module Mack module Routes # This module is the repository for named_routes. See Mack::Routes::RouteMap for more information. module Urls # Takes a url pattern and merges it with the options to hopefully produce a well formed url. # Query string parameters will get escaped. # # Example: # url_for_pattern("/:controller/:action/:id", {:controller => :blog, :action => :show, :id => 1}) # # => "/blog/show/1 # url_for_pattern("/:controller/:action/:id", {:controller => :blog, :action => :show}) # # => "/blog/show/:id" # url_for_pattern("/blog/:id", {:id => 1}) # # => "/blog/1 # url_for_pattern("/blog/:id", {:id => 1, :n_id => 2}) # # => "/blog/1?n_id=2 def url_for_pattern(url, options = {}) u = url.dup unused_params = [] format = nil options.each_pair do |k, v| unless k.to_sym == :format vp = Rack::Utils.escape(v.to_param) if u.gsub!(":#{k}", vp).nil? unused_params << "#{Rack::Utils.escape(k)}=#{vp}" end else format = v end end if format u << ".#{format}" end unless unused_params.empty? u << "?" << unused_params.sort.join("&") end u end # Builds a simple HTML page to be rendered when a redirect occurs. # Hopefully no one sees the HTML, but in case the browser won't do the # redirect it's nice to let people know what's happening. def redirect_html(original_path, new_path, status) %{ #{status} Found


The document has moved here.

} end # Retrieves a distributed route from a DRb server. # # Example: # droute_url(:app_1, :home_page_url) # droute_url(:registration_app, :signup_url, {:from => :google}) def droute_url(app_name, route_name, options = {}) if app_config.mack.use_distributed_routes ivar_cache("droute_url_hash") do {} end d_urls = @droute_url_hash[app_name.to_sym] if d_urls.nil? d_urls = Mack::Distributed::Routes::UrlCache.get(app_name.to_sym) @droute_url_hash[app_name.to_sym] = d_urls if d_urls.nil? raise end end route_name = route_name.to_s if route_name.match(/_url$/) unless route_name.match(/_distributed_url$/) route_name.gsub!("_url", "_distributed_url") end else route_name << "_distributed_url" end if return, options) else raise, route_name) end else return nil end end # droute_url end # Urls end # Routes end # Mack