require "primes/utils/version" require 'rational' if RUBY_VERSION =~ /^(1.8)/ # for 'gcd' method module Primes module Utils private os_has_factor = false begin if `factor 10`.split(' ') == ["10:", "2", "5"] os_has_factor = true end rescue os_has_factor = false end public if os_has_factor # for platforms with cli 'factor' command def prime? `factor #{self.abs}`.split(' ').size == 2 end def factors(p=0) # p is unused dummy variable for method consistency factors = `factor #{self.abs}`.split(' ')[1..-1].map {|i| i.to_i} h =; factors.each {|f| h[f] +=1}; h.to_a.sort end puts "Using cli 'factor' for prime?/factors/prime_division" else # use pure ruby versions for platforms without cli command 'factor' def prime? residues = [1,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83, 89,97,101,103,107,109,113,121,127,131,137,139,143,149,151,157,163, 167,169,173,179,181,187,191,193,197,199,209,211] mod=210; rescnt=48 n = self.abs return true if [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157,163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211].include? n return false if not residues.include?(n%mod) || n == 1 sqrtN = Math.sqrt(n).to_i p=11 # first test prime pj while p <= sqrtN return false if n%(p) == 0 or n%(p+2) ==0 or n%(p+6) == 0 or n%(p+8) ==0 or n%(p+12) == 0 or n%(p+18) ==0 or n%(p+20) == 0 or n%(p+26) ==0 or n%(p+30) == 0 or n%(p+32) ==0 or n%(p+36) == 0 or n%(p+42) ==0 or n%(p+48) == 0 or n%(p+50) ==0 or n%(p+56) == 0 or n%(p+60) ==0 or n%(p+62) == 0 or n%(p+68) ==0 or n%(p+72) == 0 or n%(p+78) ==0 or n%(p+86) == 0 or n%(p+90) ==0 or n%(p+92) == 0 or n%(p+96) ==0 or n%(p+98) == 0 or n%(p+102)==0 or n%(p+110)== 0 or n%(p+116)==0 or n%(p+120)== 0 or n%(p+126)==0 or n%(p+128)== 0 or n%(p+132)==0 or n%(p+138)== 0 or n%(p+140)==0 or n%(p+146)== 0 or n%(p+152)==0 or n%(p+156)== 0 or n%(p+158)==0 or n%(p+162)== 0 or n%(p+168)==0 or n%(p+170)== 0 or n%(p+176)==0 or n%(p+180)== 0 or n%(p+182)==0 or n%(p+186)== 0 or n%(p+188)==0 or n%(p+198)== 0 or n%(p+200)==0 p += mod # first prime candidate for next kth residues group end return true end def factors(p=13) # P13 is default prime generator here seeds = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19] return 'PRIME OPTION NOT A SEEDS PRIME' if !seeds.include? p # find primes <= Pn, compute modPn then Prime Gen residues for Pn primes = seeds[0..seeds.index(p)]; mod = primes.reduce(:*) residues=[1]; 3.step(mod,2) {|i| residues << i if mod.gcd(i) == 1} residues << mod+1; rescnt = residues.size-1 n = self.abs factors = [] return [] if n == 0 return [[n,1]] if primes.include? n primes.each {|p| while n%p ==0; factors << p; n /= p end } sqrtN= Math.sqrt(n).to_i modk,r=0,1; p=residues[1] # first test prime pj while p <= sqrtN if n%p == 0 factors << p; r -=1; n /= p; sqrtN = Math.sqrt(n).to_i end r +=1; if r > rescnt; r=1; modk +=mod end p = modk+residues[r] # next (or current) prime candidate end factors << n if n > 1; factors.each {|f| h[f] +=1}; h.to_a.sort end puts "Using pure ruby versions" end # Replace slow ruby library method prime_division with faster version alias prime_division factors def primenth(p=11) # return value of nth prime # Return value of nth prime # Uses sozP11 Sieve of Zakiya (SoZ) as default prime sieve seeds = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19] primes = [] n = self.abs # the desired nth prime return seeds[n-1] if n < 14 numb = 22*n # approx value need to check primes up to # find primes <= Pn, compute modPn then Prime Gen residues for Pn primes = seeds[0..seeds.index(p)]; mod = primes.reduce(:*) residues=[1]; 3.step(mod,2) {|i| residues << i if mod.gcd(i) == 1} residues << mod+1; rescnt = residues.size-1 num = numb-1 | 1 # if N even number then subtract 1 k=num/mod; modk = mod*k; r=1 # kth residue group; base num value while num >= modk+residues[r]; r += 1 end # compute extra prms size maxprms = k*rescnt + r-1 # max size of prime candidates array,true) # set all prime candidates to True # array of residues offsets to compute nonprimes positions in prms pos =[]; rescnt.times {|i| pos[residues[i]] = i-1}; # sieve (SoZ) to eliminate nonprimes from prms sqrtN = Math.sqrt(num).to_i modk,r,k=0,0,0 prms.each do |prime| r +=1; if r > rescnt; r=1; modk +=mod; k +=1 end next unless prime res_r = residues[r] prime = modk + res_r break if prime > sqrtN prmstep = prime * rescnt residues[1..-1].each do |ri| # compute (prime * (modk + ri)) position index in prms kk,rr = (res_r * ri).divmod mod # residues product res[group|track] nonprm = (k*(prime + ri) + kk)*rescnt + pos[rr] while nonprm < maxprms; prms[nonprm]=nil; nonprm +=prmstep end end end # the prms array now has all the primes positions for primes r1..N # find the nth prime and output it count = primes.size modk,r=0,0 prms.each do |prime| r +=1; if r > rescnt; r=1; modk +=mod end count +=1 if prime return modk+residues[r] if count == n end end alias nthprime primenth # to make life easier def primes(start_num=0) # Find primes between a number range: end_num - start_num # Use as: end_num.primes(start_num) or end_num.primes # If start_num omitted, will find all primes <= end_num # If start_num > self, values are switched to continue # Output is an array of the primes within the given range # To find count of these primes do: end_num.primes(start_num).size # This method uses the P13 Strictly Prime (SP) Prime Generator num = self.abs; start_num = start_num.abs num, start_num = start_num, num if start_num > num primes = [2,3,5,7,11,13] # P13 excluded primes lists return {|p| p >= start_num && p <= num} if num <= 13 mod = 30030 # P13 modulus value 2*3*5*7*11*13 residues=[1]; 17.step(mod,2) {|i| residues << i if mod.gcd(i) == 1} rescnt = residues.size # number of residues residues << mod+1 # to make algorithm easier num = num-1 | 1 # if N even number then subtract 1 k=num/mod; modk = mod*k; r=1 # kth residue group; base num value while num >= modk+residues[r]; r += 1 end # compute extra prms size maxprms = k*rescnt + r-1 # max size of prime candidates array,true) # set all prime candidates to True # hash of residues offsets to compute nonprimes positions in prms pos =[]; rescnt.times {|i| pos[residues[i]] = i-1}; # sieve (SoZ) to eliminate nonprimes from prms sqrtN= Math.sqrt(num).to_i modk,r,k=0,0,0 prms.each do |prime| r +=1; if r > rescnt; r=1; modk +=mod; k +=1 end next unless prime res_r = residues[r] prime = modk + res_r break if prime > sqrtN prmstep = prime * rescnt residues[1..-1].each do |ri| # compute (prime * (modk + ri)) position index in prms kk,rr = (res_r * ri).divmod mod # residues product res[group|track] nonprm = (k*(prime + ri) + kk)*rescnt + pos[rr] # 1st prime multiple while nonprm < maxprms; prms[nonprm]=nil; nonprm +=prmstep end end end # the prms array now has all the primes positions for primes r1..N primes = start_num <= 13 ? primes.drop_while {|p| p < start_num} : [] k = start_num / mod modk = mod*k m = rescnt*k r = 0 while m < maxprms r +=1; if r > rescnt; r=1; modk +=mod end if prms[m] prime = modk + residues[r] primes << prime if prime >= start_num end m +=1 end primes end # Miller-Rabin prime test in Ruby # From: # Ruby Rosetta Code: # I modified the Rosetta Code, as shown below require 'openssl' def primemr?(k=20) # increase k for more reliability n = self.abs return true if n == 2 or n == 3 return false if n % 6 != 1 && n % 6 != 5 or n == 1 d = n - 1 s = 0 (d >>= 1; s += 1) while d.even? k.times do a = 2 + rand(n-4) x = a.to_bn.mod_exp(d,n) #x = (a**d) mod n next if x == 1 or x == n-1 (s-1).times do x = x.mod_exp(2,n) #x = (x**2) mod n return false if x == 1 break if x == n-1 end return false if x != n-1 end true # with high probability end end end class Integer; include Primes::Utils end