAngle z tiltAnimatableAttributesAudio VolumeAuto ResizeAuto ReverseAuto sync size of actor to underlying pixbuf dimensionsAutomatic UpdatesAxisAxis of rotationBack MaterialBackendBackground Colour SetBackground colourBorder ColourBorder WidthBrightnessBufferBuffer FillCan SeekCentreCentre XCentre YCentre ZCentre of ellipseCentre point for rotation around the Z axisChild TransformChild Transform SetChildren transformation matrixClipClip RectangleClip to AllocationClutter OptionsClutter debugging flags to setClutter debugging flags to unsetCogl MaterialCogl TextureColourColour SetColour of the font used by the textColumn HomogeneousColumn NumberColumn SpacingColumn SpanColumn spacingCompiledConstrains the dragging to a rectangleConstraintsConstraints the dragging to an axisConstrains the panning to an axisConstraints the zoom to an axisContainerContentContent BoxContent GravityContent RepeatContrastControl how line-wrapping is doneCoordinateCould not find a suitable CoglWinsys for a GdkDisplay of type %sCould not initialise GdkCurrent progress of the playbackCurrently set state, (transition to this state might not be complete)Cursor ColourCursor Colour SetCursor PositionCursor SizeCursor VisibleDecelerationDecode image data files inside a thread to reduce blocking when loading images from diskDefault frame rateDefault horizontal alignment for the actors inside the layout managerDefault transition durationDefault vertical alignment for the actors inside the layout managerDelayDelay before startDelegate object for painting the actor's contentDepthDestroyedDetach the transition when completedDevice ManagerDevice ModeDevice TypeDirectionDirection for the textDirection of rotationDirection of the textDirection of the timelineDisable SlicingDisable XInput supportDisable mipmapping on textDouble Click DistanceDouble Click TimeDrag AreaDrag Area SetDrag AxisDrag HandleDrag ThresholdDurationDuration of the animation, in millisecondsDuration of the timeline in millisecondsEasing DurationEasing ModeEditableEffectEllipsiseEnable accessibilityEnabledEnd AngleEnd DepthExpandExtra space at the bottomExtra space at the leftExtra space at the rightExtra space at the topFactorFactor applied to the momentum when starting the interpolated phaseFailed to load the image dataFilenameFilename SetFilter QualityFinal ValueFinal angleFinal depth to applyFinal opacity levelFinal scale on the X axisFinal scale on the Y axisFinal value of the intervalFirst ChildFixed XFixed YFixed position setFlags controlling when to flatten the actor into a single imageFogFont AntialiasFont ColourFont DPIFont DescriptionFont Hint StyleFont HintingFont NameFont Subpixel OrderFontconfig configuration timestampForced X position of the actorForced Y position of the actorForced minimum height request for the actorForced minimum width request for the actorForced natural height request for the actorForced natural width request for the actorForces the underlying texture to be singular and not made of smaller space saving individual texturesFragment SourceFragment shaderFrom EdgeFullscreen SetHas BorderHas ClipHas CursorHas PointerHeightHeight of ellipseHeight of the actorHeldHomogeneousHorizontal AlignmentHorizontal Drag ThresholdHorizontal ExpandHorizontal FillHorizontal TilesHorizontal alignment for the actor inside the layout managerHorizontal alignment of the actor within the cellHorizontal repeatHorizontal scale centreHow long to show the last input character in hidden entriesHow many times the timeline should repeatHow the timeline should compute the progressIdIf TRUE, the columns are all the same widthIf TRUE, the rows are all the same heightIf composite window redirects are set to Automatic (or Manual if false)If non-zero, use this character to display the actor's contentsIf set, wrap the lines if the text becomes too wideIf the texture should be kept in sync with any pixmap changes.If this is an override-redirect windowIf window has been destroyedIf window is mappedInitial ValueInitial acceleration factorInitial angleInitial depth to applyInitial opacity levelInitial scale on the X axisInitial scale on the Y axisInitial value of the intervalInterpolateIntervalJustifyKeep Aspect RatioKeep the aspect ratio of the texture when requesting the preferred width or heightKey FocusLast ChildLayout ManagerLeft attachmentLength of the text currently in the bufferLine AlignmentLine wrapLine wrap modeLoad asynchronouslyLoad data asynchronouslyLoad files inside a thread to avoid blocking when loading images from diskLong Press DurationLong Press ThresholdLoopMagnification FilterMake X calls synchronousMake all warnings fatalManagerMappedMargin BottomMargin LeftMargin RightMargin TopMax LengthMaximum Column WidthMaximum Row HeightMaximum height for each rowMaximum lengthMaximum length of the text inside the actorMaximum number of characters for this entry. Zero if no maximumMaximum waste area of a sliced textureMaximum width for each columnMin HeightMin WidthMinification FilterMinimum Column WidthMinimum Row HeightMinimum height for each rowMinimum height setMinimum width for each columnMinimum width setModeNameName of the actorNatural HeightNatural WidthNatural height setNatural width setNo Clear HintNumber of AxesNumber of touch pointsNumber touch pointsObjectObject to which the animation appliesOffscreenOffscreen redirectOffsetOpacityOpacity EndOpacity StartOpacity of an actorOrientationPack StartPan AxisPassword CharacterPassword Hint TimePathPerspectivePerspective projection parametersPick With AlphaPivot PointPivot Point ZPixel FormatPixmapPixmap DepthPixmap heightPixmap widthPlayingPositionPosition on the Z axisPressedProduct IDProgressProgress ModeProgress modeProperty NameRate at which the interpolated panning will decelerate inReactiveRealisedRemove on CompleteRendering quality used when drawing the textureRepeat CountRepeat the contents rather than scaling them horizontallyRepeat the contents rather than scaling them verticallyRequest ModeRotation Angle XRotation Angle YRotation Angle ZRotation Centre XRotation Centre YRotation Centre ZRotation Centre Z GravityRow HomogeneousRow NumberRow SpacingRow SpanRow spacingScale Centre XScale Centre YScale FactorScale Factor SetScale GravityScale XScale YScale ZScale factor on the X axisScale factor on the Y axisScale factor on the Z axisScroll ModeSelectableSelected Text ColourSelected Text Colour SetSelection ColourSelection Colour SetSelection-boundSets the clip region to track the actor's allocationSettings for the depth cueingShader TypeShape actor with alpha channel when pickingShould the timeline automatically restartShow Clutter OptionsShow frames per secondShow on set parentSingle Line ModeSizeSnap to gridSourceSource of fragment shaderSource of vertex shaderSpacingSpacing between childrenSpacing between columnsSpacing between rowsSpecifies the actor to be clonedStage TitleStart AngleStart DepthStateSubtitle Font NameSubtitle URISurfaceSurface HeightSurface WidthSurface heightSurface widthSync size of actorTextText DirectionText lengthThe Clutter backendThe ClutterBackend of the device managerThe ClutterPath object representing the path to animate alongThe Cogl pixel format to useThe X11 Pixmap to be boundThe X11 Window to be boundThe actor attached to the metaThe actor that is being draggedThe actor wrapped by this dataThe actor's allocationThe actor's background colourThe actor's first childThe actor's last childThe actor's position on the Z axisThe actor's request modeThe alignment factor, between 0.0 and 1.0The alignment of the actor on the X axis within its allocationThe alignment of the actor on the Y axis within its allocationThe alpha used by the animationThe amount of space between two consecutive columnsThe amount of space between two consecutive rowsThe anchor point as a ClutterGravityThe animatable objectThe axis to align the position toThe backend instanceThe backend of type '%s' does not support creating multiple stagesThe background colour of the boxThe bounding box of the actor's contentThe brightness change to applyThe buffer for the textThe centre of scalingThe clip region for the actorThe colour of the border of the rectangleThe colour of the rectangleThe colour of the stageThe column number to attach the left side of the child toThe column the widget resides inThe container that created this dataThe contents of the bufferThe contrast change to applyThe coordinate to bindThe currently key focused actorThe cursor positionThe cursor position of the other end of the selectionThe depth (in number of bits) of the pixmap bound to this textureThe desaturation factorThe description of the default font, as one that could be parsed by PangoThe device manager instanceThe distance between clicks necessary to detect a multiple clickThe distance the cursor should travel before starting to dragThe duration of the animationThe duration of the animationsThe duration of the stream, in secondsThe easing mode of the animationsThe edge of the actor that should be snappedThe edge of the source that should be snappedThe fill level of the bufferThe filter used when increasing the size of the contentThe filter used when reducing the size of the contentThe font description to be usedThe font to be used by the textThe font used to display subtitlesThe height of the Cairo surfaceThe height of the canvasThe height of the pixmap bound to this textureThe height of the underlying wayland surfaceThe horizontal amount of pixels required to start draggingThe horizontal trigger distance used by the actionThe interval of values to transitionThe manager that created this dataThe material to be used when painting the back of the actorThe maximum threshold before a long press is cancelledThe minimum duration for a long press gesture to be recognisedThe minimum duration of a long press to recognise the gestureThe mode of the animationThe mode of the deviceThe name of the deviceThe name of the metaThe name of the property to animateThe number of axes on the deviceThe number of columns that a child spansThe number of columns the widget should spanThe number of horizontal tilesThe number of rows that a child spansThe number of rows the widget should spanThe number of vertical tilesThe object controlling the layout of an actor's childrenThe offset along the path, between -1.0 and 2.0The offset in pixels to apply to the bindingThe offset in pixels to apply to the constraintThe orientation of the layoutThe path of the currently parsed fileThe path of the file containing the image dataThe path used to constrain an actorThe point around which the scaling and rotation occurThe position of the origin of the actorThe preferred alignment for the string, for multi-line textThe preferred place to ellipsise the stringThe repeat policy for the actor's contentThe resolution of the font, in 1024 * dots/inch, or -1 to use the defaultThe rotation angle on the X axisThe rotation angle on the Y axisThe rotation angle on the Z axisThe rotation centre on the X axisThe rotation centre on the Y axisThe rotation centre on the Z axisThe row number to attach the top side of a child widget toThe row the widget resides inThe scaling factor for the surfaceThe scaling factor to be applied to windowsThe scrolling directionThe size of the actorThe source of the alignmentThe source of the bindingThe source of the constraintThe spacing between columnsThe spacing between rowsThe style of hinting (hintnone, hintslight, hintmedium, hintfull)The text to renderThe time between clicks necessary to detect a multiple clickThe timeline of the animationThe timeline used by the animationThe tint to applyThe translation domain used to localise stringThe trigger edge used by the actionThe type of shader usedThe type of subpixel antialiasing (none, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr)The type of the deviceThe type of the values in the intervalThe underlying Cogl material handle used to draw this actorThe underlying Cogl texture handle used to draw this actorThe underlying wayland surfaceThe unique name of the binding poolThe vertical amount of pixels required to start draggingThe vertical trigger distance used by the actionThe visible region of the actorThe volume of the audioThe width of the Cairo surfaceThe width of the border of the rectangleThe width of the canvasThe width of the cursor, in pixelsThe width of the pixmap bound to this textureThe width of the underlying wayland surfaceThreshold Trigger EdgeThreshold Trigger Horizontal DistanceThreshold Trigger Vertical DistanceTile WasteTilt of the ellipse around x axisTilt of the ellipse around y axisTilt of the ellipse around z axisTimelineTimeline used by the alphaTimestamp of the current fontconfig configurationTintTitleTo EdgeTop attachmentTransformTransform SetTransformation matrixTranslation DomainTranslation XTranslation YTranslation ZTranslation along the X axisTranslation along the Y axisTranslation along the Z axisURIURI of a media fileURI of a subtitle fileUnable to initialise the Clutter backend: no available drivers found.Unable to load image dataUnique identifier of the deviceUse 'fuzzy' pickingUse AlphaUse AnimationsUse FogUse markupUser ResizableValue TypeVendor IDVertex SourceVertex shaderVerticalVertical AlignmentVertical Drag ThresholdVertical ExpandVertical FillVertical TilesVertical alignment for the actor inside the layout managerVertical alignment of the actor within the cellVertical repeatVertical scale centreVisibleWhether each item should receive the same allocationWhether extra horizontal space should be assigned to the actorWhether extra vertical space should be assigned to the actorWhether interpolated events emission is enabled.Whether layout changes should be animatedWhether or not the text includes Pango markupWhether pressing return causes the activate signal to be emittedWhether the :filename property is setWhether the actor contains the pointer of an input deviceWhether the actor has a clip setWhether the actor has been realisedWhether the actor is playingWhether the actor is reactive to eventsWhether the actor is shown when parentedWhether the actor is visible or notWhether the actor will be paintedWhether the animation should loopWhether the background colour is setWhether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating spare space on the horizontal axisWhether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating spare space on the vertical axisWhether the child-transform property is setWhether the clickable has a grabWhether the clickable should be in pressed stateWhether the current stream is seekableWhether the cursor colour has been setWhether the device has a cursorWhether the device is enabledWhether the direction should be reversed when reaching the endWhether the drag area is setWhether the input cursor is visibleWhether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all children get the same sizeWhether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontalWhether the main stage is fullscreenWhether the main stage should be rendered offscreenWhether the meta is enabledWhether the mouse pointer is visible on the main stageWhether the rectangle should have a borderWhether the scale-factor property is setWhether the selected text colour has been setWhether the selection colour has been setWhether the shader is compiled and linkedWhether the shader is enabledWhether the stage is able to be resized via user interactionWhether the stage should accept focus on showWhether the stage should clear its contentsWhether the surface should match the allocationWhether the text is editableWhether the text is selectableWhether the text should be a single lineWhether the text should be justifiedWhether the transform property is setWhether to enable depth cueingWhether to honour the alpha component of the stage colourWhether to pack items at the start of the boxWhether to use antialiasing (1 to enable, 0 to disable, and -1 to use the default)Whether to use fixed positioning for the actorWhether to use hinting (1 to enable, 0 to disable and -1 to use the default)Whether to use the min-height propertyWhether to use the min-width propertyWhether to use the natural-height propertyWhether to use the natural-width propertyWidthWidth of the actorWidth of the ellipseWindowWindow MappedWindow Override RedirectWindow Redirect AutomaticWindow Scaling FactorWindow XWindow YX AlignmentX End ScaleX ExpandX Start ScaleX coordinateX coordinate of the actorX coordinate of the anchor pointX coordinate of the centre of rotationX display to useX position of window on screen according to X11X screen to useY AlignmentY End ScaleY ExpandY Start ScaleY coordinateY coordinate of the actorY coordinate of the anchor pointY coordinate of the centre of rotationY position of window on screen according to X11YUV textures are not supportedYUV2 textures are not supportedZ PositionZ component of the pivot pointZ coordinate of the centre of rotationZoom Axisdefault:LTR